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1、巨有用的四级写作句子和模板认真背诵巨有用的四级写作句子和模板,认真背诵! 一对立观点型论说文结构模式1引出话题- 一种观点认为.- 另一种观点认为我的观点 2. 引出话题- 一种观点认为.- 另一种观点认为我的态度 考生在比较阐述两个不同的观点时,要有自己的观点倾向.对自己赞同的观点可以少花些笔墨,以便大表达自己的观点时还有话可说;对自己反对的观点可以多花笔墨进行驳斥.如果提纲所列的两个观点都不同意,在评论这两个观点时可以平分笔墨.考生在文章的最后表明自己的态度或看法时,如果看法与文章前面的某种观点相同或相近并且需要论述理由时,切忌重复前面提到的论据.考生在打腹稿时要考虑合理分配论据.对立观点

2、型论说文常用句型 点明主题常用的句式1 has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions vary from person to person.2. There is an argument /much disagreement /no consensus of opinions among people concerning /over /as to /on3. Nowadays, people are divided on the question as to whether4. Different people have dif

3、ferent views /perspectives on.5. When being asked about . Different people will offer different answers.6. There is a public debate/discussion /controversy today about the problem of 7. The issue of whether or not has been widely argued /debated currently.具体介绍两种对立观点的常用句式1 Some people suggest /mainta

4、in /hold the opinion that/ But /However/ While/ Nevertheless/Yet other people hold a different point of view2 Some people are inclined to think that On the contrary/ In contrast, there are still many people who wont agree, and they claim3 When it comes to some people think/believe that while others

5、argue/ claim that the opposite/ reverse is true.4 Those who criticize /oppose to /object to argue that But people who advocate /favor, on the other hand, maintain/assert that1. Now it is commonly /generally/ widely/universally thought/ accepted/believed /held that . But I wonder/ doubt whether2. To

6、the general public / popular mind, But despite/ in spite of / I still believe .3. Nowadays, an overwhelming majority of people think that Nevertheless, there are still some people of the opinion that陈述自己观点的常用句式1 For my part/ As to me/ As far as I am concerned, Id like to agree to the former/ my favo

7、r goes to the first view.2 I agree to the latter opinion to some extent.3 I m in favor of / I m on the side of 4 In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision.5 There is probably some truth in both a

8、rguments/ statements, but二问题解决型论说文结构模式1描述情况分析原因我的对策或看法2. 提出问题 分析各种解决方法 结论考生在动笔之前,应仔细阅读提纲,弄清楚作文各段内容的要求,从而避免出现只分析了问题产生的原因,却忘了提出解决问题的对策的情况; 还要避免错误地将分析解决问题的方法理解成为分析问题产生的原因.考生在提出解决问题的方案时,切记要将方案和前一段中问题产生的原因相呼应,这样整篇文章才会显得结构紧凑,有理有据.在列举数个原因或对策时,切忌杂乱无章.可以用firstly, secondly, furthermore, finally 等连词来保证整段文章的结构连

9、贯性和条理性.问题解决型论说文常用句型 引出话题的常用句式1. Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face.2. Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem3. Although has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well.4. Recently, the rise in the phenomeno

10、n of has drawn / aroused/ captured worldwide attention.5. Recently, the issue/ problem/ question of has been brought into focus/ brought to public attention/posed among public attention.6. In recent years, many cities/ nations/people have been faced /troubled with the serious problem of.7. With the

11、increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.8. Nowadays more and more people come to realize/be aware of the importance of.9. Thanks to Chinas reform and opening-up policy, the past two decades have witnessed great economic development and s

12、ocial transformation.10. With the rapid/ amazing/fantastic development /growth/improvement of economy, great changes have taken place in.11. One of the urgent /pressing problems /issues we are confronted with is that12. It is undeniable / There is no denying the fact thathas become the utmost concer

13、n among people nowadays.13. Once in a newspaper, I hit upon/came across a reporter that .分析原因的常用句式1. Here are many /several /a number of/ a variety of reasons for it. First. Second Finally.2. The reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing, For another3. What has possibly contributed to this pro

14、blem? In the first place In the second place.4. Perhaps the main /primary/ most important reason is 5. is also /partly/ solely/ chiefly responsible for the problem.6. It is no easy job to identify the reason for which involves several complicated factors. For some For others7. A number of factors co

