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Hades and Persephone Ch 11 2.docx

1、Hades and Persephone Ch 11 2She bristled at his diminutive for her. Then try her interest in discussing the matter, Son of Nyx. I have none.And this brings us back to my far better idea. acolyte, he said with a smile. Why dont you and I resolve this ourselves, hmm? Together. In the ancient way. Comm

2、unicate what words cannot.She gave him an indignant laugh. Do you sing these crooked notes to every woman you seduce? Did you soil the ancient ways to have Phaedra? Elektra, Voleta, Lyra, Philinnia? Or any of the other women whose names youve misplaced?Hardly. My words and intentions are for you alo

3、ne, Hecate, he said, his palm resting on the column above her head. His gaze was hungry, but refused to peruse her body, instead staring straight into the shifting colors of her eyes. Thanatos quieted his voice as he leaned in to her. What say you?They had played this game before, and Hecate had lea

4、rned over the aeons that the only successful move with Thanatos was one that led to a stalemate. If she flinched he would crow triumphantly. If she showed anger, he would delight in her reaction. If she left the room, he would claim victory. His wings spread and curved over his shoulders, blocking t

5、he light around them, until he surrounded her. Death licked his lips. Hecate gave him nothing. She straightened against the column and raised her eyebrows. We both know that sacred vows bind me, she hissed at him, and we both know better still that I detest you as the living flame does the howling g

6、ale. what pushes your fevered mind into this fantastical abyss?Thanatos chose that moment to trail his eyes down her taut, maiden body, its form echoing the waxing moon. He lingered on her peaked breasts and the flare of her hips. He breathed in her scent of morning fog and aconite. She was ever in

7、control of her reactions, yet her heart beat just a little faster. The corner of his mouth lifted. Close enough to disturb the red curls of her hair, he whispered close to her ear, We always want what we cannot have.The door opened, and Persephone stepped through, followed closely by her husband. He

8、cate immediately stood, Thanatos straightened, and both bowed to their sovereigns. Aidoneus looked from one to the other and scowled, bracing himself for an exhaustive litany of whatever theyd been arguing over this time.I bring no quarrel, my lords, Hecate said quickly.Neither do I. Thanatos folded

9、 his arms and looking at his fingernails.Aidon thinned his lips. They were always quarrelling. He could feel the tension in the room and made his way up the dais with Persephone at his side. Once he reached the top, Aidoneus sat down and immediately regretted doing so, watching his wife fidget for a

10、 moment before standing tall beside his ebony throne. There was nowhere for her to sit and he chewed on his lower lip, inwardly berating himself. She should be sitting here and he should be standing. If he stood to offer it to her now, shed refuse. Instead he sat looking like a barbarian conqueror w

11、ith his nubile woman draped over the arm of his throne. He put it out of his head for now and focused on the pair standing before him. What bringsbothof you here, then?Separate concerns, Thanatos said, smiling warmly at Persephone.Who arrived first? Persephone asked, perplexed. She had heard briefly

12、 about their feud, thinking that it had been blown out of proportion by Hypnos. But their barely disguised hostility combined with her husbands exasperation spoke volumes.She did, Thanatos said, glancing back at Hecate.By all means, Thanatos, Hecate said, motioning him to say his piece first. She sm

13、irked as he walked forward and folded her arms across her chest. Wisdom never stands in the way of a fool.Warming up to the idea of yielding to me, are you? he shot back with a smile.Enough! Aidoneus snapped, raising his voice and startling all. Ive had alongandtryingday and I have no patience to li

14、sten to you two bickering like children! So if you dont mind, Id like to at least havesomepeace here before I retire with my wife for the evening. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Hecate?I beg your forgiveness, my lord. She stepped forward and took a deep breath. You need no reminder of the suffer

15、ing beyond your realm. The Corn Mother shuns all of Olympus. But perhaps she will see me. The future is as a broad delta flowing from the river we now row. Some tributaries end in the frightful auguries you have already seen, she said, pausing to look pointedly at Persephone, and others could lead t

16、o far worse. The waters run swift, and they are deceptive. Following one stream will stop the suffering in the world above and stem the flood of mortals to your gates. I intend to teach Demeter to read the currents.Are you asking our permission? Persephone asked.Yes, my queen.She sighed, thinking ab

