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1、四年级英语下册module1U1U3Unit 1 What can you smell and taste?I.主要词汇1.名词n. watermelon,grape,plum,cherry,strawberry,juice,fruit,vine2.动词u. smell,taste,guess,close,have,like,think,want3.形容词 adj. right,crunchy,round,nice,sweet,sour4.代词 pron. one,some,these,those,you,your5.连词 conj. or,andI.主要词组a glass of waterm

2、elon juice一(玻璃)杯西瓜汁look and guess看一看,猜一猜at Alices home 在艾丽丝的家sweet and nice 又甜又好吃red ones 红色的一些/几个how about(关于.)怎样some fruit 一些水果a red apple for you 给你的一个红苹果/一个红苹果给你a tall vine一棵高高的葡萄藤in summer 在夏季purple and round 又紫又圆enjoy a fruit 享用(一种)水果not .at all一点也不sit around 围着坐.in his yard 在他的院子里around the p

3、ark 在公园周围red and sweet inside里面又红又甜With his sister Sue 和他的妹妹苏go to school 去上学On sunny afternoon在阳光明媚的下午主要语法1. 名词是表示人、事物或抽象概念的词。 英语名词可分为专有名问和普遍名词两大类,而普通名词又有可数名词和不可数名词之分,具中可数名词有单数和复数两种形式.如:watermelon,grape,plum,cherry,strawberry,vine均为可数名词的单数形式,其复数形式为watermelons, grapes,plums, cherries, strawberries,v

4、ines. 不可数名词无复数形式,若要表示复数概念需借助数量词。 如:juice (果汁)some juice (一些果汁),a glass of watermelon juice 一(玻璃)杯西瓜汁,two glasses of cherry juice两(玻璃)杯樱桃汁。注意:(1)当名词修饰名词时,前置名间住任用单数形式,如:watermelon juice.(2)fruit作为集合名词(表示一些人或事物的总和)为不可数名词,但指个别的水果或种类时则为可数名词.如:some fruit.(是集合名词,为不可数名词),a fruit(指个别的水果或种类). 2.动词是表示动作或状态的词,有

5、人称和数的变化。 谓语动词的人称和数-般必须与主语的人称和数一致。根据动词的词义和其在谓语中的作用,动词可分为实义动词、助动词与情态助动词;根据动词在句子中的功能,动词可分为及物动词、不及物动词和连系动词。(1)be动词是最基本的连系动词(连系动词是一个连接主语和表示主语身份、性质、状态的动词,通常其后必须接名词或形容词作表语)。表示感觉的动词也可以是连系动词,有feel(感觉),taste(尝),smell(闻.嗅),sound(听起来)等,如:The watermelon smells nice,The strawberries taste sweet.(2)have 意为“有,拥有”时,

6、是一个实 义动词(表示具体意义的动词),其一般现在时的第三人称单数形式为has,在英式英语中其否定形式havent/hasnt,其疑问形式是把 have/has置于句子主语之前;在美英语中其否定形式为 dont have/doesnt have(借助助动词 do/does),其疑问形式是在句子主语之前加助动词 do/does;have got/got 意同 have/has,但多用于英式英语口语中。如:What do you have?(美式站语)What have you?(英式英语)I have a glass of watermelon juice.(英美通用)I have got a

7、glass of watermelon juice.(多用于英株式英语口语)(3)助动词do本身无词汇意义,在句中不能单独使用,须与实义动词原形一起使用构成否定和疑问结构,其一般现在时的第三人称单数形式为:does.如:What do you like?Does the fox like the grapes?How does the red apple taste?(4)情态助动词 can本身有词汇意义,但在句中也不能单独使用,须与实义动词原形一起使用构成否定和疑问结构.如:Can you guess?及物动词要求有直接宾语,不及物动词则不需要宾语,英语中有许多动词既为及物动词又为不及物动词

8、,若不及物动词后接宾语须借助介词.如:Please look and guess.(不及物动词 vi.)Lets guess a riddle.(及物动词 ut.)Please look at the grapes.(句中不及物动词 look 后接宾语 the grapes借助介词at)3.形容词是用来描写或修饰名词、代词的一类词,一般置于其所修饰的名词、代词之前,在句中作定语;形容词用在连系动词之后,在句中作表语.如:I like red ones. (修饰代词 ones, 作定语)They are purple and round.(作连系动词are的表语)4.代词是替代名词词组的词,大体

