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1、对达州市对达州市2010年中考英语试题年中考英语试题的分析暨对的分析暨对2011年中考的展望年中考的展望万源市中小学教研室万源市中小学教研室 祝传发祝传发第一节第一节 达州市达州市2010年高中阶段教育学校招年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语学科命题说明生统一考试英语学科命题说明n一、指导思想一、指导思想n达州市2010年高中阶段学校招生统一考试英语学科的考试命题按照英语课程标准五级的要求,,以达州市教育局中考命题文件和四川省英语学科考试说明相关规定为依据,结合全市规范办学行为后的教学实际,紧扣英语学科教材,选材贴近生活,贴近学生和贴近社会;淡化单纯的语法考点,而将语法考点放在特定的语言环境中

2、,突出英语学科语言的交际功能;注重考查从材料中获取和加工信息的能力,充分体现英语命题服务于语言表达、思想交流、教学实践的新理念,体现试题的评估、选拔和教学导向的功能。n二、命题的原则二、命题的原则n根据达州市2010年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语学科考试说明,命题坚持以英语课程标准五级要求为根本出发点,以英语“三维目标”为主线,紧扣英语教材,充分挖掘考生潜能,贴近考生生活实际,体现英语学科工具性的特点。n三、命题范围及试卷结构三、命题范围及试卷结构n(一)命题范围(一)命题范围n人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(Go for it)七年级(上、下),八年级(上、下),九年级全册的教学内

3、容(试题选材不局限于教材)。n(二)试卷结构(二)试卷结构n1、全卷难度比例:易、中、难比例基本控制在7:2:1。n 2、试卷结构:n根据英语课程标准五级要求和达州市2010年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语学科考试说明,本次命题涵盖了考生的听、说、读、写等语言基本技能以及语法知识和词汇知识的灵活运用能力等几个方面的内容。试卷结构和 分值如下;n试卷分为第卷和第卷,总分100分。第卷为客观试题,共分四个部分(听力,基础知识及运用,阅读理解,口语交际),满分79分;第卷为主观试题,共分三个部分(任务型阅读,短文填空,书面表达),满分21分。n四、命题实施四、命题实施n(一)重视基础知识,更侧重语

4、言能力(一)重视基础知识,更侧重语言能力n本次命题重视对语言基础知识,如名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、数词、动词不定式、动词ing型以及状语从句、宾语从句、被动语态等内容的考查,同时注重考查学生在具体语言环境中运用英语的能力。例如:单项选择题不仅考查常见知识点的基本用法,而且每道题都提供了丰富的情景,所设语境均为学生日常生活接触到的生活现象,着重考查学生用所学语言来“做事”的能力。如:23、24、29、30。(A)23.Would you like to drink?n Yes,I d like a cup of coffee.nA.something else B.else some

5、thing C.anything else D.else anythingn(B)24.Why not an English club to practice nEnglish?n join;to speak B.join;speaking n C.join;to speak join;speakingn(D)29.I dont know if Jack .If he ,call me,please.n A.will come;will comes B.comes;comen C.comes;will come D.will come;comes n(C)30.I did

6、badly in my English exam.n .n A.Congratulations B.Thats great n C.Im sorry to hear that D.Well done n23考查了复合不定代词的限定语的位置及情境交际语言的选择;24考查了非谓语动词;29考查了宾语从句和状语从句中动词的时态人称形式;30考查了学生在情境中如何恰当地表达对别人的关心、安慰。n(二)注重对综合知识与能力的考查(二)注重对综合知识与能力的考查n本次命题沿用了近两年来采用的任务型阅读这一题型,同时在考查形式和内容上都有所变化。如:n(65)Da Shan,a Canadian,is pe

7、rhaps Chinas most famous foreigner.He speaks Chinese well.He was born in 1965.He(66)started to learn Chinese when he studied at Toronto University.In order to remember more Chinese words,(67)wrote,he,them,often,on,cards,down,small.nBut he would only memorize words he met with while reading,listening

8、 or talking in the following two weeks.“Theres no use learning words that dont appear often,”he said.“And the best way to learn a foreign language is to keep using it and understand the culture behind it,Or youll forget everything quickly.”nDa Shan says it is important to get into the language envir

9、onment.(68)与中国朋友交谈has helped him learn not only the words,but also the country and its people.n根据短文后所给的任务,完成65-69小题:n任务1:请将(65)处的句子翻译成汉语。n65.大山,加拿大人,或许是在中国最有名的外国人。n任务2:请用适当的词替换(66)处的单词。n66.began n任务3:将(67)的单词组合成一个完整的句子。n67.he often wrote them down on small cards.n任务4:将(68)处的短语译成英语。n68.Chatting/Talki

10、ng with Chinese friendsn任务5:请回答下面的问题。n69.What does Da Shan think is the best way to learn a foreign language?nHe thinks that the best way to learn a foreign language is to keep using it and understand the culture behind it.n分析:65、68着重考查学生的翻译能力;66考查了学生的词汇积累情况;67考查了学生对英语句式的掌握情况;69考查了学生对语篇的理解能力。n(三)紧跟时

11、代脉膊,反映社会热点(三)紧跟时代脉膊,反映社会热点n本次命题注重结合社会热点、焦点问题,引导广大学生关注国家、关注环境、关注人类和世界的命运,具有鲜明的时代性。如:n1.听力第9段材料着重培养学生的低碳生活意识。nM:Hi,Joy.Would you like to help protect the environment?nW:I dont know.What can I do?nM:Well,first,you can start by turning off the lights.nW:Yes.Thats easy.Whats next?nM:Second,you can ride a

12、 bike.Dont take a bus or a taxi if you dont have to.nW:That will save money,too.What else?nM:Try to recycle paper.nW:Mm,newspapers,magazines We get a lot of paper at home.Good idea.nM:And the last way is using paper or cloth bags instead of plastic ones.nW:OK.My parents do most of the shopping.Ill t

13、ell them.n2.阅读理解C帮助学生了解上海世博会,增强民族自信心和自豪感。n Zhao Tao,a student from No.2 Middle School,has just come back from Shanghai.This morning,he told us something about his pleasant trip.When he talked about the Shanghai World Expo(上海世博会),he was so excited and so proud that he kept telling about it for severa

14、l hours.n The Shanghai World Expo held by China has been on for more than one month.It started on May 1st,and will end on October 31st,2010.Its main idea is“Better City,Better Life.”About 242 countries and organizations are attending(参加)this expo.Many new products can be seen here,nsuch as we can se

15、e the snow in the South Korea Corporate Pavilion(展馆)every day during this hot summer though it seldom snows in Shanghai.And we can see,hear,touch and smell the 4-D films at the Oil Pavilion.How wonderful all these new products are!n China Pavilion is in the center of the expo garden.It is very beaut

16、iful.It represents the development of China from ancient time to now.Its a pride of our China!n Thousands of people from all over the world are coming to the expo every day.And many volunteers are working for them.All the tourists are very pleased and they say that the Shanghai World Expo is the greatest one in the world so far.nHowever,Zhao said,“The expo garden is now so crowded.If you want to visit it,youd better go there during the summer vacation.”n(A)56.The main idea of the Shanghai World

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