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1、北海市中考英语押题卷与答案后附听力材料2019年北海市中考英语押题卷与答案(后附听力材料)注意事项:1.本试卷分为第一部分和第二部分。全卷120分。考试时间120分钟。2.领到试卷和答题卡后,请用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔,分别在试卷和答题卡上填写姓名和准考证号。3.考试结束,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分(共65分)一、听力测试(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A. 听对话,选择合适的图画或答案,每段对话读两遍。( )1. Whos Toms favourite superstar? ( )2. What kind of film does Amy like? ( )3. Which k

2、ind of instrument did the girl use to make music at the birthday party? ( )4. What was the boy doing when the girl visited him? ( )5. How did Jenny go to school today? A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike.( )6. What time is it now? A. 9:30. B. 9:45. C. 10:15.( )7. Where does the dialogue happen? A. On

3、the No. 10 bus. B. On the No. 15 bus. C. At the bus stop.( )8. Why are Feng Xiaogangs films so popular? A. Because they all have beautiful pictures. B. Because the music in the films sounds good. C. Because they tell the stories about common peoples lives. ( )9. What kind of music does the man like?

4、A. Rock music B. Folk music C. Classical music( )10. Why was Kate so late? A. She got up too late. B. She didnt have a watch. C. Her watch didnt work.B. 听对话或短文,选择正确的答案,每段对话或短文读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答11-12小题。( )11. What does the woman think of the movie? A. Boring. B. Exciting C. Interesting.( )12. How much do

5、es each ticket cost? A.¥30. B.¥15. C.¥13 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。An art showDate From April 27th to 13 Place China Art MuseumCharacters Yu Feng and her 14 Huang MiaoziThings on showOver 15 paintings of Yu Feng and as many as 100 paintings of Huang Miaozi( )13. A. May 8th B. June 8th C

6、. May 18th ( )14. A. friend B. wife C. husband ( )15. A. 80 B. 8 C. 18听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。( )16.Whats the speaker talking about? A. Teenagers study. B. Teenagers life. C. Teenagers problems. ( )17. How many teens play computer games day and night according to the study? A.5%. B.10% . C.15%.( )18.Who i

7、s the best person to talk with when teenagers have problems? A. Their teachers. B. Their parents. C. Their classmates.( )19. What does the host think of parents punishing their children when they have problems? A. Its useful. B. Its useless. C. Its important.( )20.Where is the passage from? A. A new

8、spaper. B.A magazine. C.A radio programme.二.完型填空 (共25小题,计25分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项选出一个最佳选项。A A young man came across a lake. The water in the lake was very 21 . He filled his old leather(皮革) bag so that he could get some back to his teacher. After a four-day journey, he presented the water to hi

9、s teacher. The old man took a deep drink, smiled 22 and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. The young man left 23 .Later, the old man let another 24 taste the water, but he said it was terrible. It was clear that the water had become no longer sweet 25 of the old leather bag. The stud

10、ent asked, “Master, the water tasted strange. Why did you still like it?” The teacher replied, “You simply tasted the water while I tasted the 26 . The water was a kind of love and kindness and nothing could be sweeter.”We can understand that when we 27 a chocolate as a gift from a child, we get mor

11、e than the chocolate itself. What we should do properly is to express 28 to him because we love the idea in the gift. Most people 29 only the thing given rather than the meanings shown in it. We should remind ourselves about the feelings of gratitude(感激). After all, gifts from the 30 are really gift

12、s of the best.( )21. A. salty B. sweet C. sour D. hot( )22. A. warmly B. angrily C. loudly D. terribly( )23. A. angrily B. suddenly C. completely D. happily( )24. A. teacher B. friend C. student D. child( )25. A. so B. though C. if D. because( )26. A. food B. secret C. gift D. candy( )27. A. receive

13、 B. give C. make D. pass( )28. A. decisions B. hopes C. thanks D. dreams( )29. A. get B. treat C. pack D. like( )30. A. heart B. mouth C. head D. bodyB People usually thank others for helping them in different ways. Recently a man from Chongqing, China has paid for 5,000 _31_ of hot and sour rice no

14、odles(酸辣粉) to thank a restaurant for helping to find his lost _32_. According to the Chongqing Morning Post, the man called Mr. Wang wanted to surprise his girlfriend by _33_ her a special gift- a newly bought ring. He had spent the morning of August 13 making his preparations. While having his lunc

