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1、Unit 2I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.Module 1 Lead inTalk about something about your best friend.1.What does she/he look like?2.2.How does she/he feel when she/he?3.3.How about you?She is thin with long fair hair.She looks smart.She is thin with shortdarkhair.She looks lovely.(金黄的头发)(金黄的头发)(黑的)

2、(黑的)She has short hair,and wears glasses.(眼镜)(眼镜)She is tall,and has short hair.Words and expressions glasses jeans nervous fair pretty proud n.(用复数)眼镜(用复数)眼镜 n.(用复数)牛仔裤(用复数)牛仔裤 adj.情绪不安的;紧张的情绪不安的;紧张的 adj.(头发)金色的;浅(头发)金色的;浅 褐色的褐色的 adj.秀丽的;标致的秀丽的;标致的 adj.感到自豪的;感到骄感到自豪的;感到骄 傲的傲的 be proud of stranger m

3、essage sb.cant wait hobby 为为而感到而感到 骄傲骄傲 n.陌生人陌生人n.电子邮件;口电子邮件;口 信;信息信;信息 某人等不及了某人等不及了n.业余爱好业余爱好Words and expressionsWords and expressions at school in mark love 在学校;在上学在学校;在上学 prep.参加;加入;在参加;加入;在 期间;用,按照,以期间;用,按照,以 (某方式或风格)(某方式或风格)n.分数分数 n.(用于信尾)爱你(用于信尾)爱你 的的Can you list some words about feelings?hap

4、pysadangrynervousexcitedsurprisedMakesomesentencesusingthefollowingstructure:I feel when I For example:IfeelnervouswhenIgiveaspeechtomyclassmates.dark fair glasses long old pretty short tall youngWork in pairs.Look at the two photos.Talk about how they look.Use the words in the box to help you.1Read

5、 Sallys letter and find out which is her photo.3423Match the questions with the paragraphs.a)Whatareyourhobbies?b)HowdoyoufeelaboutcomingtoChina?c)Whatdoyoulooklike?Language Points1.It was great to hear from you.很高兴收到你的来信。很高兴收到你的来信。I heard from my uncle last week.=I got/received a letter from my unc

6、le last week.上周我收到了叔叔的来信。上周我收到了叔叔的来信。hear from sb.=get/receive a letter from sb.收到某人的来信收到某人的来信2.I cant wait to meet you.我迫不及待地想见到你。我迫不及待地想见到你。如:如:He cant wait to go home.他迫不及待地要回家。他迫不及待地要回家。I cant wait for my vacation.我迫不及待要休假。我迫不及待要休假。cant wait(to do sth)等不及或迫不及待等不及或迫不及待(做某事做某事)3.I hope you will kn

7、ow me from my photo 我希望你能认出我我希望你能认出我hope 希望希望 hope to do 希望做某事希望做某事注意:注意:hope 不能接不能接 do sth.I hope to be your friend.我希望成为你的朋友。我希望成为你的朋友。hope that 从句从句I hope(that)we can be friends.我希望我们能成为朋友。我希望我们能成为朋友。4.My brother is in the school tennis team-Im very proud of him!我哥哥(或弟弟)是校网球队队员我哥哥(或弟弟)是校网球队

8、队员我为他感到非常骄傲!我为他感到非常骄傲!be proud of 以以为荣,为为荣,为感到骄傲感到骄傲我们为她说了真话而感到骄傲。我们为她说了真话而感到骄傲。Wearesoproudofherfortellingthetruth.Practise5.Im afraid of flying too.我还害怕坐飞机。我还害怕坐飞机。I could see in his eyes that he was afraid.从他的眼神里我能看出他感到害怕。从他的眼神里我能看出他感到害怕。be afraid(of)害怕(害怕()别怕这条狗。别怕这条狗。Dontbeafraidofthedog.Practi

9、se6.But I cant tell you how excited I am about going to China!但是我无法表达去中国的兴奋之情!但是我无法表达去中国的兴奋之情!I am so excited about the trip!对于这次旅行,我真是兴奋极了!对于这次旅行,我真是兴奋极了!The kids are so excited about Christmas!圣诞节令孩子们十分兴奋!圣诞节令孩子们十分兴奋!be excited about表示表示“对对兴奋兴奋”。例如:例如:ThisisSally.Shes_with_hair,andshewears_.Shellw

10、ear_anda_forthejourney,butshellalsocarryher_.quitetallshort fairglassesjeansT-shirtwarm coatRead Paragraphs 1 and 2 and describe Sally.Read Paragraph 3 and answer these questions.1.What does Sally spend a lot of time with?2.Is Sally proud of her brother?3.How does Sally feel when she gets bad marks?

11、Shespendsalotoftimeplayingclassicalmusicwithherfriendsatschool.Yes,sheis.Shefeelssad.I _(感到紧张感到紧张)when I speak Chinese,but Ill be fine in a few days.Im always sorry when I _(不知道怎不知道怎么做事情才对么做事情才对),so please _(帮助帮助我我)when Im with you in China!Oh,and I _(害怕害怕)flying.But I _(因因而激动而激动)coming to China!Rea

12、d Paragraph 4 and complete these sentences.feelnervousdontknowhow helpmeamafraidofamexcitedabouttodothingsintherightwayRead the sentences.Shesquitetall,withshortfairhair,andsheswearingglasses.SheswearingaT-shirtandcarryingawarmcoat.Now describe the people.Use the sentences above to help you.1.the gi

13、rl in picture B in Activity 1 2.your classmates41.get bad marks at school?2.leaves her mum and dad? with strangers?Answer the questions.HowdoesSallyfeelwhensheShefeelssadwhenshegetsbadmarksatschool.Sheoftenfeelsabitsadatfirstwhensheleaveshermumanddad.Sheisquiteshywhensheiswithstrangers.54.speaks

14、 Chinese?5.does not know how to do things in the right way? by plane?ShefeelsnervouswhenshespeaksChinese.Shefeelssorrywhenshedoesnotknowhowtodothingsintherightway.She is afraid of flying.1.hear from=receive a letter from.收到.的来信2.thanks(sb.)for doing sth.因感谢某人做 thanks(sb.)for sth.因感谢某人 3.cant

15、 wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事 4.spend 时间/金钱+(in)doing sth.某人做.花 spend 时间、金钱+on sth.某人花在某方面 proud of 以为自豪6.each other 互相,彼此7.arrive in/at 到达 good at 擅长,善于 well 也;还10.get bad mark 取得差的成绩 the right way 以正确的方式 excited about 对.兴奋 afraid of doing sth.害怕1.Itsgreattohearfromyou.2.Thank

16、sfortellingmeaboutyourhobbies.3.Ispendalotoftimeplayingclassicalmusicwithmyfriendsatschool.4.Shesquitetall,withshortfairhair,andsheswearingglasses.5.IfeelnervouswhenIspeakChinese.本课时主要句型本课时主要句型Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.fair hobby mark message proudJenny is my classmate.She is pretty and has(1)_ hair.She always gets good(2)_ at school.She has lots of(3)_ like playing the piano and swimming.fairmarkshobbies6She is also in the school tennis team.She is good

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