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1、词词词词 汇汇汇汇 题题题题 词词 汇汇 词词汇汇题题在在中中考考中中所所占占的的比比重重不不大大,但但却是个却是个拉分题拉分题。03年年After three _(月月)study,the scientists worked out the physics problem.04年年Jim always _(赢赢)me at swimming.I think I need more training.05年年Every teacher _(希望)希望)the students to study hard to make progress.1.Please look after the _(有有

2、病病的的)child.2.The shop sells _(男男式式)shoes and clothes.3.He has _(成成功功)finished the work.4.The students want to have some photos_.(拍摄拍摄).2006年裕华区模拟年裕华区模拟81.Everyone must obey the rules,_ (包括)包括)the members of the student council.82.Your hat _(与与相配)相配)your address very well.2006石家庄市质检石家庄市质检81.Look!That

3、 old man is very tired,but he is still practicing _(踏步)踏步)without any help.82.This is the _(九十九)九十九)stamp.83.The _(叶子叶子)turn yellow in autumn.84.Jims little cat is dead.When he heard the bad news,he _(忍不住大哭起来)忍不住大哭起来).85.He is so serious and its not easy to _(相处融洽)相处融洽)him.2005年年27 中中81.My grandmoth

4、er is very healthy,tomorrow is her _(九十九十)birthday.82.Id like four tickets on November 26th to Haikou and _(返回返回)to Beijing on Dec.8th.83.To be a doctor is _ (值得的值得的).84.Jim often practice _(讲讲)something in English.85.Yesterday he was_(穿穿)in a blue jacket to school.2005年年2 8 中中81.China is a great co

5、untry _(有有)a long history.82.The students want to have some photos_.(拍摄拍摄).83._(健康健康)is more important to most people than money.84.The Spring Festival usually comes in January or _(二月二月).85.Which country has the_(少少)population in the world?2005年石家庄市石家庄市2摸摸81.The children enjoy _(堆)堆)snowmen in wint

6、er.85.His answer are _(多半)多半)right,but there are still a few mistakes.86.The snow is much _(大)大)than the last one.2006年年 新题型新题型86._(多亏了多亏了)our teacher,I could pass the exam last term.88._(好好管理好好管理)these vegetables,and they will grow better.85._(使我奇怪的是使我奇怪的是),I cant find my purse anywhere.84.I hope t

7、o see him _(尽快尽快).81._(繁忙繁忙)she is,the happier she feels.06河北河北81.He didnt succeed until he tried the _ (十二)(十二)time.82.Tony fell off his bike and hurt himself _ (严重地)(严重地).83.“Ive (长大)(长大).I can help with some housework.”she said to her parents.84.Please (关掉)(关掉)the lights before you leave.85.I don

8、t want to make a wrong_ (决定)(决定)and regret it later.81.Twelfth 82.badly/terribly/seriously 83.grown up 84.turn off/trun out 85.decisionIX.词语运用。(共词语运用。(共5小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,共分,共5分)分)81.My _(爱好爱好)are reading,singing and dancing.82.The glasses he _(戴戴)a moment ago are broken.He needs a new pair.83.Mrs.Smith smiled_(幸福)(幸福)when she received a present from her son on Mothers Day.84.Alice is so nice that everyone likes to_(交朋友交朋友).85.Dont be afraid of making mistakes in class.You wont be_(嘲笑嘲笑)81.hobbies 82.wore 83.happily 84.make friends with85.laughed at

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