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1、成功源于勤奋作文成功源于勤奋作文成功源于勤奋作文 成功源于勤奋作文1 成功与勤奋是密不可分的,如果想获得成功就必须通过勤奋的努力,俗话说的好:“一份耕耘,一份收获。”没有辛勤的付出哪能有成功的源泉。成功的路上无捷径,只有勤奋才是成功的源泉。 东晋大书法家王羲之,为了练好书法,他每天都要求自己练字,练完后就在家边的一口池塘里洗毛笔,就这样日复一日,竟将整口池塘的水染成了黑色。正是因为王羲之的坚持与勤奋,他才被人称为“书圣”。苏秦,因为求官不成,回家后被人家看不起,他就将太公六韬、阴符等兵法书籍,不分白天黑夜的勤奋苦读。每当到了夜深人静,头昏脑胀,眼睛发涩,总想睡觉的时候,他就用锥子狠刺自己的大腿

2、,使自己清醒后在读书。正是由于苏秦的勤奋,终于他学有所成,成为战国时期着名的政治活动家。从古人的实例中我们知道了要想成功就必须要勤奋刻苦,因为勤奋是成功的基础。 我国着名的生物学家童第周,上中学时,考试不及格,老师要让他留级,同学们也笑话他,但他却不悲观失望,而是发奋学习,最后取得了优异成绩。出国留学时他又刻苦钻研,为中国人争了气,成了我国着名的生物学家。科学家居里夫人也是孜孜不倦,勤奋探索才发现了“镭”,为人类做出了巨大的贡献。身残志坚的张海迪虽然没有上过学,但她勤奋刻苦,克服了常人无法想象的困难,硬是攻克了几门外语。他们能取得这样的成就不就是勤奋的结果吗?试问,如过他们不勤奋,他们会有今天

3、的成就吗? 成功源于勤奋作文2 As Edison said, all success is due to sweat and hard work! There are many people who see the door of success, but fail to open it, and finally do nothing, they cant be called success, they are just losers! Qian Mou had a young college students in China, he learns to others laboured a

4、t 12 years to learn dont understand calculus, known as a child prodigy, the future in his talent, will lead the Chinese mathematics to a new climax, but he is lazy do not participate in learning, just hang out, which made his original talent disappeared, finally become a dud. On the contrary, dilige

5、nt you will achieve success! Great inventor Thomas Edison has been dubbed the nothing in his childhood, but he doesnt care about, he still poring over, study hard, in practice, constantly corrected, with his diligence to complete his ideal, finally invented the electric light bulb! Such examples are

6、 not only foreign, but also China. Our country great mathematician trained Chen jingrun, in order to solve the pearl of goldbach conjecture, get up at 3 o clock in the morning every day, learning a foreign language daily dip in the sea of mathematical symbols, day after day, never slack, finally, in

7、 the repeated calculation, flashes, winner of the shining pearl. There is only on three years of primary school language master hou baolin, due diligence, studious, his language skills has reached the degree of perfection, become the language of the famous expert, once, hed like to know a laughter o

8、f Ming dynasty book through all the old bookstall for Beijing, later, he learned that the library has that book, Beijing winter, against the wind, he braved the snow 18 days in a row running copy books to the library. A hundred thousand word book! He was finally transcribing. All success is due to s

9、weat and hard work. Diligence is always an integral part! 成功源于勤奋作文3 Great inventor Thomas Edison once said, “genius is made up of one point of inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Indeed, when we stood on the ground and looked up at the giants, he had thought that they had been in the

10、same position with us, and that they had found the ladder of success that led to success. If inspiration is the last door to success, diligence is the only key to opening the door. The pearl of great mathematician trained Chen jingrun in our country, to solve the problem for the “goldbach conjecture

11、”, adhere to three o clock every morning to learn a foreign language, daily immersed in a sea of mathematical symbols, a day after day, never slack, finally, iterate, flashes, winner of the shining pearl. Success doesnt have to be through that door. You can still make it through the hard work. Every

12、one know Edison invented the light bulb, but dont know, in his very hour, as has been dubbed the “nothing”, but he doesnt care about, he still poring over, study hard, in practice, the correction unceasingly, with his diligence to complete his ideal, finally invented the electric light bulb. There a

13、re many people who see the door of success, but fail to open it, and finally do nothing, they cannot be called success, they are just losers. Qian Mou had a young college students in China, he is 12 years old to learn others, learn many years dont know the differential and integral calculus, hailed

14、as a child prodigy, the future in his talent, will lead the Chinese mathematics to a new climax, but he is lazy not to attend the tutorial, just hang out, which made him the original talent disappeared, finally become a dud. As Edison said, all success is inseparable from sweat and hard work. Whethe

