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本文(高考英语二轮专题复习精品语法冠词名词代词形容词副词介词汇总讲解及练习.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语二轮专题复习精品语法冠词名词代词形容词副词介词汇总讲解及练习冠词1.不用冠词的情况(1)专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前,一般不加冠词。China , America, Smith(2)季节、月份、星期、节日、假日、一日三餐名称前一般不加冠词。March, May Day, National Day, Childrens Day, Womens Day Have you had supper?Spring is the best season of the year.(3)称呼语及表示头衔职务的名词作宾语、补语及同位语时,一般不加冠词。Whats this, Fathe

2、r? We made him our chairman.Professor Li.(4)学科名称、球类、棋类名称前不加冠词。Do you study physics?He likes playing football/chess.(5)复数名词表示泛指一类人或事物时前不用冠词。They are peasants/ workers.(6)在与by连用的交通工具名称前不加冠词。by car, by bus,by bike, by train, by air/ water/ land但:take a bus, come in a boat, on the train/ bus需注意。(7)某些固定词

3、组中不用冠词。名词词组中: husband and wife, brother and sister, body and soul, day and night, knife and fork介词词组中:to(at, from) school, in (to)class, in (to,at, from)university(college),to(in, into, from)church, to(in,into, out of)prison(hospital, bed), to(at, from, out of)work, to(in, from) town,at (from)home,

4、to(at)sea, at night(noon, midnight), by car (bus, bicycle, plane), on foot注意:在有些词组中,有无冠词含义不同。in hospital 住院(因病) in the hospital在医院(工作、参观等) in front of在前面,指某物体之外in the front of在前部,指某物之内2.定冠词的使用情况特指或第二次提到。序数词前、最高级前、独一无二的东西前。用于表示发明物的单数名词前或某些专有名词前。 the+形容词表示一类人the rich, the poor, the young 富人,穷人,年轻人the+

5、姓氏复数表示 这一家人 the Smiths/the Whites(表示一家人或夫妇俩)用在表示计量的名词前,如by the hour,by the day,by the dozen,by the yard等,但是如表示单位的名词为不可数名词,之前不用冠词,如by weight/height等。He was paid by the hour/week/month.用在表示某世纪、年代、时期或朝代的名词前。 in the 1990s3.不定冠词常用的几种情况(1)表示“一”相当于“one”。Ill return in a day or two.(2)表示“每”相当于“per”。We have t

6、hree meals a day.(3)表示“同一性”相当于“the same”。The children are of an age. (4)表示类指,表示“某类”。He wants to he a doctor.(5)表示泛指,相当于“any”。A horse is a useful animal.(6)表示某一个,相当于“a certain”。A Mr. Smith is asking to see you. (7)与抽象名词连用,可以表示“一场、一次、一件”,如:a pleasure一件乐事,a surprise一件令人惊讶的事,a joy一件高兴的事,a pity一件遗憾的事,an

7、honour一个(件)经以为荣的人(事)。4.冠词表类别(1)定冠词 + 单数可数名词,表示一个,代表一类。The computer was invented in 1945.The TV set was invented by Joan Baird.The horse is a useful animal.(2)不定冠词 + 单数可数名词(表示任意一个,某一个)。A pen is a tool for writing.A square has four sides.A horse is a useful animal.(3)可数名词或不可数名词,指类别(考虑到同类中的各个情况)。Horses

8、 are useful animals.Rice is a kind of food.选择填空1. Most animals have little connection with_animals of_different kind unless they kill them for food. Athe a B/ a Cthe the D/ the2.Paper money was in_use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _thirteenth century.Athe / Bthe the C/ the D/ /3. (

9、2014江西,22)They chose Tom to be _ captain of the team because they knew he was _ smart leader. Aa;the Bthe;the Cthe;a Da;a 4. (2014陕西,19)_ village where I was born has grown into _ town. AThe;a BA;the CThe;the DA;a5. (2014天津,8)Life is like _ ocean:Only _ strongwilled can reach the other shore. Aan;th

10、e Bthe;a Cthe;/ D/;a6. (2014重庆,6)I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village. Athe;a Ba;/ Ca;the Dthe;/ 7. (2013陕西,19)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in _ thirteenth century. Athe;a Ba;/ C/;the Dthe;the8. (2013新课标全国,3

