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1、四年级上册闽教英语第三册教案教师: 伍福兰Uint1 School Lesson1The first periodTeaching aims: (一)知识目标1.听懂会说 classroom look class grade blackboard desk chair 2.听懂会说we are in Grade Four now. Its a nice I like the big Point to (二)能力目标1.培养学生能够在实际情景中运用句子谈学校。(三)情感目标1.让学生对英语感兴趣并喜欢学英语2.教导学生要珍惜介绍良好教育的机会,认真学习并发扬团结友爱的精神。Teaching im

2、portant points and difficult points:1. 正确拼读grade blackboard desk chair 2. 听懂会说we are in Grade Four now. Its a nice I like the big Point to 3.发好p跟b这对双唇爆破音Teaching aids:磁带,挂图,单词卡、句型卡片。Teaching steps:Step1、Warming up1. Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls. The new term begins. Welcome back to sch

3、ool! 2. Sing a song: a ABC song Step2、Presentation and Practice T: Today we will learn Unit School Lesson1.(出示单词卡片,指导读音,引出课题)1classroom look class grade blackboard desk chair(以各种方式操练sunny:摇头晃脑,升降调,拼读单词)2. Learn to say Class two , Grade Four.Class Three, Grade FiveClass Four, Grade SixClass One, Grad

4、e Three2Play a game: Ask and answerT: Are you in Grade Four now?S: Yes.T: Are you in Class One / Two /Three /Four?S: Yes/No.3. Listen to the tape and then reed the dialogue 4. Show the teaching picture T: help Ss to under the new text and learn the new sentences We are in Grade Four now.Its a nice (

5、 用单词新卡片操练句子, I like the big 并采用小组接龙的方式丰富教学方式) Point to Step3、Consolidation1. Read after the tape2. Sing the song Step4、Homework1. Listen to the tape,read the text.2. Do the exercises of activity book. Unit 1 SchoolLesson 1The second periodTeaching aims:1.能听懂、会说本课的对话并能在实际情景中应用。2.New words:building, c

6、lassroom, desk, chair, window, class, grade, new, library, , room, blackboard, Class One, Grade Four等。Teaching important point and teaching different point: 3.听懂会说we are in Grade Four now. Its a nice I like the big Point to 4.培养学生能够在实际情景中运用句子谈学校。5.让学生对英语感兴趣并喜欢学英语6.教导学生要珍惜介绍良好教育的机会,认真学习并发扬团结友爱的精神。Tea

7、ching important points and difficult points:1. 正确拼读grade blackboard desk chair 2. 听懂会说we are in Grade Four now. Its a nice I like the big Point to Lets go and seeTeaching aids: VCD,录音带, 卡片, 挂图。Teaching steps: .1.GreetingsGood morning ,Nice to see you, too. 2.Sing a song: The Morning Song, 边唱边和学生握手问好

8、。 2.Review the words. 3. Review the sentences.1).教师告诉学生王涛找不到他的新教室, 建议大家发扬团结友爱的精神帮助王涛。 2).师扮演王涛提问题并请学生回答,只要能表达出基本意思就可以,而且应允许学生七嘴八舌地互相补充。此活动可能重复做两遍。 T: Where is our classroom? S: In the new building. T: Really? Lets go and have a look. S: All right. 4. 师边描述边出示卡片让学生认读单词和词组: 先复习并背单词one, two, three, four

9、, five Class One, Grade Four Classroom our classroom library our library music our music room piano the new piano play the pianocomputer our computer room/ so many computersLook! This is our classroom. It is Class_,Grade_. The classroom is clean and bright. They are very happy. This is a music room.

10、 There is a new piano here. _ can play the piano. This is a computer room. You can see many computers here. 单词的学习要做到词不离句,要融进本课的句型里练习,让学生在本课的语境中理解、学习、运用新词汇。 5.Review the text. 听录音二三遍。引导学生认真模仿录音里的语音、语调,要求学生朗读时要看课文、认读文字。 5. 分小组读或男女生分角色读等。 三 表演 每一对学生选择自己最有把握的一幅图或两幅图来表演。学生先在小组里演练,再自荐上台表演。 四 课后活动 1.听录音,模仿

