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1、Section B(2a-2e)Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow?八年级英语上(RJ)教学课件学习目标学习目标 Key words&phrases:culture,famous,appear,become,rich,successful,might,main,reason,film,unlucky,lose,comeout,bereadyto,tryonesbest Key sentences:1.Whenpeoplesay“culture”,wethinkofartandhistory.2.OneofthemainreasonsisthatMickeywaslik

2、eacommonman,buthealwaystriedtofaceanydanger.3.TodayscartoonsareusuallynotsosimpleaslittleMickeyMouse,buteveryonestillknowsandloveshim.Reading practiceLets enjoy a cartoon-SteamboatWillie威利号汽船MrblackKungfupandaConanLazygoatTomandJerryDoraemonDo you like these cartoon characters?who is a famous symbol

3、 of Chinese culture?Monkey KingWho is a symbol of American culture?Mickey MouseWalt Disney华特华特迪士尼(迪士尼(Walt Disney Walt Disney 1901.12.5.1966.12.151901.12.5.1966.12.15)美国)美国著名动画大师、企业家、导演、著名动画大师、企业家、导演、制片人、编剧、配音演员、卡通制片人、编剧、配音演员、卡通设计者,举世闻名的迪士尼公司设计者,举世闻名的迪士尼公司创始人。创始人。他获得了他获得了5656个奥斯卡奖提名和个奥斯卡奖提名和7 7个艾美奖。

4、华特个艾美奖。华特迪士尼是世界迪士尼是世界上获得奥斯卡奖最多的人。一位上获得奥斯卡奖最多的人。一位备受美国人民热爱和怀念的长者。备受美国人民热爱和怀念的长者。他和他的职员一起创造了许许多他和他的职员一起创造了许许多多著名、受世人欢迎的卡通角色,多著名、受世人欢迎的卡通角色,包括那个被无数人喜爱的经典卡包括那个被无数人喜爱的经典卡通形象、华特通形象、华特迪士尼的好友迪士尼的好友米老鼠。米老鼠。2a Discuss the following questions with a partner.1.Do you like to watch cartoons?2.What is your favori

5、te cartoon?3.Why do you like it?A.MickeyMouseisafamoussymbolinAmericanculture.B.MickeyMousefirstappearedinthecartoonSteamboat Willie.C.ThemanbehindMickeyMousewasWaltDisney.Readthepassagequicklyandguessthemainideaofthepassage.2bWhile-readingWhen people say“culture”,we think of art and history.But one

6、very famous symbol in Americanculture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears-Mickey Mouse.Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.2b Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page.课文翻译课文翻译 当人们说到当人们说到“文化,文化,”我们就会想到我们就会想到艺术

7、和历史。但是美国文化里的一个有名艺术和历史。但是美国文化里的一个有名的标志是卡通片。我们都知道而且喜欢黑的标志是卡通片。我们都知道而且喜欢黑色的长着两只圆耳朵的老鼠色的长着两只圆耳朵的老鼠-米老鼠。米老鼠。80多年前,它第一次出现在多年前,它第一次出现在Steamboat WIllie(威利蒸汽船的电影威利蒸汽船的电影)里。里。When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt

8、 Disney.He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.当这个卡通片在当这个卡通片在1928年年11月月18日出现在纽约的时候,它是第日出现在纽约的时候,它是第一部有声音有音乐的卡通片。米一部有声音有音乐的卡通片。米老鼠的幕后之人便是沃尔特老鼠的幕后之人便是沃尔特迪斯尼。他变得很有钱很成功。在。他变得很有钱很成功。在20世纪世纪30年代,他用米老鼠为题年代,他用米老鼠为题材制作了材制作了87部卡通片。部卡通片。Some people might ask how this ca

9、rtoon animal became so popular.One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.In his early films,Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend,Minnie.However,he was always ready to try his best.People went to the

10、cinema to see the“little man”win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.一些人可能会问这个卡通动物一些人可能会问这个卡通动物怎么这么受欢迎。一个主要原因是怎么这么受欢迎。一个主要原因是米老鼠就像一个普通人,但是他总米老鼠就像一个普通人,但是他总是努力面对任何的危险。在他早期是努力面对任何的危险。在他早期电影里,米老鼠很不幸而且有很多电影里,米老鼠很不幸而且有很多问题譬如丢了房子问题譬如丢了房子 丢了女朋友丢了女朋友 米米妮。但是,他一直准备好尽其所能。妮。但是,他一直准备好尽其所能。人们去电影院去看人们去电影院去看“小人物小

11、人物”成功。成功。他们中的大多数想要成为米老鼠一他们中的大多数想要成为米老鼠一样的人物。样的人物。On November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Todays cartoonsare usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse,but everyone still knows and loveshim.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mi

12、ckeys?在在1978年年11月月18日,米老鼠日,米老鼠成了好莱坞星光大道上拥有一颗成了好莱坞星光大道上拥有一颗星星的第一个卡通形象。明星。星星的第一个卡通形象。明星。现在的卡通不像米老鼠那么简单,现在的卡通不像米老鼠那么简单,但是人们依然知道并且喜爱它。但是人们依然知道并且喜爱它。谁有一对比米老鼠更有名的耳朵谁有一对比米老鼠更有名的耳朵?_ people say“_”,we _ art and history.But onevery famous symbol in Americanculture is a _.We all know and love the black mouse _

13、 two large round ears-_.Over 80 years _,he first _ in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.When this cartoon _ in New York _November 18,1928,it was the _cartoon with sound and music.The man _ Mickey was Walt Disney.He _very rich and _.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons _Mickey.Some people might ask _ this car

14、toon animal became so popular.One of the main _ is that Mickey was like a _ man,but he always _ to face any danger.In his early _,Mickey was _and had many problems _ losing his house or _,Minnie.However,he was always _ to try his best.People went to the _to see the“little man”_._ of them wanted to b

15、e like _._ November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon _ to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of _.Todays cartoonsare usually not _ simple as little Mickey Mouse,but everyone s_ knows and loveshim.Who has a pair of ears more _than Mickeys?Nov.18,1928Nov.18,1928SteamboatWilliecameoutinNewYork.19

16、30s1930sNov.18,1978Nov.18,1978WaltDisneymade87cartoonswithMickey.MickeybecamethefirstcartooncharactertohaveastarontheHollywoodWalkofFame.Readthepassageandcompletethetimelineonthenextpage.2c Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey.Mickey MouseWhat does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend?Why is he popular?He has two large round ears.Walt DisneySteamboat WillieMinnie Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.2d R

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