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1、中考英语试题专题练习名词2019-2020年中考英语试题专题练习:名词一选择题(共30小题)1(2016昆明)Each couple in China can have two_from January 1st,2016()Aboy Bgirl Cchildren Dchild2(2016重庆)Its sports timeMost _ students in Class 1are playing football on the playground()Aboy Bboys Cboys Dboys3(2016绥化)Our school has fiftysix teachers()Awoman

2、 Bwomen Cwomans4(2016宜宾)Yibin is one of the most beautiful _in Sichuan()Acity Bcities Ccitys5(2016南宁)These _ in beautiful dresses will have a party this evening()Aman Bmen Cwoman Dwomen6(2016绥化) room is big and nice()AKates and Janes BKates and JaneCKate and Janes 7(2016新疆)This is bedroomIts tidy an

3、d nice()ALilys and Lucys BLily and LucysCLilys and Lucy DLily and Lucy8(2016安顺)Therell be a _meeting next week,and my parents will _come for it()Aparents;all Bparents;bothCparents;all Dparents;both9(2016东营)Are you sure this is a photo _,the famous comedy actress?It surprised you,didnt it?But she was

4、 once really thin()AJia Ling BJia LingsCof Jia Ling Dof Jia Lings10(2016黑龙江)The Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路倡议)will help China improve with those related countries,especially Pakistan()Arelationship Bagreement Cenvironment11(2016重庆)Its hot todayHave some _,pleaseNo,thanksIm not thirsty at all()Awa

5、ter Bpotatoes Cbread Dcakes12(2016绵阳)He was born in Germany,but he has made China his _()Afamily Baddress Chouse Dhome13(2016重庆)Its cold todayTake your_ with you when you go out()Aknife Bcoat Cbrush Dkey14(2016福州)Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas MissilesHe is th

6、e _ of China()Aleader Bpride Cvoice15(2016达州)Why did Lucy look unhappy?Because she was so careless that she made many spelling_in her homework()Afriends Bplans Cdecisions Dmistakes16(2016江西)Some old people need a _ because they feel lonely()Agift Bstick Cpet Dwatch17(2016滨州)Do you know about the sci

7、entist Tu Youyou?Yes,she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great()Asurprise Bachievement Ceducation Dsatisfaction18(2016青岛)Nancy took her temperature and found she had a _()Acough Btoothache Ccold Dfever19(2016苏州)Steve Jobs was full ofalways coming up with new ideas which led to gr

8、eat changes in society()Ainstruction Binvitation Cintroduction Dinvention20(2016广东)The broken _may cut into your hand if you touch it,you should be careful()Aglass Bglasses Ccandle Dcandles21(2016深圳)MrWhite,could you give me someadvice?I have trouble in learning EnglishSureFirst,you should be confid

9、ent and never give upSecond,()Aintroductions BsuggestionsCinstructions 22(2016自贡)How can I get some_about the 2016 Olympic Games?Why not search the Internet?()Ainformation Bexperience Cpractice23(2016温州)When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety _ is to keep calm()Arule Bdoubt Ccon

10、dition Dproblem24(2016孝感)Mom,I will eat less fast food this year,believe meIf you make a _,you must keep it()Ajoke Bnoise Cmistake Dpromise25(2016武汉)Look,the boss is very angry with AlexWell,he came late againBut thats no_ to shout at him()Aproblem Blesson Cexcuse DReason26(2016湖北)Look!So many color

11、ful bicycles in two lines over thereTheyre for publicThis _ of green smart traffic is everywhere in Xiangyang city()Anumber Bpair Ckind Dpiece27(2016东营)Why do people never cut up the _ on their birthdays?Because they are a symbol of long life()Aeggs Bcakes Cnoodles Ddumplings28(2016德州)Bill will be a

12、/an _ to interview the football players in the coming Rio 2016 Olympics()Aguest Breporter Ctourist Dengineer29(2016山西)During the next few days,I decide to have a good _ by taking a walk or seeing a movieI really need to relax()Ameal Bsleep Crest30(2016河南)Are you going out with Jade tonight?Thats myM

13、ind your own!()Aoffer Bbusiness Cquestion Dchance2016年07月28日muzisan的初中英语组卷参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共30小题)1(2016昆明)Each couple in China can have two_from January 1st,2016()Aboy Bgirl Cchildren Dchild【分析】从2016年1月1日起,中国的每对夫妻可以有两个孩子【解答】答案:C 根据此空前的two,可知此处需要可数名词的复数形式boy、girl、child都是单数形式children为child的复数形式故选C【点评】本题考

