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1、外籍模特中英文签约协议书范本Word模板 模特签约协议甲方:经纪人性别:地址:身份证号码:乙方:模特性别:地址:身份证号码:甲乙双方经友好协商决定,甲方为乙方的经纪人。双方同意按照以以下条款签订经济合同,并严格遵守。有关合约内容如下:一、合同内容乙方聘请甲方为经纪人,在合同期间由甲方全权代理乙方涉及到与演艺有关的商业或非商业活动,以及与乙方公众形象有关的活动。乙方为此支付甲方经纪费用。二、合同期限为期两年,自签约后立即生效,开场期以签约当天日期为准。三、合同期内,甲方应有的权利和应尽的义务:1、甲方应努力通过各种新闻媒体及其他方式宣传乙方,尽可能地提高乙方的知名度,通过强有力的宣传运作获得最正





6、外型等事宜提出建议并与甲方协商解决。12、乙方将承当保密义务,确保任何与甲方合作的内部事务不以任何形式、渠道对外公布。13、乙方如果因为不可抗力退出演艺事业,复出后应继续聘请甲方担任经纪人,除非甲方拒绝或因个人问题不能继续胜任。五、酬金、税费:乙方从事商业或非商业演出活动及有关工作之酬劳限于货币、实物等,应有甲方代为收取并支付相关个人所得税。如遇乙方自行收取酬劳之情况时,乙方同样在收取酬金后两周内主动支付甲方。如果出席活动,甲方付给乙方活动费用为每场 元,如果是拍摄等其他工作,甲乙双方协同报价,但报给客户的总费用不低于 元,收入甲乙双方五五分成;六、合同的变更和解除1、如因甲方原因使得不能继续


8、下方式处理:1、合同期内,甲乙双方中任何一方如不能老实履行合同及违反合同条款时,视违约情节,按照以下条款单独或并处:1延迟或停顿违约方一切或者局部演艺、宣传等运作活动;2将局部演出收入全部缴付守约方;3罚款,罚款金额按照签约以来历年累计收入总额的300%计算,并继续履行合同;4终止合同,违约方应赔偿守约方人民币两万元整。八、纠纷解决方式甲乙双方之间的任何合同纠纷,双方应协商解决,协商不成的,双方同意以诉讼方式予以解决。九、本合同一式两份甲乙双方各执一份。合同自甲乙双方签字后生效。本合同效力溯及至xxx年xxx月xxx日。甲方:签字乙方:签字日期: 日期: The model signing c

9、ontractParty A: ( the agent)Gender:Address:ID card No.:Party B: ( the model)Gender:Address:ID card No.:Party A is the agent of Party B through friendly negotiation.Both sides agree to sign the economic contract according to the following terms and will strictly abide by.The relevant contract content

10、s are as follows:One: The content of the contractParty B retain Party A as the broker.During the period of contract,Party A will be the sole agency of Party B, including all commercial or non-commercial performing activities and activities relate to Party Bs public image.Party B shall pay Party A th

11、e brokerage fee.TWO: The contract periodThe contract will last for two years.It will take effect immediately after signing,the beginning date is the signing date.THREE: During the contract period,Party A shall have the following rights and at the same time should fulfill these obligations.1.Party A

12、shall propagate Party B through various of news media and other means to enhance Party Bs public prestige;To get the best effects through powerful propaganda and operation so that Party B can establish,maintain the good public model image.2.Party A has the sole agency of Party B,relate to the commer

13、cial and non commercial public activities including the name,portrait and voice of Party B.Party A has the copyright of Party Bs activities performance,photos and TV works.3.Party A as the entrusted agent has the right to arrange all the performance work and sign the relevant performing contract for

14、 Party B,but the content of the contract should get the consent of party B.During the period of contract,Party A has the final decision right to Party Bs activities relevant to its schedule,planning,positioning,preparation,training,photography,video,production,publicity and performance.Party B shall

15、 not delay or refuse Party A as his or her capacity allows.Party A has the right to request Party B join the performing activities in fully consideration of the mental state and labor intensity of Party B.If Party B is competent for the activities,he or she should attend the performing activities ar