17、out her mother, about her life as Kore and the things Demeter was willing to do to keep her in the world above. Her eyes stung for a moment. Despite all that she knew now, all the ignorance of her true identity that had been forced upon her throughout her life, all the needless cosseting, Persephone

18、 loved her. She missed her. Her heart wrenched for a moment as she tried to recall her mothers soft arms circling around her, her comforting smell of barley and sunlight. The kind, peculiar goddess standing before her was her only link to her mother right now. I. sincerely hope that she will listen

19、to you, Hecate.Aidoneus shifted. I am in accord with the Queen. Go with our blessing, Hecate. I give you permission to speak on our behalf if you must.Hecate nodded to them and shifted her familiar crimson robes to a darker hue. Indigo. Persephone knitted her brow, realizing that Hecate did so to bl

20、end in. Her richly clad mother who always dressed in gold and green and red had donned the colors one would wear to a funeral and forced all of brightly dressed Eleusis to do the same.The Goddess of the Crossroads pulled up the hood of her himation, readying herself for the cold, and walked toward t

21、he ebony double doors, fading and vanishing before she reached them. Thanatos watched her go, admonishing himself for inwardly wishing her well. He was certain she could hear his thoughts from the ether.Thanatos?He turned and stood up straight. We have him.Settling back in his throne, Aidoneus reste

22、d his chin on the back of his knuckles. Good. My suggestion was useful, then?Wrapping the Chains worked flawlessly. Do you plan to send him to Tartarus right away?No. Sisyphus spent enough time mocking the rules of this realm and thinks himself a god. Hell wait the customary three days like every mo

23、rtal. He will have a judgment, and will come before me like all the other kings of men, he said, thinking. But unlike the others, keep him bound.If you wish it. Isnt he more Alektos and Tisiphones concern, at this point?The Erinyes have no shortage of other tasks. He put his hand up before Death cou

24、ld say anything in response. I knowyouhave been busy, as well; we all have. But Im charging you and your brother with detaining Sisyphus.He nodded. Any reason to keep him chained and guarded?He robbed Merope of her immortality and is clearly ageless, possibly deathless, now. Thats never been done be

25、fore; not even by Tantalus. As such, my friend, I dont want to take any chances. You are the Minister of Death. If he tries anything, I trust that you will stop him.So done. Anything else?Yes. Donotgo to his wife, Thanatos. He watched Death grind his teeth for a moment, then school his expression an

26、d nod in acceptance. Hades continued. I dont want to disturb her by telling her that her tormenter is here. And she will guess as much if she sees you. Once Sisyphus has been escorted past the Phlegethon, you can go to Merope and let her know that justice has been done.Death raised his eyebrows at t

27、his. Three days, then.Three days. Keep Sisyphus chained.Thanatos nodded and walked across the hall, his sandals clacking against the granite, the room otherwise silent. The door closed loudly behind him and Aidon and Persephone were alone once again.Im sorry.For what? she said. Aidon grabbed her aro

28、und the waist and twisted her into his lap. She squealed in surprise and smiled wide, until she looked at his face. He gave her an abbreviated grin, then let his face fall back into the muted expression hed worn before. Her mirth dimmed as she sat in his lap. Persephone looked away and leaned back i

29、nto him, gazing out at the river lands of Acheron.Aidoneus regarded her. How did she see him now? Would he now simply be the Fates-consigned lover of the Queen, at her call only when she had need of him? Aidoneus wanted all of her. He wanted to possess her as thoroughly as she possessed him. But wit

30、h what they had been told, he knew that was impossible now. His place in the this realm was forever changed after today. This wasnt his this had never beenhis. At the division of the cosmos he had pulled a hollow twig. What did that mean for him? As his mind wandered, his fingers absently brushed he

31、r bare skin at the open side of her peplos.She giggled and her side spasmed at his touch and jerked away from his hand. Her lilting laugh was a pleasant distraction from his thoughts. A smile raised the corner of his mouth and he mischievously teased her again. Persephone shrieked and batted at his

32、encircling arm, his fingers dancing along the inward curve of her waist once more while she writhed in his lap. He stopped and grinned, but it looked strained. I want you with me in three days.Where?Here.For the judgment of Sisyphus.Yes.In your lap?He playfully hesitated. .Maybe.Sittingrighthere? she wiggled against him, feeling him sigh in response.

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