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1、英语新闻听力文本68套第六套Questions1and2willbebasedonthe followingnewsitem.1A. Islamistmilitantsarestillincontrolofthetown.B. Frenchforceshaveenteredthetown.C. Islamistmilitantsareattackingtheairport.D. Frenchforcesaregoingtolandattheairport.2A. TocontrolKidalairport.B. ToprotectthecapitalBamako.C. Toprotectthe

2、town.D. TofightagainstIslamistmilitants.News Item One(1) French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali, (2) the last major town they have yet to secure in their drive against Islamist militants. French forces now control Kidal airport after a number of aircraft, including helicopter

3、s, landed there last night. Islamist militants were reported to have already left the town and it was unclear who was in charge. (2) Francethe former colonial power in Malilaunched a military operation this month after Islamist militants appeared to be threatening the south. French army spokesman co

4、nfirms that French troops were deployed overnight in Kidal. One regional security source told the Press that French aircraft had landed at Kidal and that protection helicopters are in the sky. Kidal, 930 miles north-east of the capital Bamako, was until recently under the control of the Islamist mil

5、itants.1. What is the situation now in Kidal according to the news?2. Why did the French launch the military operation?参考答案:【小题1】B【小题2】C习题解析:【小题1】新闻开头提到 French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali,指出法国军方声称他们已经到达了马里的北部城镇基达尔,因而 B项表述符合新闻原文,故选 B。其他选项内容均与新闻内容不符,排除。【小题2】本题考查法国发起此次军事行动的原

6、因。新闻中提到法国发起此次军事行动是因为 Islamist militants appeared to be threatening the south,即伊斯兰武装分子显现出对南部的威胁,而新闻开头在提到法军已经进驻基达尔之后,对基达尔镇作进一步的说明中用了 secure一词,故表明法国军队发起此次军事行动的目的在于保护基达尔镇,故选 C。Questions3and4willbebasedonthe followingnewsitem.3A. ProfessorPostisanenvironmentalistaswell.B. Livestockcannotmeetthedemandform

7、eat.C. Meatgrowninalabismuchmoredelicious.D. Growingmeatinalabcostlessthanraisinglivestock.4A. Thegrownmeattastesjustliketherealthing.B. Thegrownmeatlookspaleandtastesgood.C. Thegrownmeatgrowsfromstemcells.D. Thegrownmeatneedsaddingcolor.News Item Two(3) Professor Post is developing a way to grow me

8、at in a lab because he believes that livestock farming is not good for the environment, not good for animals nor, he says, is it going to satisfy the growing demand for meat.His aim is to produce a burger that looks and tastes just like the real thing but from what I saw at his lab, which is still a

9、 work in progress.(4) The flesh, grown from stem cells, is pale white and tasteless, so food technologists have had to mix in breadcrumbs, caramel and saffron to add flavor and juice to add color. The mixture is then put together to make the burger that will be cooked then eaten by two food writers.

10、Initial testing during the development process suggests that it wont taste great, but according to Professor Post, it will taste good enough.3. Why Professor Post is developing a way to grow meat in a lab?4. Why do the food technologists have to add juice to the grown meat?参考答案:【小题3】B【小题4】D习题解析:【小题3

11、】新闻开头提到了 Post 教授在研发一种在实验室种植肉类的办法,随后给出了具体原因:he believes that livestock farming is not good for the environment, not good for animals nor, he says, is it going to satisfy the growing demand for meat,即畜牧对环境和动物都不利,而且也无法满足日益增长的对肉类的需要。四个选项中,符合新闻原文的是 B项,故选 B。【小题4】本题考查食品技师必须往种植的肉里边添加果汁的原因。新闻中提到种植的肉颜色惨白而无味,随

12、后紧接着说到 so food technologists have had to mix in breadcrumbs, caramel and saffron to add flavor and juice to add color,所以,往种植的肉里添加果汁的原因是为了增加颜色,故选 D。Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.5A. To raise money for African humanitarian efforts.B. To raise money for Haitian earthquake vi

13、ctims.C. To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.D. To make a new version of the song.6A. Quincy Jones and Smoky Robinson.B. Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones.C. Smoky Robinson and Michael Jackson.D. Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson.7A.145.B.25.C.100.D.45. News Item Three(5)Dozens of recording stars bega

14、n gathering at a Hollywood studio on Monday, to add their voices to a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief. The words and music are an updated version of We Are the World , a song that raised at least 30 million dollars for African humanitarian programmes 25 ye

15、ars ago. (6) Lionel Richie, who co-wrote the first song with Michael Jackson, is organizing the effort. The original producer, Quincy Jones, is using the same studio he used in 1985. Reporters and security surrounded Henson Studios, anticipating the arrival of cars delivering the stars Monday aftern

16、oon for what is expected to be a marathon recording session. (7) Smoky Robinson, who sang on the original, said the list of 100 singers asked to take part does not include any of the 45 stars from the previous version. Organizers have not said when the song might be ready for the world to hear.5. Wh