14、查可数名词的复数可数名词变复数时一般在词尾加s但是也有特殊情况如child的复数就是children2(2016重庆)Its sports timeMost _ students in Class 1are playing football on the playground()Aboy Bboys Cboys Dboys【分析】现在是运动时间一班的大部分男生在操场上踢足球【解答】答案:A根据句子结构可知该空处在句中作定语修饰名词students,选项中是名词boy的各种形式,有其复数形式和单复数的名词所有格形式,根据名词作定语常用单数形式,且不随后面的名词的数而发生改变(man、woman除

15、外),故填boy的单数形式即可,故选A【点评】本题考查了名词作定语的形式,根据名词作定语常用单数形式,结合选项即可选出正确答案3(2016绥化)Our school has fiftysix teachers()Awoman Bwomen Cwomans【分析】我们学校有五十六名女教师【解答】答案:B根据语境 teachers是复数,因为woman修饰名词是必须和它修饰的名词保持数的一致,故woman也应为复数women,所以答案为B【点评】本题考查可数名词的单复数,考生可根据语境作答4(2016宜宾)Yibin is one of the most beautiful _in Sichuan

16、()Acity Bcities Ccitys【分析】在四川,宜宾是最美丽的城市之一【解答】答案:B 根据one of the most beautiful可知本句是最高级的句子,表示宜宾是最美丽的城市之一one of后应用名词的复数形式city为可数名词,且是以辅音+y结尾的单词,故变复数时应该把y变为i加es故其复数形式为cities故选B【点评】本题考查名词的复数形式首先找到one of是做题的关键,只有在复数之中才能挑出之一其次要能正确写出单词的复数形式5(2016南宁)These _ in beautiful dresses will have a party this evening

17、()Aman Bmen Cwoman Dwomen【分析】这些穿漂亮裙子的女人今天晚上要参加一个晚会【解答】答案:D 根据语境these(这些)可知本空应填复数形式,故可排除A,C根据语境in beautiful dresses(穿漂亮裙子)可知应是女人,故可排除答案B,因此本题答案为D【点评】本题考查具体语境中名词的单复数的应用,在理解句意的基础上可正确作答6(2016绥化) room is big and nice()AKates and Janes BKates and JaneCKate and Janes 【分析】凯特与简的房间又大又漂亮【解答】答案:C根据room为单数形式,及is

18、知凯特与简共用一个房间,根据名词所有格用法,表示两者共同拥有只在最后一个人后加s,故应为Kate and Janes,故选C【点评】此题考查名词所有格的用法,考生需注意仔细审题,其中room是完成该题的关键7(2016新疆)This is bedroomIts tidy and nice()ALilys and Lucys BLily and LucysCLilys and Lucy DLily and Lucy【分析】这是Lily和Lucy的卧室,它又整洁又漂亮【解答】答案:BLilys and Lucys指两个分别有的,Lily and Lucys指两人共有的;根据Its tidy and

19、 nice可知这是一个卧室,是单数,所以应该是两人共有的,故选B【点评】本题考查名词所有格,先弄清所有格的用法,再根据情景选择正确答案8(2016安顺)Therell be a _meeting next week,and my parents will _come for it()Aparents;all Bparents;bothCparents;all Dparents;both【分析】下星期将有一个家长会,我的父母都会来参加的【解答】答案:B由于parent(父母)是一个复数名词,其所有格应为parents根据语境my parents(我的父母亲)是两个人,第二空处应填both(两者都

20、)故答案为:B【点评】本题考查名词的所有格,考生需结合语境才能正确作答9(2016东营)Are you sure this is a photo _,the famous comedy actress?It surprised you,didnt it?But she was once really thin()AJia Ling BJia LingsCof Jia Ling Dof Jia Lings【分析】你确定这是著名的喜剧演员贾玲的照片吗?它让你吃惊了,不是吗?但是她曾经真得很瘦【解答】答案:Ca photo of sb=sbs photo某人的照片;of的,s也表示的,是所有格形式,

