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1、外研版七上至九下双词短语练习大全附答案外研版英语七上至九下全部短语完成句子练习汇总七年级上册 完成句子练习(名词短语)1、你的名字是什么? What is your _ _?2、他的姓氏是什么? Whats his _ _?3.饭厅在哪里? Where is the _ _?(动词短语)4.汤姆有一本新书。 Tom _ _ a new book.5.我父亲每天六点起床。My father _ _ at 6:00 every day.6.Kate每天早晨在家吃早餐。 Kate _ _ at home every morning.7.你经常在哪里吃晚餐? Where do you often _

2、_?8.那个男孩来自哪里?Where do you _ _?9.我刚才打开了收音机。 I _ _ the radio just now.10.我妹妹正在电脑上搜索信息。My sister is _ _ information on a computer.11.我们昨天收到了你的信。We _ _ you yesterday.12.他们想拍照片。They want to _ _.13.你应该收拾好你的东西。You should _ _ your things.14.他们会扫去好运气。They will _ _ good luck.15.快点儿!否则你会迟到了。_ _! Or you will be

3、 late.16.Green夫人经常在周日去购物。Mrs. Green often _ _ on Sunday.(介词及固定短语)17.那家商店紧挨着邮局。The shop is _ _ the post office.18.天气有点儿凉。The weather is _ _ cool.19.桌子上有几个苹果。There are _ _ apples on the table.20.那些书正在出售中。 The books are _ _.21.他们正在工作。 They are _ _.七年级下册 完成句子练习(动词短语)1.他正在找他的钱包。He is _ _ his wallet.2.你想喝

4、点儿咖啡吗?_ you _ some coffee?3.你没什么好担心的。You have nothing to _ _.4.我又检查了一次我的作业。I _ _ my homework again.5.他喜欢交朋友。He likes _ _.6.今晚我玩得很尽兴。Ive _ _a lot this evening.7.我们经常去游览。We often _ _.8.最后, 他的梦想实现了。His dream finally _ _9.我能试穿一下吗?Can I _ it _?10.她出门散步了。Shes _ _ for a walk.11.劳驾, 你知道邮局在哪吗?_ _, do you kno

5、w where the post office is?12.请把仍在地上的罐子捡起来。Please _ _ the can you dropped on the floor. 13.我去接电话。Ill _ _ the phone.14.7点钟我开车去车站接你。Ill _ you _ at seven at the station.15.不要在公共场合对别人指指点点。Dont _ _ people in public.16.你查明那个人是谁了吗?Did you _ _ who that man was?17.他笑着和她握手。He _ _ with her and smiled.(其他短语部分)1

6、8.为什么不给他写信呢? write to him?19.她一个人坐在大厅里。She was sitting in the hall.20.我原以为这工作会很难, 事实上却很容易。I thought the work would be difficult, , its very easy.21这是我答应给你的钱。 the money I promise you.22他们也来吗? Are they coming ?23有几十万人正处于危险中。 thousands of people are at risk.24总有一天你会明白的。Youll understand .25这是送给我的一个孩子的礼物

7、。 Its a present for my children.26他们彼此看了看便笑了。 They look at and laughed.27.我像大家一样, 也是在报纸上看到这些故事的。 I everyone else, have read those stories in the newspapers.28花瓶碎片散落在地上。 The vase lay on the floor.29起初我并不喜欢这个工作。 I didnt like the job much .(名词短语部分)30可不可以告诉我她的手机号码? Could I have her _ _ number?30五月的第二个星期

8、天是母亲节。 On the second Sunday in May is _ _.31.我们可以这个暑假去那里。 We can go there this _ _. 32.但他被交通堵塞耽搁了一个小时。But he was held for an hour in a _ _. 34. 邮局的对过是旅馆。The hotel is opposite the _ _. 35. 我们那时正坐在起居室的沙发上看电视。We were sitting on the sofa in the _ _ watching TV. 36. 这首曲子让我想到巴西舞曲。 The music reminds me of

