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1、外研社安徽版小学英语外研社安徽版小学英语第七册20072008学年度单元教学设计合肥市蚌埠路第四小学孙雪芬Primary English Book 7Unit 2 Our Favorite Food一、教材分析 Primary English是根据新编国家英语课程标准制定的专供安徽省以三年级为起点教授英语的小学使用的一套九年义务教育小学英语教材。这套教材吸收和采用了外语教学界普遍认同的主要教学理论、思想和方法,以儿童所熟悉并且感兴趣的日常生活场景编写内容,在循序渐进中培养学生的语言能力和实际交际能力。第七册继续以外星人和孩子们之间发生的故事来展开学习内容,介绍了日常生活中有用的对话,要求学生加

2、强名词、动词和形容词的词汇积累,学习简单的句型结构和语音常用法,能说出简单地道的英语。二、单元设计思路本单元为外研社安徽版小学英语第七册(六年级上册)第2单元“Our Favorite Food”.这一单元主要是围绕各种食品及饮品的名称展开的一系列话题这些食品都是我们平时非常喜爱和熟悉的,而相关的话题也是发生在我们学生平常所熟悉的地点. Lesson 1是新授课,主要是介绍食品名称及学说怎样礼貌提出意愿和请求的对话。Lesson 2是一节对话练习课,主要是重点操练第一课的要点句型及学习相关口令。Lesson 3是阅读写作课,主要是培养学生基本的英语阅读和写作能力. Lesson 4是活动课,要

3、求以多样化的设计来进行语法扩展活动. Lesson5是语音课,这一课主要是进行语音读写练习.在教学中,我对单元的知识布局进行了整体宏观地设计,以学生的对食品的喜好贯穿整个单元的教学,把知识的重点、难点融合在活动中。通过任务型教学、情景教学法,从故事的教学入手,为学习新知识打开一个入口,在每课的教学中通过多种教学方法,促使学生融会贯通,学以致用.三、单元教学目标知识目标:理解及学说食品的名称:some cookies, some French fries, some popcorn, some salad, a hot dog, a soda, a hamburger, a sandwich;理

4、解及运用礼貌提出意愿和请求及如何应答的句型. 学习发音及学习朗读带有th, sh, ch, si, g和 j的单词. 能力目标:激发学生的创造性思维,培养综合语言运用能力情感目标:建立师生相互合作学习方式,培养学生学习英语的兴趣四、单元课时分配Lesson1 Warm-up and Dialog/Vocabulary 1课时Lesson2 Language Focus 1课时Lesson3 Fun Reading and Writing 1.5课时Lesson4 LanguageFocusActivities 1课时Lesson5 Sounds 1.5课时Lesson 1 Warm-up an

5、d Dialogs/Vocabulary设计思路第一课是新授课,学习的主要句型是如何礼貌提出意愿和请求.及要求 “三会”掌握的八个食品名称单词.本节课内容重难点比较集中,我设计了以下环节。一、兴趣导入,学习新知。教学中我利用多媒体展示一组精美的食品图片,鼓励学生说出感兴趣的食品名称,. 激发学生进一步学习的欲望,进而过渡到新单词和句型的学习中.二、师生合作,共同学习。采用调查性任务设计引导学生分组进行对话讨论,教师适当指导,师生合作学习,共同探究,并采用多种评价形式来展示任务成果。三、情境表演,拓展延伸。创设情境,鼓励学生大胆表演所学对话,增强学生的英语实际运用能力。I. Teaching A

6、ims:1.Knowledge aim1). Understand and say some cookies, some French fries, some popcorn, some salad, a hot dog, a soda, a hamburger, a sandwich2). Understand and say dialogs to make polite offers and requests2. Ability aimEnhance students ability of practical applications.3. Emotion aim Encourage st

7、udents to make polite greetings and cultivate students cooperation consciousness.Teaching Key PointsThe relevant words and dialogs.Teaching Difficult PointsPractical applications of dialogs.Teaching MethodsCooperative Language Learning Approach, Task-based Approach.Teaching AidsFlashcards Paper CAI.