16、ranged by Party A.4.About the relevant working reward of Party Bs commercial or non-commercial performing activities:if the third party is in arrears ,arrears or refusal of payment,Party A shall assist to recover and undertake the corresponding loss ratio, but Party A is not responsible for the comp

17、ensation.5.when Party A arrange Party B to act in important occasions or take part in other activities,Party A has the obligation to send propagandist accompanied in order to ensure the publicity effect.5.when Party A arrange Party B to act in important occasions or take part in other activities,Par

18、ty A has the obligation to send propagandist accompanied in order to ensure the publicity effect.6.Party A should provide effective contact methods including wechat and telephone number etc to Party B, so that Party B can immediately get in touch with Party A.FOUR: During the contract period,Party B

19、 shall have the following rights and at the same time should fulfill these obligations.1.During the contract period,Party B shall carry out performing activities according to party As arrangement.2.Party B has the right to participate in the planning process of activities that are relevant to his or

20、 her acting career, know the situation of income and expenditure and express his or her own individual will.For example,activities of songwriting,production,promotion and performance and so on.But as long as agreed by both parties confirmation,party B should obey the contract.Party B shall arrange t

21、he schedule,planning,positioning,preparation,training,video recording,picture recording and publicity,etc according to party As proposal,without special reason,should not delay or refuse on purpose.3.Without the consent of party A,party B shall not participate the commercial activities with the busi

22、ness objectives outside the designated scope of party A.For instance,party A shall not participate the performing and shooting activities organized by other individuals or institutions;Party B shall not join in public activities of commercial or non commercial; Party B shall not offer commercial or

23、non-commercial activities for any individuals or institutions;Party B shall not offer any pictures that are relevant to commercial or non-commercial performance,or image presentation to individuals or institution.Party B shall not carry out plastic surgery(including the face,body,hair and so on) wit

24、hout noticing party A.4.During the activities of performance,photography,videoing,albums photography,propaganda film making arranged by party A,party A shall responsible for the funds,Party B shall fully cooperate with Party A.5.The income gets in the case of non-performing situation by party B shal

25、l be party Bs individual assets and has nothing to do with party A.For instance,the endowment,inheritance,securities trading and individual investment of party B ,etc.6.Party B should provide effective contact methods including wechat and telephone number etc to Party A, so that Party A can immediat

26、ely get in touch with Party B.7.Party B has the right to enjoy the right and carry the obligation in the field involving the basic rights and duties of citizens,party A shall not interfere.8.Party B has the right and obligation of labor and rest according to the relevant laws and regulation in the l

27、abour laws .Party B has the right to make reasonable rest in the event that the acting career has special requirement and need work overtime. 9.Party B shall be self-esteem,self-respect and self-regard,treat his or her words carefully and seriously with the help of party A to make his or her public

28、image get maintained and improved as much as B shall seek the consent of party A before he or she announce his or her privacy,stand point and point of view to any news media individuals,or institutions .10.During the contract period,party B shall not employ any other third party as hi

29、s or her career agent except party A.11.Party B has the right to give suggestions about matters related to his or her own planning,positioning and appearance and solve these matters in consultation with party A.12.Party B shall undertake the obligation to keep confidential.To ensure the internal aff

30、airs that cooperation with party A will not leak to the public in any forms.13.If party B quit acting career because of irresistible force ,when he or she comeback should still employ party A as his or her agent,unless party A refuse or isnt competent due to personal problems.FIVE:The remuneration,T

31、axes and Duties The remuneration(limited to money,in kind, etc.) of party Bs engaging in commercial or non-commercial performance activities and related works should be charged by party A instead and pay the personal income tax.In the case of party B receive the remuneration in person,party B also s

32、hould pay for party A initiatively.If attending activities,party A shall pay party B 1000 RMB for each activity.If shooting or other work,party A and party B shall collaborative bidding.The total costs noticed to the customers shall not less than 1500 RMB,both parties share 50% of the total profit.SIX:The modification and rescission of the contract.1.If it is on party As account that cant offer broking service for party B,party B has the right to t

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