15、r you have talent or not, diligence is always an indispensable part. 成功源于勤奋作文4 我的邻居张伯伯是华洋办公用品有限公司的总经理。他原来是一家国有企业的技术人员。因为原单位效益不好,在企业转制过程中,他经过深思熟虑,决定辞职下海,进行自主创业。经过多年的努力,他终于成为一名经营有方、信誉良好的企业家。 寒假里,我拜访了张伯伯,请他讲讲他的创业故事和成功经验。张伯伯简单地谈了他的奋斗经历,并诚恳地说,“成功没有捷径可走,确定目标后就要加倍努力。” 从他的创业故事中,我了解到他比别人付出了更多的时间和精力。当初,他经过深思熟

16、虑才决定辞职经商,确定奋斗目标后,他就努力实践。起初只开了家小小的复印店,边学习边实践,等积累了一定的资金、客户和经验后,他扩大了经营范围,增加了复印机、打字机、电脑等办公器材的销售和维修业务,成立了华洋办公用品有限公司。他不断努力奋斗,当别人在打牌娱乐时,他在看经营管理方面的书籍;当别人在闲聊时,他在东奔西跑了解市场信息;当别人在看电视剧时,他在苦心钻研维修技术。正是由于他比别人付出了更多的辛劳和汗水,他的业务才越做越好,公司越做越大。 张伯伯还说,仅有努力还不够,还要有正确的方法。不论做什么事情,都要讲究方法,好的方法能让你取得事半功倍的效果,可以尽早地实现目标。 “十年磨一剑”,张伯伯的

17、努力终于取得了成功,他成了一名出色的企业家。从他身上我学到了许多好的经验:要想取得成功必须加倍努力,在确定了目标之后就要坚持不懈地朝着目标进军。不仅如此,还要找到正确的方法,只有这样,才能取得成功。 成功源于勤奋作文5尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们; 早上好,我是来自20XX级30班的林嘉辉,以下是我的反思总结。 自从高三以来,三百分的理综总分又将理科的地位拉了一个档次,以至于时刻都在耳边回想着理科老师的话:得理综者这得天下 然而我并不是那种理综成绩可以撑起一片天的孩子,恰逢高三理综老师经历一波ACE,全都变成了后爸后妈,于是乎,我下定决心,定要“痛改前非”,让自己的理综逆袭成为高富帅。 首先学好一

18、科离不开老师的帮助,就以生物老师为例,她的确是极好的,自黑自己可以达到出演脱口秀的水平,甘后妈,自号自己为紫甘蓝,不是那种可以吃的那种大白菜,不禁让我联想到是不是多吃点紫甘蓝就可以把生物学好呢,嗯应该是吧。 在每次课前阅读过程中我都会找点时间问点问题,每次都能听到甘后妈满是深情的“这个娃,这个哪门可能是这个样子的嘛,肯定要这个样子撒。”然后洋洋洒洒的大篇演讲,每次都有听到周杰棍的双杰伦的感觉,然后,我只能默默地望着她,目送着走过这走廊。 然而高三怎能有这样半懵半懂的状态呢,定要追着老师问清楚,嗯,这才是高三的状态。 她另一种神奇的习惯就是从不按照常理出牌。在周考中,生物成绩本还不错的我惨遭滑铁

19、卢,只考了70。只听她在下课时满面春风的说;“那些这回考得差的娃,下去好生把卷子整一下,明天要是我抽起来讲题,那都准备抄几遍蛮。”我暗中惊叹:太腹黑了吧,然后她微笑着走过来然后说;“你看你考得那个样子,明天都抽你了。”然后我就废寝忘食,孜孜不倦,熬出黑眼圈,终于把这张卷子弄完了。待明日上课时,我呆萌着望着她,见她依旧满面微笑地说:“我说了今天要抽人的蛮,那我今天就肯定不得抽,我们拿出学案,继续复习基因重组。”然后,然后就没有了。不过这也间接的迫使我认真去学,对我也是百利而无一害,额除了黑眼圈。 有了这样的老师,想不学好也难。 其次,自己的整理与反思也同样重要。 同样以生物为例,生物号称理科中的

20、文科,问题的答案不从书中来就只会从题干中来,因此不热的知识点的整理就显得非常重要,从书上第一页开始背起,一遍又一遍,一次又一次更细到最后说一个知识点就知道知识点在哪里,那也真是极好的。 既然是理科,那么刷题就是必不可少的,从小题的专项知识点到综合性较强的大题,错一个题就把相应的知识点注释在专门的本子上,并注上知识点在书上的页数,也是尤为不错的方法,在进行复习巩固的时候同时还过了一遍书,那样何愁考不好呢? 生物要得高分,除了知识点外,最重要的就是心细,生物选择题往往和英语改错题一样,一当你不留神,正确答案就与你一个美丽的邂逅,然后就永别了,直到再会是你才痛哭流涕,发出“想当初”的感慨 成功来源于

