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1、1策划:学生双语报1.Ican/amabletoswim.2.Icould/wasabletoclimbatreewhenIwasachild.3.Iwillbeabletoswimnextweek.4.Thefirespreadthroughthehotelveryquicklybuteveryonewasabletogetout.1.can 表示现在的能力表示现在的能力2.could表示过去的能力表示过去的能力 able to 表能力,可用于多种时态表能力,可用于多种时态 able to 强调成功地做了某事强调成功地做了某事情态动词表能力情态动词表能力2策划:学生双语报sh

2、all1.,征求对方意见。e.g.Shallwebeginourclass?Shallhegonow?2.用于提出命令、允诺,或用于法律、规定e.g.YoushallgetmybookonSunday.Youshallleavethehouseatonce.Thesignreads:Nopersonshallsmokehere!用于第一、三人称3策划:学生双语报will would1.用于向第二人称,征求对方意见。e.g.Wouldyoupleaseopenthedoor?2.表示个人主观意愿。e.g.Iwillhelpyouanytime.3.usedtodowould表示“过去常常”;“过

3、去常常,强调现在不了”4策划:学生双语报must表“必须”donthavetoneedntdodontneedto2.must还可表示“偏偏、偏要”e.g.Mustyoumakesomuchnoise?1.不必须mustnt 禁止5策划:学生双语报1.Whenhewasthere,he_gotothatcoffeeshopatthecornereveryday.A.wouldB.shouldC.hadbetterD.might2.Whatsthenameofthebook?Khulaifi._Ispellitforyou?A.ShallB.WouldC.CanD.Might6策划:学生双语报1


5、:学生双语报must表示推测1.可能性最强,只能用于肯定句e.g.Thatmustbemypen.2.must-很可能cant-不可能e.g.Thatcantbemypen.9策划:学生双语报should/ought to表示推测1.根据经验的推测,“应当、应该”e.g.Youphotosshouldbereadyby12:00.2.表示“竟然”,带有感情色彩。e.g.Itisstrangethatyoushouldlikehim.10策划:学生双语报can/could表示推测1.常用于否定句或疑问句。e.g.Youcantbehungryalreadyyouhadlunchonlytwoho



8、tB.canC.shouldD.would14策划:学生双语报5.Althoughthis_soundlikeasimpletask,greatcareisneeded.A.mustB.mayC.shallD.should15策划:学生双语报1.musthavedone2.can/canthavedone3.couldhavedone4.shouldhavedone5.neednthavedone6.might/mayhavedone情态动词+have done:表示对过去发生的事进行推测高考真题演练一定做了可能/不可能做了本可以做本该做,而没做本不必做,而做了可能做了16策划:学生双语报1.



11、utit?A.canB.mustC.shouldD.would20策划:学生双语报1 1.I I t th ho ou ug gh ht t y yo ou u l li ik ke e s so omme et th hi in ng g t to o r re ea ad d,s s o o I I h h a a v v e e b b r r o o u u g g h h t t y y o o u u s s o o mm e e b b o o o o k k s s.A A mm a a y y B i i g g h h t t C C.c c a a n n D

12、 u u s s t t 2 2.Y Yo ou u t to o t th he e mme ee et ti in ng g t th hi is s a af ft te er rn no oo on n i if f y y o o u u h h a a v v e e s s o o mm e e t t h h i i n n g g i i mm p p o o r r t t a a n n t t t t o o d d o o.A A.n ne ee ed dn nt t t to o c co omme eB B.d do on nt t n ne ee ed

13、d c co omme e C C.d do on nt t n ne ee ed d c co ommi in ng gD D.n ne ee ed dn nt t c co omme e 3 3.H He e y yo ou u mmo or re e h he el lp p,e ev ve en n t th ho ou ug gh h h he e wwa as s v v e e r r y y b b u u s s y y.A i i g g h h t t h h a a v v e e g g i i v v e e n n B B.mmi ig gh ht t

14、g gi iv ve e C C.c ca an n h ha av ve e g gi iv ve en n D ay y g gi iv ve e 4 4.-I I h he el lp p y yo ou u wwi it th h s so omme e s sh ho oe es s,mma ad da amm?-Y Ye es s,I I wwo ou ul ld d l li ik ke e t to o t tr ry y o on n t th ho os se e b br ro owwn n o on ne es s.A A.WWi il ll l B B.S

15、 Sh ho ou ul ld d C C.MMa ay y D D.MM u u s s t t ks5u精品课件21策划:学生双语报 5._it be true that Albert passed the test in geography?A.May B.should C.Could D.would 6.You lead a horse to the water but you not make it drink.A.will,can B.may;can C.may;dare D.dare;can 7.Must we finish the composition in class?No

16、,you.A.neednt B.mustnt C.wont D.shouldnt 8.Her eyes were red.She.A.must cry B.must be criedC.must have been crying D.may cry ks5u精品课件22策划:学生双语报9.The only thing that really matters to the children is how soon they _return to their school.A.canB.must C.have to D.ought to 10.I want to go to the chemists,but you _go with me.A.need not B.must not C.need D.must ks5u精品课件23策划:学生双语报11.-My goodness!Ive just missed the train.-Thats too bad.I am sure you_ it,if you had hurried.A.could have caught B.had caug

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