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1、人教版英语八年级下册Unit1知识点推荐文档Unit 1A1.advice n. 建议,忠告,劝告(1)advice 是不可数名词,表示“一条建议” “两条建议”“一些建议”可用: a piece of advice; two piece of advice; some advice(2)advice 作名词时的常用搭配:1ask sb. for advice征询某人的建议2give sb. some advice= give some advice to s给某人提出一些建议3give advice on sth在某方面给出建议4take (follow) on eadvice接受某人的建议

2、e.g. He often gives us some advice.=He often gives some advice to us. 他经常给我们一些建议。例题: Your is very helpful. I guess Ill take it.A. secret B. advice C. promise D. purpose答案:B 秘密;建议;承诺;目标。由下句“我想我会采纳。”可知“你的建 议很有用”。2.What the matter?怎么了 ?(1)该句用来询问对方所遇到的麻烦, 或医生及护士询问病人身体情况, 常与 with连用,后跟sb./sth.,意为“某人或某物怎么了

3、 ?”e.g. What s the matter (with you)?你)怎么了 ?I lost my pen./I have a cold. 我把我的钢笔弄丢了。 /我感冒了。(2)“(你)怎么了 ?”各种常见表达:Whatsthe matter (with you)?=Whatsthe trouble (with you)?=Whatsthe problem(with you)?=Whatswrong (with you)?=Whats up?=What happened?例题: Nick is not at school. ?He has a cold.A. Who s that B

4、. What s the matterC. How old is he D. How much is it 答案: B 句意: Nick 没来上学。怎么回事 ? 他感冒了。1此类句型中, matter, problem 前需加定冠词 the, trouble 前可加 the 或形容词 性物主代词; wrong 是形容词,其前不加任何修饰词。2此类句型中, what 即为句子主语,本身构成陈述语序,故当句子以宾语从句 身份出现时,不可将 be移至the matter/trouble/problem之后。3.have a stomachache 胃疼(1)have +a( n)+名词,表示患某种病

5、e.g. have a cold感冒 have a toothache牙疼have a fever 发烧 have a headache疼拓展:sore与pain也可用于表示疾病的短语e.g. have a sore throat(back/knee-)嗓子疼(背疼/膝盖疼 )have a pain in the back(foot/k ne)背疼(脚疼 / 膝盖疼)stomachache可数名词,意为“胃疼;腹疼”,是由名词stomach(胃;腹部)加 ache疼痛)构成的复合名词。“身体部位+ache”构成疾病名称headache头疼 toothache 牙疼 backache 背疼例题:

6、 Mom , I . I m rsroy to hear that, dear. We must go to see the dentist right away.A. have a headache B. have a stomachache C. have a toothache答案:C 由下文“dentist”可知孩子牙疼。4.foot n. 脚foot 作为可数名词用,其复数形式是 feet。e.g. This kind of an imal has four feet 这种动物有四只脚。(1)与foot变复数的变化形式相似的词还有:tooth-teeth牙齿goose-geese鹅(

7、2)on foot 步行,固定短语,相当于 walk。e.g. We came here on foot.=We walked her我们走着来这儿的。5.fever n. 发烧e.g. Tom has a feve汤姆发烧了。(1)have a fever=have a temperature=r un a feve发烧e.g. I had a temperature last ni gh 昨乍晚我发烧了。例题: Nancy took her temperature and found she had a .A. cough B. toothache C. cold D. fever答案:D

8、 由上文“南希量了一下体温”可知发现她发烧了。(2)拓展:have a high temperature/feve发高烧 6.lie v. 躺,平躺(1)lie 的各种含义:1lie v.躺,位于,平放 lay-la in-lyi nge.g. You should lie dow n 你应该躺下。His school lies in the north of the city 他的学校位于城北。2lie v.说谎 lied-lied-lyinge.g. He ofte n lies他经常说谎3lie n.谎言lies(复数)e.g. He often tells lies 他经常说谎。例题:

9、 Look, there is a wallet on the playground.A. lie B. lying C. lay D. lain答案:B There bvdoing sth.为固定句式,lie躺,位于,平放,其现在分词是 lying。(2)拓展: lay v. 下蛋,放置e.g. The hens lay a lot of eggs every da母 鸡每天下很多蛋。Please lay the table before dinne饭前请摆好餐具。 v. & n. 放松;休息(1)rest作及物动词,意为“使休息”,作不及物动词,意为“休息”。e.g. You

10、should rest your eyes after a lot of read in 在大量阅读之后,你应该休息一 下你的眼睛。Im tired,and I want to rest我累了,我想休息。(2)rest也可以作名词,have/take a rest=have/take a break意为“休息一下”。e.g. Stude nts have a rest/break after each less学生 们每节课后都休息一下。8.feel v. 摸起来(1)feel常用作系动词,其后跟形容词作表语。其主要用法有:1表示某物摸起来给人的感觉,通常要以被摸之物作主语,不可用于进行时态。