11、对话并在实际情景中加以运用。 2.完成活动手册上的活动。Lesson 2The first periodTeaching aims:能听懂、会说:Are you in Class Two, Grade Four? Yes, I am./No,Im not. What class are you in? Im in并能在实际情景中应用。学唱歌曲:The Music Room。初步认读辅音字母p, b和元音字母组合ar在单词中的发音。Teaching important point and difficult point: What class are you in? Im inTeaching

12、aids: VCD,录音带, 卡片, 图片。Teaching steps: Step1 warming up 1.拍数游戏。可拍奇数,也可拍偶数。 2.抢答游戏。师准备以下单词或词组:building, classroom, library, music room, piano, computer, computer room,Class One等。Step2 You ask and I answer: 1.T: (师出示卡片:Class Two, Grade Four)Are you in Class Two,Grade Four?S: Yes, I am./ No, Im not.2.做猜

13、一猜游戏:S1上台抽取一张卡片,S2用“Are you in Class One, Grade Three?” 来猜,S1根据手上的卡片内容回答。3.教师根据实际情况发问:“Are you in Class_, Grade_?”学生必然回答:“No, Im not.” 接着教师问:“What class are you in ?” 示意学生回答:“Im in Class_, Grade_.”(学生的实际班级)4.找朋友游戏:每生准备一张小纸条,纸条上可写上任意班级名称,接着,师把一张写有班级的纸条反扣在桌上。师问第一个学生:“What class are you in?” 学生根据手上的纸条回

14、答:“Im in” 由这个学生再问下一个学生,一个一个地往下问,直到生说的班级与师纸条上所写的一致,朋友就找到了,大家向他问个好,游戏重新开始。Step3 Learn to say1.Listen to the tape carefully,and point2.Read the text.Step4.Ask and answerLook at the pictures,Then ask and answer this question in pairsA: What class are you in, Hu Ping?B: Im in Class One, Grade Four Step5.

15、 Summing up What have you learnt from the text?Step 6 Homework 1.听录音跟读课文三遍。 2.用英语询问朋友。 3.收集朋友的年级、班级。Unit 1 School Lesson 2The second periodTeaching aims:能听懂、会说:Are you in Class Two, Grade Four? Yes, I am./No,Im not. What class are you in? Im in并能在实际情景中应用. 表达自己所在的班级学唱歌曲:The Music Room。初步认读辅音字母p, b和元音

16、字母组合ar在单词中的发音。对这两节课知识进行总结。Teaching important point and difficult point: What class are you in? Im inTeaching aids: VCD,录音带, 卡片, 图片。Teaching steps:Step1 Warming-up1.Greenings2.Sing the song: In the Classroom3.Review1)I can say the name of these:school desk class classroom chair blackboard2)Say these:

17、 Class Two, Grade Six Class One, Grade Four3)Ask and answer these questions: Are you in Class,GradeWhat class are you in?Im in Class,Grade4)Write these words: park arm cardStep2 Listen and writeClass two , Grade Four.Class Three, Grade FiveClass Four, Grade SixClass One, Grade ThreeClass Three Grade

18、 TwoClass Five Grade FiveStep3 Listen and learn the English sounds1、学习字母b, p在单词中的发音。通过听、读的实践,通过认知和感悟的途径去掌握正确的读音。 2.让生先听,再跟读,速度由慢到快,可全班读、小组读或个人读。教师及时给予评价。 3.park, arm, scarf, card 是以前学过的旧单词。师先读几遍单词,要求学生认真观察、仔细听并说出字母组合ar 在单词中的发音。Step 4 学唱歌曲The Music Room 1.让学生听,初步感受歌曲的旋律和内容,激发学习兴趣。 2.师解释歌词大意,带生读有困难的单词

19、。3.生跟录音一起唱,可全班唱、男女声唱、小组唱、独唱,鼓励学生边唱边表演动作。Step 5 Summing up Step 6 Homework1.Recite the words: class classroom look grade blackboard desk chair 2.听录音,模仿会话。Unit 2 On dutyLesson 3The first periodTeaching aims:1. 能听懂、会说:Please turn on the light . Please turn on the fan . Are you on duty today? Yes ,I am

20、. Whos on duty today ? Li Hong and Sally. 能根据实际应用。2. Learn new words : today on duty early turn on fan hot Teaching important and difficult:Please turn on the light . Please turn on the fan . Are you on duty today ? Yes ,I am. Whos on duty today ? Li Hong and Sally .Teaching aids:Picture word cards

