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1、Section APeriod 1(1a 2d)Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?get a pair of shoesget some magazinesget a dictionaryget information about the townDo you know where I can.?Could you tell me where I can.?get some moneybuy a newspaperbuy some stampshave dinnerDo you know where I can.?Could yo

2、u tell me where I can.?get some money get some magazines have dinner get a dictionary get some information about the town buy a newspaper buy some stamps get a pair of shoesbc/f a fd/ffecMatch each thing with a place in the picture.Many different answers are possible.Listen and complete the conversa

3、tions.1.Excuse me,could you tell me where I can _?Yes.Theres a_ on _.2.Excuse me,do you know where I can _?Sure.Theres a_ on some stampspost officeCenter Streetget a dictionarybookstoreMain Street问路问路句型句型 Excuse me.Where is the.?Excuse me.Is there.near here?How can I get to.?Could you tell me

4、the way to.?Could you tell me how I can get to.?指路常用句型指路常用句型:Its over there./Its on.Street/Road.Walk along/up/down this street/road.Turn left/right.Its next to/across from/in front of/in the front of/behind.directionsTurn left.Turn right.Go/Walk along until Go past Where is?AABnext to on the rightbe

5、tween and Listen.You will hear some of the directionsbelow.Number the directions in the order that you hear.Go to the third floor.Turn left.Go to the second floor.Turn right.The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.Go past the bookstore.2431Listen again.Show how the boy walks to

6、 the supermarket.Draw a line in the picture above.Make conversations about the other places in the picture above.A:Excuse me,do you know where I can get some postcards?B:Sure.Go to the second floor.Theres a bookstore between the bank and the supermarket.Role-play the conversation.1.Could you please

7、tell me where I can get a dictionary?请你告你告诉我在哪能我在哪能买到字典好到字典好吗?Could you please tell me where.?是是问路的路的一一种种常常用用句句型型。此此句句型型中中could并并不不表表示示过去去,而是表示委婉而是表示委婉语气。气。Could you please tell me where the library is?请你告你告诉我我图书馆在哪好在哪好吗?Language points(1)问路的其他常用句型有:路的其他常用句型有:Excuse me.Where is the.?Excuse me.Which

8、is the way to.?Excuse me.Is there.near here?How can I get to.?Could/Can you tell me how to get to?Do you know which is the way to?(2)指路的常用表达方式有:指路的常用表达方式有:Its over there./Its on Street/Road.Walk along/up/down this road/street.Take the turning on the right/left.Turn left/right at Its next to/across f

9、rom/in front of/behind/2.They close at 7:00 在在这句句话中中是是作作动词,意意思思是是“关关门;不开放不开放”。The store closes at 9 p.m.every day.这家商店晚家商店晚9点关点关门。close 作作动词还可可意意为“关关;合合拢;停停业;结束束”The door closed quietly.门无声地关上了。无声地关上了。close 还可还可作形容词,意思是作形容词,意思是“亲近的;近的亲近的;近的They have been close friends since childhood

10、.他们从童年就是好朋友。他们从童年就是好朋友。3.Im excited to try the rides!be excited to do sth.对做做.感到感到兴奋 She was excited to learn the news.她听到她听到这消息很消息很兴奋。be excited about sth./doing sth.对.感感到到兴奋 Are you excited about your new job?你你对新工作感到新工作感到兴奋吗?You must be excited about leaving for America.对去美国一定很去美国一定很兴奋。4.I dont m

11、ean a room for resting.我我的的意意思思不不是是休休息息的的房房间。/我我不不是是说休息的房休息的房间。mean v.意思是意思是 I mean thats his own decision to leave.我的意思是我的意思是说离开是他自己的决定。离开是他自己的决定。I have no idea of what you mean.我不知道你的意思是什么。我不知道你的意思是什么。mean doing sth.的意思是的意思是“意味着意味着”Success means working hard.成功意味着工作努力。成功意味着工作努力。mean to do sth.的的意意

12、思思是是“打打算算或或企企图做做某某事事”,其主其主语通常是表示人的名通常是表示人的名词或代或代词。We mean to call on you tomorrow.我我们打算明天看望你。打算明天看望你。mean(adj.)吝吝啬的;刻薄的;自私的。的;刻薄的;自私的。知识链接知识链接Section A(3a 3c)Have you ever been to an amusement park?What did you do there?Read and answer the questions.1.Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride?How

13、 did she feel after the ride?2.2.What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant?Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner?Why?Read and underline the questions and statements that ask for information.1.I wonder where we should go next.2.2.Do you know where we can get some good food quickly?3.3.

14、Excuse me,could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?1.How about?How about?意意思思是是“怎怎么么样?”,表表示示建建议、征求意征求意见,相当于,相当于 What about?。How about next week?下星期怎么下星期怎么样?How about going to a concert?去听音去听音乐会如何?会如何?Language points2.,but shouting really did help.这是是“do(does,did)+动词原形原形”表示表示强强调。He

15、 did come but soon went back.他的确来他的确来过,但很快就回去了。但很快就回去了。Do be careful with that vase!务必小心那个花瓶必小心那个花瓶!He does speak well!他的确他的确讲得很精彩。得很精彩。3.I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.suggest v.建建议;提;提议 I suggested going for a walk.我建我建议去散步。去散步。Could you suggest where I can park the car 你能提出我你能提出我该

16、在哪里停在哪里停车吗?He suggested that we(should)go for a walk.他建他建议去散散步。去散散步。suggest接接that从从句句中中的的谓语多多用用should加加动词原形构成原形构成,should可省略。可省略。4.It serves delicious hamburgers and hot dogs.serve 在在这句句话的意思是的意思是“供供应”Could you serve us tea and coffee?你能供你能供给我我们茶和咖啡茶和咖啡吗?This restaurant serves nice food to customers.这个餐个餐馆给顾客供客供应美味美味饭菜。菜。serve作作动词还有有“服服务担担任任;可可作作.用用”的的意思意思 The shop assistant is serving a customer.店店员正在接待一位正在接待一位顾客。客。The dictionary may serve as a pillow.这本本词典可以当枕典可以当枕头用。用。5.pass by Uncle Bobs.Uncle

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