17、y did the singers meet in Hollywood?6. Who wrote the song We Are the World?7. How many singers were asked to take part in the recording this time?参考答案:【小题5】B【小题6】D【小题7】C习题解析:【小题5】新闻开头提到 Dozens of recording stars began gathering at a Hollywood studio on Monday, to add their voices to a song they hope

18、 will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief,指出近百名歌手齐聚好莱坞的一间录音棚,共同为一首歌献声,希望能以此为海地地震灾民募捐,故选 B。【小题6】新闻中提到 Lionel Richie, who co-wrote the first song with Michael Jackson, is organizing the effort,该句中的 the first song 指的就是前面提到的 “We Are the World”这首歌,此处指出该歌曲是 Lionel Richie 和 Michael Jack

19、son 一起创作完,成的,故选 D。【小题7】本题考查此次参与录制歌曲的歌手人数。新闻中提到 Smoky Robinson, who sang on the original, said the list of 100 singers asked to take part does not include any of the 45 stars from the previous version,由此可知,参与此次录制的歌手是 100 人,故选 C。第七套Questions1and2willbebasedonthe followingnewsitem.1A. Sheis17-year-old.

20、B. Sheworksinahotel.C. Herlegsgotseverelyinjured.D. Herjobisarestaurantemployee.2A. InearlyAugust.B. InlateAugust.C. InearlyOctober.D. InlateOctober.News Item OneFour American teenagers, all children of U.S. military personnel, have been arrested on charges of attempted murder after a woman was knoc

21、ked off her motorbike with rope strung across two poles, Japanese police said. The four suspectstwo 15-year-old boys, a 17-year-old girl and an 18-year old manwere taken into custody on Saturday, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said. (1) They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a

22、 23-year-old girl who works at a restaurant by stringing a rope between poles across a road.(2) U.S. forces in Japan was informed of the August incident in late October, a public information officer said. There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police, other t

23、han it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo covering U.S. forces and their dependents in Japan. The U.S. military presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a thorny issue over the years.1. What do we know about the victim?2. When did the U.S. forces in Japan know about the incid

24、ent?参考答案:【小题1】D【小题2】D习题解析:【小题1】新闻中提到 They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old girl who works at a restaurant by stringing a rope between poles across a road,由此可知,该受害者为 23 岁的女性,在一家餐馆工作,脑部受了重伤。四个选项中,D项表述符合新闻内容,故选 D。【小题2】本题考查驻日美军知晓这一事件的时间。新闻中提到 U.S. Forces in Japan was informed

25、 of the August incident in late October,指出美国方面直到10月下旬才被告知这一事件,故选 D。Questions3and4willbebasedonthe followingnewsitem.3A. Terroristattacks.B. Politicalprotests.C. Extremeweather.D. Heavytrafficjams.4A. Wherematchestakeplace.B. Whereprotestsmaytakeplace.C. IndowntownVancouver.D. Aroundtheathletesvillag

26、e.News Item TwoAn Olympics security plan five years in the making is taking shape in Vancouver this week. The Canadian Police is heading up the $900 million security operation, the largest in Canadas history. It will involve 15,000 police, private security and military personnel. The Winter Olympics

27、 will take place February 12th to 28th in 2010 in Vancouver. (3) Political protests may pose the biggest threat to the games. The threat of terrorist attack is rated as low. But the memory of the 1972 Munich Olympics has not gone away. That year, a terrorist group attacked the athletes village, even

28、tually killing 11 Israeli athletes and coaches. (4) It is no coincidence that in Vancouver security patrols are particularly evident around the low-rise apartment buildings, where the athletes will be housed. In downtown Vancouver some roads are already closed, and rings of security fencing surround

29、 some key venues. Whats more, 900 surveillance cameras will be put on top of fencing to detect dangers.3. What may be the biggest threat to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games?4. Where is the presence of security patrols most evident?参考答案:【小题3】B【小题4】D习题解析:【小题3】新闻中明确提到 Political protests may pose the bigge

30、st threat to the games,由此可知,2010 年冬奥会最大的威胁可能是政治抗议,故选 B。【小题4】新闻在简要提及了 1972 年慕尼黑奥运会发生的恐怖袭击时间后提到 It is no coincidence that in Vancouver security patrols are particularly evident around the low-rise apartment buildings, where the athletes will be housed,指出此次温哥华冬奥会在运动员们居住的低层建筑周围投入的安保巡逻力量尤为显著,故选 D。Questio

31、ns5to7willbebasedonthefollowing newsitem.5A. Theincomegapiswideningindeveloped countries.B. Cancercasesareincreasingdramatically.C. Unhealthyfoodscanincreasetheriskofcancer.D. Burdenofcancerisshiftingtopoorcountries.6A. Mostcancerpatientswerefrompoorregions.B. Cancerhadasignificantimpactaroundtheworld.C. Allsortsofcancerscouldbeprevented.D. Richpeopleweremorelikelytohavecancer.7A. Drinkmorewater.B. Beonadiet.C. Quitsmoking.D. Doexercises.News Item ThreeA rece

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