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1、3A16单元重点单词和句型3A 重点单词和句型Chapter 1 Weather and seasons天气和季节1A重点单词:weather天气 season季节 spring春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天(fall) winter冬天warm暖和的 hot热的 cool凉爽的cold冷的 foggy有雾的 rainy有雨的dry干燥的 windy有风的 1C单词:a bit一点 rude 粗鲁的 tell告诉,讲述 chat聊天 (chatting) anything任何事情 blow吹watch看,观看 button纽扣,扣上 try 尝试sunny阳光充足的 take off

2、 脱下 coat外套cloudy多云的 down向下 give up 放弃1E重点单词:plant 种植,植物 ice cream冰淇淋 kite 风筝hike远足,徒步旅行 wear穿 scarf围巾 hotpot火锅1F重点单词:wet湿的 raincoat雨衣 1A 重点句型:Whats the weather like in spring / summer / autumn /winter? 天气怎么样?Its warm and foggy(spring).(春天)天气暖和多雾。Its hot and rainy(summer).(夏天)天气热而且多雨。Its cool and dry

3、(autumn).(秋天)凉爽而干燥。Its cold and windy(winter).(冬天)寒冷而风大。1C句型:1. You are a bit rude. 你有一点没礼貌。2. We dont want to play with you. 我们不想和你玩。3. Why dont they want to play with me. 他们为什么不想跟我玩呢?4. I am strong. I can do anything. 我很强壮,我能做任何事情。5. Can you see the man and the little girl down there?你能看见下面那个男人和那个

4、小孩吗?6. Miss Sun smiles warmly at the people. 太阳小姐朝着人们温和地微笑。7. I know what to do now.我知道该做什么了。1E重点句型:I like summer.我喜欢夏天。Its hot and sunny.夏天阳光充足,很热。I plant flowers and go to the park. 我种花,也去公园玩。I eat ice cream and go swimming. 我吃冰激凌,也去游泳。I fly kites and go hiking.我放风筝,也去远足。I wear a scarf and eat hot

5、 pot. 我围上围巾,也去吃火锅。Chapter 2 Festivals we like我们喜欢的节日2A重点单词:get lucky money 得到压岁钱 eat moon cakes吃月饼eat chocolate eggs吃巧克力蛋 watch fireworks 看焰火give presents 送礼物 send cards 寄卡片一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 Decemberfest

6、ival 节日 which 哪一个 best 最好,最Christmas 圣诞节 Chinese New Year 新年 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Easter 复活节2C单词:sweet甜的 already已经 call打电话reindeer驯鹿 last最近,过去的 race 比赛 ,赛跑need 需要 person 人 sick生病的try尝试,努力, start开始 sink下沉pull 拉 never mind 别担心,没关系 enjoy 喜欢,享受ride(n.) 骑、乘车 weak 弱、虚弱的Dragon Boat Festival端午节 dragon 龙

7、2F单词:year年 fun乐趣,玩笑 fresh新鲜的bright明亮的 cheer欢呼,愉快 bloom开花humid潮湿的 soggy浸水的,透湿的 drum鼓,打鼓again又,再 shine照射 inside里面的lantern灯笼 full全部的,完整的,饱的 hope希望end结束 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 2A 重点句型:1. Which festival do you like best?你最喜欢那个节日?2. I like Christmas best.我最喜欢圣诞节。We give presents and send cards at Christmas.

8、 我们在圣诞节送礼物,也邮寄卡片。3. I like Chinese New Year best.我最喜欢中国新年。We get lucky money and watch fireworks at Chinese new Year.我们在中国新年可以得到压岁钱,也可以看焰火。4. I like Mid-Autumn Festival best. 我最喜欢中秋节。We eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. 我们在中秋节吃月饼。5. I like Easter best.我最喜欢复活节。We eat chocolate eggs at Easter. 在复

9、活节我们吃巧克力蛋。2C句型:1. Santa gets a Christmas card from Hong Kong.圣诞老人收到一张来自香港的圣诞卡片。2. Santa thinks its Christmas already . 圣诞老人认为已经是圣诞节了。3. Its time to work.是工作的时间了。4. That Christmas card is from last year.那张圣诞卡片是去年的。5. We need one more person. 我们还需要一个人。6. One of our friends is sick. 我们的一个朋友生病了。7. Santa

