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本文(陕西省高中英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection高效测评卷四 新人教版必修2.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

陕西省高中英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection高效测评卷四 新人教版必修2.docx

1、陕西省高中英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection高效测评卷四 新人教版必修2高中新课标配套测评卷 陕西卷Unit 4Wildlife protection第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1mercyAlocal BcomeCcarpet Dimportance2affectArelief BsecureCtechnology Ddebate3dustAhunt BrevolutionCtube Dregular4decreaseAmeans BgreatCheavy Dhealth5biteAwill BbikeCs

2、tick Dswift第二节情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)Tim:Good morning,Lucy.Hows it going?Lucy:Quite good,Tim._6_Tim:Oh,Im OK.I have to teach five classes today,so Im really busy._7_Lucy:Its going really well.I have a great class this year.Ive got 30 students,and most of them are putting a lot of time into their work.

3、Tim:Thats great.Lucy:_8_Tim:Very well.I love to teach English.Right now Im only teaching history._9_Lucy:Well,it can be a lot of fun when the students want to learn.Tim:Oh,Ive got a class in a few minutes.I must be going._10_Lucy:All right,you too.Bye.AHow about you?BHave a good morning!CWhy do you

4、like teaching history?DSo I hope I can teach English next year.EHow is that English class youre teaching?FHow are you getting along with your work?GYou can tell your idea to the president.第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11It is quite_that our headmaster will be present at the opening ceremony of the ne

5、w school year.Aexact BcertainCsure Dright12This kind of bird is_,and we should do what we can to_it. Adangerous;save Bendangering;protect Cendangering;save Din danger;protect13The villagers houses were destroyed by the earthquake,and with the help of the government,more new houses_next year.Awill bu

6、ild Bare being builtCto be built Dwill be built14We are sure that the flood,which is still not under control,will_the environment.Aaffect BeffectCcause Dresult15I know Miss Green.We_to each other at an international conference.Aare introduced Bwere introducedCare being introduced Dhad been introduce

7、d16For one reason or another,many kinds of animals and plants die_every year.Adown BawayCout Dof 17I appreciated_the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. Ahaving been given Bhaving given Cto have been given Dto have given18April Fools Day is a day to play jokes on others,but no one knows when

8、such a custom first_. Acomes into being Bcame into being Cis come into being Dwas come into being19My father was warned by the neighbours that we were_.Ain peace Bin reliefCin charge Din danger20Whats the time now?_ my watch,it is 4 oclock.AThanks to BBelonging toCReferring to DAccording to21The Joh

9、nsons have moved to a different house_their children can attend a better school.Aeven though Bso thatCas if Din case22Lilys decision to leave was rather_.I had thought she would stay at school for a few more weeks.Aunexpected BwellknownCunforgettable Dregular 23Was the guests speech interesting?Not

10、at all.He was at a_and didnt know what to say when others asked him questions.Aloss BreliefCgoal Dmercy24. What_fun it is to watch the movie! I think it is_great success.Aa;a Ba;/C/;a D/;/25How do you spend your summer vacation?_.AId rather not tell my dad BI feel like going to EuropeCIts very kind

11、of you DWish you have a good time第四节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The Lions Club supports an Eye Bank in Washington and Idaho.The Eye Bank _26_over 400 cornea transplants (角膜移植) each year.Frequently donated (捐赠) corneas from dead persons must be specially packed and a volunteer is_27_to pick up the packa

12、ge and take it to the hospital as _28_ as possible.One night,the program coordinator (协调员) was in great_29_.She had a package on a bus to a_30_place and no one was willing to pick it up.She called the list of emergency (紧急情况) volunteers,and all_31_to do it,as it was after_32_.Then she reached a very

13、_33_man.The upset man told her that he had volunteered to be on the contact list,_34_had made it clear that he was only free in the afternoons and evenings before 8 pm,and in good_35_only.“Its 1 am and its snowing here!” he _36_.At last,the coordinator persuaded him,but he said,“Ill do it just this

14、time;please dont_37_call me again.” Then he got up,and as he was getting_38_,his little son came out and asked to go along.They drove in_39_through the snow for a long time to the bus station,picked up the package,and drove_40_the hospital.On the trip back_41_,the son asked what the package had been

15、.Dad explained that it was tissue (生物组织) from the eyes of someone who had_42_.It was going to help someone else_43_again.The boy thought it over for a moment and said,“Dad,I never knew you did such_44_things!” The next day,the man called the coordinator back.“You can call me_45_you need to,” he said