11、e.g. Your hand feels cold你的手摸起来很凉。Silk feels soft and smooth丝绸摸起来柔软平滑。2表示某人的感觉,以人作主语,可用于进行时态。e.g. I feel fine./lm feeling fine.我感觉良好。/我现在感觉良好。(2)归纳:常用的感官动词:feel摸起来,look看起来,sou nd听起来,taste尝起来, smell 闻起来。拓展:feel like +n.意为“摸起来像”e.g. This wallet feels like leather这个钱包摸起来像是皮的。例题: This bed soft and comfo

12、rtable.A. sounds B. tastes C. feels D. smells答案: C 句意:这张床摸起来柔软而且舒服。9.without prep. 没有,缺乏(1)without 后接名词、代词宾格或 v.-ing 作宾语,其反义词为 with。e.g. We got there without any trouble.我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦。Can you finish your homework without him?没有他你能完成你的家庭作业吗 ?She left the room without saying a word.她一句话没有说就离开了房间。例

13、题: The “ teacher-free exam” means that students take their exams teachers. Students must be more honest.A. without B. against C. through D. by答案: A 没有;反对;通过;被。由后句“学生们必须更加诚实” ,可知“ teacher-free exam”意思是没有老师监考的测试。拓展:without用于否定句,还可以表示条件,意为“如果没有”,相当于if 引导的否定条件句。e.g. We couldntlive without air.=We couldn

14、 live if there werentair.如果没有空气,我们就不能活。例题: W your help, I couldn have passed the exam.答案:Without句意:如果没有你的帮助,我不能通过考试。10.hurt v.(使)疼痛;受伤(1)hurt-hurt(过去式)-hurt(过去分词)(2)hurt作及物动词,表示“使疼痛,受伤;使不快”,后接宾语。e.g. You hurt her feeli ngs because you forgot her birthday.你伤了她的感情因为你忘记了她的生日。A boy hurt himself in P.E.

15、class一个男孩在体育课上伤着自己了。(3)hurt作不及物动词,表示“感到疼痛”。e.g. My feet hurt.我脚疼。11.whe n the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.,就在此时司机看到一位老人躺在路边。when引导时间状语从句,除常常有“当 时”之意外,放在过去进行时构成的主句之后,还以为“就在此时 /那时; 突然” 相当于 at this/that time。e.g. He was just gett ing into the shower whe n the teleph one rang.他正要

16、去沐浴间,这时(突然)电话响了起来。例题: They were playing soccer on the playground the storm came.A. as soon as B. as long as C. whe n D. while答案:C 句意:他们正在操场上踢足球,这时暴风雨来了。表示某一个动作正在 进行时,另一个动作突然发生,应用 when,意为“在那时”。辨析:1see sb. doing sth看见某人正在做某事(看见动作正在进行)e.g. I saw him playing the piano in the music room just now. 我刚刚看见他正

17、在音乐室弹钢琴。2see sb. do sth看见某人做某事(看见动作全过程或经常性的动作)e.g. I ofte n see him play basketball after school.我经常看见他放学后打篮球。拓展:v. +sb. +doing/do的常见动词:一感(feel),二听(listen to, hear),四看(see, look at, watch, notice)例题 1: I see there two boys (pass) my house every day.答案:pass句意:每天我都会看见这两个男孩经过我的房子。see sb. do sthS为“看 见某人

18、做某事”例题 2: 1 tried to make Alice her mind but I found it difficult. Well, I saw you that when I went past.A. changed; do B. changes doing C. change to do D.change; doing 答案 :D 句意:我尽力使艾丽斯改变她的主意,但我发现很难。哦,但我经过的时候,我看到你正在那样做。make sb. do sth使某人做某事;see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。12.get off 下车(1)get off的反义短语是ge

19、t on “上车”。e.g. Don get on the No.8 bus不 要上 8 路公交车。He got off at Gua ngmi ng Road 他在光明路下车了。拓展:get的相关短语:get up起床get on登上(公共汽车、火车等)get off下(公共汽车、火车、飞机)get in 进入(小汽车、出租车 )get out of从(小汽车、出租车等)下来例题: Steven, we should the bus at the next stop.A. get up B. get off C. get to D. get in答案 :B 句意“斯蒂文,我们应该在下一站下车

20、” 。 ones surprise 让某人吃惊的是e.g. To his surprise the plan succeedec让他吃惊的是,那个计划成功了。 surprise及其派生词的相关用法:1surprise 动词 surprise sb.e.g. I don twa nt to surprise her我 不想让她惊讶。2surprise 名词 to onessurprise, give sb. a surprise in surprisee.g. Lets give Mom a surprise咱们给妈妈一个惊喜吧!3surprising形容词常修饰物e.g. What

21、surprising news多么令人惊讶的消息呀!4surprised 形容词 常用人作主语,be surprised at sth. be surprised to do sth. be surprised that e.g. I was surprised at the n ew我 对这个消息感到意外。5surpris in gly 副词e.g. She looked surprisi ngly wel I她看上去身体出奇地好。例题: How was your life in England?Quite different from here. , people there drink

22、tea with milk.A. In my opinion B. To my surprise C. At the beginning答案:B 在我看来;使我吃惊的是;at the begi nning (of)在(的)开始。由语 境可知,使我吃惊的是人们喝茶加牛奶。14.trouble n. 问题;苦恼trouble 常用作不可数名词,相当于 difficulty ,意为“困难;苦恼” ,常用短语及 句式:(1)get (sb.) into trouble意为“(使某人)陷入困境”。e.g. If I dontclock in before 9, Ill get into trouble!

