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1、语言学样题I. Directions : Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%10=20%)1. Linguistics is the scientific study of _C_. A. a particular language B. the English language C. human

2、languages in general D. the system of a particular language 2. The consonant f in English can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features: _B_. A. voiceless, bilabial, stop B. voiceless清音, labiodental唇齿音, fricative摩擦音 C. voiced, bilabial双唇音, stop闭塞音 D. voiced浊音, labiodental, fri

3、cative3. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix ed in the word learned is known as a(n) _C_. A. derivational morpheme 派生词素 B. free morpheme 自由词素 C. inflectional morpheme 屈折词素 D. free form 自由形态5. I bought some roses _A_ I bought some flowers. A. entails B. presupposes C. is inco

4、nsistent with 不符合 D. is synonymous with 与同义6. Ys utterance说话方式in the following conversation exchange violates违犯 冒犯 the maxim of _C_. X: Who was that you were with last night? Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? A. quality B. quantity C. relation D. manner7. Changes in a language are cha

5、nges in the grammar of the speakers of the language. This means that phonemes, _C_, words and grammatical rules may be borrowed外来词, added, lost or altered改变. A. phrases 短语 B. sentences C. morphemes 词素 D. utterances 话语8. Predication analysis 预测分析is a way to analyze _D_ meaning. A. phoneme B. word C.

6、phrase D. sentence 9.According to Searle, those illocutionary acts言外行为 whose point is to commit承诺 the speaker to some future course of action are called _A _. A. commisives 承诺类 B. directives 指令类 C. expressives 表达类 D. declaratives 宣告类18. The famous quotation from Shakespeares play “Romeo and Juliet”

7、A rose by any othername would smell as sweet well illustrates _A_. A. the conventional 传统性nature of language B. the creative nature of language C. the universality of language 普遍性 D. the arbitrariness of language19. Of the following sound combinations, only _A_ is permissible可允许的 according to theseq

8、uential rules in English. A. kibl B. bkil C. ilkb D. ilbk20. Syntax句法学 is the study of_B_。 A. language functions B. sentence structure C. textual organization D. word formation21. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature区别性特征 of human language? D A. Arbitrariness B. Productivity C. Cultur

9、al transmission D. Finiteness 有限性22. The speech act theory 言语行为理论was first put forward by B A. John Searle B. John Austin C. Noam Chomsky D.M.A.K Halliday23. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion概念 观念 of D A. reference B. meaning C. antonymy D. context24. The words “k

10、id, child, offspring后代、子孙” are examples of B A. dialectal synonyms 方言的同义词 B. stylistic synonyms C. emotive synonyms 情绪化的同义词 D. collocational synonyms25. The distinction between parole言语 and langue语言was made by D A. Halliday B. Chomsky C. Bloomfield D. Saussure26. _ refers to the study of the interna

11、l内在的、本质 structure of words and the rules of the word formation. A. Phonology B. Morphology C. Semantics D. Sociolinguistics27. The distinctive features of a speech variety言语变体 may be all the following EXCEPT A. lexical B. syntactic C. phonological D. Psycholinguistic 心理语言学28. The word tail once refe

12、rred to the “the tail of a horse马尾”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal”. This is an example of A. widening of meaning B. narrowing of meaning C. meaning shift D. loss of meaning29. Which of the following is NOT a design feature of human language? A. Arbitrariness B. Displacement .C.

13、 Duality D. Diachronicity30. What type of sentence is “Mark likes fiction, but Tim is interested in poetry.”? A. A simple sentence B. A coordinate sentence 并列句 C. A complex sentence D, None of the above31. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called A. hyponymy B

14、. synonymy C. polysemy D. homonymy32. The study of the mental processes of language comprehension and production is_. A. corpus linguistics 语料库语言学 B. sociolinguistics C. theoretical linguistics 理论语言学 D. Psycholinguistics33. A special language variety that mixes languages 混合语言and is used by speakers

15、of different languages for purposes of trading is called_. A. dialect 方言 B. idiolect 个人语型 C. pidgin D. Register 语域34. When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing_. A. an illocutionary act 言外行为 B. a perlocutionary act 言后行为 C. a locut

16、ionary act 言内行为 D. none of the above35. _ refers to the learning and development of a language. A. Language acquisition 语言习得 B. Language comprehension 语言理解 C. Language production 语言生成 D. Language instruction 语言教学36. The word “Motel” comes from “motor + hotel”. This is an example of _ in morphology.

