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1、在月亮下面英汉对照简 介太阳是一个巨大的燃烧着的火球。没有来自太阳的光和热,我们就不能在地球这颗行星上生存。在这颗行星周围有臭氧层保护着我们免受太阳之火的伤害。但是如果臭氧层破裂,将会怎样呢?现在臭氧层上已经有了小洞,有人说那些小洞会变得越来越大直到有一天再没有任何东西挡在我们和太阳的火焰之间。事情发生在2222年。地球人制造了AOL人工臭氧层。美丽的地球又有了1000年的生命。树又发芽了,下雨了,河里有了水但现在是2522年,人工臭氧层已经破裂。幼嫩的树林开始枯萎,河流也逐渐干涸。凯和瑞拉从他们的宇宙飞船里看到了这危险的情景,可他们又能做些什么呢?月亮下面的部族里住着他们的朋友,可是路途遥远

2、,而地球首领高格又不肯听从他们的指挥。本书的作者罗维纳阿金耶米是英国人。曾在非洲居住和工作了多年。现在她在剑桥工作和生活。1 AOLFive hundred kilometres over Europe,ShipOM-45 moved northIn a room at the backof the ship,Kiah watched the numbers onthe computer in front of himTime for dinner,RillasaidThe numbers changed quickly and Kiahs eyes didnt moveRillawent a

3、cross the room to his tableShebegan to watch the numbers,tooWhats wrong with thesatellite?she askedShewas a beautiful girl,about twenty yearsold,with long black hair and big eyesNothings wrong with thesatellite,Kiah answered quietlyItsthe AOLHe began to write the numbersin the book on his tableSudde

4、nly,the numbersstopped changingKiah looked at RillaOverEurope,he saidItshappeningThe AOL is breaking upThereare big holes in the AOL and theyre getting biggerYoure right!Shallwe see Captain Seru now,before dinner?Kiah stood upHe wasnearly two metres tall,with dark eyesand hairYes,comeon,he saidQuick

5、ly,they went toCaptain Serus roomThey waited at thedoorCome in!captainSeru calledShe was a little woman witha fat faceCome in!Wouldyou like a drink?No,thankyou,Kiah answeredIdlike you to look at these numbersKiahgave Captain Seru his book1 人工臭氧层OM-45号宇宙飞船在欧洲上空500公里的高度向北飞行。飞船尾部的一个房间里,凯注视着面前计算机屏幕上的数字。


7、鲁船长喊道。她是个胖脸的小个子女人。“进来!喝点什么吗?”“不用,谢谢,”凯说,“我想请您看看这些数字。”凯把自己的笔记本递给塞鲁船长。 Captain Seru looked at the numbersSuddenly,herface changedNo,no,she saidIdont want to talkIts late and ImtiredSit down and have a drinkKiah and Rilla sat downTherewas a big window in Captain Serus roomKiahlooked out of the window a

8、t the dark skyHesaw the MoonIt was cold and white inthe dark skyCaptain Seru,hebeganIts importantLookat those numbers carefullyThe AOL isbeginning toStop!captainSeru stood up and put her hands in her pocketsShewent to the window and looked at the skyThree hundred years ago,Earthnearly died,Rilla sai

9、dEarthstopped dying because of the AOLBut now,overEurope,the AOL is breaking upWewould like you to talk to Earth CommanderCaptain Seru did not moveDoyou remember Adai?she askedShedidnt wait for an answerI was onhis ship,two years agoOneevening,the satellite gave usinteresting numbers about the AOLWe

10、went back to Earth and saw Earth CommandercaptainSeru stopped speakingRilla looked at KiahAndthen?she asked Captain SeruGog was angry,veryangry,captain Seru saidInthe end,he sent Adai to the MoonAdais there now,Commanderof the Moon colony,under the MoonKiah waited for a second or twoIknow about Adai

11、 But we need to talk toEarth Commander againThese numbers areworseCaptain Serus face went redYoudont understandIm not going to talkto GogLast time,hesent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!Thisis my first Ship for two years!AndCaptain Seru began drinkingKiah stood upThankyou,Captain SeruCaptain S

12、eru said nothingKiah and Rilla left the room,andwalked slowly downstairsThe Ship wasdark and quietIt was eight oclock andevery-body was at dinnerWhat are we going to donext?Rilla askedI need to talk to Adai,Kiahsaid 塞鲁船长看了看那些数字。突然,她的脸色变了。“不,不,”她说,“我不想谈。时候不早了,我也累了。坐下喝点什么吧。”凯和瑞拉坐了下来。塞鲁船长的房间里有一扇大窗子。凯透过


14、”塞鲁船长说,“最后,他把阿岱分配到了月球。阿岱现在还在那儿,在月亮下面作月亮部族的司令。”凯等了一两秒钟:“我知道阿岱的事。但是我们需要再和地球司令谈谈。这些数据比上次的还要糟。”塞鲁船长的脸涨红了:“你不明白。我不会去跟高格说的。上次他把我发配到了南极的一艘气象飞船上。我第一次在飞船上呆了两年。”塞鲁船长喝了一口水。凯站起身:“谢谢您,塞鲁船长。”塞鲁船长没说话。凯和瑞拉出了门,脚步迟缓地下楼去了。飞船里寂静漆黑。8点钟了,大家都在吃饭。“下一步咱们怎们办?”瑞拉问。“我得跟阿岱谈谈。”凯说。OK,talkto AdaiBut hes far away on the Mooncolony,