8、Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warm-upShow a list of the food and drink words that the students know on the screen .e.g. turkey, pizza, chicken, potato chips, milketc. And ask student to choose the food that they like. Then Show some pictures about these words and have students review them. (设计意图:本节课的内容

9、重要涉及的都是食品名称单词,多媒体呈现精美食物图片,直观教学,吸引了学生的注意力。此外,先带领学生回顾所学过的食品可以帮助学生自然过渡,新旧结合,更好地理解本课知识.)Step 2. Presentation1. Introduction Show new food pictures on the screen. Encourage students to find their favorite food pictures of new words. Then hold up and name flashcards of new words. Students look and say the

10、 words. (设计意图:根据学生最感兴趣的食品来教授新知,灵活机动,打乱了一成不变的单词学习顺序,增强了学生的学习兴趣。)2. Group workDivide students into some groups. Then play the tape ,and have each group talk about the relevant dialogs and try to answer the questions. Ask students look at the pictures again, listen and say the dialogs.(设计意图:注重知识整合,对话学习

11、利用师生合作学习,先听后说,问答互动.培养学生自主学习的能力。)Step 3 Role-playDivide the class into some groups. Give each group a flashcard, and the group should role-play a dialog according the flashcard. We can find which group does the best job.(设计意图: 鼓励学生根据所学单词拓展成对话,在竞赛型的任务表演中发展学生的英语实际应用能力.)VII Blackboard DesignUnit 2 Our F

12、avorite Food Lesson 1 Warm-up and Dialogs/Vocabulary Some cookies a hot dog Some French fries a soda Some popcorn a hamburger Some salad a sandwichWould you like some _?Lesson 2 Language Focus设计思路: Lesson 2是一节语言要点课,主要是重点操练第一课的要点句型。因此在教学本节课中,我根据新课标的理念力求以学生为课堂教学主体设计了以下环节。一、短剧导入,激发情趣。教学中我利用前一课的相关对话表演导入

13、本节课语言要点学习,激发学生进一步学习的兴趣。二、小组合作,竞赛评价。采用比赛性任务设计引导学生分组进行对话讨论,在合作学习中思考交流,相互启发,共同探究,并采用小组比赛的形式来展示任务成果。三、活跃气氛,寓教于乐。教授Listen, read and say这一项时,我鼓励学生以歌谣形式学习对话,读起来朗朗上口,易于记忆。同时我将课文最后的歌曲插入任务练习后,让学生在歌曲中边复习边放松。I. Teaching Aims:2.Knowledge aim1). Understand, ask and respond to polite offers and requests Would you

14、like _? No, thanks. Id like _. 2. Ability aimEnhance students ability of practical applications.3. Emotion aim Cultivate students cooperation consciousness.Teaching Key PointsThe dialogs of making polite offers and requests.Teaching Difficult PointsPractical applications of dialogs.Teaching MethodsC

15、ommunicative Approach, Task-based Approach.Teaching AidsFlashcards Paper CAI.Teaching proceduresStep 1. ReviewShow different food pictures on the screen. Ask students to review the food words. (设计意图:本节课的语言要点对话主要是围绕食品名称进行的,先带领学生复习各种食品可以帮助学生更好地掌握要点对话。)Step 2. Dialog Practice1.Lead-inShow a picture on

16、the screen. Ask some students to role-play the dialogs according to the picture. Would you like _? No, thanks. Id like _, please.(设计意图: 以短剧表演的方式形象生动地再现了对话,激发了学生学习和表演要点对话的兴趣。) 2.Group workHave students look at the dialogs. Divide them into some groups and ask each group to talk about the practice dia

17、logs. Then ask some groups to come to the front and role-play the dialogs. Have students choose which group does the best job.(设计意图: 采用任务型教学,小组合作交流,培养学生自主学习的能力,并在竞赛中鼓励学生熟练运用所学的对话。)3.Listen and sayPlay the tape. Students listen and point to the dialogs.Play the tape again. Students listen and say the

18、 four practice dialogs.4.Listen and sing.Have students listen to the tape and sing the song “What would you like?”(设计意图:整合教材,插入歌曲,既巩固了对话练习又使学生在轻松愉快的歌曲中得到放松。)5.Listen , read and say Have students listen to the tape carefully. Then ask them what they think the dialog talking about. Compile the dialogs

19、 into the chant, ask students to say altogether.Split the class into three groups .Ask one group to read the waiters words, one group to read the girls words. Next, ask pairs sitting next to each other to read the dialog to each other.(设计意图: 创设愉悦的课堂气氛,让学生以歌谣形式学习要点句型的延伸对话,促使学习易于记忆。).Step 3 HomeworkAs

