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外文翻译 运算放大器的原理和应用.docx

1、外文翻译 运算放大器的原理和应用毕业设计/论文外 文 文 献 翻 译院 系 机电与自动化学院 专 业 班 级 自动化0902 姓 名 卢 扬 原 文 出 处 Operational amplifier circuits: theory and applications 评 分 指 导 教 师 华中科技大学武昌分校20 年 月 日运算放大器的原理和应用1 运算放大器的原理 虽然各种不同的运放结构不同,但对于外部电路而言,其特性都是一样的。运算放大器一般由4个部分组成,偏置电路,输入级,中间级,输出级,其中输入级一般是采用差动放大电路(抑制电源),中间级一般采用有源负载的共射负载电路(提高放大倍数


3、愈大愈好。输出电阻的大小反映了集成运放在小信号输出时的负载能力。共模抑制比放映了集成运放对共模输入信号的抑制能力,其定义同差动放大电路。CMRR越大越好。) 如图1是运算放大器的特性曲线,一般用到的只是曲线中的线性部分。如图2所示。U-对应的端子为“-”,当输入U-单独加于该端子时,输出电压与输入电压U-反相,故称它为反相输入端。U+对应的端子为“”,当输入U+单独由该端加入时,输出电压与U+同相,故称它为同相输入端。 输出:U0= A(U+-U-) ; A称为运算放大器的开环增益(开环电压放大倍数) 在实际运用经常将运放理想化,这是由于一般说来,运放的输入电阻很大,开环增益也很大,输出电阻很

4、小,可以将之视为理想化的,这样就能得到:Ri,Ro0,A。由 A,得到U+U-,于是两个输入端可以近似看作短路(称为“虚短”),如果同向输入端接地,反向输入端与地几乎同电位(称为“虚地”)。由Ri可知,输入端电路近似等于0,故可把输入端看作是断路(称之为“虚断”)。2 运算放大器的应用 这里只谈理想运放的应用,实际运放可以近似看作是理想运放。运算放大器的应用很广泛,这里我们只谈谈由运算放大器加上其他一些集中性元件组成的运算电路。运算电路的应用相对其他而言更加广泛,而且理解起来方便一些。运算电路包括比例电路,和差电路,积分微分电路,对数和指数运算电路。2.1 比例电路: 所谓的比例电路就是将输入

5、信号按比例放大的电路,比例电路又分为反向比例电路、同相比例电路、差动比例电路。(1) 反向比例电路: 反向比例电路如图3所示,输入信号加入反相输入端,有 由基尔霍夫定律知: 由此知道,输出电压U0与输入电压Ui称比例关系,方向相反,改变比例系数,即改变两个电阻的阻值就可以改变输出电压的值。反向比例电路对于运放的性能也有一定的性能要求,比如对输入信号的负载能力有一定的要求.。(2) 同向比例电路(图4): 跟反向比例电路本质上差不多,除了同向接地的一段是反向输入端,由 得: 于是只要改变比例系数就能改变输出电压,且Ui与U0的方向相同,当然同向比例电路也是有一定要求的,比如对集成运放的共模抑制比

6、要求高. (3) 差动比例电路(图5): 图5 差动比例电路电路图图6 反向求和电路电路图同向求和电路的输出电压和输入电压的关系为:虽然两者比较类似,但还是有区别的,反向求和电路的特点与反相比例电路相同。它可十分方便的某一电路的输入电阻,来改变电路的比例关系,而不影响其它路的比例关系。而同向求和电路的应用不是很广泛,主要由于它的调节不如反相求和电路,而且它的共模输入信号大。 (4) 和差电路: 它的电路图如图8所示。此电路的功能是对Ui1、Ui2进行反相求和,对Ui3、Ui4进行同相求和,然后进行的叠加即得和差结果,他的输入输出电压关系为:图8 和差电路电路图2.3 积分和微分电路: 以上用到

7、的元件基本上都是电阻元件,如果其中端的电阻换成电容,那么结果就会变成积分电路和微分电路。 (1) 积分电路: 如图10所示的电路,它可实现积分运算及产生三角波形等。积分运算是:输出电压与输入电压呈积分关系。它是利用电容的充放电来实现积分运算,它的输入、输出电压的关系为:其中:表示电容两端的初始电压值。如果电路输入的电压波形是方形,则产生三角波形输出。(2) 微分电路: 微分电路与积分电路的区别只是电阻和电容位置互换。微分是积分的逆运算,它的输出电压与输入电压呈微分关系。电路图如图11所示:它的输入、输出电压的关系为:2.4 对数和指数运算电路: 对数电路使用了二极管,二极管最重要的特性就是单方

8、向导电性。在电路中,电流只能从二极管的正极流入,负极流出,正是利用这个特性而实现了对数和指数电路。(1) 对数运算电路: 对数运算电路输出电压与输入电压呈对数函数。我们把反相比例电路中Rf用二极管代替即组成了对数运算电路。电路图如图12所示。于是他的输出输入电压关系是 其实也可以用三极管代替二极管,原理是一样的,除了要多连接一条线路。 (2) 指数运算电路: 指数运算电路与对数运算电路差别仅仅只是把二极管和电阻互相位置,指数运算电路是对数运算的逆运算,将指数运算电路的二极管(三级管)与电阻R对换即可。电路图如图13所示。 利用对数和指数运算以及比例,和差运算电路,可组成乘法或除法运算电路和其它

9、非线性运算电路,此处就不再介绍了。Operational amplifier theory and applications1 The principle of operational amplifier Although the different structure of different operational amplifier, but the external circuit, the characteristics of Op amp are the same. Op amp is usually 4 parts, bias circuits, input stage, int

