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1、新外研版八上期末复习资料加练习Module 1.How to learn English重点短语1、in pairs 成对地2、practise (doing) sth.练习(做)某事3、match sth. with sth. 把某物与某物搭配4、look up 查找夹心短语look it/them up5、make a mistake /make mistakes 犯错误6、wele back 欢迎回来 7、way to do sth做某事的方式 way of (doing)sth. (做)某事的方式8、some advice一些建议(advice 不可数名词 ) a piece of a

2、dvice一条建议 two pieces of advice 两条建议9、speak English (speak +语言) talk/speak to sb.与某人谈话 10、in class 在课堂上11、12、try to do sth. 努力做某事13、as much as possible 尽可能多地 as adj./adv. as possible 14、write down 写下夹心短语15、what else还有什么其它的16、listen to the radio 听广播17、be good for 对有好处18、key words 关键词 main ideas 大意19、g

3、et to know 渐渐了解20、21、22、send sth to sb=send sb. sth. 把某物寄(送)给某人 23、ask (sb.) for sth. 请求某人给予 24、25、the meaning of 的意思26、be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 be afraid of sb./sth. 害怕某人、某物27、28、29、suggest thatsb. (should) do sth, 建议某人做某事30、31、say hello to sb. 和某人打招呼32、make friends (with sb.) (和某人)交朋友33、take/show

4、 sb. around 带领某人参观34、invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事35、stop to do 停下来去做某事 stop doing 停止做某事 重点句子:1、We should always speak English in class. 我们应该在课堂上一直讲英语。2、 Lets try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们尽可能多地说英语。3、We are going to talk about good ways to learn English. 我们将谈

5、论一些学英语的好方法。4、Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?为什么不在笔记本上把错误写下来?5、Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 每天拼写和大声读出新单词是个好主意。6、How/What about listening to the radio? 听收音机怎么样?7、Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English. 看电影和听歌是学英语的好方法

6、。8、I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. 我也建议你跟你的朋友谈论电影和歌曲9、I am shy and I am afraid to speak to her.我害羞而且我害怕与她交谈。10、Its natural to forget new words!忘记新单词是符合情理的。11、 I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper. 我建议你每天在纸上写下四五个单词。提建议句型:2、You should (n

7、ot )do sth.你(不)应该做3、You had better notdo sth. 你最好不做某事4、Why dont you do sth?=Why not do sth.?你为什么不做 / 为什么不做 5、 How about doing sth. ?= What about doing sth.? 做怎么样 6、 Its a good idea to do sth. 做某事是一个好主意 7、 try not to do sth. 努力(不)做某事 8、remember to do (原形)sth. 记得做某事10、Would you like to do sth.? 你想做某事吗

8、?练习1.LetsgoandseepandasthisSaturday.-_.A.Goodidea. B.Thankyou.C.Yourewele. D.Nicetomeetyou.2.Try_nexttime.A.tobenotlate B.nottobelateC.tobelate D.tobeinglate3.Thewordsareveryimportant.Whynot_?A.writedownthem B.writethemdownC.towritethemdown D.towritedownthem4.Itsagoodidea_forawalkaftersupper.A.going

9、 B.go C.togo D.goes5.Dontforget_yourhomework,John.-OK.Illdoitrightnow.A.6.Helen,pleaseremember_thewindowswhenyouleave!A.tocloseB.closeC.closingD.closesX文HowtolearnEnglishwellGood morning,my dear teachers and friends !My name is Li Fang.Now, English is very important all over the world.But how can we

10、 learn it well? Here is some advice.First,we should be interested in English. As the old saying goes,Interest is the best teacher. Second,its a good way to speak English as much as possible. Dont be afraid to lose your face.Third,we had better write down our mistakes in our notebooks if we make mist

11、akes.Then we wont make the same mistakes in the future. At last,we should put put our hearts into English.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Believe in yourselves! Im sure you can learn English better!易错题一、单项选择1.Your _is very helpful. I guess Ill take it.A. secret B.advice C.promise D.purpose

12、 2.The phone number is very important._in your notebook,or youll forget it.A.Write down it B.Write it down C.Look up it D.Look it up 3.-We can ask Nick to go to Shanghai Disneyland with us. -_?Ill give him a call right now.4.He is very busy working at school,but he never forgets _his mum a phone cal

13、l every day.5.We talked about the problem and Tim _doing some research first.A.6.We advise parents _their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger.A.not leave B.not to leave C.leave leave7.My husband always _me flowers every week before we got married ,but now he never _.A.