10、 is trying to help but he is too heavy.圣诞老人尽力去帮忙,但是他太重了。8. The boat starts to sink. 小船开始下沉了。9. Santa gets his reindeer to pull the dragon boat.圣诞老人要他的驯鹿来帮忙拉龙舟。10. We are enjoying the ride. 我们很享受这次旅行呢。Chapter 3 School events学校大事3A重点单词:diary 日记 event事件,大事 Open Day 开放日,接待日 Parents Day 家长开放日Speech Day 演

11、讲日the school picnic学校野餐日 the school concert学校音乐会the school fair学校市场,学校博览会3A重点句型:1.Whens the school picnic? 学校野餐在什么时候?2.Its on the seventh of November. 它在11月7号。3.Whens Sports Day? 运动会在什么时候?4.Its on the second of May. 它在5月2号。3C重点单词:Picture.1 : both 两个都 invitation邀请Picture.3: them他们(宾格) Picture 4: feel

12、 感觉 quick快的,迅速的 quickly迅速地 stick粘贴 together一起Picture5: month月份 later以后 Picture8: still 仍然 return 回来3C句型:Picture 1:Ricky and Kitty both have an invitation for Parents Day at their schools. Ricky 和Kitty 两个都有一张他们学校的家长开放日邀请卡。Picture 3:Let me give the cards to Mum and Dad. 让我把邀请卡给爸爸妈妈吧。Picture 4:The chil

13、dren feel bad. 孩子们都感觉很糟糕。 They quickly stick the invitations back together.他们迅速将邀请卡粘贴到一起。Picture5:One month later一个月以后 See you later. 再见。Picture 6.:Mum and dad come back two hours later.两个小时以后,爸爸妈妈回来了。Picture 8:Quick!There is still time to get to Kittys school. 快!还有时间到Kitty的学校去!3E重点句型:Its on the twe

14、nty-first of December , from nine oclock in the morning to four oclock in the afternoon.在12月21号,从上午九点到下午四点。Chapter4 At the school fair 在学校游园会上4A重点单词:camera照相机 watch手表 wallet钱夹purse(女士)手提袋,钱包 photo frame相框 crayons蜡笔shoes鞋子 how much 多少(问价格) dollar美元4C单词:sell卖 things东西,物品 raise筹集,上升homeless 无家可归的 key r

15、ing钥匙扣 market市场may 可以 lovely可爱的 each每一个congratulations祝贺 make money挣钱 a lot of 许多spend 花费4E重点单词:farewell告别,辞别 headmaster校长 ticket 票hundred 百4F单词:memory记忆力 minute分钟 price价格test测试 remember 记得4A重点句型:1. Excuse me. How much is the watch, please.请问,手表多少钱?2. Its sixty-four dollars. 它是64美元一个。3. How much are

16、 the crayons, please? 蜡笔多少钱?4. They are thirty-nine dollars. 他们是39美元。4C句型:1. Charlie wants to sell things at the school fair. Charlie想要在学校交易会上卖一些东西。2. He wants to raise money for the homeless.他想要给那些无家可归的人筹集一些钱。3. I can come and help you. 我能来帮你。4. Grandma sees some key rings at the market. 奶奶在市场上看到了一

17、些钥匙扣。5. May I have twenty, please? 请问我能要20个吗?6. He is with his little girl Linda.他正和他的小女儿Linda在一起。7. Congratulations! You are making a lot of money for the school.祝贺你!你为学校挣了很多钱了!4E重点句型:1. When is the farewell party for the headmaster? 校长的送别晚会是在什么时候?2. Its on the fifteenth of July. 是在七月十五号。3. How muc

18、h are the tickets? 票多少钱?4. They are fifty dollars each. 一张50美元。5. May I have two tickets, please? 请问我能要两张票吗?6. Here is a hundred dollars. 这是一百美元。Chapter 5 Things at home家里的物品5A重点单词:thing事情,物品soft软的 hard硬的 smooth光滑的 rough粗糙的 cushion靠垫,垫子 armchair扶手椅 marble大理石,弹珠 stone石头 it 它 them 他们,它们5A重点句型:1 That c

