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1、外研版英语完成句子期末复习1北京以长城而闻名,每年都有许多外国人来参观。Beijing _ the Great Wall. Thousands of foreign friends visit it every year2.你昨晚没有去参加聚会,你怎么了?You didnt go to the party yesterday evening, _?3.人们现在正在忙着建设自己的xx。People _new home now.4.我们相信中国人将用大约5年的时间就能制造出航空母舰。We are sure that it _ aircraft carriers.5. Tom和比尔一样高。Tom i

2、s _ Bill.6.恐怕你上学要迟到了。_you _school.7.观众应该等到演出结束才能离开。The audience _the performance is over.8.昨晚Mike太累了没能画完这幅画。Mike was _drawing the picture last night.9.晚饭以后出去散步怎么样啊?_after supper?10.不要老玩游戏。何不出去享受一下阳光呢Dont play games all the time. _go out and enjoy the sunshine.11.昨天我花了一个小时的时间做晚饭。_ to cook dinner yest

3、erday.12.他太小了,还不能上学。_to school.13.这个问题太难了回答不出来。This question _answer it .14.李明昨天晚上直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉。Li Ming _yesterday evening.15直到我到了国家大剧院,才看见我爸爸。_ I reached the National Grand Theatre.16.我认为诚实对我们是十分重要的。I think _ honest.1.她把她的书保管得像刚买的一样新。She kept her book _ she just bought it.3.爸爸昨天直到午夜才回来。My father_ mid

4、night yesterday.4.吃太多的快餐对身体不好。Eating too much junk food _your health.5.我的自行车坏了。_ my bike.6. .明天是周日,去远足怎么样?Tomorrow is Sunday. _?7.不要总看电视。何不出去打篮球?Dontwatch TV all the time. _ go out and play basketball?8.学好英语对我们来说很重要。Its_well.9.这个男孩这么小孩还上不了学。The boy is _ he cantgo to school.10.他每周用两个小时的时间做家务。_ the ho

5、usework12.这个老人累得走不动了。The old man _.13.你最好写下所有的想法。_all your ideas.14. Mary一见到她弟弟就会告诉他这个消息。Mary will tell her brother this message _ he sees him.15.xx每天花一个小时做家庭作业。Tom _ every day.2.昨天他花了四个小时才到那儿。_ _ there yesterday.4.明天是汤姆的生日。何不给他买一张漂亮的卡片?ItsTomsbirthday tomorrow. _ a beautiful card for him?5.妈妈让我帮她给一

6、个老爷爷买一些牛奶。Mum _ her to buy some milk for an old man.6.今天我迟到了是因为我的手表不走了。I was late because _ my watch.7.xx的夏天真热,去游泳如何?It is hot in Beijing in summer. _?8.去年天气太冷了,以至于很多人都患了感冒。Last year it _ many people caught a cold.9.所有的学生都在忙着做练习,为物理考试做准备。All the students are busy exercising to _the Physical exam.10.

7、我一买回来哈里波特就会给你看的。Illshow you Harry Potter _ I buy it.11.昨天直到做完作业,他才看电视。Yesterday he _ he finished his homework.12.每天吃早餐对我们的身体健康很重要。_ breakfast every day.14.露西花了50元买了这本字典。Lucy _.15.这个男孩太小上不了学。The boy is _ go to school.1.中国各地的人们都在为北京举办奥运会做准备。Lots of Chinese areas_ helping Beijing hold the Olympic Games

8、.2.我花了一年的时间写这本书。I _the book.3.他饿得都站不住了。He was_ he couldnt stand up.4.为了学好英语,多读好书是很重要的。_more good books in order to learn English well.5.直到雨停了,我才回家。I _ it stopped raing,6.那道数学题真难,我花了两个小时的时间才做出来。The math problem wan so difficult that _.7.保罗来得正是时候,不早也不晚。Paul came just at right time,_.8.作为年轻人,我们永远不会因为太年

9、轻而无法开始我们的事业。As young people, we are_ start our business .9.她很可怜。你为什么不帮帮她呢?She is so poor. _ help her?10.昨天雨一停孩子们就回家了。The children went home _ yesterday 11.咱们工作了很久了,停下来休息一下,怎么样?Weveworked for a long time. _?12.我觉得他不会放弃学习。_ he will give up study.13你最好快点做作业,然后在大考之前放松一下_a bit faster and relax yourself b

10、efore big exams.14.我的电脑又坏了。你能帮我修理一下吗? 15.在我生日那天,妈妈给我买了一本书。1.我一回来我妈妈就开始做饭。My mother began to cook dinner _I got home.2.这棵树太高,小猫爬不上去。The tree is _for the little cat.3.你最好不要把这件事告诉她。_ about it.4. Mike不仅写完了作业,而且还帮妹妹复习了英语。Mike _his sister with her English.5.不论绘画还是舞蹈都不好学,你必须刻苦训练。_is not easy to learn, you

