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1、新视野大学英语b1n1B1n1Directi ons: In this secti on, you will hear some long con versati ons. At the end of each con versati on, some questi ons will be asked about what was said. Both the con versati on and the questi ons will be spoke n only on ce.After each question there will be a pause. During the pau

2、se, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which the best an swer is.Questi ons 1 to 4 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.1.A.She has a lot of housework to do after a long work day.B.She spe nds a long day commut ing to and from work.C.She has no time for rest wh

3、ile work ing at her job.D.She has to keep work ing for 12 hours at her job.2.A.Have a long vacati on.* B. Have the kids help out more.C. Have a maid do the housework.cD. Have the husba nd share the work.3.广 A. His pare nts have bought him a new basketball.B.He has lear ned how to make his own lun ch

4、.广 C. His pare nts will give him more allowa nee.厂 D. He has lear ned how to clea n the dishes.A.She will fold the laun dry.B.She will get the dinner ready.C.She will make a chart for housework.D.She will finish read ing her beloved book.Questi ons 5 to 8 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog

5、.5.A.Because he is rude to his teacher.B.Because he texts so much every day.C.Because he was wasting his time texting.D.Because he was caught text ing in scie nee class.6.A.She forbade him to dance with girls any more.B.She forced him to apologize to his in structor.C.She asked him to hand over his

6、cell phone.D.She limited his texts to 100 a day.7.A.Work on a project.B.Go dancing with girls.C.Go to the skati ng park.D.Atte nd a Spanish class.A.To have face-to-face talks.B.To call the home pho ne.C.To send a message.D.To send an email.Part 1 Long Conversations (每小题:1分;满分:8分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1AA2.1

7、/BB3.11/1CC4.11/1DD5.1/DD6.1CC7.1CC8.1H7TAASubtotal : 8老师评语:Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦Part 2 Passage(每小题:分)Directi ons: In this secti on, youll hear some short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questi ons.Both the passage and the que

8、sti ons will be spoke n only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Questi ons 1 to 4 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.A.Work full time with some projects.B.Pursue a higher degree in econo mics.C.Get a job in a world

9、-famous compa ny.D.Start his own bus in ess with his frie nds.2.A.In Brazil.B.I n Italy.C.I n America.D.I n Spa in.3.A.That people should work in fixed locations.B.That people should wear a sta ndard uni form.C.That people should work hard to atta in success.D.That people should work for a specific

10、time spa n.4.A. To do what they love to do for free.B. To pursue some in teresti ng projects.C.To write articles to share their ideas.D. To have what they love as their work.Part 2 Passage (每小题:1分;满分:4分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1CC2.1AA3.11/1CC4.1DDSubtotal : 4老师评语:Part 3 Banked Cloze(每小题:分)Directi ons: Fill i

11、n the bla nks in the follow ing passage by select ing suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only on ce.Questi ons 1 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage.A. geniusB. respectableC. genuineD. respectiveE. imposedF. en forcedG. opti onsH. en lighte ningI. sec on daryJ. pen etrat

12、ingK. minorL. providedM. motivateN. primaryO. marshalA boy who grows up cannot make decisi ons to choose what hewan ts. However, as he grows older, his world options of 1. I in creases. He can joi n the militaryI genius Tand getshis medical degree in college, he might decide to leave his homela nd a

13、nd ope n a cli nic in ano ther cou ntry.A college graduate can also move to New York orMaybe the job in Chicago pays better, but hed still rather live marshal in New York. He has to 5.丨 一 his thoughtsand say, yes to the city of his choos ing.Some decisi ons you made can be very successfulsecondarywh

14、at an in credible ability this is? Dont thi nk this is onlyin your life. If your major requires aforeign language component, which will you choose? You arenot 8.enforcedto take one over ano ther.In stead, you weigh your opti ons and say yes to one and noto the others.People make decisi ons based onr

15、espective 丁the 9. I I options. If they have more thanone option, one particular choice must be made. Someprimary 丁decisi ons are more 10. tha n others, butthey must make decisi ons in life. They also n eed to un dersta ndthere are con seque nces to lifes decisi ons.Part 3 Banked Cloze (每小题:1 分;满分:10

