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1、 Unit1Whats the matter?Language goals:Talk about ones health.bodyfeettoothteethearfacenoseeyemouthheadkneelegfingerhandheadfoott tbackshoulderneckarmhealthy Section A 1a-1c1a Look at the picture.Write the correct letteram for each part of the body._arm _back _ear _eye _foot_hand_head _leg _mouth_nec

2、k _nose _stomach _toothhegibajicdmkfWhats the matter?(你你)怎么了?怎么了?have a(bad)coldhave a stomachache感冒感冒胃痛胃痛 have a toothachehave a headachehave a(high)fever发烧发烧牙痛牙痛头痛头痛have a sore back have a sore throat背痛背痛喉咙痛喉咙痛“患得患得/病病”-have/get+a/an+病症病症总结总结1.ache:指持续的疼痛,常与人体部位的名指持续的疼痛,常与人体部位的名词构成复合名词,表示该部位疼痛或不适。

3、词构成复合名词,表示该部位疼痛或不适。2.Pain:指突发的疼痛,也可指身心痛苦常指突发的疼痛,也可指身心痛苦常用于用于have a pain in/on the+身体部位身体部位3.sore:指由于感染或发炎造成的疼痛指由于感染或发炎造成的疼痛。have a sore/painful+身体部位身体部位 I have a (bad)cold.=I have got a(bad)cold.Whats the matter with you?=Whats the trouble with you?=Whats wrong with you?你怎么啦?你怎么啦?我患感冒了。我患感冒了。Whats t

4、he matter with him?He has/has got a stomachache.他胃痛。他胃痛。Whats the matter with him?He has/has got a sore back/backache.他背痛。他背痛。Whats the matter with him?He has a sore throat.他喉咙痛。他喉咙痛。She has/has got a(high)fever.Whats the matter with her?她发烧。她发烧。She has a(bad)toothache.Whats the matter with her?她牙痛。

5、她牙痛。He has a(bad)headache.他头痛。他头痛。Whats the matter with him?He has a sore backHe has a sore neck.She has a sore throat.Whats the matter?Whats the matter?He has a headache.He has a toothache.He has a stomachache.Grammar Focus1.Whats the matter with sb?=Whats the trouble with sb?=Whats wrong with sb?注

6、:注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格,为介词,后跟人称代词宾格,如如her,him,them等。等。eg:Whats the matter with your mother?Whats wrong with you?Whats the trouble with her?怎怎么么了了Grammar Focus在英语中,表达在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构:时的常用结构:(1)主语主语+have/has+a+病症病症 have a cold/fever (2)主语主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位发病部位 sore 是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。

7、是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:如:sore back,sore throat,sore back,sore neck.(3)主语主语+have/has+a+部位部位-ache -ache作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表身体某部位疼痛,表身体某部位疼痛,如:如:toothache,headache,stomachache.(4)have/has+a+pain+in/on+the+身体部位身体部位 I have a pain in the arm.我胳膊疼。我胳膊疼。(5)(There is)something wron

8、g with +ones+部位部位 某人某部位不舒服某人某部位不舒服/出了毛病。出了毛病。1.have a cold2.have a fever3.have a headache4.have a stomachache5.have a toothache6.have a sore throat7.have a sore backa.喉咙痛喉咙痛b.背痛背痛c.牙痛牙痛d.头痛头痛e.胃痛胃痛f.感冒感冒g.发烧发烧Look and matchI had a cold.Whats the matter?I have a sore back.I have a stomachache.He has

9、a cold.He catches/gets a cold.Whats the matter?Work in pairhave a cold catch/get a cold have a cold 可以接一段时间,不能用于进行可以接一段时间,不能用于进行时时catch/get 不能接一段时间,瞬间动作不能接一段时间,瞬间动作 Eg.How long have you had a cold?I have a cold for 6 days.Look!Whats the matter?She has a sore throat.A:Whats the matter with him?B:He t

10、alked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water.He has a very sore throut now.too much:太多太多 可修饰不可数名词可修饰不可数名词I always worried too much.He drinks too much water every day.much too:太太 修饰形容词和副词修饰形容词和副词much too dear/fast enough 足够的足够的enough water/food adj.+n enough 在前在前old/hard enough adv.adj.+adv.

11、enough 在后在后The dining hall is-to hold 300 people.A.small enough B.enough small C.big enough D.enough big 14.contain vt.包含,容纳,控制包含,容纳,控制辨析辨析:contain,includecontain vt.表示某物容纳比其小的物品,表示某物容纳比其小的物品,include vt.指包括作为整体的一个部分指包括作为整体的一个部分Unit Unit Unit Unit 1 1 1 1Section A 2a-2cLanguage goals:1.Talk about you

12、r health.2.Give advice(建议建议).1.have a cold2.have a fever3.have a headache4.have a stomachache5.have a toothache6.have a sore throat7.have a sore backa.喉咙痛喉咙痛b.背痛背痛c.牙痛牙痛d.头痛头痛e.胃痛胃痛f.感冒感冒g.发烧发烧Look and matchRevisionWhats the matter with him?He has/has got a stomachache.他胃痛。他胃痛。He has a headache.What

13、s the matter?She has a toothache.Whats the matter?She has a fever.Whats the matter?Grammar Focus1.Whats the matter with sb?=Whats the trouble with sb?=Whats wrong with sb?注:注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格,为介词,后跟人称代词宾格,如如her,him,them等。等。eg:Whats the matter with your mother?Whats wrong with you?Whats the trouble w

14、ith her?怎怎么么了了Grammar Focus在英语中,表达在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构:时的常用结构:(1)主语主语+have/has+a+病症病症 have a cold/fever (2)主语主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位发病部位 sore 是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:如:sore back,sore throat,sore back,sore neck.(3)主语主语+have/has+a+部位部位-ache -ache作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,作后缀

15、,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表身体某部位疼痛,表身体某部位疼痛,如:如:toothache,headache,stomachache.(4)have/has+a+pain+in/on+the+身体部位身体部位 I have a pain in the arm.我胳膊疼。我胳膊疼。(5)(There is)something wrong with +ones+部位部位 某人某部位不舒服某人某部位不舒服/出了毛病。出了毛病。“患得患得/病病”-have/get+a/an+病症病症总结总结1.ache:指持续的疼痛,常与人体部位的名指持续的疼痛,常与人体部位的名词构成复合名词,表示该部位疼

16、痛或不适。词构成复合名词,表示该部位疼痛或不适。2.Pain:指突发的疼痛,也可指身心痛苦常指突发的疼痛,也可指身心痛苦常用于用于have a pain in/on the+身体部位身体部位3.sore:指由于感染或发炎造成的疼痛指由于感染或发炎造成的疼痛。have a sore/painful+身体部位身体部位 Listen and match the problems with the advice.2a4.toothache2.stomachache 3.cough and sore throat 1.fevera.lie down and restb.drink some hot tea with honeyc.see a dentist and get an X-rayd.take your temperature5.cut myselfe.put some medicine on it2b.Listen again.Fill in the blanks in 2bdrink lots of waterB:I have a fever.A:Whats the matter?A

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