11、must train hard.6.我每天早晨花费半小时时间跑步。I _.7.多做体育运动对我们的身体很重要。_more exercise.8.看!学生们正在为运动会做准备。Look! The students_the sports meeting.9.我每天步行去上班只需十分钟。_ to office every day.10.开会的时间了。_ _ meeting.11.直到Miss Li进来了,他们才停止了说话。They _Miss Li came in.12.你有计划了吗?去xx怎么样?Have you made the plans? _?13.天气真好!为什么不和我们出去散步呢?Wha

12、t a lovely day today! _ with us?14.这个箱子太重了,我搬不动。The box is _.15.我的闹钟坏了,所以我起晚了。_my alarm clock, so I got up late.1.我每天步行去上班只需十分钟。_ to office every day.2.我认为如果遇到困难,我们最好向老师请教。I think that _ _if we are in trouble.3.何不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情?_ the children do what they like?4.外面的噪音太大,以至我们听不到老师讲话。The noise outside w

13、as _.5.我昨天直到写完作业才吃晚饭。I_ my homework yesterday.6.xx怎么样?我认为那是一个好地方。_ Paris? I thinkitsa good place.7.他既不太聪明也不太傻,干这个工作正合适。He was _, but good enough at this work.8.昨天雨一停孩子们就回家了。The children went home _ yesterday.9.她太恶心以至于不能吃完了。She was_ finishing eating.10.妈妈经常告诉他不要在计算机游戏上花太多时间。Mother often _.11.多外出旅行对开阔

14、我们的视野很重要。_to open our eyes to go sight-seeing.12.你为明天的运动会做好准备了么?_tomorrowssports meeting?13.多喝牛奶对你的健康有好处。Drinking more milk _ your body.14.我想英语和数学一样重要。I think English is _ maths.15.我的肚子疼,不能跑步了。_my stomach so I cant run any 1.她很可怜。你为什么不帮帮她呢?She is so poor. _ you help her?2.一些路标太小,司机们都看不见Some road sig

15、ns are_.3.直到老师进来了,他们才停下来休息了一会儿。They _ the teacher came in.4.多喝水对我们的身体很重要。_ drink more water.5.工人们要花两年的时间建造这座桥_the bridge.6.他一看完那张DVD就会就给你。He will lend this DVD to you_ he finishes watching it.7.去年天气太冷了,以至于很多人都患了感冒。Last year it _ many people caught a cold.8.做这种运动对你的病有好处。Doing such sport _your disease

16、.9.最好不要在街上边走边吃xx。_ whileyouerwalking down the street.10.我花了6000多元买这台电视机。I _ this TV set.11.我的手表坏了,所以我来晚了。_my watch, so I am late.12.在西方,人们参加聚会时既不能太早,也不能太晚。In the West, people can go to parties .13.昨天晚上我一到家,妈妈就让我准备吃饭。My mother asked me to _as soon as I got home yesterday evening.14.xx不像他xx那样擅长运动。Tom

17、_ his brother.15.喝点水如何?你看起来有点紧张。_drinking water ? You look a little bit nervous.1.我们在英语课上应该尽可能地多讲英语。We should speak English _ in English class.2.当你迷路时,你可以向警察需求帮助。When you get lost, you can _.3.一个小孩问我怎样能找到妈妈。A kid _ find his mother.4.老师告诉我们上课不要迟到。The teacher told us_.5.我并不迷信,可是我怕黑Imnot superstious, b

18、ut _.6.聚会一小时以后开始,孩子们正忙着打扫教室。The party will begin in an hour. The children _ the classroom.7.对不起,我上课迟到了。Imsorry I _class.8.我很高兴你通过了考试。_you have passed the exam.9.他和我都是学生。_are students.10.天气正在变暖。The weather is _.11.我能和我的新同学相处得好。I _ _ my new classmates.12.你可以帮助我学化学吗?_my chemistry?13.我一点也不喜欢吃月饼,因为他们太甜了。

19、I dont_mooncakes at all, because they are too sweet.14.你该睡觉了._ to bed.1.你能不能尽可能慢一些读这个句子?Can you read the sentence_?2.一些学生经常向父母要钱去玩电子游戏。( video games)Some students often _ to play video games.3.你能告诉我牛奶不变酸的办法么?Can you _ prevent milk from turning sour 4.爸爸叫我不要在马路上踢球。My father _ on the road.5.别担心,没什么可怕的

20、Dontworry,theresnothing to_-.6.我正在忙着做饭。_at the moment.7.xx以他的发明闻名于世。Edison _ his inventions in the world.8.我为你已不再吸烟而高兴。_you have stopped smoking.9.同学们既喜欢打篮球又喜欢踢足球。Students_soccer.10.别担心,他会好起来的。Dont worry. He _.11.他们相处得很好。They _together.12.那个男孩帮老人把一捆柴扛上了山。The boy _carry a bunch of wood up the hills.13.这对双胞胎喜爱运动。The twins _.14. 12点了。该吃午饭了。Its 12 oclock. _ have lunch.15.他的父母总是让他坚持弹钢琴。His parents always_

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