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1、Unit 8 A bump in the night!Maria2009.04Revision 一个小的红色的球一个小的红色的球一个矮个法国老师一个矮个法国老师一个重的紫色的盘子一个重的紫色的盘子一把轻的黑色的伞一把轻的黑色的伞一本薄的绿色的书一本薄的绿色的书一本厚的蓝色的书一本厚的蓝色的书一位帅的美国男演员一位帅的美国男演员一个脏的白色的杯子一个脏的白色的杯子Revision-翻译句子翻译句子那个在箱子里面的是什么?那个在箱子里面的是什么?是一个小球。是一个小球。哪一个杯子在地上?脏的那个还是干净的?哪一个杯子在地上?脏的那个还是干净的?是脏的那个。是脏的那个。厚的那本书在哪里?厚的那本书在

2、哪里?在椅子下面。在椅子下面。那薄的那本在哪里?那薄的那本在哪里?在床底下。在床底下。P55 看图造句。看图造句。Whats that in the case?Its a small ball.Which cup is on the floor-the dirty one or the clean one?The dirty one.Wheres the thick book?Its under the chair.Wheres the thin one?Its under the bed.Look at those pictures!living roombedroomhouseIts th

3、e Jenkins house.bathroomkitchenliving-room,living-room,I sit in the,kitchen,I cook in the kitchen.dining-room,dining-room.I eat in the dining-room.bathroom,bathroom,I wash in the bathroom.bedroom,bedroom,I sleep in the bedroom.chant itwhats in it?There is a/an.whats in it?There i

4、s a/an.whats in it?There is some.Listening and UnderstandingThere is something happened in the house.A bump in the night!夜深人不静!夜深人不静!Listen to the text and answer:Who is the burglar?(盗贼盗贼)Who is the burglar?(盗贼盗贼)Answer:There is no burglar.Its only Lucy.Listening and Understanding 课文注释课文注释A bump in

5、the night!a bump:碰撞碰撞 in the night:在夜晚;在夜晚;in=在一段时间之内在一段时间之内William!Wake up!Mm.whats the matter?是祈使句,以动词原形开头。是祈使句,以动词原形开头。=Whats wrong?What happened?Listen!Theres a noise in the living-room.Its a burglar!A burglar?Nonsense!Theres=There is 用来介绍新信息用来介绍新信息祈使句,祈使句,动词原型开头。动词原型开头。在一个封闭的在一个封闭的空间内用空间内用inIts

6、=It is盗贼盗贼胡说!废话!胡说!废话!表示强烈不满!表示强烈不满!Youre right!Theres a noise in the kitchen now!It is a burglar!Theres a torch here.Give me the torch,please.There be句型,表示什么地方有什么东西。句型,表示什么地方有什么东西。重读,表强调。重读,表强调。手电筒手电筒=Give the torch to me.Here it is.It is here.这,给你。这,给你。Please be careful!祈使句,加上祈使句,加上please更礼貌更礼貌.Th

7、ere is someone downstairs.Im wide-awake,I dont know who?某个人。某个人。楼下楼下反义词:反义词:upstairswide-awake=very much awake 非常清醒非常清醒Listen to the text again and repeat.Answer the questions on Page 61一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Is.?Is there?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:Where/Who is?Read the text by yourself.Pattern PracticeWho?Where?a man,the po

8、stmanat the doora pretty girl,the secretaryat the deskPattern PracticeWhat?Where?a basket,an old oneon the floora bowl,a new oneon the tablePattern PracticeWhat?Where?an apple,a big onein the basketan orange,a small onein the bowlPattern PracticeWhat?Where?a house,a nice onenear the rivera tree,an o

9、ld onenear the housePrep.(介词介词)at on in nearN.(名词名词)door desk floor table basket bowl river house 快速反应,翻译介词短语。快速反应,翻译介词短语。There is a man at the door.He is the postman.There be 表示什么地方有什么人或物表示什么地方有什么人或物There is _ _ _ _ _ _.She is _ _.a pretty girlat the deskthe secretary看图造句看图造句 There be看图造句:看图造句:ther

10、e be1.Where is the _?He/She/It is _.2.There is a/an _.He/She/It is the _ _.复习句型:复习句型:P 63 看图造句看图造句There beThere is a bed in the living-room.There is a dog in the living-room.Is there a cat in the living-room?No,there isnt.Yes,there is.P63 将陈述句变为一般疑问句将陈述句变为一般疑问句There is a man at the door.Is there a m

11、an at the door?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.It is the postman.Is it the postman?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.P62 Pattern Practice口头练习句型:口头练习句型:1,2,3,4.P64 书面练习:书面练习:a.1,4 b.2,5 c.1,2Review Class 1&2.学习国际音标学习国际音标P65听力练习听力练习。随堂练习。随堂练习。Pronunciation/k/wake kitchen careful key basket camera thanks doctor/g/girl g

12、ive big burglar green grey gate photographer听力听力B答案:答案:对话对话1:A:Which is your bicycle?B:Its the silver one.A:The silver one?Lucky you!Its very nice.对话对话2:A:Whos that young man at the door?B:Its John.Hes my nephew,my sisters son.Come and meet him.对话对话3:A:Wheres my bag?B:Which bag?A:The brown one.B:Its

13、 downstairs.Its on the chair in the living-room.A:Are you sure?B:Yes.Go and look!living-room,living-room,I sit in the,kitchen,I cook in the kitchen.dining-room,dining-room.I eat in the dining-room.bathroom,bathroom,I wash in the bathroom.bedroom,bedroom,I sleep in the bedroom.cha

14、nt itwhats in it?There is a/an.whats in it?There is a/an.whats in it?There is some.ExerciseThere is some water in the glass.There is not any water in the glass.There is an apple behind the case.There is not an apple behind the case.There is no apple behind the case.There is some bread in the kitchen

15、.There isnt any bread in the kitchen.There is no bread in the kitchen.There is a/an/someThere is not a/an/anyThere is no.Is there a/an/any?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.一般疑问句一般疑问句 (把把be 动词提前动词提前)1.There is a book.Is there a book?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.(some要改为要改为any)some 和和any 在在there be 句型中句型中的运用

16、:的运用:some 用于肯定句用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句用于否定句或疑问句 my storyplease put them in orderA,I want to drink some water,B,I go to bed at 8 in the evening,C,I think it is a burglar.D,There is a torch near my bed.E,But I could not see anyone there.F,I am very thirsty,I wake up at about 11.G,I go to the living room with a big torch.H,There is a noise in the living room._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _BFAHCDGEburglartorchwake upnoiseIts your show timelisten and answer the questions1,where is william and karen?2,Is there a noise in

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