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1、20国集团通过当前应对金融危机的华盛顿宣言共12页word资料President Bush and World Leaders Agree on the Washington Declaration to Address Current Financial CrisisNovember 14-15, 2008, Washington DCToday, President Bush and world leaders gathered for the first in a series of meetings to discuss efforts to strengthen economic g

2、rowth, deal with the financial crisis, and to lay the foundation for reform to help to ensure that a similar crisis does not happen again. Since the outbreak of this crisis, the worlds leading nations have coordinated actions more closely than ever before. Thanks in large part to these decisive meas

3、ures, once frozen global credit markets are beginning to thaw and businesses around the world are gaining access to essential short-term financing. This problem did not develop overnight, and it will not be solved overnight. No single nation will be able to fix this crisis, but with continued cooper

4、ation and determination, it will be solved as long as we are steadfast in our commitment to reforming our financial sectors and maintaining free and open markets. o Todays Summit achieved five key objectives. The leaders: o Reached a common understanding of the root causes of the global crisis; o Re

5、viewed actions countries have taken and will take to address the immediate crisis and strengthen growth; o Agreed on common principles for reforming our financial markets; o Launched an action plan to implement those principles and asked ministers to develop further specific recommendations that wil

6、l be reviewed by leaders at a subsequent summit; and o Reaffirmed their commitment to free market principles. o The leaders agreed that immediate steps could be taken or considered to restore growth and support emerging market economies by: o Continuing to take whatever further actions are necessary

7、 to stabilize the financial system; o Recognizing the importance of monetary policy support and using fiscal measures, as appropriate; o Providing liquidity to help unfreeze credit markets; and o Ensuring that the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and other multilateral development banks

8、 (MDBs) have sufficient resources to assist developing countries affected by the crisis, as well as provide trade and infrastructure financing. The Leaders Agreed On Common Principles To Guide Financial Market Reform: o Strengthening transparency and accountability by enhancing required disclosure o

9、n complex financial products; ensuring complete and accurate disclosure by firms of their financial condition; and aligning incentives to avoid excessive risk-taking. o Enhancing sound regulation by ensuring strong oversight of credit rating agencies; prudent risk management; and oversight or regula

10、tion of all financial markets, products, and participants as appropriate to their circumstances. o Promoting integrity in financial markets by preventing market manipulation and fraud, helping avoid conflicts of interest, and protecting against use of the financial system to support terrorism, drug

11、trafficking, or other illegal activities. o Reinforcing international cooperation by making national laws and regulations more consistent and encouraging regulators to enhance their coordination and cooperation across all segments of financial markets. o Reforming international financial institution

12、s (IFIs) by modernizing their governance and membership so that emerging market economies and developing countries have greater voice and representation, by working together to better identify vulnerabilities and anticipate stresses, and by acting swiftly to play a key role in crisis response. Our N

13、ations Will Continue To Take The Right Steps To Get Through This Crisis The leaders approved an Action Plan that sets forth a comprehensive work plan to implement these principles, and asked finance ministers to work to ensure that the Action Plan is fully and vigorously implemented. The Plan includ

14、es immediate actions to: o Address weaknesses in accounting and disclosure standards for off-balance sheet vehicles; o Ensure that credit rating agencies meet the highest standards and avoid conflicts of interest, provide greater disclosure to investors, and differentiate ratings for complex product

15、s; o Ensure that firms maintain adequate capital, and set out strengthened capital requirements for banks structured credit and securitization activities; o Develop enhanced guidance to strengthen banks risk management practices, and ensure that firms develop processes that look at whether they are

16、accumulating too much risk; o Establish processes whereby national supervisors who oversee globally active financial institutions meet together and share information; and o Expand the Financial Stability Forum to include a broader membership of emerging economies. The leaders instructed finance mini

17、sters to make specific recommendations in the following areas: o Avoiding regulatory policies that exacerbate the ups and downs of the business cycle; o Reviewing and aligning global accounting standards, particularly for complex securities in times of stress; o Strengthening transparency of credit

18、derivatives markets and reducing their systemic risks; o Reviewing incentives for risk-taking and innovation reflected in compensation practices; and o Reviewing the mandates, governance, and resource requirements of the IFIs. The leaders agreed that needed reforms will be successful only if they ar