11、1)India attained _ independence in 1947,after _ long struggle. A/;a Bthe;a Can;/ Dan;the 1. B 名词复数表类别,其前不用冠词,故第一个空格不填冠词,表不定概念的“一种”,“某种”要用不定冠词a。2. C 题中in use是固定搭配,意为“在使用”,use为抽象名词,其前不用冠词。后者是序数词前用定冠词the。要牢记一些固定搭配如in use、under construction(在建设中)、in debt(欠债)、come to power(执政)、on fire(着火)、at table(用餐)、ou

12、t of work(失业)等。3.C 句意:因为他们知道汤姆是一位精明的领导,所以就选他当球队的队长。可知,第一空用定冠词是特指这个球队的队长,第二空用不定冠词表示泛指意义。4. A 句意:我出生的那个小村庄已经变成了一个城镇了。根据句意可知,“我出生的村庄”由定语从句修饰,表特指,用定冠词the;而第二空应是泛指。5. A 句意:生活就像一个大洋,只有那些意志坚强者才能到达彼岸。此句中的ocean是可数名词且是第一次出现,故用an;第二个空中theadj.表示一类人,是定冠词的用法之一,故选A。6. A 句意:我无法告诉你去威尔逊家怎么走,因为我们村没有叫威尔逊的。由句意可知前者是特指,后者

13、为泛指。7. A 句意:据说,在13世纪马可波罗在去爪哇岛的途中在太平洋上航行过。the Pacific Ocean固定搭配;第二空在序数词前,表特指,用定冠词the。故选D。8. A 句意:印度在长期抗争后,于1947年获得独立。independence是不可数名词,在其前面通常不加冠词;struggle表示“努力,奋斗”时,常用作单数,在其前面加不定冠词。 名词选择填空1. (2014安徽,29)Why not buy a secondhand car first if you dont have enough money for a new one? Thats a good _. As

14、aying Bquestion Csuggestion DAccount2(2014天津,3)Wind is now the worlds fastest growing _ of power. Asource Bsense Cresult DRoot3. (2014浙江,6)We most prefer to say yes to the _ of someone we know and like. Aattempts Brequests Cdoubts DPromises4. .Youll find this map of great _in helping you to get roun

15、d London. A.price B.cost C.importance D.useful 1. C 句意:如果你没有足够的钱买一辆新车的话,为什么不先买一辆二手车呢?这是个不错的建议(suggestion)。saying 说法;言论;account 账户;解释;说明,理由。根据句意应选C。2. A 句意:风力是现今世界上增长最迅速的一种能源。A.源泉,来源;B.感觉,意义;C.结果;D.根,根源;根据上下文语境,故选A。3. B 句意:我们大部分人都不会拒绝我们认识或者喜欢的人(提出的)要求。attempt尝试;request要求,请求;doubt怀疑;promise诺言。4 C。本题考查

16、特定语境中名词的词义及“be of + 抽象名词”结构。Price (价格),cost(价钱,费用,成本)不符合题意,value作“quality of being useful or desirable”解时,常与of搭配,在句中作表语或补语,意为“有用,有价值”。故选择value。注意名词词义辨异及惯用法表达,题中“of + 抽象名词”相当于该名词的形容词形式。代词either和neithereither是“两者中任何一个”的意思,neither是“两者中没有一个”的意思Here are two pens. You may take either of them.Neither boy k

17、nows French.either也意为“也”,用于否定句的句末。He doesnlike tea, and I dont either.either与or构成连词,意为“不是就是”或“要么要么”。He is either Japanese or Chinese. neither用作副词,意为“也不”,即“noteither”。He cant do it, neither can I. neither可与nor构成连词,意为“既不也不”。Neither he nor you are a student.other和another, the others 和othersthe other表示“

18、两者中的另一个”;the others表示“其他的人或物”。“others及other + 复数名词”泛指“其他的(别的)人或物”。He got two books; one is textbook, the other is a novel.Five of the pencils are red, the others(the other pens)are yellow.Some are singing, others are dancing.another修饰或代替单数可数名词,意为“(三个或三个以上的)另一个”This coat is too dark. Please show me a

19、nother.Please give me another book.选择填空1In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in _, knives and forks.A. another B. othersC. both D. All2. Shed lived in London and Manchester, but she liked _ and moved to Cambridge.A. both B. neitherC. none D. either3. You can ask anyone for help. _ he

20、re is willing to lend you a hand.A. One B. No oneC. Everyone D. Someone4. The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than _ on the small ones.A. one B. thisC. that D. It5. Its an eitheror situationwe can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do _.A. others B. eit

