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一年级上册英语教案Good morning 牛津译林.docx

1、一年级上册英语教案 Good morning 牛津译林观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿


3、发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。教学目标:知识能力与技能Learn to greet people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? And their answers; Learn the pronunciation and the writing of letters Aa-Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names; Und

4、erstand some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC.过程与方法With the studying strategies of Imitating and Drilling, get the students to do Pair work to learn how to say hello to and greet people in English by using the teaching courseware, pictures, flashcards; Catch the others information by practicing conversation

5、s; Know the greetings well by singing English song.情感、态度与价值观This content is easy to understand and the basic greetings in English, and its the easiest to imitate and use. It can not only make the students fall interest in English, but also make them learn how to communicate with others politely; At

6、the same time, it can make the students learn how to call the westerners and know something about the western cultures.重点难点:1、Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters AaHh and consolidate the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A, E in English words.2、Learn to say hello to people with hello

7、, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening and their answers.3、Learn to greet people with How are you? and their answers.教学过程:Section A创设情境,导入新课Create plots and scenes to guide the new lessonThe main content of Section A is to learn to say hello to and greet to people by acting out the conversations and i

8、mitating them; Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters AaHh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names. We can adopt the Situation Guiding Method and the Audiovisual Guiding Method: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about greeting) for the teaching, or prepare some cart

9、oons to imitates the different voices of the people in the Cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences are guided Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; And then the teacher communicates with the studen

10、ts; At last get the students to communicate with each other.自读感知,整体把握Pre-read to apperceive and grasp the wholeSection A is designed by three steps. In 1a-1b, get the students to learn to say hello to and greet others by practicing conversations and know some cartoons well; In 2a-3, get the students

11、 to learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa-Hh and pay attention to the orders of strokes and formats, and get them to apperceive the pronouncing characters of letters A and E and conclude their pronouncing rules; In 4a-4c, get them to grasp the familiar English names and consolidate the g

12、reetings.合作交流,解读探究Cooperate and intercourse to unscramble and researchThe main content in Section A is to learn the target language:Hi/Hello, Bob!Hi/Hello, Eric!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!【Intercourse】The teacher communicates with the students in clas

13、s first:(Say hello to the students)Hello, !(Get the students to answer)Hello, 。!(Say hello to the students)Hi, !(Get the students to answer)Hi, 。!(Say hello to the students)Good morning/afternoon/evening, !(Get the students to answer)Good morning/afternoon/evening, !【Experiences】After the students g

14、rasp the target sentences, the teacher projects the courseware (about greeting) or shows some cartoons and imitates different voices of the people in the cartoons (or play the tape) to say hello to and greet each other: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi

15、/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; The students listen carefully while watching and grasp the pronunciation of some familiar English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.【Activities】Get the students to practice conversations and communicate with each other. Get them to imitate the conversations

16、 they hear and say hello to and greet each other, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.Hi/Hello, Bob!Hi/Hello, Eric!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!【Demonstration】Learn the pronunciation and writing of English letters AaHh. The teacher can draw four-lin

17、e grids on the blackboard and teach the students the correct writing orders and structures. The students imitate what the teacher have taught and pay attention to the varieties of capital and small English letters, finish the teaching task of Activities 2a and 2b.【Experiences】Play the tape of Activi

18、ty 2c and get the students to listen and distinguish the right letters and mark the orders, finish the teaching task of Activities 2c.【Practice】Get the students to write the corresponding small letters according to the capital letters, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 2d.【Discussion】Ge

19、t the students to observe the abbreviations in Activity 3 and guess their meanings according to the pictures. Tell the students these abbreviations are common in English and also important, finish the teaching task of Activities 3.【Experiences】1)Play the tape of Activity 4a and get the students to l

20、isten and circle the names they hear according to the conversations, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4a.2)Play the tape of Activity 4a again and get the students to listen and match the conversations they hear with the pictures and mark the orders, finish the hearing teaching task of

21、Activities 4b.【Activities】Get the students to drill the conversations in Activity 4b and grasp the target sentences: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!,finish the teaching task of Activity 4c.【要点直击】【English notes】中西方日常交际差异:中国人见面喜欢问:“你吃过了吗?”老外听了,以为你要请客;“你去哪儿

22、?”老外认为你是干涉他的隐私。而西方人见面以问候为主,如:Hello!, Hi!, Good morning.等。问候语的使用:Good morning早上好(指早晨、上午);Good afternoon下午好(指午后,黄昏前);Good evening晚上好(指黄昏后,就寝前)。应用迁移,巩固提高Application and transfer, consolidation and improvement1. Make letter cards: Get different letters and words by assembling the cards freely. Its helpf

23、ul to promote the intercourse between the students and bring up their friendship.2. Identify the character cartoons: Know some familiar boy and girl names.Section B and Self Check创设情境,导入新课The main content in Section B is to review and consolidate the greetings learnt; Learn to greet others by using

24、How are you? and familiarize and grasp the familiar English names further; Summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words. So the Audiovisual Guiding Method can still be adopted: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about saying hello and greeting) for teaching, or prep

25、are some cartoons and imitate the different voices of different characters in the cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences can be guided: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Hi/Hello, Eric! How are you? Im fine, thanks. Im OK.。自读感知,整体把握Section B is designed by three

26、steps: In 1-2b, review and consolidate the greetings learnt and learn to greet others by using How are you?;In 3a-4, review the pronunciation and writing of the English letters Aa-Hh, and summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words; In 5, use the English song to consolidate

27、 the target language and inspire the students interest in English at the same time.合作交流,解读探究The main content in Section B is to review and consolidate the greetings learnt; Learn to greet others by using How are you? and familiarize and grasp the familiar English names further; Summarize the pronoun

28、cing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words.Good morning/afternoon, Helen! Hi/Hello, Eric!How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you?Im OK.【Experiences】Project the courseware or play the tape of Activity 1 and get the students to watch or listen and imitate, and make them learn to greet others b

29、y using How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK., finish the teaching task of Activity 1.【Making】Get the students to review the familiar English names learnt and choose one of them as their own English names according to their fancy and write them down in the cards, finish the teaching task

30、 of Activity 2a.【Role-playing】After they make their own name cards, the teacher can get the students to practice conversations to consolidate the target language learnt by using the target sentences and English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 2b.【Experiences】Playing the tape of Activity

31、3a and get the students to draw the lines between the letters they hear, finish the hearing teaching task of Activity 3a.【Activities】Get the students to match the capital letters with the small letter and review and consolidate the pronunciation and writing of the English letter, finish the teaching task of Activity 3b.【Experiences】1)Play the tape of Activity 4 and get the students to listen and imitate and summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E, finish the teaching task of Activity 4.2)Playing the tape of Activity 5 and teach the students this English

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