15、Rilla saidLetsvisit Commander ZadakZadak?Commanderof Australia? Hes famous!YesHesmy fathers friendHe worked with myfather in Brazil ten years agoPerhapshe can help usKiah smiledGood!Wereturn to Earth next weekI can phoneAdai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia Butnow,Im hungry!Letsget som

16、e dinner2 Visit to AustraliaOn Friday,after threeweeks in space,Kiah and Rilla finishedwork and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to KisanganiKiahphoned Adai and Rilla phoned Commander Zadak in AustraliaThenext morning they took an aeroplane to SydneyAtaxi took them from the airport to Commander Zada

17、ks office,somekilometres north of SydneyWait for us here,Kiahsaid to the taxi driverKiah and Rilla walked to the gateAboutten guards stood in front of the gateAcrossthe road,a train waitedRilla,OM-45,RillasaidTo see Commander Zadak atfour-thirtyLet me call the Commandersoffice,the guard saidKiah and

18、 Rilla waitedItwas hot and Kiah began to feel thirstyThe guard came backImsorry,he saidTheCom-mander cant see youBut I talked to theCommander yesterday,Rilla saidHe wanted to see us atfour-thirtyThe Commander is leaving onthe train in three minutes,the guardsaidCan we wait and see himhere?Kiah asked

19、No!theguard shoutedGet out of here!Kiah and Rilla walked back to the taxi“好,跟阿岱谈谈。可是他现在在遥远的月亮部族,”瑞拉说,“咱们还是去见扎达克司令吧。”“扎达克?澳大利亚司令?他很有名气呢!”“是的,他是我父亲的朋友。10年前他和我父亲一起在巴西工作。也许他能帮忙。”凯笑了,“好,咱们下周回地球后。我可以在基桑加尼给阿岱打个电话,然后咱们就去澳大利亚。现在嘛,我可饿了。咱们吃饭去吧。”2 访问澳大利亚这是个星期五,凯和瑞拉已经在太空飞行了三周。他们结束了工作,离开OM-45号宇宙飞船,乘航天飞机飞往基桑加尼。凯和瑞


21、“不行!”卫兵喊了起来,“出去!”凯和瑞拉回到出租车那儿。Wheres the driver?KiahaskedLook!Hessitting under that tree,Rilla saidJust then,CommanderZadak came out of the gateHe was a verytall,big man with blue eyes and a lot ofwhite hairTwo guards marched in frontof him,and two guards marched be-hindhimThey all carried gunsThere

22、he is!RillacriedCommander!Andshe began to run along the road to himCommander Zadak did notstopA guard opened the door of thetrain and the Commander got inSlowly,thetrain began to moveKiah ran to the taxi and jumped inThenhe drove the taxi fast down the roadThetaxi driver saw him and ran after himThe

23、train began to move fasterSuddenly,Kiahdrove the taxi off the roadHe drove infront of the train and stoppedThe train came nearerAndthen the train stopped, very near thetaxi,and some guards jumped offKiahopened the door and got out of the taxiPut up your hands!theguards shoutedTwo of the guards began

24、 to hit KiahStop that!someoneshoutedBring him over here!Itwas Commander ZadakKiah stood in front of the CommanderJustthen,Rilla ar-rivedOh,itsyou!commander Zadak saidHedid not smileRilla,yourfathers going to be angryWe want to talk to you,Commander,RillasaidIts very importantVery wellImlisteningKiah

25、 began to talkTwoyears ago,Adai told you about the holesin the AOLNow theyre worseTheAOL is break-ing up over EuropePleaselook at these numbers and this satellite pictureHe gave his book to Commander Zadak and the Commanderlooked at the numbersIts important,Commander,KiahsaidIn ten years Earth is go

26、ing todieYou stopped my trainbecause of this?commander Zadak askedTwoyears ago Adai talked to me about the AOLThenhe talked to Earth Commander,and whathappened?Where is Adai now?Isthe Moon colony helping the AOL?“司机哪去了?”凯问。“那不是嘛!在那棵树下坐着呢。”瑞拉说。正说着,扎达克司令出现在大门口。他高大魁梧,蓝眼睛,长着一头浓密的白发。四个卫兵两前两后阔步护卫着他。他们都带着枪


28、不带一丝笑容:“瑞拉,你父亲会生气的。”“我们想和您谈谈,司令,”瑞拉说,“这事非常重要。”“说吧,我听着呢。”凯开口了:“两年前阿岱曾跟您谈过臭氧层上的洞。现在情况更糟了。欧洲上空的臭氧层已经开裂。请您看看这些数据和这张卫星照片。”他把笔记本递给扎达克司令,扎达克看了看本子上的数据。“这事非常重要,司令,”凯说,“10年后地球就要毁灭了。”“你们拦住我的火车就为这事?”扎达克司令问,“两年前阿岱跟我谈过臭氧层的事。然后他又跟地球司令谈了这件事。之后又怎么样了呢?阿岱现在在哪?月亮部族能帮助修复臭氧层吗?”We know about Adai,Commander,RillasaidBut so

29、meone needs to talk toEarth Commander againIm going to talk to Gogabout rain,I can tell you thatEarthneeds rain:there was no rain last winterHalfof Australia has no water and my trees here are dyingWithoutrain,many people are going to dieIsGog going to understand that?I dontknow!Commander Zadak bega

30、n to walk back to his trainMovethat taxi!he called to his guardsSome guards moved the taxi back to the road and then theyjumped on to the train againThe trainbegan to moveOK,thetaxi driver shoutedWhat are yougoing to do next?Drive my taxi into theriver?Kiah smiledHe tooksome money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driverThe taxi driver looked at the moneyOK,OK,hesaidWhere now?Backto the airport?Kiah t

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