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九年级仁爱上册 Unit 2 Topic 2 课文翻译填词.docx

1、九年级仁爱上册 Unit 2 Topic 2 课文翻译填词九年级仁爱上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth 拯救地球 Topic 2n加油:All these problems arn加油e very serious.所有这些问题都是n加油非常严峻的Section A1a(Kangkang, Maria and Jn加油ane are talking in a room. The win加油nd outside is blowing strongly.)(康康,n加油玛丽亚和简正在一间屋子里谈话,风外面在猛烈地吹n加油)What bad ! The win加油nd is with

2、 lots of sand. I n加油couldnt see , and my n加油face while I was wan加油lking down the street n加油 .康康:多么糟糕的天气,风吹地猛烈,挟带着n加油大量的沙子,我什么也看不见,刚才我正走在大街上时,我的脸生疼。n加油Im thatn加油. But what these n加油 ?玛丽亚:听到那样我很遗憾。但是,是n加油什么引发了这些沙尘暴?People have n加油 too trees. As n加油a , a lot of land has changedn加油 into .康康:人们砍伐了太多的树木,n

3、加油结果,大量肥沃的土壤变成了沙漠。Thats badn加油, but how can that thn加油e weather?玛丽亚:太糟了,但是那怎么n加油才能影响这种天气呢?Trees can the winn加油d the earth away.n加油简:树木能防风固土。And a lot of n加油water can be by n加油 .康康:并且森林可以贮存大量的水分。Thn加油ey can also tn加油he water tn加油he earth .简:他n加油们也能防止水土流失。Cutting downn加油 trees is human beings,n加油 and

4、plants. we havn加油e “the Great Green Wall”, we stilln加油 need to work hard to protect the n加油 .康康:砍伐树木对人类和动植物有危害,尽管我们已经建立了“绿n加油色长城”,但是我们仍然需要努力工作来保护环境。2:保护n加油和节约用水 and San加油ving WaterWater is ven加油ry to human bein加油ngs, but not everybody n加油 to protect and sn加油ave it. 水对人类非常重要,但是并不是每个人都知道怎样去n加油保护和节约用水。

5、Here are some ways:这里n加油有一些方法途径:1. Pass n加油 water pollution.通过法律反对水污染。2. Stop facn加油tories waste water intn加油o rivers.制止工厂向河流倾倒废水。3. Rn加油emember to the tap when加油n you .当你离开时记住关掉水龙头。4. n加油and waste water.收集和重新使用废水。Sectn加油ion B 1aKangkang, read this n加油 .迈克尔:康康,请看这篇文章。Wn加油hats it ?康康:它是关于什么的?Itn加油s a

6、ir pollution in China. Itn加油 that China has become the worldn加油s producer and un加油ser of coal. n加油 , air pollution加油n has a problem.迈克尔n加油:它是关于中国空气污染的,它提到中国已经成为世界上最n加油大的煤炭生产国和消费国。结果,空气污染成为了一个严重的问题。Yen加油ah. But the government is doing somethn加油ing to the n加油environment.康康:是的,但是政府正在做一些有用n加油的事情来保护环境。Th

7、ats great. n加油 likes pollution. Wn加油hat should we do n加油 ?迈克尔:那太好了,我们没有一个人喜n加油欢污染。We shouldnt n加油 here and . Dontn加油 in . n加油Dont walk on or pn加油ick . Everyone should n加油 wild animals and n加油 trees.康康:是的,我们不应该到处抛弃垃圾,不在公共场合随地吐痰n加油。大家应该关爱野生动物,并且多种植树木。Thatn加油s right. We should do n加油 we can to tn加油he e


9、来越好。谨启n加油康康 Section C 1a地球有四十六亿年了,The earthn加油 is 4600 years old. 我们人类居n加油住在地球上仅有三万五千年,但是在这个时代里,我们已经用了很n加油多途径方法大大地改变了我们的地球(尤指环境),我们做的一些事情n加油对地球有益,而一些是有害的。We humans have livedn加油 on earth for only 35 000 years, but dn加油uring this we have n加油 our planet a lot in many ways. n加油Some things weve are very

10、 n加油for the earth while are bad.n加油树木更少。在全世界,人们已经砍伐了数以百万计的树木,当下雨或吹风n加油时,泥土就会被带走。森林已经变成沙漠,所以越来越多种类的n加油动植物正在消亡之中。Fewer Trees All over the wn加油orld, people have cut n加油 trees. When it rains or when n加油the wind blows, the eartn加油h is . have becn加油ome , so sorts of animn加油als and plants are disapn加油peari

11、ng.交通污染。在大城市,轿车和公共汽车n加油已经污染了空气,现在城市的很多人都存在着健康问题。 Pollutin加油on In big cities, cars and busn加油es have the air. n加油Many people in cities now have n加油 problems.工厂污染。工厂同样污染着土地和流水,n加油结果,现在很多河流和湖泊已变成了一汪死水。Factory Pon加油llution Factories have an加油lso polluted the and thn加油e water. As a result, many rivern加油s