21、勤奋,努力才有所获,战士们,愿你们每个学生都能成为顶尖的二百五 谢谢大家。 成功源于勤奋作文6 成功,这个词并不陌生。但要成功,首先要勤奋。 人的天赋就像火,可以持续燃烧,也可以被熄灭,但让火光继续燃烧下去只有一个办法,就是两个字“勤奋”。 发明家爱迪生说过“天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。”正像爱迪生说的那样,想要成功,就要付税很多倍的努力。 在美国,有一个人在一年之中的每一天里,几乎做着同一件事情:天刚刚放亮,就伏在打字机前开始开始一天的写作。这个男人叫斯蒂芬金,是国际闻名的恐怖小说大师。 斯蒂芬金的经历十分坎坷,他曾经在潦倒的连电话费都交不起,电话公司因此掐断了他的电话线。然后

22、,他在每一年中勤奋于写作,最终成为了世界上著名的恐怖小说大师。正如弗兰克林说的:不劳动,无所得。如今,他也算是世界大富翁了,可他仍然实在勤奋的创作中度过。 斯蒂芬金成功的秘诀很简单,只有两个字:勤奋。一年之中,他只有三天例外的不继续写作。是他的生日、圣诞节、美国独立日。勤奋给他带来的好处是,永不枯竭的灵感。学术大师季羡林说过:“勤奋处于灵感。” 斯蒂芬金取得这样的成功,是因为他的勤奋。高尔基也说过:“天才出于勤奋。”如果,他并没有坚持下来,就不会有这些成果。 所以,我坚信,成功源于勤奋。 成功源于勤奋作文7 Turning the picture of history, we can see

23、clearly that the great men and scholars of ancient and modern times, experts and scholars, one of the secrets of their success is diligence. Isnt it? Our country famous biologist dizhou tong, in middle school, he failed in the exam, the teacher let him repeat grades, the classmates laugh at him, he

24、is not pessimistic disappointment, vigorous study from now on, finally achieved excellent results. When studying abroad, he studied hard, and fought for the light of China, becoming a world famous biologist. There is also zhang haidi, who has not even been to school, who has been a persistent and di

25、ligent student, who has overcome the hardships that healthy people can overcome, and has conquered several foreign languages. Throughout the ages, many of the worlds great men and women have made every invention, every success, and every success is to be left behind. Their success is based on their

26、own diligence. The key to success lies in hard work. It is good training and hard work. Only hard work can succeed. Legend has it that there was a speaker named demosthenes in ancient Greece, whose voice was confused and unpronounceable, and was often overwhelmed by his eloquent opponents. But he fa

27、iled to gas, the heart will not grey, to overcome this weakness, rivals, eloquence and mouth stones in the face of the sea reading every day, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, adhere to the fifty years like one day, even the mountain climbing, running and walking and speaking, finally bec

28、ame one of the most famous Greek orator. Is it not a case that hard work can overcome all difficulties and overcome everything and succeed? Isnt it just telling people everything to be diligent? Lu xun was so profound because he used the time of other peoples coffee to absorb mental nourishment. Li

29、shizhens compendium of materia medica, thanks to his 27 years of wading, “visit the quartet”, “the search of the hundred generations” results. Golgi said, “genius is a matter of industry.” Carlisle also said, “genius is an endless effort to work hard”. The experience of these celebrities tells us th

30、at only hard work can succeed. Newton, a physicist; The masters of chemistry Nobel, mendeleev; The discoverer of the radioactive element Marie Curie. There is an important factor in their great achievement, which is that they are all diligent in their studies, and are not in a position to ask, and p

31、ractice boldly, for those who challenge their failures. And in the end, they won, and they succeeded. Countless facts have proved the truth that success comes from hard work. It is not the gift of nature, but the result of diligence. Let us all share this with all of us, to climb the peak of wisdom,

32、 to open the door of success with the key of knowledge! Let us always remember that success comes from hard work. 成功源于勤奋作文8 Albert Einstein once said, “a = x + y + z.” A is to be successful, x is to work hard, to pay the hard work of sweat, y is to master the correct way to find out, z is to say little nonsense, is this not diligence? Throughout the ages, there have been many medical people, inventors and scientists who have made great achievements. One of Chinas four big famous doctor, hua tuo, woods, he came to the mountain to stud

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