15、h in a restaurant, he _34_ from his seat to take a call from his girlfriend. _35_, when he returned, he found his bag had gone, containing the three-carat(克拉) _36_ring which is worth 300,000 yuan. _37_, a waiter in the restaurant found the bag and handed it to the manager. Finally, the manager _38_

16、the ring to Mr. Wang. “He thanked me a lot at that moment,” Mr. Yue told the Chongqing Morning Post, “but to our more surprise, he went back to our restaurant the following day _39_. “He asked us how many bowls of hot and sour rice noodles we could _40_ in a day,” Mr. Yue said with a _41_, “and then

17、 he gave me 35,000 yuan which is _42_ 5,000 bowls, saying please invite everyone to eat for _43_ for one day.” The newspaper added that Mr. Wang also gave a “thank you” letter to the restaurant, _44_ his girlfriend had agreed to marry him. “Chongqing has the girl I love, and so many _45_ people,” th

18、e letter read, “I feel very honored(荣幸的) and happy.”( )31. A. dishes B. bowls C. bags D. bottles( )32. A. ring B. phone C. letter D. key( )33. A. lending B. giving C. losing D. receiving( )34. A. gave away B. put away C. moved away D. took away( )35. A. Instead B. Also C. Besides D. However( )36. A.

19、 diamond B. grass C. rope D. glass( )37. A. Unluckily B. Luckily C. Probably D. Undoubtedly( )38. A. mailed B. counted C. returned D. exchanged( )39. A. sadly B. carefully C. unexpectedly D. impolitely( )40. A. waste B. eat C. buy D. sell( )41. A. pain B. reason C. record D. smile( )42. A. necessary

20、 B. reusable C. worth D. missing( )43. A. money B. free C. exercise D. newspaper( )44. A. explaining B. complaining C. reminding D. discussing( )45. A. helpful B. hopeful C. beautiful D. forgetful三.阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)AMany years ago, there was an old man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn n

21、ot to judge(判断)things too quickly. So he told them to go and look at a pear tree. It was far away from his home. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in autumn.When the sons came back, the old man asked them to say what they had seen.The first

22、 son complained the tree was ugly. The second son said the tree was covered with buds and full of hope. The third son said the tree was full of green leaves. They looked so beautiful, and it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. The youngest son said that the tree was bowed down with heavy

23、fruits. It was full of life and fulfillment(收获).The man explained that all of his sons were right, but each of them had seen just one season of the tree. He told them that they couldnt judge a tree or a person by only one season. “If you give up when its winter, you will miss the hope of your spring

24、, the beauty of your summer, and the fulfillment of your autumn. ” said the old manIt is true that we shouldnt let the hard season break the happiness of the other seasons. Never give up during the difficult days and better times are sure to come some day.( )46. Why did the old man ask his sons to l

25、ook at the pear tree?A. Because he liked eating pears.B. Because the tree was important to his family.C. Because he wanted to teach them not to judge things too quickly.D. Because his sons didnt judge things quickly.( )47. The fourth son went to see the tree in .A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Wint

26、er( )48. The underlined word “buds” probably means in Chinese.A. 叶子 B.枝条 C.果实 D.花蕾( )49. Which of the following is true?A. The pear tree was near his home.B. The third son said the tree was beautiful. C. The four sons all liked the tree.D. Even you give up in winter, you can still get hope in other

27、seasons( )50. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. Dont judge a life by one difficult season. B. Fathers love is great.C. Every tree has four seasons. D. Life is different for everyone.BEven after studying English for many years, many students in China feel their English is still not very good. We

28、 have to ask why?Part of the problem is that it simply takes a long time to learn any foreign language. You have to learn a new grammar, and thousands of new words. It also takes a lot of practice to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in a new language. So learning any foreign l

29、anguage often takes years.This is especially true if you are learning a language that is very different from your own. Germans can learn English quickly because German grammar is similar to English grammar in some ways, and also because the two languages share much of the same vocabulary(词汇). Howeve

30、r, the grammar and vocabulary of Chinese is quite different from that of English, and this makes it harder for Chinese people to learn English.However, the bigger problem lies more in the way Chinese students study English. Actually the real goal of many students in China is not to learn English-ins

31、tead, their real goal is to pass English exams. So most of their time and attention is focused on doing well on exams rather than on learning. When the exam is over, students often forget what they learned, and then they ignore their English study until the next test comes along. While studying for tests may help students learn English, passing tests is not the same thing as learning English. If students are to actually lea

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