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1、中考英语对话专练(一)看病 A:Good morning.B:Good morning. Whats wrong with you?A:I dont feel very well and Ive a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe youve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature?A:No, I havent.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, youve got a f

2、ever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. Ill do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs Read

3、J:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, Im afraid. She isnt here right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! Whats your telephone

4、 number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:Ill give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物 A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I dont like t

5、his color. Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, its just right. Where is it made?A:Its made in Japan. Its very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:Its too expensive. I cant afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. Im af

6、raid its the cheapest one.B:OK. Ill take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B: Sorry,I dont know. Youd better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office,

7、 please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and youll find the post office on the left. Its between the city library and the hospital. You cant miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:Its about 30 minutes walk. Youd better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need

8、?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:Youre welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How abou

9、t meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Lets make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I dont see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:Whats

10、 wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A:Im sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes. But he wont eat them any more.A:How

11、 is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I dont know. Lets visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isnt it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:Im fromA:Youre from Austral

12、ia, arent you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What

13、 do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. Im trying my best to study my Chinese well.A:Thats great. Good luck with your Chinese. (八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the wind

14、ow?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, Well have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.W:Thats what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something

15、else?A:No. thats all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:Ill get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank y

16、ou.L:Well. I think its time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, Im afraid so. Its getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Dont leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:Im happy you did. Bye!(十)

17、 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police havent come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come

18、. After the survey he will go to the hospital.(1)Doctor: Good morning . Whats your trouble?Woman: I dont feel very well.D:1._?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD:2._? W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last n

19、ight.D: Oh, I see. 3. _. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? D: Yes. Youd better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. _?D: No. I dont think it is serious. But you really need a good r

20、est and take this medicine.W: 5. _?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you. (2)A: 1._?B: They are talking about yesterdays football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didnt you watch it?B: 2. _. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had f

21、inished already.A: 3. _! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _?A: Sure. Youd better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember,“5. _.” (3)B: Thats a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I havent much time left. Id better hurry to finish my homework.A: 1. _?B: No

22、t yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Dont worry. 2 _.B: Its very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. _.B: Thanks. 4. _, is Miss Gao at the teachers office?A: Oh, no. Shes out at the moment.B: 5._? Do you know? I ha

23、ve some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her. (4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I havent. You may ask Meimei. 1._.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2

24、. _.Dick: Thank you. Ill give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. _?Meimei: Yes, Id love to. 4. _?Dick: About seven o clock.Meimei: Ill try to be there on time, but 5._.Dick: It doesnt matter. Work must come first. (5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1._, I do

25、nt have a car right nowS: Oh, thats too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.K: Why? 2_?S: No, Im all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. _?S: Ive already got some flowers from my mothers garden.K: Well, well. 4. _.S: But, what a pi

26、ty! I cant see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. _.S: Really? Thats great. Its very kind of you, Ken.K: Its my pleasure. (6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1. _.Z: My pleasur

27、e. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card.M: Thank you. And 2. _.Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3 . _, although a little tiring.Z: Then lets get your things and go to the hotel now.M: Oh, thank you. 4. _?Z: Its about thirty minutes drive. By the way

28、, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening.M: Its very kind of you. 5. _?Z: Six thirty. Ill pick you up at six oclock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye. (7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1._?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. _! Lets go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _?J: 8:30. Do you thin

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