16、.26A.sells BperformsClends Dbrings27A.taught Bforced Cadvised Drequired28A.quickly Bseriously Ccalmly Ddifferently29A.happiness Bmistake Ctrouble Ddistance30A.famous Bfaraway Cbeautiful Dnoisy31A.stopped Bdecided Cloved Drefused32A.midnight Bmorning Cnoon Dafternoon33A.handsome Bstrong Csleepy Ddete

17、rmined34A.for Bso Cand Bweather Cfeeling Dstate36A.thought Blaughed Cbegged Dcomplained37A.ever Bnever Csometimes Dhardly38A.paid Bdressed Churt Dpraised39A.progress Bresearch Csilence Bfrom Caround Dbeyond41A.home Bschool Chospital Dbank42A.injured Blost Clived Ddied43A.hear

18、 Bsee Cspeak. Dread44A.important Bfoolish Cuseless Dinteresting45A.whatever Bwhichever Cwherever Dwhenever第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ALiz Murray grew up in the Bronx,New York City.Addicted to drugs,her parents sold household items in order to get drugs.As a child,Liz hated school beca

19、use when she did go,she was made fun of.As Liz grew older,her parents sold their apartment,and ended up in shelters.Her mother suffered from AIDS.Instead of giving in,Liz chose to fend_for herself.Liz slept on her friendsfloors or outside.After her mothers death,Liz,then 16,felt that event as “a sla

20、p (巴掌) in the face” and it caused her to question where her life was going.With an eighthgrade education,Liz decided to get more education.Liz was admitted to a high school,where she doubled her courseload and completed high school in only two years.As one of the top ten students in the school,Liz w

21、ent on a free trip to Boston and walked through the campus of Harvard.“I got jealous of how these students had so many opportunities and I felt that Id had very few.And so then I thought,Well,whats the difference between me and anyone here?And I filled in all the gaps.”Her grades qualified Liz for t

22、he New York Times College Scholarship,and she was admitted to Harvard.But far from resting on those many honors,Liz continued to break new ground.Liz has found she is good at sharing her story with readers across the country.Her story was adapted for a film named Homeless to Harvard:the Liz Murray S

23、tory.Liz is also an active writer,and has published the book Breaking Nigh.Liz returned to New York City to care for her sick father,and is studying for a masters degree at Columbia University.She has made up her mind to realize her higher life goal.46What is implied in Paragraph 1?AThe mother had t

24、o take drugs because of her illness.BLiz Murrays classmates changed her life.CLiz Murray had a horrible childhood.DLiz Murray was hated by her parents.47The underlined part “fend for” in Paragraph 2 probably means“_”Alook through Bshow offClook down upon Dtake care of48When she was walking through t

25、he campus of Harvard,Liz Murray_.Arealized she wasnt as clever as othersBdecided to forget her pastCbecame very disappointedDdecided to achieve much more49What does Liz Murrays story tell us?AWhere there is a will,there is a way.BThe early bird catches the worm.CTwo heads are better than one.DEast o

26、r west,home is best.BIn 1991,Jane Goodall began Roots and Shoots,a program that encourages young people to work to protect the earth.The reporter Chandler Schaak caught up with Goodall at a Roots and Shoots event at Zoo Boise,in Idaho.Kai Neander,15,digs saving the earth.As president of the Sequoia

27、Park Zoo Roots and Shoots program,in California,he helped plant 564 trees.His groups goal is to plant 1,000 trees by the end of the year.“Every little thing you do makes a difference,” he says.Roots and Shoots encourages young people to volunteer in their communities (社区) to help protect animals and

28、 their natural homes,Jane Goodall started the program in 1991.She is best known for her study of chimpanzees at Gombe National Park,in Tanzania,East Africa.Today,there are more than 8,000 Roots and Shoots groups in nearly 100 countries.“I came up with the idea for Roots and Shoots because I met so m

29、any young people who had lost hope,” Goodall told the reporter.“This program teaches youth that if they all get together,they can make a difference.”Tara Adiseshan,a high school student,hopes to leave her mark on the natural world.She and other members of the Charlottesville Roots and Shoots Club,in

30、 Virginia,began a movement to save frogs.Tara worked with scientists at James Madison University,also in Virginia,to test a cure (解决方法) for a deadly plant that threatens (威胁) frogs.Tara plans to give talks in local schools to raise awareness (意识) about the threat to frogs.She also invited a frog expert to speak at a nature park in her community.“No matter how many problems we face,” Tara says,“there is still hope as long as kids like u

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