15、uld account for/ lead to/contribute to/result in/ be conductive to8. This problem may result from/ be attributable to/ be largely due to/ stem from a combination of factors.9. The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complex reasons. For one thing, For another10. Some people may think that

16、is to blame for this problem, but its causes go still/ far deeper.11. It will exert a far-reaching /profound impact/ influence/ effect on12. Admittedly, it may create /give rise to /bring about a host of problems.13. There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon.提出解决方法的常用句式1. The first key fact

17、or to solve this problem is Another key factor is2. People have found many solutions / approaches to dealing with this problem.3. We can figure out many ways to relieve the present crisis.4. Then, how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestions, which may be of some help.5. Faced with.,

18、we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.6. It is high time that. Here are a few examples of some of the measures that might be taken immediately.7. Obviously, if we ignore/ are blind to this problem, the chances are that/ it is most likely that/ there is every chanc

19、e that will be put in jeopardy.8. We need to take a fresh/ clear look at this matter/ situation in a new perspective/ from a wider standpoint. Otherwise, we wont come anywhere near solving it.9. It is essential/ indispensable that proper actions/ effective measures should be taken to reverse this si

20、tuation/trend.10. It is hoped/ suggested that considerable/great efforts should be directed to/focus on11. There is no easy/immediate solution/ approach to the issue of, but might be beneficial/ helpful.12. No effective/ simple solution can be at hand/ in sight to resolve/ tackle the problem of But

21、the general awareness of the importance of might be the first step in the right direction.三. 说明利弊型论说文结构模式描述某一现象分析其优点分析其缺点我的态度或看法写作要领: 在分别说明某一现象的优点或缺点时,切忌凌乱,一定要有条理.可以使用一些过渡词或词组,如firstly, secondly, finally;For one thing, for another, 在文章最后一段表明自己的态度或看法时,考生最好给出相应的理由或者提出更好的方法以减少某现象可能带来的负面效应.说明利弊型论说文常用句型

22、说明事物优点的常用句式1. There are several advantages in/of . The first/ biggest advantages is that2. Nothing / Few things can equal/ match with / be compared with in terms of3. For all/ In spite of / Despite the disadvantages/ side effects, it has its compensating advantages/ beneficial effects.4. has a posit

23、ive impact/ influence/ effect on peoples lives.5. is playing an increasingly important role in peoples lives.说明事物缺点的常用句式1. However, , just like anything else, has its negative side as well.2. Of course, the disadvantages can not be ignored.3. However, it still has some drawbacks.4. However, just as

24、everything has two sides, also has many disadvantages.5. However, may also cause/ bring about/lead to /result in/contribute to some problems.6. However, its often blamed for its obvious defects.7. Everything has two sides, is no exception.8. As the proverb goes, every coin has its two sides/ no gard

25、en without its weeds/ every medal has its no exception.9. However, the negative aspects are also apparent/ obvious/evident. To begin with, To make matters worse, . Worst of all,10.The side effects has exerted on human beings can be boiled down to several major ones as follows. First, Seco

26、nd, In addition,说明事物利大于弊的常用句式1. As to me, I think the advantages outweigh/ carry more weight than the disadvantages.2. Anyway, I still believe has more advantages than disadvantages.3. But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side.4. The advantages of/ derived from far outweigh/ ar

27、e much greater than the disadvantages/ problems entails.四. 阐述主题型论说文的结构模式1) 格言成语: 揭示蕴意.以例证展开论证.结论2) 一种现象. 分析其中原因我的看法3) 引出主题.我的观点.总论考生在举例说明谚语或格言所包含的道理时,要保证例证的说服力,以及多个例证的有机连接时,切忌简单地罗列几个简单的例子.一般最重要、典型的例子放在最前面以引起读者的兴趣。写作模板1Argumentation型题1) some, others, I 型模板一There is no consensus among the people as to

28、 the view of _ . Some people hold the idea that _ . A case in point is that _ .On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. According to them, _ . The most typical example is that _ .Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Admittedly, the

29、former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is more convincing.模板二_ is a common occurrence in our lives. The attitudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people tend to _ when they are asked _ because _ . The most typical example is that _ .However,

30、 others argue that _ . They point out that _ for the reason that _ .As far as I am concerned, I will choose to _ because this choice fits my personality and my life-long belief.2) My View 型模板一When asked about _ , some people hold the idea that _ . As far as they are concerned, _ .But I could not agree with them in sever

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