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1、单数句变复数句六绝招之欧阳科创编单数句变复数句六绝招时间:2021.02.05创作:欧阳科单数句变复数句是七年级英语试题中的一个题类,小学英语一般很少涉猎,进入初中,有的同学在做类似题时往往丢三落四,容易出错。只要注意下面的六要素,问题便迎刃而解:1人称代词主格单数变成相应的人称代词主格复数,即Iwe;youyou;she,he,itthey。 如:She is a girl. They are girls.2 am, is 变为 are。 如:Im a student. We are students.3不定冠词 a, an 要去掉。如:He is a boy. They are boys.

2、4普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如:It is a cat. They are cats.5指示代词 this, that 变为 these, those。如:This is a book. These are books.6 man, woman 作定语修饰可数名词时,要在 数上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示 性质时,不作变化。如:He is a man doctor.They are men doctors.This is an apple tree.They are apple trees.记住单数句变复数句的口诀。 单数句子变复数,变化规则要记住。 名词代词要变化,am,

3、is 要变are。 this, that 该咋办,these, those 替代它。 he, she, it 要变啥,全部变 they 就行了。 I要变 we 别落下,名词后面把 s/es加。 名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。但是,在英语中有些单数句不能变为复数句,如:Lily is fourteen.(莉莉十四岁。)His name is Jim.(他的名字叫吉姆。)等。单数句变复数句练与析安徽巢湖 万小泉同学们都会把单数可数名词变为复数形式,可当我们在做“将单数句变为复数句”这种题目时,常常会“顾此失彼”,出现不少错误。你难道不例外吗?那就Have a try!【练习展示】将下列单数句改为

4、复数句。1. This is a chair.2. Is that a pencil-box?3. He is a good boy.4. Is it a ruler ?5. I am an English teacher.6. This is my new book.7. That blue eraser is mine.8. Whats this in English?9. I am a driver.10. She has a pencil sharpener.11. Is it a pear ?12. This is my pen.13. He likes his bike.14. I

5、s that an apple tree?15. He is a man doctor.16. Whats your telephone number?17. Where is your computer?18. Are you in Class One?19. -Is that his brother? -No, it isnt.20. -Is she my teacher? -Yes, she is.21. I am at home.22. He can have a look at this picture. 上面练习做得还顺手吗?还是看看专家是如何解析吧!【专家解析】单数句变复数句涉及

6、名词和动词的人称和数,人称代词、物主代词、指示代词的人称和数的问题。单数句变为复数句时,上述各类词都要做相应变化,其它词类不变。当然,也有一些特殊的情况。 1. These are (some) chairs.2. Are those (any) pencil-boxes?在把单数句子变为复数句子时,指示代词需要作相应的变化:thisthese, thatthese。第1、2小题即是如此。3. They are (some) good boys.4. Are they (any) rulers?5. We are English teachers.在把单数句子变为复数句子时,人称代词需要作相应

7、的变化:主格:Iwe, youyou, he/she/itthey宾格:meus, youyou, him/her/itthem。第3、4、5小题即是如此。6. These are our (my) new books.7. Those blue erasers are ours.在把单数句子变为复数句子时,物主代词需要作相应的变化:形容词性物主代词:myour, youryour, his/her/itstheir名词性物主代词:mineours, yoursyours, his/her/itstheirs。第6、7小题即是如此。8. What are these in English?9.

8、 We are (some) drivers.在把单数句子变为复数句子时,连系动词be需要作相应的变化:(be)am/isare。第8、9小题即是如此。10. They have (some) pencil sharpeners.11. Are they (any) pears?a/an表示“一个”,只能用在单数可数名词之前,在把单数句子变为复数句子时,一定要把a/an去掉,或改为some/any。第10、11小题即是如此。12. These are my pens.13. They like their bikes.在把单数句子变为复数句子时,一般情况下,形容词性物主代词不需要改为复数形式。

9、第12小题即是如此;但是当句中形容词性物主代词与句中的主语一致时,该物主代词应随主语人称的改变而变化,仍要保持一致。第13小题即是如此。14. Are those (any) apple trees.15. They are (some) men doctors.在把单数句子变为复数句子时,起修饰作用(作定语)的名词一般保持不变,只将其后的名词改为复数形式。第14小题(如apple)即是如此;但是,若man或 woman做定语修饰可数名词时,在整个句子变成复数的情况下也要变成 men 或women。第15小题即是如此。16. What are your telephone numbers?17

10、. Where are your computers?18. Are you in Class One?在把单数句子变为复数句子时,第二人称形容词性物主代词your与其人称代词you单复数同形,因此只需要改变其他部分的单复数形式即可。如第16、17、18小题即是。19. -Are those their brothers? -No, they arent.20. -Are they our teachers? -Yes, they are.在把单数句子变为复数句子时,句式不能改变,即单数句子是疑问句,变为复数句子时仍然是疑问句。第19、20小题即是。21. We are at home.22.