12、 and are now .臭氧层。在地球的外围n加油,有一种特殊的氧气叫做“臭氧”,它对地球来说很重要。Then加油 Ozone Layer Around the eartn加油h, theres a kinn加油d of oxygen “ozone”(O3n加油). It is the earth. 但是现在空n加油气污染正在破坏着臭氧,在臭氧层造成了一个非常大的漏洞。Butn加油 now air pollution is it and tn加油hat has made a very big n加油 in the layer. 从太阳那里来的n加油非常多的有害辐射物,通过这个大洞直射到地球

13、,这是很危险的,因为这种放射物能够引发n加油站着癌症。Too much harmful radiation fromn加油 the sun then加油 hole and the earth n加油. This is very becan加油use this kind of can cause n加油 .二氧化碳更多。二氧化碳在空气中已经大大地增多了n加油,它主要来自于燃烧着的油类、煤炭和木柴,这样构成一张 “毯子”n加油围绕着地球。More Carbon Dioxide Can加油rbon dioxide (CO2) in n加油the air has a lot. It con加油mes

14、from oil, coaln加油 and wood. This has n加油a “blanket” around the en加油arth. 太阳的高温不能得到疏散泄漏,所以温度正在n加油升高。这就叫做“温室效应”。它引起了海洋的水平面上n加油升,地球气候的变化。The heat from the sn加油un cant so thn加油e temperature is n加油. This is “the greenhoun加油se ”. It causes the of the n加油 to and then加油 of the earth to .n加油所有的这些问题都是非常严峻的,所以

15、现在我们必须有所行动了n加油(做一些事情了)。All these problems are very n加油 , so we must do n加油 now.Section D 1apeopn加油le in Britain produce abn加油out 430 million tons on加油f waste every year, ann加油d put about 85 percent of the wasten加油 into the land. This harms the environ加油nment and takes up a lot of sn加油pace Its diffic

16、ult to find new lan加油nd to put the garbagen加油 in.大不列颠人每年产出大约4.3亿吨废弃物,大约85%的废弃物倾入土n加油里,这样损害着环境和占据着大量的空间,很难找到新的n加油土地去存放垃圾。At the same time, dealingn加油 with the waste costs mn加油uch money.同时,处理这些垃圾花费太多的金钱。Every year,n加油 people in Hong Kong n加油produce about 5 million tons of waste. n加油Of all the garbage,

17、 about 35 pern加油cent can be recycled whiln加油e the rest cant.每年,香港人n加油产出大约500万吨废弃物,在所有的垃圾中,大约35%能回收利用n加油,而其余的不能。The garbage producen加油d every day has become a serious probln加油em around the world. How shall n加油we deal with it?每天产生着垃圾已经成为全n加油世界严重。我们该如何处理它呢?3:Trees树木We n加油need the trees for shelter. We

18、need n加油a place to stay .我们需要n加油遮荫住房的树木,我们需要一个住宿的地方。Somewhere to n加油raise our children.Somewhere to hide n加油away.哪里提高我们的孩子,在哪里遁形。n加油You want the trees fon加油r paper.You want it every day.你要用来造纸的树木,n加油你希望用它的每一天。You use it justn加油 a little.And then throw it n加油all away.你只使用它一点点,然后就把它n加油全部拿走抛弃。We need t

19、he trees to fn加油eed us.We need them to survive.我们需要树n加油木来养活我们,我们需要他们的生存。They han加油ve all the fruits and leaves.Wen加油 need to stay alive.他们所有的水果和n加油树叶,我们需要一条活路。You want n加油the trees for timber.Youn加油 want the wood to buin加油ld.你们要树木作木料,你们需要木头来建筑,But ln加油ogging is the reasonn加油.A lot of us are killed.但

20、只由是砍n加油伐树木,我们许多人被杀害。答案:九年级仁爱上册 U2 T2 Sectin加油on A译文1a(康康,玛丽亚和简正在一间n加油屋子里谈话,风外面在猛烈地吹)(Kangkan加油ng, Maria and Jane are talkinn加油g in a room. The wind outside is n加油blowing strongly.)康康:多么糟糕的天气,风在猛烈地吹,挟带着n加油大量的沙子,我什么也看不见,刚才我正走在大街上时,我的脸生疼。What bn加油ad weather! The wind n加油is blowing strongly win加油th lots

21、 of snad. I couldnt see an加油nything, and my face hurt while I wn加油ans walking down the street just now.玛丽n加油亚:听到那样我很遗憾。但是,是什么引发了这些沙尘暴?Im sorrn加油y to hear that. But what causes n加油these sandstorms?康康:人们砍伐了太多n加油的树木,结果,大量肥沃的土壤变成了沙漠。People han加油ve cut down too many trees. As a resun加油lt, a lot of rich l