20、k students to fill in the blanks and talk about the exercises.VII Blackboard DesignUnit 2 Our Favorite Food Lesson 2 Language Focus Would you like _?No, thanks. Id like _.Lesson 3 Fun Reading and Writing设计思路: Lesson 3是每个单元的阅读写作课,旨在培养学生最基本的英语阅读和写作能力。本课所涉及的是第一单元前面所学知识的综合运用。因此在本课教学中我设计了两方面的措施:一、任务教学、多元

21、评价。本课采取任务型教学,以小组合作方式让学生自主练习,最后通过多元化评价来展示学生的学习成果。二、学科渗透、延伸拓展。课堂教学中鼓励学生自己动手设计最喜欢的餐馆海报,培养学生的创新能力。I. Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge aim1). Reading posters containing the target language for enjoyment and comprehension.2). Do activities, such as matching and writing , based on the reading passage.2. Ability

22、aimEncourage students ability of reading and writing.Develop students ability of independent study.3. Emotion aim Encourage students interest to learn English and cultivate students cooperation consciousness.Teaching Key PointsThe relevant phases and sentences.Teaching Difficult PointsPractical appl

23、ications of dialogs.Teaching MethodsCooperative Language Learning Approach, Task-based Approach.Teaching AidsPictures, paper, flashcards CAI.Teaching proceduresStep1 Warm-upShow different food pictures on the screen. Ask student to look at the pictures and sing a song “What would you like?”(设计意图:歌曲热

24、身,一方面让学生熟悉句型一方面调节课堂气氛,创设一课良好的开端。)Step2 Fun Reading Practice1.Lead-in Show different restaurant pictures and food pictures on the screen . Ask students to find their favorite restaurant. Ask them what kind of food they can eat at each restaurant.(设计意图:利用多媒体直观出示各种食品和餐馆图片,吸引学生展开话题讨论,为下一步的阅读练习做铺垫。)2.Gro

25、up WorkHave students look at the posters which have food item on them. Divide students into some groups and ask each group to talk about the contents of the posters. Then ask students to finish the following exercises in groups.(设计意图:阅读练习的重点在于培养学生基本的自主阅读能力。在此采取任务型教学,以小组合作形式进行阅读教学,锻炼了学生自主学习的能力,加强了他们学

26、习的主动性。)3.Role-playAsk students to listen to the tape and answer the question “Where are Jia Ming and his friends?” Then listen to the dialogs again and repeat .Split students into some groups and encourage them to role-play the dialogs in groups .Then ask some students from each group to come to the

27、 front .We can find which group does the best job.Step3 Writing PracticeAsk students to design a poster for one of their favorite restaurants.(设计意图:学生动手设计餐馆海报的任务巩固了阅读成果,体现了学科渗透,也拓展了学生的创新能力和写作能力。)Step 4 HomeworkHave students finish the more practice.VII Blackboard DesignUnit 2 Our Favorite Food Lesso

28、n 3 Fun Reading and Writing RestaurantMake your own posterLesson4 Language Focus Activities设计思路: Lesson 4是一节活动课,这就要求在教授过程中组织有效的多样化的活动来巩固前面所学知识.因此,在本课中我主要设计了两个大的活动任务.一、制作特色菜单。二、情境表演。学生在完成任务的过程中互相合作交流,实际运用所学知识。I. Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge aimReview What would you like? Id like _. Would you like _?2.

29、Ability aimEnhance students ability of practical applications.3. Emotion aim Cultivate students cooperation consciousness.Teaching Key PointsWriting a menu.Teaching Difficult PointsPractical applications of dialogs.Teaching MethodsTask-based Approach.Teaching AidsPaper CAI.Teaching proceduresStep 1

30、Warm-upShow different food pictures on the screen .Ask students to talk about their favorite food according to the pictures.Step2 Write a menuTeacher shows your own menu and tells students what it is called in English .Encourage them to answer that food names and prices can be found on a menu. Divid

31、e the class into groups. Have each group finish a menu. Then, choose the best menu in the class.(设计意图:学生合作完成菜单制作的任务有效复习了前面所学知识,也发挥了学生的学习主动性和积极性。评比最佳菜单更是调动了学生参与任务的热情。)Step 3 Role-play1.Ask students to show their menu to their partner and tell their partner what food items their restaurants have.2.Ask students to finish the order and role-play the dialog with their own partner .When they are done, students check their answers with each other.(设计意图:情境表演的任务重点考察了学生实际应用英语的能力,让学生的听说技能得到充分的锻炼。)Step 4 Fun

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