23、我要是9点前没有上班打卡,我就会遇到麻烦的。(2)be in trouble意为“陷入困境中”。e.g. Now he is in trouble, we should go all out to help him.现在他遇到了麻烦,我们应该全力以赴去帮助他。(3)have trouble/difficulty/problems with sth.=have trouble/difficulty/problems (i n)doing sth表示“做某事有困难”。e.g. His son had trouble climbing up the hill.他儿子爬这座山很困难。Whatthe t

24、rouble (with you)?(你)怎么了 ?例题: Sally is my best friend. She is alwaysthere whenever I m . Yeah. A frie nd in n eed is a frie nd in deed.A. i n order B. i n trouble C. i n public答案:B按顺序;深陷困境;在公共场合。根据最后一句“患难中的朋友才是真 正的朋友”可知每当“我”身陷困境时,朋友总是在帮助“我” 。(5)拓展:trouble动词,表示“使烦恼,使忧虑;麻烦”。e.g. Could I trouble you to

25、 open the door能麻烦你开一下门吗?15.hit v.(用手或器具)击;打(1)hit-hit(过去式)-hit(过去分词)-hitting(现在分词)e.g. The boy hit the dog with a sto ne那男孩用一块石头打那只狗。(2)hit后接人或物的部位时,常用如下结构: hit sb./sth. on/in +咅E位e.g. She hit him on the head with her umbrella她用雨伞打他的头。注意:打在人体硬部位上用用介词 on,软部位上用介词in,且结构中的定冠词通常不可用物主代词代替。例题: Dont play ne

26、ar the window. The broken glass may 打到你的头).答案:hit you on the head.16.right away 立即;马上right away的同义词和同义短语分别是 immediately和right now/at once。e.g. He set off right away heari ng the n ews听 至 U那个消息,他立即动身了。例题: My father will leave for En gla nd at once.A. right away B. at times C. on time D. just now答案:A马

27、上;有时;按时;刚才。句意:我父亲将马上离开去英国。1.taketo带去e.g. Don worry. I will take you to the bus stop.别担心,我将带你去公共汽车站。 (1)辨析:1bring带来(带到说话人的地方)e.g. Remember to bring your homework to school tomorrow. 记得明天把你的作业带到学校来。2take拿走(拿到远离说话人的地方)e.g. Please take the books to the classroom.请把这些书拿到教室去。3carry扛,搬(任何方向)e.g. Please car

28、ry the bag to my office. 请把这个袋子扛到我办公室。4fetch去取来,去拿来(往返取物)e.g. Dontworry. I can fetch the key. 别着急,我能把钥匙拿来。例题: My parents usually me that park when I was young. Wealways enjoyed ourselves there.A. took;to B. fetched;from C. brought;to D. carried;from答案:A 从说话处带到别的地方;去 取;从别处带到说话人的地方; 从搬。(2)take的其他常用含义:

29、1take表示“乘坐某一交通工具”。2take表示“花费”,常用句型:It takes/took sb. some time to do sth故某事花费某人多少时间。3take意为“买”,当决定要买某物品时,可以说“ Ill take it/them.”。4take表示“吃喝”时,与eat, drink,have意思相近;但表示“吃药”时,通 常只用 take。 used to doing 习惯于做 e.g. He is used to gett ing up earl他习惯于早起。辨析:1be/get/become used to doing“习惯于做”前者强调状态;后两者强调渐变

30、的 过程,其中 to 为介词,后接动名词 doing。e.g. He has been used to walking to school.他已经习惯于步行去上学。2used to do “过去常常”,后接动词原形。e.g. He used to go to work on foot.他过去常常步行上班。3be used to do/for doing “被用于做 ”是被动语态。e.g. He used his knife to cut off his arm.=His knife was used to cut off his arm. 他用刀子砍掉了他的胳膊。例题 1: I used to

31、 newspapers and watch TV after dinner. But nowIm usedto a walk.A. read;take B. read; taking C. reading; taking D. reading; take答案:B used to do sth意为“过去经常做某事” ;be used to doing sth意为“习惯于做某事”。句意:我过去晚饭后常常读报纸和看电视,但是现在我习惯散步。例题 2:Do you know what a writing brush is?Yes. Itsused writing and drawing.A. with B. to C. for D. by答案:C be used for被用来做,be used by sb被某人使用。 out 用尽;耗尽e.g. A

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