10、ermediate-level, output level, which is generally used input stage differential amplifier circuit (inhibitory power), the middle class in general the use of active load circuit loads the total radio (increase the magnification), the complementary output stage generally symmetrical output stage circu

11、it (drive circuit to increase the capacity of the load). Industries, an operational amplifier used to measure the performance of many of the indicators, the actual operational amplifier is generally believed that the closer the ideal op amp, the better, the classroom involved, we are only asking the

12、 equivalent input resistance of infinity, infinite open-loop gain, In fact, there are many other indicators, I will, are you a brief introduction, the performance of operational amplifiers including the five indicators, open-loop differential-mode voltage amplification factor, the maximum output vol

13、tage, differential-mode input resistance, output resistance, common mode rejection ratio CMRR. (Open-loop differential-mode is the magnification on the integrated delivery without additional feedback loop in case of differential-mode voltage amplification. Maximum output voltage is saying that it re

14、fers to a certain voltage, the integrated operational amplifier is not the largest output voltage distortion peak - peak. differential-mode input resistance reflects the size of integrated operational amplifier input differential-mode input signal to obtain the current size of the source. requiring

15、the greater the better. reflect the size of the output resistance of an integrated transport on the small-signal output load capacity. CMRR shown on the integrated operational amplifier common-mode rejection of input signals, which is defined with the differential amplifier circuit. CMRR the better.

16、)Figure 1 Op-amp characteristic curveFigure 2 Op-amp input and output terminal Figure 1 is the characteristic curve of amplifier is generally used only the linear part of curve. As shown in Figure 2. U-corresponding to the terminal -, when the importation of Canadian U-separate from the terminal, th

17、e output voltage and input voltage U-RP, the RP-call input. U + corresponding to the terminal +, when the input U + separate from the client to join, the output voltage and U + with the phase, so called in-phase input. Output: U0 = A (U +-U-); A known as the op amps open loop gain (open-loop voltage

18、 amplification factor) In the practical application of often idealized op amp, this is because generally speaking, the input resistance OPAMP great open-loop gain, output resistance is very small, can be regarded as ideal, it can be : Ri , Ro 0, A . By A , be U + U-, a result similar to the two inpu

19、ts can be seen as a short-circuit (referred to as the virtual short), if the input termination in the same direction, the reverse input and almost the same potential (referred to as virtual land). By Ri , we can see that similar to the input circuit is equal to 0, it can be seen as the input circuit

20、 (known as the virtual shutdown).2 Application of Operational Amplifiers Here only the application of the ideal operational amplifier, the actual op amp can be seen as similar to an ideal operational amplifier. Application of operational amplifiers is very broad, here we only talk about the op-amp w

21、ith some focus on other components of the computing circuit. Application of circuit operation in terms of comparison with other more extensive, and easy to understand some of them. Computing the ratio of the circuit including the circuit, and differential circuit, integro-differential circuit, and t

22、he index of the number of computing circuit. 2.1 Ratiometric circuit: The proportion of the so-called circuit is proportional to the input signal amplification circuit, the ratio of the reverse circuit is divided into the proportion of the circuit, the circuit with the phase ratio, the ratio of diff

23、erential circuit. (1) Reverse ratiometric circuit: Reverse the ratio of the circuit shown in Figure 3, the input signal input by adding RP, there areFigure 3 Reverse ratiometric circuit diagramFigure 4 Inverting ratiometric circuit diagram Knows from Kirchhoffs law: Thus we know that the output volt

24、age U0 and the ratio of input voltage Ui said the relationship between the opposite direction, changing the ratio of coefficients, namely, two resistors of resistance to change can change the value of output voltage. Reverse the ratio of operational amplifier circuits for the performance of a certai

25、n performance requirements, such as the input signal to a certain load capacity requirements. (2) Inverting ratiometric circuit (Figure 4): With the reverse ratio of the circuit is essentially similar, apart from a section of ground in the same direction is the reverse input from So: So as long as t

26、he coefficient of change in the proportion of the output voltage can be changed, and U0 and Ui the same direction, of course, with the proportion of the circuit is to have a certain requirements, such as the integrated operational amplifier of the common mode rejection ratio requirements. (3) Differ

27、ential ratiometric circuit (Figure 5):Figure 5 Differential ratiometric circuit diagramFigure 6 Reverse summation circuit diagramFigure 7 Inverting summing Circuit diagramWith the summation circuit output voltage and the relationship between the input voltage as follows: Although the comparison betw

28、een the two similar, but different, the reverse sum of the characteristics of the circuit with the same RP-circuit ratio. It can be very convenient for the input resistance of a circuit to change the relationship between the proportion of the circuit without affecting the relationship between the pr

29、oportion of other routes. And with the application to the summation circuit is not very extensive, mainly because of its better regulation of RP-sum circuit, and its large common-mode input signal. (4) Addition and subtraction circuit: Its circuit diagram is shown in Figure 8. The function of this c

30、ircuit is Ui1, Ui2 carried out by RP-summation of Ui3, Ui4 sum to the same direction, and then superimposed the results obtained and the poor, and his relationship between input and output voltage as follows:Figure 8 Addition and subtraction circuit diagram2.3 Integral and differential circuit: The

31、above components used are basically resistive element, if one side of the resistor capacitor replaced, then the results will become integral circuits and differential circuits. (1) Integral circuit: The circuit shown in figure 10, it can achieve integration and production of computing, such as trian

32、gular waveform. Integral operation is: the output voltage and input voltage relations were integral. It is the use of capacitive charge and discharge operations to achieve integration, and its input and output voltage relationship: One: that the initial capacitor voltage at both ends. If the circuit input voltage waveform is a square, then hav

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