19、e grounded in a commitment to free market principles, including the rule of law, respect for private property, open trade and investment, competitive markets, and efficient, effectively-regulated financial systems. The leaders further agreed to: o Reject protectionism, which exacerbates rather than

20、mitigates financial and economic challenges; o Strive to reach an agreement this year on modalities that leads to an ambitious outcome to the Doha Round of World Trade Organization negotiations; o Refrain from imposing any new trade or investment barriers for the next 12 months; and o Reaffirm devel

21、opment assistance commitments and urge both developed and emerging economies to undertake commitments consistent with their capacities and roles in the global economy. 部分翻译:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的华盛顿声明美国当地时间11月15日下午2:30左右(北京时间11月16日凌晨),20国集团(G20)“金融市场与世界经济峰会”通过了应对 当前金融危机的华盛顿声明。声明分析了危机产生的根源、说明各国已采取并将采取的行动、阐

22、述改革金融市场的共同原则和实施这些原则的行动计划、承诺各 国将继续致力于对开放的全球经济。 加强金融市场和监管机制五原则 就未来采取的行动而言,声明表示各国将继续一切必要的行动稳定金融体系;意识到货币政策支持的重要性;使用财政手段迅速刺激国内需求, 同时保持有助于财政可持续性的政策框架;帮助新兴市场和发展中国家在目前紧缩的金融条件下获得资金,包括提供流动性工具和项目支持;强调国际货币基金组织 (IMF)在应对此次危机中的重要作用,欢迎IMF提供短期流动性工具,敦促IMF保证流动性;鼓励世界银行和其他多边开发银行尽其全力发展项目,欢迎世 行最近在基础设施和贸易融资领域引进的新工具;保证IMF、世

23、行和多边开发银行拥有足够的资源应对此次危机。 声明还就加强金融市场和监管机制制定了五个原则: 增强透明度和问责制,包括加强复杂金融产品的必要披露,要求金融机构保证对其内部情况的完全和准确披露,同时向那些避免过度追逐风险的行为提供激励; 加强稳健的监管,保证所有的金融市场、产品和参与者受到合适的监管,对信用评级机构实施强有力的监督,使其行为符合达成共识的国际行为规范,保证监管机制不会阻碍创新、鼓励加大金融产品和金融服务的交易; 推动金融市场的公正,包括加强对投资者和消费者的保护,避免利益冲突,防止非法市场操纵和诈骗行为,加强信息共享; 加强国际合作,要求国家和地区监管机构在制定监管规定时保持一致

24、性,在监管跨界资本流动时加强相互协作,监管机构应优先考虑在危机预防、管理、和解决领域的合作; 改革国际金融机构,致力于推动“布雷顿森林体系”的改革,使其更好地反映国际经济力量的变化,保证国际金融机构的合法性和有效性,因此 新兴市场和发展中国家,包括最贫困国家应该拥有更大发言权和代表性。金融稳定论坛(FSF)也亟待扩展,接纳更多的新兴市场国家,其他设立标准的主要国际 机构也应考虑成员国代表性的问题。IMF以及扩大成员国后的FSF应迅速行动起来,在危机应对中扮演关键性角色。 而在阐述原则的同时,声明以超乎寻常的速度制定了与原则相应的行动计划: 马上采取行动,到明年3月31日前,全球主要的会计准则制

25、定机构应当加强对证券定价的指导,同时考虑复杂、流动性差产品的定价问题。而中期行动计划应致力于实现单一的高质量全球会计标准; 到明年3月31日前,IMF和扩大的FSF需要提出建议,如何防止定价、债务、银行资本、管理层薪酬以及有关拨备的相关规定不会恶化经 济周期的走势。保证信用评级机构符合证券监管机构的最高标准。减少信贷违约掉期(CDS)和场外衍生品交易的系统风险。中期目标是,20国承诺发表“金融 部门评估项目”报告,支持对国家监管体制的透明评估。评估清算机制和破产法律,保证大型跨国金融机构的清算破产可以有序进行。有关资本的定义应当趋同,以 便可以在资本充足率方面采取一致的措施。提供公共评级服务的