9、可分为以下八类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词,(1)人称代词表示人称范畴,有人称、性,格和数之分,主格往往用作主语,宾格往往用作宾语(用在及物动词或介词之后);物主代词表示所有关系,即为人称代词所有格,用在名词前时,具有形容词的功能,因此也称作形容词性物主代词。人称单数和复数主格 宾格 所有格 I me my you you your we us our she her her he him his it it its they them their(2)指示代词是用来指示或标识人或事物的代词,可分为名词性与形容词性两大类,主要有:单数复数近指

10、 this 远指these that those形容词性指示代词属限定词:即在名词前起限定修饰作用的成份,而名词性指示代词本身就构成名词词组。如:These/Those grapes are sour.(形容词性)Whats this/that,Danny?(名词性)These/ Those are sour grapes.(名词性)(3)不定代词在词性上可分为两大类:名词性和形容词性.名词性不定代词能单独构成名词词组,而形容词性不定代词是限定词,只对名词起限定修饰作用。1.不定代词 some既可以指人,又可以指物,通常用于表示不定数量,意为“几个,一些”,其后接可数名词的复数或不可数名词,相

11、当于形容词,在句中作定语,用作名词时,在句中作主语或宾语;some 多用于肯定句及盼望得到肯定答复或表示建议,请求等的问句中,而在否定句和疑问句中多用any替代.如:I have some fruit.(形容词性,作定语)I have some.(名词性,作宾语)Some are purple;some are green.(名词性,作主语)2. 不定代词 one 指代可数名词单数,既可指人,又可指物.ones 是不定代词 one 的复数形株式,ones是不定代词 one 的所有格形式. 如:How about the green one?Do you like red ones or gre

12、en ones?5.连词是连接单词,短语或句子的一种虚词,在句中不能单独作句子成份.and 与 or 是简单连词, 也称为并列连词,用以连接并列的单词 、短语或句子.or用在疑问句中构成选择疑问句(提供两种或两种以上的情况供对方选择),前面的选择部分要用升调,最后的选择部分用降调,选择疑问句有两种:A.一般疑问句 十or十第二个(以上)选择)Is it a peach or an apple?Do you like red ones or green ones?B.特殊疑问句十选择部分Who can eat the grapes,the bird or the fox?不论是哪一种选择疑问句,

13、都必须作具体回答,而不能以yes/no作答,回答常用省略形式.,如:-Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?-Its watermelon juice.比较and与or:(1)A red apple for you and a green apple for me.-个红苹果给你,一个青苹果给我.A red apple for you or a green apple for you.一个红苹果给你,或者一个青苹果给你. (2)Do you like red apples and green apples? 你喜欢红苹果和绿苹果?(一般疑问句)Do yo

14、u like red apples or green apples? 你喜欢红色苹果还是绿苹果?(选择疑问句)单元练习11. 按要求写单词1.cherry(复数)_2.taste(同类词)_3.has(原形)复数)_5.right(同音词)_6.close(反义词)_二选择题1. Hello, Im jack. I can taste with my ( ).A.nose B.ear C. mouth2. Its yellow.Its sour.Its a ( ). I dont like it.A.watermelon B.lemon C.banana3.Look at t

15、he animal.Is it a duck ( ) a goose?A.and B.or C.an4. There are some ( ) in the basket.A.strawberry strawberry C.strawberries5.Look, they are purple ( ). How sweet!A.cherries B.oranges C. grapes6.Monkeys are lovely.They like eating ( )very much.A.plums B.pears C.peaches7.( ) are they?-They are

16、sweets.A.What B. Where C.How8.-Close your ( ).Can you see?-No.A. eyes B.mouth C.ears 9.How does it _?-Its nice.A.taste B.smell C.touch10.Its purple and juicy.Its nice and sweet.Its_juiceA.peach B.watermelon C.grape11.Is it sweet _bitter?-Its bitter.A.and B.or C.but12.-What do you_?-We_some plumsA.ha

17、ve,have B.has,have C.has,has13.-_does it taste?-Its _. A.How,sour B.What,sour C.How,rough三.按要求改写句子1.Please dont look and guess.(改成肯定句)_2. Its apple juice.Its pear juice(改为选择疑问句)_it apple juice_orange juice?3. I have a glass of warm water in my hand.(对划线部分提问)_ _ glasses of warm water do you have in y