14、sent,does B.sends,does C.was going to send,do D.sent ,do8.Just go down this road and you _the library next to the bank.A.see B.saw C.have seen D.will see9.-Where did you go last weekend? -I _to the Great Wall.A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone10.When you are tired ,_in the countryside is a wonderful

15、experience.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The shop is full of all kings of _(radio).2.All these _(dictionary) are a great help .3.Could you give me some_(advice)on learning English.4.The little girl is afraid to _(go) out in the dark.5._(watch)films is a great way to learn English.6.It is easy _(learn) English wel

16、l.7.Why not _(go) swimming with us?8.To win the match,they practise _(play) every day.9.You should _(see) the doctor at once.10._(read)in bed is bad for your eyes.三、完成句子,一空一词。1.晚饭后散步怎么样?_ _ _ a walk after dinner?2.尽管放松,尽量开开心心。Relax and enjoy yourself _ _ _ _.3.如果你遇到麻烦,请向警察求救。Please _the police _ _if

17、 you are in trouble.4.我和菲尔在很多事情上意见不一致。I dont _ _ Phil on many things.5.我们为什么不开车去乡下呢?Why _ _ _to the countryside?Module 2 My home town and my country.重点短语:1、pretty good 很好2、on the coast 在海岸边3、in fact 事实上4、in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代5、as busy as和一样繁华as adj./adv. as 和一样 6、large/big ,small population 人口多/少7、

18、over=more than 超过8、9、remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事10、in the east/west/south/north of在的东/西/南/北方 in内部/on接壤/to相隔11、be famous for 因而知名12、part of 的一局部13、any time of the year 一年中的任何时候 14、many other +名词复数 any other +名词单数重点句型1、 What is the population of Shenzhen?某某的人口是多少?2、 The popul

19、ation of Shenzhen is over ten million.某某的人口超过一千万。million, billion, thousand,hundred前有数字,无s,无of。没数字,加s,加of。three million 三百万 millions of几百万的3、 -How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样? -Pretty good! 相当好! 4、 Its a newer city than Hong Kong.它是一个比某某更新的城市。5、 In fact, it only became important in the 1980s.事实上,它在20世

20、纪80年代才变得重要。6、 Some day it will bee as busy as Hong Kong.有一天它会变得和某某一样繁华。7、 Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.它的街道宽广多了也干净多了。8、 Id like to go there one day. 有一天我想去那里。9、 Remember to visit the Diwang Tower. Its taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.记得去参观帝王塔。它比某某的许多其他建筑物更高。10、 The populati

21、on of Shenzhen is larger than that of many other cities in China.某某的人口比中国许多城市的都多。11、 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.剑桥是位于英格兰东部的一个美丽城市。12、 Its on the River Cam and has a population of about 120,000.它在剑河边上并且有着大约12万人口。13、 My hometown is especially famous for its university. 我的家乡尤其

22、因为它的大学而知名。14、 Its never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.它夏天从来不非常地热,冬天也不是很冷。15、 New York is more famous thanany other city in the US.纽约比美国的其他任何城市更知名。X文The changes in my hometownIn the past, my hometown was very small and dirty, with a small population. People lived a poor life there.But now

23、,my hometown is changing every day. There are more buildings . Most people have their own cars and they live a better life. My hometown is getting bigger and busier. And thousands of visitors e to visit my hometown.I love my hometown very much and Im sure it will be more and more beautiful in the fu

24、ture. 易错题一、单项选择1. Meimei thinks maths is_than Chinese.A.easy B.easier C.the easier D.very easy2.These singers were popular a 1990 B. in the 1990s the 1990 D. in 1990s3. The population of Hong Kong_ over 7 million.4._ the population of China?A. How many B.How much C.How large D.Whats5.Who

25、 is _girl behind the tree? -Which one? The one with _umbrella?A.a, the B.the ,an C.a ,an D.the, a 6.Tom plays tennis as _ as Paul.7.Jack is not as _ as his brother.A.strong B. stronger C.strongest D.the stronger8.Mum. This T-shirt is too small for me. Can you buy me a(n)_one?A.nicer B.smaller C.olde

26、r D.larger 9.David is stronger than _ student in in his class.10.The population of Shanghai is _ than _ of Tianjin.A.larger , it B.more, that C.larger ,that D.more, it二、适当形式填空1.The road is _ (wide) than that one.2. I am _(busy) today than I was yesterday.3. The green apple is _(big) than the red one

27、.4.Guangzhou is not as _ (clean) as Shenzhen.5.My pocket money is _(much) than yours.6.I e from a big city with eight _(million) people.7.I have got milk as _(many) as you.8.My brother is _(fat) than my sister.9.Tom plays basketball as _(good) as Paul10.Which box is _(heavy),the red one or the blue

28、one?三、完成句子1.某某人口比某某人口多。The population of Hong Kong is _ _ _of Shenzhen.2.托尼和汤姆一样高。Tony is _ _ _ Tom.3.我们的教室比你们的干净得多。Our classroom is _ _than _.4.每年,数以百万的人参观长城。Every year, _ _people visit the Great Wall.5.我的家乡尤其以它的大学而知名。My hometown _ _ _ _ its university.Module 3 Sports重点短语:1.just now刚刚用于一般过去时2.Never

29、 mind.别介意。 mind doing sth 介意做某事3.also用于句中 too 用于句末,但有逗号as well用于句末,但没有逗号 tennis 打网球 usual 和往常一样 6.What a pity! 真遗憾! 7.look tired 看上去很累 8.on TV 在电视上通过电视 be sure about 对确信 early as we can 尽可能早 +比赛/奖品/奖金 beat +sb. 打败某人9. not at all 根本, 一点也不 thats because 那是因为10. stay at home 呆在家 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事11. bad luck 运气不佳 12. go to the stadium

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