19、hair is hard. 那把椅子是硬的。2 Dont sit on it. 别坐在上面。3 Please sit in this armchair. 请坐在这个沙发上面。4 Its soft. 它是软的。5 These marbles are smooth and round. 这些弹珠是又光滑又圆的。6 Can I feel them? 我能感觉一下它们吗?7 Sure. 当然可以。5C单词:pretty漂亮的 uncle叔叔 showto 给看visit看望 nice好的 feelwith用感觉smile 微笑 would like to do 想要做 listen to music听

20、音乐surprised惊讶的 take out 取出 braille盲文 paper纸 writing书写 clever聪明的5C句型:1. Mary gets some pretty stones from her uncle . Mary的叔叔给了他一些漂亮的石头。2. She likes them very much. 她非常地喜欢它们(石头)。3. I can show them to Stella on Saturday. 我可以把它们给Stella看。4. She visits Mary on Saturday. 她在星期六看望Mary。5. She sits down on th

21、e sofa. 她坐在沙发上。6. Stella feels the stones with her hands. Stella 用手感觉这些石头。7. What would you like to do now? 现在你想干嘛?8.You can listen to some music or a story. 你可以听听音乐或者故事。9. The paper is smooth but the writing is rough. 纸张很光滑,但是书写很粗糙。5E单词:key 钥匙 tissue 餐巾纸 5F单词:bubble泡泡 bath洗澡 path小路 shell贝壳 brush刷子

22、use使用 Chapter 6 A trip to the beach去海边的一次旅行6A重点单词:trip旅行 beach海滩,海滨collect 收集 shells贝壳 wave波浪swallow吞下,咽下 salty咸的 smell闻,嗅,气味barbecue烧烤 touch触摸 sand沙,沙地collect shells捡贝壳,收集贝壳 listen to the waves听海浪声swallow salty water喝盐水 smell and eat food on a barbecue吃烧烤touch the warm sand 触摸温暖的沙子walk on the sand走

23、在沙滩上6C难点单词sandcastle沙堡,沙塔 sure确定 win赢,获胜competition竞赛 build建造 use用bucket桶 spade铁锹,铲子 hard困难的,辛苦的finish完成 tide潮汐 hope希望 wave 海浪wash away冲走 only仅仅,只 worried担心的guess猜猜 happen发生 try to试着,设法save拯救,挽救 towel毛巾6C 重点句型:1 Lets make a big sandcastle. 让我们来建一个大沙堡吧。2 I am sure we can win the competition. 我确信我们能赢得

24、比赛。3 I like building sandcastles. 我喜欢建造沙堡。4 The Tams want to win the competition. 塔姆斯一家想要赢得比赛。5 They use a bucket and a spade to build a beautiful sandcastle. 他们用一个水桶和一个铲子来建一个漂亮的沙堡。6 Heres some money. 这有点钱。7 Get one for me too. 给我也带一个。8 This is hard work. 这真是艰难的工作啊。9 Dad wants to finish the sandcast

25、le. 爸爸想完成沙堡(的建造)。10 I hope the waves dont wash away our sandcastle. 我希望海浪没有冲走我们的沙堡。11 They can only see his hat on the water. 他们只能看见他的帽子在水面12 The waves are washing the sandcastle away. 海浪将沙堡冲走了。13 Dad is trying to save it. 爸爸在尽力挽救它。14 The children give dad a towel and his ice cream. 孩子们给爸爸一个毛巾和他的冰激凌

26、。6E重点单词和句型:make note做笔记pretty shells 漂亮的贝壳 gentle waves温柔的海浪fresh air新鲜的空气 salty water 海水,盐水warm sand 温暖的沙子 1 What do you like at the beach?海滩上你喜欢什么?2 I like the pretty shells. 我喜欢漂亮的贝壳。3 I like looking at them. 我喜欢看它们。4 What dont you like? 你不喜欢什么?5 I dont like the warm sand. 我不喜欢温暖的沙子。6 I dont like tocuhing it. 我不喜欢摸它们。6F部分单词:shape形状 poem诗 diamond钻石have fun 玩得开心 Story Time A new haircut一个新的发型character角色 haircut发型 hair salon理发沙龙cyber网络的 terrible可怕的 note便条,笔记master主人,大师 lunchtime午餐时间 make fun of取笑monk和尚 vegetable蔬菜 ugly丑陋的tease嘲笑 letter信

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