18、our hand?4. Its a sour peach.(对划线部分提问)_ is it?5. Its sour.(对划线部分提问) _ _it_? _ _it?6. Does he like the big one or small one?(改为复数句) _ _like the big_or the small_?7. Those mice have white tails.(改成单数句)_ _ _ a white tail8. The grapes are on a vine.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the grapes?9. Eddie can smell bananas.(对划

19、线部分提问) _ _Eddie smell?10. The plums are hard and smooth.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the plums feel?11. Dont eat much sweet.(改为同义句) You _ _much sweet.12. This yellow pear is his teachers.(改为复数句) _ yellow_ _ _ _.13. The grapes are on a tall vine.(划线提问) _are on the tall vine?五.选择填空A. sweet B.nice C. rough D. big

20、ur1. Smell the apple. Its_.2. Touch the pineapple.Its_.3. Taste the peaches.They are _.4. Look at the giraffe.It has a _body.5. I dont like lemons.They are _.4. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. -How many _(strawberry) are there on the ground? -They are thirty.2. -Have you two _(glass) of juice,Mary and Peter? -Yes,_(

21、I) have.3. _(that) grapes are sweet and round. But Ben _(not like) grapes.4. -What _your father_? -Hes a postman.5. -Are these_(fly) in the sky? -No,_(it) are on the plate.6. Amy _(like)_(play) computer games.7. The biscuits _(be) on a tall table. I cant eat _(they).8. _ (how many) water _(there be)

22、 in the bowl?9. Those _(boy) kites are flying in the sky.10. _(not throw) stones into the pond.11. _(there be) two packets of biscuits on the desk?12. He is _(they) teacher. That is _(he) new car.13. -What_your daughter _(do)?-Shes a teacher.14. Do you like the red ones or the purple _ (one)?15. How

23、 _(do) it taste?-It _(be) salty.六.写出与划线部分的同类词.1. You can call him Danny._ _2. I like eating strawberries. But my mother likes _ and _.3. He also rides a toy car around the park , _the road and _home.4. In summer, the sun shines and shines. In _,the leaves fall and fall. In _,the wind blows and blows

24、.5. We often go to school by bus. Mary and Linda go to school by _and_.7. 根据提示,将句子填写完整1. They are _(又紫又圆).I want them. 2. _(尝尝这个三明治).Its very delicious.3. They arent sweet_(根本).They are _(又酸又小).4. What _(你喜欢)?I like nice and crunchy grapes.5. I have two big b_. They are Mike and Ben. Mike is t_and t

25、hin. He can p_football very well. Ben is thin. He can d_very well. They all like p_. I like t_.8. 阅读理解(T or F) I am Helen. I have no lessons today.So I am at home. Its eleven oclock in the morning. Im not doing my homework. Im cooking noddles in the kitchen. My little brother, Peter is hungry. He is

26、 watching me. We like to eat noodles.Now we are not hungry. My mother comes home at 12:00. She says,”you are good.” Im very happy.1. Helen has not got any lessons today._ 2. Helen cant cook noodles._3. Peter likes the noddles for his lunch._4. We are still(仍然) hungry._ Tom and Jackson are in the sho

27、p. Tom wants the long skateboard. They are 20 yuan each. And Jackson wants the big ball. Hes got 10 yuan. The big ball is 16 yuan, so he can buy a small ball. Its eight yuan. Tom has got 28 yuan. He can buy the skateboard. They are happy.11. Where are Tom and Jackson? a fruit shop the schoo

28、l C. in the shop2. What does Jackson buy?A.The big ball B. the small ball C.the long skateboard3. What does Tom buy? A. a big ball B.a long skateboard C.a short skateboard4. How much have they got in all?A.38yuan B.36yuan C.28yuanUnit2 How does it feel?主要词汇1. 名词n.knife,pencil,case,matter, key,sand,drink,purse2. 动词v. is, are, let, touch, feel, drink3. 形容词adj.hard,soft, rough,smooth, sharp, blunt,thick, thin, blind, last4. 副词adv. very, so, too5. 代词pron. Whose, another, one, all,something主要词组Whose knife谁的小刀 whose pencils 谁的铅笔 very sharp 很锋利So thick 如此厚,粗放.在.里very much 很,非常Many books 许多

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