9、Brazilian _ _. 37. 现在想象这样的场景, 你正在电影院里, 而且只有你一个人坐在中间。 Now imagine you are in a _ _ and its just you sitting in the middle. 38. 我五一假期期间去了青岛。I went to Qingdao during the _ _ holiday. 39. 它是达尔文小学。 It was Darwin _ _. 40. 南美人有时抓住你的胳膊。_ _ sometimes hold your arm. 八年级上册 完成句子练习1. 李涛常常咨询一些提高英语水平的建议。Li Tao oft

10、en_ _ some advice about his English. 2. 昨天他把它们写了下来。He _them _ yesterday.3. 我们不同意你。We dont _ _you.4. 昨天下午他查阅了字典。 He _it_ in the dictionary yesterday afternoon. 5. 玲玲刚才犯了错。Lingling _ a _ just now.6. 我的周末过得相当好。My weekend was _ _.7. 我的家乡在靠近香港的沿海线上。My _ _is on the coast near Hong Kong.8.中国是以长城而闻名的。China

11、is _ _ the Great Wall.9. 他们有很多时间来得分。Theres still _ _ time for them to score.10. 昨天多数人都在为自己喜欢的球员加油。Most people _ _ their favourite players yesterday.11. 让我们先热一下身。Lets _ _ a little.12. 在我们学校附近有两个球迷俱乐部。 There are two _ _ near our school.13. 我家离学校很远, 因此我乘公交车去上学。My home is very _ _ the school, so I take

12、a bus to school. 14. 我不知道这到底是什么。I have _ _ what it is.15. 那些校长被那些小学生惹得发怒。Those _ _ were angry with the children.16. 你女儿现在很危险。Your daughter is _ _.17. 刚才我想出来了一个好主意。I _ _ a good idea just now.18. 我终于见到熊猫了。I saw the pandas _ _!19. 我很难过, 因为他拿走了我的书包。I was sad because he _ _ my bag.20. 我想我们都需要帮助动物们和谐的生存。I

13、 think we all need to help animals live _ _.21. 每天是她的奶奶在照看她。Every day her grandma _ _ her.22. 如今, 最大的自然公园熊猫在中国是在四川。Nowadays, the biggest _ _ for panda in China is in Sichuan.23. 我们正在建立一个基金。We are _ _ a foundation.24. 一个盒子落下来发出很大的声响。A box _ _ and made a loud noise.25. 我们正在考虑他生日聚会吃的食物。We are _ _ the f

14、ood for his birthday party.26. 每周四下午我家有一个茶会。欢迎来我家。There is a _ _ at my house every Thursday afternoon. Welcome to my home.27. 周末我们偶尔在饭店吃午餐。We have lunch in a restaurant _ or _ at weekends.28. 今天上午我们及时到达了机场。We arrived at the airport _ _ this morning.29. 注意!公交车就要过来了。_ _! The bus is coming.30. 稍等一会儿!我很

15、快就来。_ _ a minute! Im coming soon. 31. 这所学校两年前关闭了。The school _ _ two years ago. 32. 快点儿, 否则我们就赶不上第一班公交车了。_ _ or we wont catch the first bus.33. 比尔有时和家人呆在家里。 Bill stays at home with his family_ time _time. 34. 爸爸送给我一副国际象棋作为生日礼物。Dad sent me _ _ _ as my birthday gift.35. 我喜欢炸鱼加炸薯条。I like _ and_.36. 我们应该

16、了解一些关于急救的事情。We should know something about _ _.37. 箱子的底部有一些香蕉。There are some bananas _the _ of the box. 38. 妈妈总是告诉我不要和这只猫接触。Mum always tells me to _ _of the cat. 39. 在你离开办公室之前确保把灯关掉。_ _ you turn off the lights before you leave the office. 40.比如, 初次与人见面时, 你必须称呼先生或女士。_, youmustsayMrorMrswhenyoumeetsom