21、故选C【点评】本题考查名词所有格,注意所有格的表达方法,根据其形式选择正确答案10(2016黑龙江)The Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路倡议)will help China improve with those related countries,especially Pakistan()Arelationship Bagreement Cenvironment【分析】一带一路倡议将帮助中国改善与那些(沿线)相关国家的关系,尤其是巴基斯坦【解答】答案:A;relationship关系; 联系;agreement协定,协议;environment环境,外界;根据常

22、识,一带一路倡议将会加强与沿线国家的关系;故根据句中信息The Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路倡议) will help China improvewith those related countries,especially Pakistan,推测该句句意:带一路倡议将帮助中国改善与那些(沿线)相关的国家的关系,尤其是巴基斯坦故选A【点评】细读所提供的选项,认真分析它们的不同含义,然后在理解句意把握语境的基础上,选择正确的答案11(2016重庆)Its hot todayHave some _,pleaseNo,thanksIm not thirsty at a

23、ll()Awater Bpotatoes Cbread Dcakes【分析】今天天气很热请喝些水吧不,谢谢我一点也不渴【解答】答案:A根据选项的意思water水;potato土豆;bread面包;cake蛋糕,结合答语No,thanksIm not thirsty at all不,谢谢我一点也不渴可推知在上文中对方让他喝点东西,故选A【点评】首先根据语境,细读选项中四个名词的不同含义,然后通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索即可选出正确答案12(2016绵阳)He was born in Germany,but he has made China his _()Afamily Baddress

24、 Chouse Dhome【分析】他出生在德国,但是他已经把中国当做他的家【解答】答案:D family家庭,家人;address地址;house房子;home家根据made China可知这是短语make sth sth(把某物看成某物)可知他只能把中国看成他的家故选D【点评】本题考查名词的词义辨析四个词的侧重点不同本题考查抽象意义的家,注意与家人和房子的区别13(2016重庆)Its cold todayTake your_ with you when you go out()Aknife Bcoat Cbrush Dkey【分析】今天天气很冷当你外出时带上你的外套【解答】答案:B 根据I

25、ts cold today可知,今天很冷,出门要带上外套;又知knife意为小刀;coat意为外套,上衣;brush意为刷子;key意为钥匙所以此处应用coat故选B【点评】此题考查名词词义辨析做题时,找准关键句判断所缺意思,再分析各选项含义,筛选出答案14(2016福州)Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas MissilesHe is the _ of China()Aleader Bpride Cvoice【分析】你最崇拜的人是谁?中国导弹之父钱学森,他是中国的骄傲【解答】答案:B;le

26、ader领导者;pride骄傲;voice嗓音;根据句中信息Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas Missiles推知后面额句意:他是中国的骄傲;故选B【点评】比较和分析三个选项的不用含义及其用法是解答该题的关键;还要根据句中信息正确推测该句句意,进而作出解答15(2016达州)Why did Lucy look unhappy?Because she was so careless that she made many spelling_in her homework()Afriends Bplans Cdecisions Dmistakes【分析】为什么Lucy

27、看起来不高兴?应为她是如此粗心以至于她的作业犯了很多拼写错误【解答】答案:D;friend朋友;plan计划;decision决定;mistake错误;根据句中信息she was so careless推测后面的句意:她的作业犯了很多拼写错误;故选D【点评】了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,还要从句意着手,根据句意作出解答;所以,平时的学习中要多进行积累词汇,才能很好的完成16(2016江西)Some old people need a _ because they feel lonely()Agift Bstick Cpet Dwatch【分析】一些老人需要一个宠物因为他们感到孤独【解

28、答】答案:C根据选项的意思A、礼物;B、拐杖;C、宠物;D、手表,结合句子的意思是由于老人感觉孤单,因此推知需要有宠物陪伴故选C【点评】此题考查名词词义辨析做题时,找准关键句判断所缺意思,再分析各选项含义,筛选出答案17(2016滨州)Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou?Yes,she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great()Asurprise Bachievement Ceducation Dsatisfaction【分析】你知道科学家屠呦呦吗?是的,由于她的伟大成就她嬴得了2015年的诺贝尔医学奖【解答】答案:Bsurprise惊讶;achievement成就;education教育;satisfaction满意;赢得诺贝尔奖的人一定是有巨大成就的,故选B【点评】本题考查名词词义辨析,先弄清所给词的词义,再根据情景选择正确答案18(2016青岛)Nancy took her temperature and found she had a _()Acough Btoothache Ccold Dfever【分析】南希量了体温并且发现她发

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