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1、推荐大学英语作文集合8篇推荐大学英语作文集合8篇 大学英语作文 篇1 1.强迫 coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to)、compel 代替force 2.扩大 magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is) 代替enlarge 3.赞扬 extol(stronger than praise)、compliment(polite and politic 代替praise 4.刻苦的 assiduous(

2、someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 代替hard-working 5.艰巨的 arduous (if something is arduous、it is difficult and tiring、and involves a lot of efforts) 代替difficult 6.贫瘠的 barren、infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it) 代替poor (soil

3、) 7.易碎的 brittle、vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically) 代替fragile 8.展示 demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people. ) 代替show 9.公正的 impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something. ) 代替fair 10.袭击

4、 assault (physically attack someone)、assail (attack violently) 代替attack 11.憎恶 abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons)、loathe(dislike very much) 代替dislike 12. 破坏 devastate (it means damage something very badly、or utterly destroy it. ) 代替ruin 13.总是 invariably(the sa

5、me as always、but better than always) 代替always 14.永久的 perpetual(a perpetual state never changes)、immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed) 代替forever 15.吃惊 startle(it means surprise you slightly)、astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound) 代替surprise 16.热

6、情 zeal (a great enthusiasm)、fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 代替enthusiasm 17.平静的,安静的 tranquil(calm and peaceful)、serene(calm and quiet) 代替quiet 18.错综复杂的 intricate(if something is intricate、it often has many small parts and details) 代替ccomplex 19.独自的 solitary (if someone is solitary、there is no one

7、near him/her 代替lonely 20.非常小的 minuscule(very small)、minute 代替small 大学英语作文 篇2 There are so many people smoke in the world, though they know smoking is harmful to their health, they just could not get rid of it. The number of smoker increases very year, the worse thing is that some smokers dont realiz

8、e they had bad effect on others. For the health, we should stay away from smoking. 在全世界有很多烟民,虽然他们知道吸烟对他们的健康有害,但是他们就是无法摆脱烟瘾。吸烟者的数量每年都在增加,更坏的事情就是一些烟民没有意识到他们对别人造成了不好的影响。为了健康,我们应该远离吸烟。 Once people smoke, it is hard for them to get rid of it. Take my father for example. My father started to smoke when he

9、 had the job annoyance at the age of 30. Since then, he smoked now and then, the tried to quit many times, but he never made it, because his mind told him smoke all the time. My father is a typical smoker, many smokers like him have given up quitting smoke. 人们一旦吸烟,就很难摆脱。拿我爸爸来当例子。我的爸爸在他30岁的时候,有很多工作上的

10、烦恼,所以他吸烟了。从那时候起,他时而不时地吸烟,他多次尝试戒烟,但是都没有成功,因为他脑海里不断想要吸烟。我的爸爸是一名典型的烟瘾者,很多像他这样的烟民已经放弃了戒烟。 Smoking not only hurts ones health, but also brings bad effect on others. The second-hand cigarette is harmful to the people who are around the smokers. The innocent people should not have to suffer from it. For ev

11、erybodys health, it is our duty to keep away from smoking. 吸烟不仅有害一个人的健康,也给别人带来了不好的影响。二手烟对在烟民附近的人非常有害。无辜的人们本来可以不用遭受这样的烟。为了每一个人的健康,远离吸烟,人人有责。 大学英语作文 篇3 Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs? 大学生是否应该兼职? Nowadays, many college students are taking part-time jobs in their spare time. 目前很多大学生都在他们空闲时间

12、做兼职 On this phenomenon, different people have different views. 在这一现象上,不同的人有不同的看法。 Opponents, especially parents of those students, think that the major task for college students is to study. Taking part-time jobs will cut into their time for study. Book knowledge is the most important. 反对者,尤其是那些学生父母

13、,他们认为大学生的主要任务是学习。做兼职会减少他们的学习时间。书本上的知识是最重要的。 The so called social experience can be acquired after they graduate and enter society. 所谓的社会经验可以在他们毕业后踏入社会时获得。 Supporters see many advantages in college students taking part-time jobs. Firstly, it provides the students a chance to realize that money is alw

14、ays earned in a hard way so that theyll learn to be economical. 支持者认为大学生兼职工作有很多优点。首先,它为学生提供一个机会来意识到钱总是难的,他们才会学会节俭。 Secondly, from a practical point of view, students can earn some money to relieve the financial burden on their parents. Thirdly, part-time jobs may lead the students out of the ivory t

15、ower to see the real world. 其次,从实际的角度来看,学生可以赚一些钱来减轻父母的经济负担。第三,兼职可以引导学生走出象牙塔,看到真实的世界。 Although opinions vary as to whether students should take part time jobs or not, it is up to the students themselves to make the decision after sizing up their own special case. If they can handle their study very w