11、 They can have a look at these pictures.凡事都有特殊情况,在把单数句子变为复数句子时,一些固定短语(如at home,have a look等)中的单数可数名词是不可以改变的,仍然保留原先的单数形式。如第21小题中的home,第22小题中的look即是如此。【解题口诀】当同学们掌握了名词变复数的基本方法之后,再记住下面的口诀。相信单数句变复数句这一语法难点便会迎刃而解。 单数句子变复数,变化规则要记住。 名词代词要变化,am, is要变are。 this, that变成啥,these, those来替它。 he, she, it要变啥,全部变they不用

12、怕。 I变we莫落下,名词后面把-s/-es加。 名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。名词定语别管它,man与woman是例外。一般规则照着用,固定短语分清楚。 单数句变复数句 单数句变复数句歌谣: 单数句变复数句, 代词四变要记住。人称,指示,反身变 物主代词看一看。连系动词 am is 变成 are。冠词a an要去掉,改为some,any也可以。名词做定语,介宾不要变;有man和woman也例外。句式不要变,十全十美题做完。 1人称代词由单数变复数: 1 主格 I we ,you you ,he/she/it they . 2 宾格me us ,you you ,him/her/it the

13、m . 例1 She is a girl . They are girls . 例2 I like her. We like them.2 指示代词由单数变复数: this these , that those 例1 This is a book . These are(some)books . 例2 Is that a pen? Are those(any)pens? 3 反身代词: 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself themselves ( herself, itself ) 例1 I am teachi

14、ng myself computer. We are teaching ourself computer. 例2 The child himself draws this picture. The children themselves draw these pictures. 4 物主代词由单数变复数: 1 名词性物主代词:mine ours ,yours yours , his/hers/its theirs 2 形容词性物主代词:my our,your your , his/her/its their 例1 The book is mine. The books are ours. 例2

15、 This is her pen. These are their pens. 5 一般情况下,形容词性物主代词在单数句变复数句时不变。 例1 This is my book . These are my books . 6 当句中形容词性物主代词与句中的主语一致时,形容词性物主代词 应随主语人称的变化而变化, 仍要保持一致。 例1 He likes his bike. They like their bikes. 7 连系动词由单数变复数 :is/am are 例1 I am a teacher. We are(some) teachers. 8 a/an表示一个,只能用在单数名词前,当单数

16、句变复数句时, 一定要把a/an去掉,或改为some/any。 例1 This is a book . These are(some)books . 例2 Is that a pen? Are those(any)pens? 9 当名词作定语或在介词短语中作介词宾语充当除宾语以外的 其它成分时, 该名词不变。 例1 He is a boy student .They are(some)boy students. (man和woman)除外。 例2 She is a woman worker. They are(some)women workers. 10 单数句变为复数句时,句式不能改变,即单

17、数句是疑问句时, 变为复数句时,仍然是疑问句。 例1 Whats this? What are these? 例2 She likes his bike. They like their bikes.可数名词的复数形式的部分规则 1 一般情况加s,结尾是清辅音读s,结尾是浊辅音或元音读z。 例:friendfriends; catcats; stylestyles; sportsports; piecepieces 2 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。 读iz。 例:busbuses; quizquizzes; foxfoxes; matchmatches; f

18、lashflashes 3 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。 读z。 例:candycandies; daisydaisies; fairyfairies; ladyladies; storystories 4 以-o结尾的名词,有生命的加-es,无生命的加-s构成复数。 读z。 例:tomatotomatoes; potatopotatoes; torpedotorpedoes;bingobingoes (有生命) 例:silosilos; pianopianos; photophotos; macromacros(无生命) 5 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-f

19、e改变为-ves,但有例外。 读音变化:尾音f改读vz。 例:knifeknives; lifelives; leafleaves; staffstaves; scarfscarves 反例:roofroofs 6 以-ce se ze(d)ge等结尾的名词,加-s,读z。 例priceprices casecases orangeoranges 名词的不规则变化: manmen; womanwomen; childchildren; peoplepeople; fishfish; sheepsheep; deerdeer; footfeet; mousemice; toothteeth; 单

20、数句变复数句精炼一 将下列单数句变为复数句 1 This is a book . 2 Is that a pen? 3 She is a girl . 4 I like her. 5 The book is mine. 6 This is her pen. 7 I am a teacher. 8 He is a boy student . 9 She is a woman worker. 10 He likes his bike.二 将下列复数句变为单数句 1 What are these? 2 They like their bikes. 3 These are my books . 4 T

21、hese are(some)books . 5 Are those(any)pens? 6 They are girls . 7 We like them. 8 These are(some)books . 9 Are those(any)pens? 10They like my bikes.三 将下列名词变为复数形式 map egg apple orange pen box bus girl boy baby knife photo tomato man woman milk water desk table bike 单数句变复数句精炼答案一 将下列单数句变为复数句 1 These are

22、(some)books . 2 Are those(any)pens? 3 They are girls . 4 We like them. 5 The books are ours. 6 These are their pens. 7 We are(some) teachers. 8 They are(some)boy students. 9 They are(some)women workers. 10 They like their bikes.二 将下列复数句变为单数句 1 What is this? 2 He likes his bike 3 This is my book . 4 This is a book . 5 Is that a pen? 6 She is a girl . 7 I like her. 8 This is a book . 9 Is that a pen? 10 He likes my bike.三 将下列名词变为复数形式 maps eggs apples oranges pens boxes buses girls boys babies knives photos tomatoes men women milk water desks tables bikes时间:2021.02.05创作:欧阳科

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