17、eoneforthefirsttime.41.别肩并肩地骑车和你朋友。Dontride_by_ withyourfriends.42.为了支付修理费用, 他们需要筹集500万美金。They need to raise 5,000,000 US dollars in _ _pay for repairs.43.不要花费如此多的时间玩电子游戏。Dont spend so much time playing _ _.44.如果你第一次来到上海, 一定要看看新天地。IfyouareinShanghaiforthe_ _, make sureyouvisitXintiandi.45.他搬不动自行车。He

18、cant_abike46.我爷爷总是单独在家, 但他从来不觉得孤单。Mygrandpaisaloneathome_the_,butheneverfeels lonely.八年级下册 完成句子练习(Module 1.2)l. 杰瑞天天吃糖果, 因为他对甜食情有独钟。 Jerry eats candy everyday because he has a _ _ 2. 我们有理由为自己的国家和民族感到骄傲和自豪。 We have every reason to be _ _ our country and nation.3. 这些食物看上去很好吃的样子, 我等不及想尝一口了。 The food lo

19、oks great. I _ _ to try it.4.我在学校有一些其它的朋友 I have some other friends _ _ .5. 他的画在全国大赛中得了一等奖。 His paint won the _ _ in national competition.6. 我以后将写到未来的可能性和利益。 Ill _ _ possibility and interest in the future.7. 如果需要的话, 可以制造一个理由。 _ _ a reason if you have to.8. 随着春节的临近, 他们开始倒计数并一起庆祝。 As the New Year appr

20、oaches, they _ _ and celebrate together.9. 到现在为止,已有50人在战斗中丧生。 _ _ 50 people have died in the fighting. 10.能收到来自世界各地的孩子们写的信实在是太好了。Its great to _ _ boys and girls around the world.(Module 3.4)1 你正在干什么呢?What are you _ _?2 这就是它在新闻中播放的原因。 _ _ Its on the news.3你可以上网搜索信息。You can_ _ to search for informatio

21、n.4 地球是行星, 它围绕着太阳转。The earth is a planet and it _ _ the Sun.5 太阳和它的行星被叫做太阳系。The Sun and its planets are called the _ _ .6 科学家们已经发射了宇宙飞船到火星上去拍摄图片。Scientists have _ spaceships _ the planet Mars to take photos.7 为什么没有人和我们联系?Why has no one _ _us?8我以前从未想到过那个。 I have never _ _ that before.9例如, 在英语中, 星期六以土

22、星命名。For example, in English Saturday is _ _the planet Saturn.10 这可能对你的健康是非常有害的。It can be _ _your health.11 我腿疼而且全身发热。My legs hurt and I am hot _ _ .12 从那时起, 它成了我生活的一部分。_ _ , it has become part of my life.13 为什么不关掉电脑, 加入运动俱乐部?Why not _ _ the computer and join a sports club?14世界卫生组织创建于1948年。The WHO wa

23、s_ _ in 1948.(Module 5.6)1.蜘蛛侠不会飞, 但他可以用自己的手和脚爬上高楼。Spiderman cant fly,but he _ _ buildings with his hands and feet.2.他一直和坏人作斗争。He _ _ bad people.3.当我看到他们我忍不住大笑。I cant _ _ when I watch them.4.他们都已经赢得了全世界年轻人的心。Both of them have _ the _ of young people all over the world.5 自从艺术家Herge在1929年创作出他以来, 他已受到8

24、0多年的欢迎了。He has been popular for over 80 years, _ _the artist Herge invented him in 1929.6.你认为哪种爱好占用的空间最多?Which hobby do you think_ _ the most space?7.Tony的妈妈想让他把他的房间弄整洁。Tonys Mum wants him to _ _ his room.8.许多学生有爱好, 例如读、画画等。Many students have hobbies, _ _ reading,painting and so on.9 David以一个16岁男孩的生活写了一个故事。于2012年成书出版。David wrote a story about the life of a 16-year-old boy,and it _ _ as a book in 2012.10 她鼓励我们写关于我们夏令营的经历。She encouraged us to _ _ our experiences a t the camp. (Module 7.8)1 你可以选择上小班课或大班课, 这取决于悄在个人选择。You can work in small or large groups. It

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