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1、1Section B(3a-Self check)21.1.停止乘小汽车停止乘小汽车2.2.回收纸回收纸3.3.用纸巾用纸巾4.4.好好利用好好利用5.5.用垃圾建造房子用垃圾建造房子6.6.倒置倒置7.7.经营小生意经营小生意 stop riding in cars recycle paper use paper napkins put to good use build a house out of rubbish turn upside down set up a small business 38 8.回回复复,归归还还 9 9.旧旧玻玻璃璃瓶瓶 1 10 0.拆拆下下 1 11 1.

2、一一个个有有创创意意的的大大脑脑 1 1 2 2.开开 一一 个个 小小 店店 1 13 3.更更受受欢欢迎迎的的作作品品 1 14 4.给给他他人人带带来来欢欢乐乐 bring back old glass bottles pull down a creative mind open a small shop more popular works bring happiness to others4Turn off the lights when we leave a room.Take our own bags when shopping.Ride a bike.Recycle paper

3、.Dont use paper napkins.What should we do to save the earth?5 They should close down the factories that put waste into the river.Set up a lot of dustbins on the street.Stop people from using wooden chopsticks,plastic bowls and bags.Organize people to clean up the streets and rivers.What should gover

4、nments do to save the earth?Look at these steps of making a basket by using the plastic bottle,and then try to make one by yourself.678v.n.n.adj.pollutefame act wood protect science inspire health build south create harm 1Write different forms of the words.Then add more to each group.pollutionaction

5、protectioninspirationbuildingcreationfamouswoodenscientifichealthysoutherncareful9adj.n.adj.adv.differentslow important wide sudden real differenceimportanceslowlywidelysuddenlyreally102 Mach each statement with the grammar structure.StatementGrammarThe river used to be so clean.Present progressiveW

6、e have seen many changes in the environment.Modal verbsPeople should take public transportation more.Passive voiceThe river is polluted by factories.used toThe air pollution is getting worse and worse.Present perfecthttp:/ 113Write ways to cut down on these kinds of pollution.Kinds of pollutionways

7、to cut downwater pollutionland pollutionask factories not to throw waste into the river;remind people not to litterensure that factories throwaway industrial waste in a responsible way;try not to use plastic bags when shopping12Kinds of pollutionways to cut downnoise pollutionair pollutionbuild airp

8、ort away from places where people liveencourage people to use public transportation instead of driving;reduce the number of factories that burn coal Think about the environment in your town/city and complete the chart below.Which parts of the town/city have a nice environment?Why are they nice?Which

9、 parts need to be improved?Why?3a1314Good environmentWhy?Bad environmentWhy?parkriverstreetsstreetsrestaurantairthe air is cleanso many treesclean and tidya lot of rubbishso many carsso many factoriesWrite a letter to the city mayor about the problem and your suggestions.What are the problems?Where

10、are they?What or who is causing these problems?In your letter,describe the environmental problems in your town/city.3b1516Then,give suggestions or possible ways to solve the problems.I think that We should/could I suggest 17 本次写作内容是一封书信本次写作内容是一封书信,信中首先信中首先要介绍你所在城市存在有哪些环境问题要介绍你所在城市存在有哪些环境问题,是谁造成的这些问题

11、是谁造成的这些问题,然后提出解决这然后提出解决这些环境问题的方法和措施些环境问题的方法和措施,可以结合可以结合3 3中中列举的问题和前面学过的解决办法来完列举的问题和前面学过的解决办法来完成这封信。成这封信。18Dear Sir/Madam,Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.With the development of the society,there are too many cars on the streets in your city.Cars have made

12、 the air unhealthy for people to breathe.Black 19smoke and poisonous gas are given off byfactories.Factories also put waste intothe river.And wherever we go,we can find rubbish.Now more and more people have realized these problems.I think that governments should close down the factories and develop

13、laws to stop peoplefrom driving cars every day.I suggest20everyone in this town should help to clean up the river and the streets.We should call on everyone in the town tothrow rubbish in the dustbins.I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.You

14、rs faithfully,Jenny21互动课堂互动课堂(探究与合作)探究点探究点1 1:构词法构词法 根据括号里的汉语意思写出单词根据括号里的汉语意思写出单词,并体会这并体会这些单词的构成方法。些单词的构成方法。1.Do you have a _(报纸报纸)?2.The _(细心的细心的)student made a _(粗心的粗心的)mistake.3.Please _(浇水浇水)the tree with some _(水水).).newspapercarefulcarelesswaterwater22 英语中的常见构词法有英语中的常见构词法有_、_、和和_。合成法:由两个或两个以上的

15、词合成一个新词合成法:由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这这种构词法叫作合成法。合成法可以构成名词、形种构词法叫作合成法。合成法可以构成名词、形容词、动词、数词、介词等。容词、动词、数词、介词等。如:如:classroom(名词名词+名词名词),blackboard(形容词形容词+名词名词),worldwide(名词名词+形容词形容词),good-looking(形形容词容词+现在分词现在分词),overcome(副词副词+动词动词),fifty-four(数词数词+数词数词),everything,somebody(不定代不定代词词+名词名词)等。等。合成合成转化转化 派生派生23(2)派生

16、法:在一个单词前面或后面加上一个派生法:在一个单词前面或后面加上一个词缀构成新词,这种构词法叫做派生法。加词缀构成新词,这种构词法叫做派生法。加在单词前的词缀叫在单词前的词缀叫 _,加在单词后的加在单词后的词缀叫词缀叫_。常见的常见的前缀前缀:un-(不不,非非)unable,unimportant,untrue dis-(-(不不,非非)discover,disorder,discolored bi-(两个、双边的两个、双边的)bicycle inter-(相互相互)Internet,international,interview前缀前缀后缀后缀24re-(又又,再再,重新重新)rewrite,retell,reviewtele-(远距离传输远距离传输,电视电视)telephone,television常见的常见的名词后缀名词后缀:-er/or(人人)teacher,writer,foreigner,visitor-ist(人人)artist,scientist,tourist,terrorist-ese(民族民族,语言语言)Chinese,Japanese-tion(动作动作,状态

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