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1、广东省深圳市高中学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题【校级联考】广东省深圳市高中2020-2021学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读选择 If you are heading for Paris this year, be sure to include at least one of these shopping malls in your schedule.Au PrintempsTel: 01133014282Located near the Paris Opera, this huge store is well-known for household g

2、oods as well as its fashion. The store also offers many services to overseas visitors, including shipping, translation and a personal shopping service. Au Printemps, whose name means springtime, hosts several free fashion shows each week. The stores beauty department has one of the worlds largest se

3、lections of perfumes(香水).Galeries LafayetteTel: 01133014283The Galeries Lafayette was built in 1906. It is as much fun to look at as it is to shop in this 10-storey shopping palace. In fact, the flagship store is the second most visited attraction in Paris, after the Louvre Museum. This shopping pal

4、ace specializes in womens clothing. Make sure to take in the view from the tea shop on the top floor; its well worth the visit.Le Bon MarcheTel: 01133014439This stylish Left Bank department store was Paris first such store. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, Le Bon Marche is particularly known for its food

5、 hall, its wedding shops and its selection of modern clothes.La Forum des HallesTel: 01133014476This modern, underground shopping center was built in 1979. La Forum des Halles, the three-storey-tall shopping center offers everything from souvenirs to haute couture(高级女子时装)to entertainment, such as fi

6、rst-run movies and street performers. The shopping center is attached to the busy La Halle-Chatelet metro station and can be easily reached from all over Paris.1Which of the following places attracts the most visitors according to the passage?AThe Louvre Museum. BGaleries LafayetteCLa Forum des Hall

7、es. DAu Printemps.2Which of the stores pays its special attention to womens dressing?ALe Bon Marche. BAu Printemps.CLa Forum des Halles. DGaleries Lafayette.3We can learn from the passage that _.AAu Printemps is famous for its food hallBLa Forum des Halles is next to the metro stationCthe clothes in

8、 Le Bon Marche are usually very cheapDthe tea shop that is worth visiting is on the ninth floor of Galeries Lafayette When school started on that warm August day, I threw myself into everything I did, including playing volleyball. I decided to become beautiful, or at the very least, skinny. I stoppe

9、d eating completely. Soon I began losing weight, which thrilled me, and I even grew to love the tiredness and lightheadedness that came with my poor diet, for those feelings meant that I was winning.As the season progressed, things had become tense between my head volleyball coach, Coach Smith, and

10、me. She felt that something was wrong with my health. She talked with me about my eating and was angry that I wouldnt listen to her when she tried to make me eat. She tried to persuade me in a determined way and so we fought constantly. Then my hunger started to affect my performance. I was so tired

11、 that practice and games were becoming a struggle. One afternoon, with hurt in her eyes, Coach Smith asked me what I had eaten and I told her nothing yet, but I was going to. She looked at me, disappointment in her eyes, knowing she couldnt make me stop, and walked away.A couple of weeks later I att

12、ended a formal dinner for our volleyball team. I stood there as my coach managed to say something nice about me. I realized then that I had ruined my senior year by being disrespectful, and I had probably ruined hers as well. So that evening I wrote her a letter apologizing and thanking her.Then one

13、 Saturday, as I was reading in the library, I felt someone gently take my arm and say softly, “Lynn Jones, how are you doing?” I looked up and saw the familiar face. “Thanks for the letter,” she said. “It meant a lot.”When I think of a coach, I think of someone above me, someone who gives instructio

14、nnot a friend. But Coach Smith is different, and, like any other good friend, she dealt with my problem in a determined way even when I hated her for it at that time. I didnt deserve her kindness, but she gave it anyway. I will forever be grateful for her help, and now for her friendship.4How did th

15、e author feel when the author ate a poor diet and had a sense of tiredness?AAshamed BProudCFunny DNervous5The author fought with Coach Smith because _.Ashe refused to go on a diet Bshe caused failure of her teamCshe changed the training course Dshe kept her idea of losing weight6Why did the author w