22、andn加油 has changed into desert.玛丽亚:太糟了,但是那n加油怎么才能影响这种天气呢?Thats bad, but how cann加油 that affect the weather?简:树木能防风固土。Trn加油ees can stop the wind from blowinn加油g the earth away.康康:并且森林可以贮存大量的水分。n加油And a lot of water can be saved by forn加油ests.简:他们也能防止水土流失。They can also pren加油vent the water from washin

23、g the eartn加油h away.康康:砍伐树木对人类和动植物n加油有危害,尽管我们已经建立了“绿色长城”,但是我们仍然需要努力工作来保护环境n加油。Cutting down trees is han加油rmful to human beings, ann加油imals and plants. Althoun加油gh we have built “thn加油e Great Green Wall”, we stin加油ll need to work hard to protectn加油 the environment.2:保护和节约用水Proten加油cting and Saving Wa

24、ter水对人类非常重要,n加油但是并不是每个人都知道怎样去保护和节约用水。Water is vn加油ery important to human beings, but notn加油 everybody knows how to protect ann加油d save it. 这里有一些方法途径:Hn加油ere are some ways:a.通过法律反对水污染。b.制止工厂向河n加油流倾倒废水。c.当你离开时记住关掉水龙头。n加油d.收集和重新使用废水。1. Pass laws n加油against water pollution.2. Stop facton加油ries pouring w

25、aste wn加油ater into rivers.3. Rememben加油r to turn the tap off when yn加油ou leave.4. Collect and reuse waste n加油water.Section B译文1an加油迈克尔:康康,请看这篇文章。Kangkang, read this artin加油cle康康:它是关于什么的?Whatn加油s it about?迈克尔:它是关于中国空气污染的n加油,它提到中国已经成为世界上最大的煤炭生产国和消费国。结果n加油,空气污染成为了一个严重的问题。Its about airn加油 pollution in C

26、hina. n加油It says that China has ben加油come the worlds largest prn加油oducer and user of coal.n加油 As a result, air pollution has becomen加油 a serious problem.康康:是的,但是政府正在做一些有用的事n加油情来保护环境。Yeah. But the goven加油rnment is doing somethin加油ng useful to protectn加油 the environment.迈克尔:那太n加油好了,我们没有一个人喜欢污染。Thats g

27、rean加油t. None of us likes pollution. What shn加油ould we do as students?康康:是的,我们不应该到处抛弃n加油垃圾,不在公共场合随地吐痰。大家应该关爱野生动物n加油,并且多种植树木。We shouldnt leave rubbish hn加油ere and there. Dont spit anywheren加油 in public. Dont walk on grass or picn加油k flowers. Everyone should care for wn加油ild animals and plant n加油more

28、trees.迈克尔:太对了,我们应该尽一切n加油努力保护环境。Thats reght. We should do everyn加油thing we can to protect the environn加油ment.2亲爱的校长:我在写信告诉你一些重要的事情,每个人都不n加油喜欢脏乱。然而,一些学生到处乱扔废纸和瓶子。我们所有人都需要有一个安静的n加油地方来学习,但是,有些学生经常在学校制造太多的噪音,更糟n加油糕的是,他们当中有些人对他人说话的时候,十分粗鲁无礼。大家都n加油知道他们的行为不好,但是我们当中没有人知道该n加油如何去制止他们。我认为,我们应该制定规章n加油制度来改变这种状况,它

29、对我们来说,开始遵守n加油这些规章制度时,也许会有困难,但是如果所有人都尽最大的努力去遵从这些规章n加油制度的话,我们学校将会日复一日的变得越来越好。谨启康n加油康 Section C译文1a地球有四n加油十六亿年了,The earth is 4600 n加油million years old. 我们n加油人类居住在地球上仅有三万五千年,但是在这个时代里,我们已经用了很多途径方n加油法大大地改变了我们的地球(尤指环境),我们做的一些事n加油情对地球有益,而一些是有害的。We humans hn加油ave lived on earth fon加油r only 35 000 years, but

30、duringn加油 this period we have chann加油ged our planet a lot in many wn加油ays. Some things weve donn加油e are very good for the earn加油th while some are bad.树木更少。在全世n加油界,人们已经砍伐了数以百万计的树木,当下雨或吹风时,泥土就会被带走。森林已经变n加油成沙漠,所以越来越多种类的动植物正在消亡之中。Fewer Trees An加油ll over the world, people have cun加油t down millions of tre

31、es. When it rainn加油s or when the wind blows, the eartn加油h is taken away. Forestsn加油 have become deserts, so more and mon加油re sorts of animals and plants are disapn加油pearing.交通污染。在大城市,轿车和公共汽车已经污染了空气,现n加油在城市的很多人都存在着健康问题。Traffic Pollution bin加油g cities, cars and bn加油uses have polluted the air. n加油Many people in cities now have hn加油ealth problems.工厂污染。工厂同样污染着土地和流水,结果,n加油现在很多河流和湖泊已变成了一汪死水。Facn加油tory Pollution Factories have also polln加油uted the land and

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