21、radioTeaching steps:Step 1. Warming up1. Play the English song : In the classroomAll students sing after it .2. 利用Lesson 1 and Lesson 2的对话内容进行表演。Step 2.Learn to say .1. Learning new words and group words.classroom come to the classroom ( 大小声 )early (回音壁)duty on duty (拍手掌)today (四面开花)turn turn on tur

22、n offlight turn on the light.Fan turn on the fan.利用卡片的正反面教学,并且采用各种形式。2. Teacher show the pictures,S look at the picture , and to do the action ,Ss guss word or group word .3. .Look at the picture ,learn new sentences :They come to the classroom early.Please turnon the light /fan.4. Listen to the tap

23、e ,listen carefully .5. Play to the tape again, read after it .Step 3 Ask and answer .1. T: Are you on duty today ?Ss: No, Im not.2. T: Whos on duty today ?S1,S2:Im on duty today .3. Play a game : Are you on duty today ? No, Im not . / Yes , I am . Whos on duty today ? Sorry, I dont know. /Im on dut

24、y today.Step 4.Homework. 1. Read the text . 2.Copy the new words.The second periodTeaching aims :1.Review :Please turn on the light. Please turn on the fan . Are you on duty today ? Yes , I am . Whos on duty today ? Li Hong and Sally.2.Review words: On duty today early turn on fan hot 3.学会与老师进行值日生报告

25、。Teaching important and difficult:1.Review sentences and words.2.值日生报告。Teaching aids:Pictures word cards radioTeaching steps:Step1.Warming up.1.Greetings.2.Review: (1).T: Whos on duty today ? Ss: X X and X X . T:Please turn on the light and fan . S1 S2: OK.(2).T:Are you on duty today,X X? S1: No, Im

26、 not ./ Yes , I am.(3).Part 2: Ask and answer: Play the tape ,listen carefully.(4).Play the tape again : read after it . Step2. Learn duty report.1.Look the page 12,learn Miss Gao ,students ,Sally and Li Hong 2.Learn group word : sit down 3.Read after teacher ,and all students read it .Step3.Consoli

27、dation.1.Learn turn on open 2.区分那些用 turn on,那些用 open ,3.Play a game : 下指令做动作。(语速加快)Step4: Homework.1.Review words and sentences2.Learn duty report .Unit 3 Numbers Lesson 5The first period 教学目标: 1.能听懂会说数字:thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.2.能听懂下面句子:Who is on

28、duty today? Number Thirteen and Number Fourteen.Who is Number Thirteen? I am.教学重点、难点:1.认读单词:Number 13-202.听懂句子:Who is Number Fourteen? Im Number Fourteen.教具准备:VCD、单词卡片、多媒体课件教学步骤:Step1.warming up1.师生互相问好后齐唱歌曲 “ Ten Little Baby Ducks” 2.教师引导学生复习已学的数字1-12Step2.教授新词汇 T: How many?(伸出两根手指头)Ss: Two.T: How

29、many? Ss: Five,T: How many?(用灯片出示13面红旗)Ss:十三.T: Thirteen.(引导学生注意老师的嘴形并跟读)Ss: Thirteen.Practice it.(操练该单词)T:根据老师的手势用大小声念出该单词。(教师把手放在低处,学生小声念出“thirteen”,教师把手放在高处,则要求学生大声念出该单词)T: OK, now lets look at the screen , and please answer me how many?(幻灯片出示14颗星星)Ss:十四.T: Fourteen.Play a game (玩个游戏“石头剪刀布游戏”:要求学

30、生大声地把该单词念五遍后与老师石头剪刀布,赢的同学可以加一分)T (用幻灯片出示“十五”的艺术字,问学生): Whats the number?Ss:十五.T: Fifteen. 教师运用类似的方法逐一引出新单词sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen. . .T: Now look at the blackboard, what do you find?(让学生找出这些单词的拼写规律)S1:每个单词的后面都有“teen”。T: So clever, thirteen-nineteen”这些表示十几的单词末尾都是字母“t-e-e-n”,念作“/ti:n/老师和学生一起念单词: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.T: OK, now lets play a game.“Word Lost Game”.(单词丢失游戏:用幻灯片出示所有新单词后,教师快速点击一下鼠标单词就会“丢失”,要求学生快速说出该丢失的单词,第一个说出该单词的同学可以加一分)T:(用幻灯片出示一幅很多队员打篮球的图画,并问学生)Who has the ball?Ss:20号的球员.T:

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