16、rite a letter to Coach Smith?AShe felt sorry for eating too little food.BShe decided to improve her performance.CShe was grateful for Smiths care for her health.DShe wanted to build a close relationship with Smith.7What is the best title for the passage?AUnexpected Friendship BA Fight with My CoachC

17、A Strict Volleyball Coach DMy Way of Losing Weight We are lucky to live in a world that is full of incredible technology. Our living rooms are packed with computers, LCD TVs, video game systems, and Blue-ray players that help us enjoy the latest entertainment. Although these items bring us joy and c

18、onvenience, they also create a lot of junk. Each device needs its own plug and adaptor to keep its batteries recharged, and over time these wires get tangled (缠绕在一起的). Thankfully, something has come along to help rid our homes of this mess while still supplying these devices with the power they need

19、. Its called wireless charging and this trend is just starting.Wireless charging has a lot of potential for smartphones and other electronic devices. Electronic devices can absorb the electricity once theyre placed on a special charging mat. There are several advantages that wireless charging offers

20、 over traditional methods. For starters, cords (电线) have a tendency to wear out with use. Wireless charging users never have to worry about buying replacement cords. Wireless charging is also far more convenient for medical implants, as patients wont need to recharge their devices through the skin u

21、sing cords. In turn, this cuts down on the risks of infection. Wireless charging can also bring safety benefits, as wired charging devices that come in contact with water can increase the chances of getting an electric shock. Wireless charging gets rid of that danger completely.Still, there are a fe

22、w drawbacks to wireless charging. The first is speed. It takes a bit longer to charge devices wirelessly than it does if the device is plugged in. The process also requires more heat, so devices tend to get a bit hotter, which could create other safety issues. Also, since devices must be left on a s

23、pecial pad while charging, it is harder to operate them while they are powering up. This limitation may be gotten rid of in the future, as researchers are developing transmitters (发射器) that can charge several different devices in a room without the need to connect to a charging pad. Although wireles

24、s-charging technology may be far from perfect, it seems like a step in the right direction as we move towards a less-tangled future.8What is a problem with many modern appliances?AMost people cant afford to pay for them.BThey can cause a lot of junk around the house.CThey go out of style too quickly

25、.DThey are not very entertaining.9Why is wireless charging beneficial for medical patients?AIt often brings down the cost for their medical bills.BWireless charging has shown to cure people of serious diseases.CIt is more convenient to check or repair their devices.DIts being used as a replacement f

26、or many pills.10Which of the following is a disadvantage of wireless charging?AWireless charging means devices take up more space.BPeople can now buy fewer devices for their homes.CIt takes longer to charge your battery wirelessly.DPeople cant plug in their devices conveniently.11What seem to be the

27、 authors attitude towards wireless charging?ACautious. BUncaring.CDisapproving. DFavorable.二、七选五How to keep a Relationship Healthy and StrongAre you new to experiencing relationships? Well,let me give you advice on how to have a healthy relationship with your partners.12. Dont hide things from them,

28、and dont lie. Dont be afraid to say things that arent very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If theres no trust,theres nothing there. So please be honest and they will learn to open up to you.Make sure you give them respect. Now,r

29、espect isnt just simply treating them nicely. There is a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. 13. Dont just think about yourself,but think about what your partners need out of it as well.14. Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positive at the time. Make t

30、hem feel you are someone they can really count on and build a future with. This is an important step in a relationship. Your partner needs out of it as well.Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them,and joke with them. Laughter may se

31、em silly,but its the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. 15Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust,but always communicate how you feel even if its something that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them.16.Its important to communicate this to them,no

32、t to keep it bottled up.AShow them your personality.BBe an honest person with them.CMake sure you are reliable to your partners.DLaughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.E.Dont start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.F.Basically, learn to study your partners moods, wants and needs.G.If they did something that made you happy, tell them about it in a respec

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