26、信用评级机构应该注册; 从现在起到明年3月31日,监管机构应合作建立监管共同体,对所有主要的跨境金融机构实施监管。中期目标是确保监管机构在会计标准、审计、和存款保证方面更加趋同,同时保证旨在恢复稳定和信心的临时性措施给市场造成的扭曲最小; 从现在到明年3月31日,注重监管的IMF和侧重标准设定的FSF应增强合作,更好地将监管层的反应同稳健的宏观政策相结合,提供早期 预警。鉴于IMF的普遍代表性,应该在危机教训总结方面起到领导性作用。同时评估IMF、世行和多边性开发银行资本充足率,必要时向其注资。中期目标是要 全面改革“布雷顿森林体系”,IMF应对所有成员国进行严格和公正的监管评议,同时更多的注

27、意成员国的金融部门,加强IMF在提供宏观金融政策建议方面的 作用。 明年4月30日前再举行峰会 声明还致力于对自由市场原则的承诺,包括法治、对私有产权的尊重、开放的贸易和投资、竞争性的市场、有效监管的金融体系。抵制保护主 义,在未来一年内,避免设置新的贸易和投资壁垒,努力在今年就成功结束多哈回合谈判的形式达成一致。重申联合国千年发展目标的重要性,以及对发展援助承 诺。继续致力应对能源安全,气候变化,食品安全,法治,打击恐怖主义、贫困、和疾病。 声明最后说,20国集团将于明年4月30日之前再次举行会议,审议其今天确定的有关原则和决定的落实情况。 就这份全文长度为3600多字的声明而言,基本涵盖了

28、金融危机以来各方关注的所有问题,包括金融监管、自由市场原则、新兴国家在国际金 融机构的代表权问题。而与会各方也是各取所需,作为东道主的美国,尽管因“危机祸首”备受诟病,但即将离任的布什总统能在“跛鸭”任期内召集占全球经济总 量90%、人口75%的20国集团首脑齐聚华盛顿,本身就是政绩一桩;同时,布什政府还获得与会各国对自由市场原则的承诺,避免了危机状态下保护主义的抬 头。以致布什在会后举行的新闻发布会上表示,“我想,之前没人能预言这次会议能取得如此的成功和创造性。” 而在欧盟方面,对此次危机所寄予的期望最高,希望能借机改变二战后形成的美国独大的国际金融版图,以致在11月初提出金融“百日维新”

29、路线图,要求在华盛顿峰会上通过一系列“强硬、有雄心、可行”的具体措施,作为峰会后100天内的改革重点,并希望在明年第二次全球峰会后,最终建立起一 个全新的全球金融体系,以取代1944年“布雷顿森林”会议遗留下的以美元为中心的国际金融体系。 尽管声明没有谈及美元地位问题,但声明对加强金融监管、特别是建立监管共同体对跨境金融机构实施监管的规定,是欧盟在本次峰会中的一大 胜利,美国一直反对建立单一的国际金融监管体制。此外,欧盟提出的对全球金融治理出现的问题加以解决,对世行、IMF、FSF等国际金融机构实行必要改 革,改善对金融市场管理的评估能力,都在声明中有所体现。 而在中国等新兴市场一方,本届峰会

30、的最大成果是获得发达国家关于增加其在世行、IMF和FSF代表性和发言权的承诺,同时也获得国际社会对发展援助、千年发展目标的承诺。 当天,峰会在美国国家建筑博物馆召开。会议分为两个阶段举行,主要议题包括:评估国际社会在应对当前金融危机方面取得的进展,讨论金融危机产生的原因,共商促进全球经济发展的举措,探讨加强国际金融领域监管规范、推进国际金融体系改革等问题。 当地时间上午8时许,领导人陆续抵达国家建筑博物馆,美国总统布什在此迎接。会议开始前,与会领导人集体合影。9时20分,会议开始, 布什主持会议,各国领导人围绕议题发言。中国国家主席胡锦涛亦在会上发表了题为通力合作共度时艰的重要讲话,提出了改革国际金融体系的四点政策主 张:加强国际金融监管合作,完善国际监管体系;推动国际金融组织改革,提高发展中国家在国际金融组织中的代表性和发言权;鼓励区域金融合作,充分发挥地区 资金救助机制作用;改善国际货币体系,稳步推进国际货币体系多元化希望以上资料对你有所帮助,附励志名言3条:1、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。2、推销产品要针对顾客的心,不要针对顾客的头。3、不同的信念,决定不同的命运。

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