16、ell, taking a part-time job might be fun. 尽管对于学生是否应该参加兼职工作众说纷纭,是由学生自己视自己的特殊情况而作出的决定。如果他们能够处理好学习兼职工作也许会很有趣。 大学英语作文 篇4 Nowadays,with the occurrence of new consumption way like credit card consumption andvariety of financial plans and loans provided by banks and other institutions,a growing number of p

17、eople have advocated using tomorrows money. However, asfar as I am concerned, saving money is a good habit and we should keep it allthe time. 如今,随着新的消费方式的出现,比如信用卡消费,各种财务计划和银行或其他机构贷款,越来越多的人主张提前消费。然而,我觉得存钱是个好习惯,我们应该一直保持这样的习惯。 Thereis an old saying that “a penny saved is a penny earned”. The saying rev

18、ealsthat no matter what situation we are in, it is necessary and useful to makesome preparation for unpredictable emergencies. In modern times, it is quitenecessary to collect some money at any time to deal with changeable situation.Whats more, saving money is not only a good habit but also an essen

19、tial coursein ones lifetime. What we need to learn is not only to earn money but also learn to manage our money properly instead of spending unlimitedly. And saving money should be a part of our financial plan as well as we should be the masterof money rather than being controlled by money. 有一句老话是这样

20、说的“省钱就是赚钱”。无论在什么情况下,为意料之外的紧急情况做一些准备是很有必要也是很有用的。在现代,随时随地存一些钱来应对多变的情况是很有必要的。更重要的是,存钱不仅是一个好习惯也是人的一生中不可或缺一堂课。我们需要学习的不仅仅是赚钱,也要学会正确管理自己的钱而不是无节制的花钱。存钱应该是我们的财务计划的一部分,我们应该成为掌控金钱而不是让金钱掌控我们。 Therefore,saving money is a good habit, but I do not contend that we should not spend money at all and become a mean man

21、. I am just saying that we should keep thehabit of saving money and spend money according to our plan. 因此,存钱是个好习惯,但我不主张一分钱都不花,成为一个小气的人。我只是想说我们应该养成存钱的习惯并按照计划花钱。 大学英语作文 篇5 On Paying back Student Loans Nowadays,college students who need financial aid can apply forstudent loans provided by state-owned c

22、ommercial banks. The money canhelp them pay their tuition fees and cover their necessary dailyexpense. The policy not only gives chances to the students eager tocontinue their study but also is beneficial to commercial banks. However,to our disappointment,there is an increasing rate ofstudents who h

23、ave failed to refund the loans in time. Some studentsare really unable to repay the money after graduation because ofunemployment or some other reasons. But there are a number of studentsrefusing to pay it back even though they can. In my opinion, college students should increase their awarenessof c

24、redit. Anyone in debt should try his best to repay the loans in duetime. If they are really in great difficulty, it is proper to informthe bank as soon as possible and apply for a delayed repayment. Onlyin this way can both college students and banks benefit from thepolicy. 大学英语作文 篇6 several years a

25、go i was diagnosed with cancer. it was the most difficult time i have ever faced. i think it was my sense of humor that allowed me to hold onto my sanity. like many people who have gone through chemotherapy, i lost all of my hair and i was bald as a cue ball. i always had enjoyed wearing hats, so wh

26、en my hair deserted me, i ordered several special hats with the hair already attached. it was easy and i never had to worry about how my hair looked. i have always been a big golf fan. in fact, i have been to twenty-three straight u.s. opens. at one point during my cancer treatments, my husband john

27、 and i decided to get away from the cold minnesota winter and took a trip to scottsdale, arizona. there was a senior pga tour event called the tradition being played, and that seemed like just the ticket to lift my spirits. the first day of the tournament brought out a huge gallery. it was a beautif

28、ul day, and i was in heaven. i was standing just off the third tee, behind the fairway ropes, watching my three favorite golfers in the world approach the tee bo: jack nicklaus, raymond floyd and tom weiskopf. just as they arrived at the tee, the unimaginable happened. a huge gust of wind came up fr

29、om out of nowhere and blew my hat and hair right off my head and into the middle of the fairway! the thousands of spectators lining the fairway fell into an awkward silence, all eyes on me. even my golf idols were watching me, as my hair was in their flight path. i was mortified! embarrassed as i wa

30、s, i knew i couldnt just stand there. someone had to do something to get things moving again. so i took a deep breath, went under the ropes and out into the middle of the fairway. i grabbed my hat and hair, nestled them back on my head as best i could. then i turned to the golfers and loudly announc

31、ed, gentlemen, the wind is blowing from left to right. they said the laughter could be heard all the way to the nineteenth hole. 大学英语作文 篇7 Why It Is Difficult ron College Students to Find Jobs? I dont think I can find a good job after graduation. More and more college students, in recent years, are

32、finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the most favored people in society. They have received a higher education, hence they are more intelligent, knowledgeable than their counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges. There are two reasons that account for t

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