21、herC. another D. both1.B 句意为:在一些国家,人们用筷子吃东西,然而在其他一些国家用刀和叉。A项意为“另一个”;B项意为“另外,其他”;C项意为“两者都”;D项意为“全部”。故选B。2.B 句意为:她曾在伦敦和曼彻斯特居住过,但这两个地方她都不喜欢,于是迁居到了剑桥。根据语境可知,空格处用表示二者完全否定的不定代词。neither意为“两者都不”3C句意为:你可以向任何人求助。这里的每一个人都很乐意给你提供帮助。one意为“一个人”;no one意为“没有一个人”;everyone意为“每一个人”;someone意为“某个人”。根据“You can ask anyone

22、 for help.”可知,此处指这里每个人都乐意帮助你。4. C句意为:主街道上绿灯通行信号比小街道上的绿灯通行信号时间更长。that特指上文出现的可数名词单数,空格处指green signal,that符合题意,故选C。one指代可数名词单数,同类不同物,表泛指;this指代上文已提到的人或事物时,意为“这,这个”;it指代同类同物。5. D 形容词和副词1Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a _ smile and let him go.A. cautious B. gratefulC.

23、tolerant D. Wild2.David is _ animal fur, so he wont visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house.A. curious about B. allergic toC. satisfied with D. fond of3. I think watching TV every evening is a waste of timethere are _ meaningful things to do.A. less B. moreC. the least D. the most4. The aim o

24、f education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others _.A. blindly B. unwillinglyC. closely D. Carefully5Thanks for your directions to the house; we wouldnt have found it _.A. nowhere B. howeverC. otherwise D. Instead6.If we leave right away, _ well arrive on time.A. hop

25、efully B. curiouslyC. occasionally D. gradually1C句意为:她没有责备那个打碎花瓶的小孩,而是宽容地朝他微微一笑,让他走了。A项意为“谨慎的,小心的”;B项意为“感激的”;C项意为“容忍的,宽容的”;D项意为“狂野的,野生的”。2. B句意为:David对动物皮毛过敏,因此他不会到那些养猫或养狗的人家里去。be curious about对好奇; be allergic to对敏感;be satisfied with对满意;be fond of喜欢。3.B句意为:我认为每晚看电视就是浪费时间还有更有意义的事情可以做。根据句意可知,本句话是将别的事与

26、每晚看电视相比较,并且为肯定之意,因此此处应用形容词的比较级形式。4.A句意为:教育的目标在于教会年轻人去独立思考,而不是盲目地跟从别人。blindly意为“盲目地”,符合语境。unwillingly意为“不乐意地”;closely意为“仔细地,密切地”;carefully意为“仔细地”。5.C句意为:谢谢你告诉我们怎么去这个房子;否则我们不会找到它的。otherwise意为“否则”,符合题意。故选C项。nowhere意为“无处”;however意为“然而”;instead意为“相反”,均与题意不符。6. A句意为:如果我们马上走的话,我们很有希望能准时到达。hopefully意为“有希望地”

27、,符合题意。curiously意为“好奇地”;occasionally意为“偶尔地”;gradually意为“逐渐地”,均不符合语意。 介词In年in月in季节, on天on月on星期At noon, at night, at 12:00, at the weekend 1Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour.A. by B. inC. for D. Until2. Our club is open to everyone _ age, sex or educational backg

28、round.A. due to B. except forC. along with D. regardless of3. It is unbelievable that Mr. Lucas leads a simple life _ his great wealth.A. without B. despiteC. in D. to4.While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything _.A. in retur

29、n B. in commonC. in turn D. in place5.Before you pay a visit to a place of interest, look in your local library _ a book about it.A. on B. atC. for D. To6. This shop will be closed for repairs _ further notice.A. with B. untilC. for D. At1. B分析题干可知,此处指的是火车将在半小时以后出发。in一段时间表示“在(某段时间)之后”,故in符合语境。2. D 句

30、意为:我们的俱乐部对所有人开放,不论年龄、性别或教育背景。A项意为“由于,因为”;B项意为“除以外”;C项意为“与一起”;D项意为“不顾”。3.B句意为:尽管Lucas先生很富有,但他却过着简朴的生活,这令人难以置信。despite意为“尽管”,符合题意。故选B项。without意为“没有”;in意为“在里”;to意为“向”,均与题意不符。4.A句意为:在村子里生活期间,James非常无私地与村民们分享了他所有的一切,却不求任何回报。根据句意可知,空格处表示“作为回报”的含义,所以用in return。in common意为“有共同点”;in turn意为“依次,轮流”;in place意为“准备就绪”,都与语境不符。5.C句意为:在你参观一个名胜古迹之前,最好在你所在地的图书馆里找一本相关的图书先了解一下。look on看待;look at查

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