17、A. backformation 逆生词法 B. conversion 转换法 C. blending 混拼词 D. acronym 首字母缩略词37. Language is t tool of communication. The symbol “Highway Closed” on a highway serves A. an expressive function 表达功能 B. an informative function. 信息功能 C. a performative function 表演功能 D. a persuasive function 有说服力的功能38. is def

18、ined as the study of the relationship between language and mind. A. semantics B. pragmatics C. cognitive linguistics 认知语言学 D. sociolinguistics39. A vowel is different from a consonant辅音 in English because of A. absence of obstruction 没有阻塞 B. presence of obstruction 存在梗塞 C. manner of articulation 发音方

19、法 D. place of articulation 发音部位40. The definition “the act of using, or promoting the use of, several languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers” refers to A. Pidgin B. Creole克里奥尔语 C. Multilingualism 多语制 D. Bilingualism 习用两种语言41. In English if a word begins with a lor a

20、 r, then the neat sound must be a vowel. This is a(n) A. assimilation rule 通化规则 B. sequential rule 序列规则 C. deletion rule 省略规则 D. grammar rule 42. Which of the following is an example of clipping? A. APEC. B. Motel.C. Xerox. D. Disco.43. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to a part

21、icular type of situation is called A. register B. dialect C. slang D. variety. Decide whether the following statements are True(T) or False(F). (20 points, 1 point each)1. Historical linguistics is a synochronic study of language. F 2. The phatic交流感情的 function can often be entirely完全地 personal and t

22、otally without any implication含意 of communication to others. F 3. Deal is phonetically transcribed转录 as di: ?. T 4. Phonology is concerned with speech production and speech perception领悟 认识能力. F 5. The word bridge to mean a method of playing cards is a loanshift词变异 from Italian. T6. The English sylla

23、ble音节 may have as many as four consonants in the coda position结尾位置. T7. In the example: “He couldnt open the door. It was locked tight”, the relation between “the door” and “It” is that of reference. T 8. Positional relations are a manifestation证明 of one aspect of “PARADIGMATIC RELATIONS聚合关系” observ

24、ed by F. de Saussure. In some elementary 基本的linguistic textbooks, they are also called HORIZONTAL RELATIONS横向关系 or simply CHAIN RELATIONS链关系. F 9. Ogden and Richards argue that the relation between a word and thing it refers to is not direct. T 10. Gradable antonymy层级性反义词 is the sense relation betwe

25、en two antonyms which differ in terms of degree while complementary antonymy is the sense relation between two antonyms which are complementary互补性 to each other. T 11. Speech act theory言语行为理论 is in fact a theory of the illocutionary act言外行为. T 12. A speaker flouts轻视 the Maxim of Quantity数量规则 when hi

26、s contributions to the conversation are not truthful. F 13. A lot of issues in psycholinguistics are controversial有争议性的. T 14. When Mr. Goodell said Ive had enough dumbbells哑铃 in my office(p. 168), he meant he had some weights in his office for practicing strength练习强度. F 15. Foregrounding前台操作 前台设制 r

27、efers to specific linguistic devices, i.e., deviation偏差 and parallelism平行类似, which are used in literary texts. T 16. CALL refers to the use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. T17. In his standard theory标准理论, N. Chomsky gave up the terms of deep structure and s

28、urface structure. F 18. Nowadays in the literature, the term “contrastive analysis对比分析” is gradually been replaced by “the study of cross-linguistic influences跨语言的影响”. T 19. In cross-cultural communication跨文化交际, when people have trouble and do not know how to behave correctly, they tend to turn to t

29、heir source culture for help. This is a strategy策略 often used by communicators传播者 in a new cultural setting, while it may not always work. T 20. It is indeed necessary to reconsider重新讨论 how much we, as human beings, really understand about the nature of language and its role in our life. T 21. Histo

30、rical linguistics历史语言学 is a synochronic study of language. F22.Ogden and Richards argue that the relation between a word and thing it refers to is not direct. T 23. Gradable antonymy is the sense relation between two antonyms which differ in terms of degree while complementary antonymy is the sense relation between two antonyms which are complementary to each other. T 24. A speaker flouts the Maxim of Quantity when his contributions to the conversation are not truthful. F25. There is only one argument in the sentence “Children play basketball.” F2

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