16、 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1opti onsoptio ns2.1gen iusgenius3.1providedprovided4.1motivatemotivate5.1marshalmarshal6.1en lighte ningen lighte ning7.1sec on darysec on dary8.1en forceden forced9.1respectiverespective10.1primaryprimarySubtotal : 10老师评语:Part 4 Cloze (with choices provided)(每小题:分)Directi ons: The

17、re are 20 bla nks in the follow ing passage.For each bla nk there are four words or expressi ons give n.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.Do you know whe n one door closes but ano ther door ope ns?attached Most people are

18、 too 1. to the past and tomiss opportunities that stand right in front of them. Doors mayabundance close, but there is always a(n) 3. of otherdoors new opportunities. The world is full of opportunities, ifenlightenedpower is bou ndless, and so are the possibilities without n umber.losses and failure

19、s; there are problems in everyday life, 6.temporaryT loss of money or job, and sometimesfeeli ngs. We dont always have con trol over these happe nings,atte nti on and attitude. When one of these thi ngs happe ns andwe might be surprised to discover a row of new doors ope 13.of the new and the u

20、nknown. Many intendYou might agree with what is being said here, but how canpla n to see the new doors that ope n for you? Simplifyi ng canenriches .I you: more time,more enjo yme nt, and more satisfacti on. Simplifyi ng is notnecessarily about less. In fact, it can be about more.Part 4 Cloze (with

21、choices provided) (每小题:1 分;满分:20 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1.1attachedattached2.1thereforetherefore3.1abundanceabundance4.1en lighte neden lighte ned5.1Appare ntlyAppare ntly6.1temporarytemporary7.1domin atedomin ate8.1retainretain9.1cli ngcli ng10.0overco mingoverwhel ming11.1discarddiscard12.1rejoicerejoice13

22、.1attachme ntattachme nt14.1preservepreserve15.1focus ingfocus ing16.1profitprofit17.1whatsoeverwhatsoever18.1reducereduce19.1impleme ntimpleme nt20.1en richesen riches老师评语:Subtotal : 19Part 5 Read ing comprehe nsion(每小题:分)Directi ons: Read the follow ing passages carefully. Eachpassage is followed

23、by some questi ons or unfini shed senten ces. For each of them there are four choices markedA,B, C, and D. Choose the best an swer to each questi on.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.It is very odd that no one is afraid of the word da nee and no one would object to the p

24、hrase lets go dancin g, but men ti on ballet and people start compla ining. These social prejudices come from several misconceptions and from certain historic facts. Ballet is the Wester n theatrical dance form that has developed over a period of four cen turies. It has always depe nded upon gover n

25、ment or royal support for its life. In more modern times, this support came from wealthy people who attend the ballet in beautiful theaters in some of the worlds great cities. People have, therefore, come to see ballet as a cultural form.Over time, Ballet has developed its own language, one that man

26、y ord inary people do not un dersta nd. Being a ballet dan cer in volves seve n years of very difficult tra ining from an early age, yet anyone can dance at a social gathering, given a certain amount of effort and desire. The physical image of both male and female dan cers is very stylized, and cost

27、uming is so unnatural in many cases, with its tight clothes, special slippers, and short skirts. For these reas on s, it is not possible for the general public to have the kind of identification with a ballet dancer that they often feel for an actor, film star, or athlete.It is also strange that a v

28、isual art that speaks directly to the eye, in the same way a soccer game or an Olympic gymn astic con test does, still makes people nervous. Too often people stay away from ballet because they think they will not un dersta nd it. However, they n ever seem to find this problem whe n they watch popula

29、r ice dance champi on ships on televisi on. Nor are they afraid to express their opinions and sometimes disagree with judges decisi ons. People enjoy watching sports because they enjoy its physical daring. They appreciate athletes superbly con diti oned bodies work ing at maximum efficie ncy. If people only looked at dancing any form ofdancing - in the same way they appreciate sports, there would be fewer prejudices to overcome.1.What is the social prejudice men ti oned in the passage?A.Some people like dancing but not ballet.B.People dont like ballet if they dont come from

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