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山西省大同一中学年高二上学期期末考试 英语 Word版含答案.docx

1、山西省大同一中学年高二上学期期末考试 英语 Word版含答案20132014学年度第一学期期末试卷高 二 英 语 第I卷 客观卷(两部分,共75分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Nowadays more people send New Years greetings by _ e-mail instead of talking on _ telephone. A. the; the B. an; the C. /; the D. an; /2. Film star Jet Lis contribution to the

2、 One Foundation Project is _, and many people respect him for it. A. available B. admirable C. constant D. attractive 3. _ bad-tempered at times, he is still respected by all the students. A. In spite of B. Though C. Until D. Despite4.The country life he was used to_ greatly since 1992. A. changeB.

3、has changed C. changing D. have changed 5. He didnt return home until his money _, which made his parents disappointed. A. was run out B. has run out of C. ran out of D. ran out6. Learning that his family were safe, he_ a sigh of relief. A. made out B. let out C. left out D. set out 7. _ in this way

4、, the result seems unsatisfactory, so wed better have another try. A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looking at 8. Im sorry _ you that I regret _my radio at such a low price at the flea market. A. to tell; selling B. to tell; sell C. telling; to sell D. to tell; to sell9. There are a

5、ll kinds of English poems, _ nursery rhymes are the most popular. A. with which B. of which C. which D. where 10. -Do all _ you think are right, _ others say. -Yes, I_. A. what; as; do B. as; no matter what; will C. that; whatever; will D. what; whatever; must 11. Thank you very much. What you have

6、done helped me a lot. Dont mention it. Anyone _ the same.A. will do B. has done C. would have done D. had done12. The order came that the medical supplies _ to the village without delay. A. would be sent B. should send C. be sent D. must be sent 13. -David has made great progress recently. - _, and

7、_. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have14. -Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend? -_. A.I dont believe B. I dont believe it C.I believe not so D. I believe not 15. Its cloudy today. Please take an umbrella with you. _ .

8、A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it all depends C. OK, just in case D. All right, youre welcome第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。“Whats happened to the bottle of aspirins?” he couldnt find it in its 16 place in the bathroom cabinet(橱柜). “What have you done with it

9、?” he asked his wife. She said she hadnt 17 it, and told him it was probably under his nose, if hed only open his eyes and look. “ 18 , you men can never find anything!” But after shed come into the bathroom to look, she had to 19 it wasnt there. He went into their sons bedroom to 20 him his bedtime

10、 story. On the floor there lay a bottle, the one hed been looking for; but it was 21 . Oh, no, the kid couldnt have . “David, what have you done with those 22 which were in that bottle?” David looked sullen, the look of a child who knows it has done wrong and is going to be 23 . “Did you eat them?”

11、David nodded. “ 24 did you eat?” No reply. He called his wife. She came, 25 what had happened and went very white. “There must have been twenty-five or thirty tablets(片) 26 in the bottle. He cant have taken them all. ” But there were no aspirins on the floor, or in Davids 27 , or along the corridor

12、from his bedroom to the bathroom. “Call an ambulance, 28 !” he dialed the number and explained to the man at the ambulance control center what had happened. The 29 arrived in five minutes, and David , wrapped in a blanket, and his mother and father, were 30 to the nearest hospital. “Put the boy on t

13、he stomach pump at 31 , ” said the doctor, as soon as he heard the facts. They could hear David screaming as they sat in the waiting room, 32 if the child was going to be all right, but 33 to do anything except wait. Then the screaming stopped and the doctor came back. “ 34 you brought him quickly.

14、The tablets didnt have time to dissolve(溶解) in his stomach, so we got them all out. Hes going to be all right. ” They took David home, and bought a bathroom cabinet with a 35 on it the next day. 16. A. safe B. fixed C. usual D. proper17. A. seen B. thrown C. fed D. hidden18. A. Directly B. Strangely

15、 C. Unfortunately D. Honestly19. A. promise B. warn C. admit D. understand20. A. show B. send C. write D. read21. A. plastic B. wrong C. empty D. clean22. A. cookies B. sweeties C. biscuits D. grapes23. A. punished B. discovered C. caught D. excused24. A. Why B. What C. What time D. How many25. A. a

16、greed B. noticed C. realized D. remembered26. A. kept B. left C. stored D. found27. A. mouth B. stomach C. bed D. eyes28. A. fast B. calm C. soon D. quick29. A. ambulance B. doctors C. police D. parents30. A. brought B. moved C. gathered D. rushed31. A. once B. least C. first D. most32. A. questioni

17、ng B. considering C. wondering D. discussing33. A. hopeless B. worried C. anxious D. powerless34. A. Happy B. Lucky C. Sure D. Correct35. A. mirror B. shelf C. lock D. lamp第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并把答案涂在答题卡上。AInstead of going to camp this summer, Zach, 11, has d

18、ecided to walk 668 miles from Atlanta, Georgia, to the nations capital, Washington, D.C. Zach hopes to raise awareness of the difficulties of homeless kids. His journey to help others began two years ago, when he walked from his home in Tampa, Florida, to Tallahassee. Then, in 2008, he did it again,

19、 this time walking from Tallahassee to Atlanta. Since May, Zach has traveled 12 miles a day in his trusty Adidas sneakers. Along the way, he has collected more than 1,000 letters about homeless children, which he hopes to make public when he arrives in Washington. Zach says he wants his walk to make

20、 a difference. Its been a long walk, Zach says, but is definitely worth it. In 2005, Zach participated (参加) in an episode (一集,一节) of the television show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. He says that helping to build homes made him realize there were people who didnt have anywhere to live, and this ma

21、de him decide to help homeless youth. He was also inspired by a movie he saw about Mildred Norman, an activist who promoted world peace by walking 25,000 miles. Zach thought that walking would be a good way to draw attention to his cause. Zach is also the founder of the Little Red Wagon Foundation.

22、The purpose of this non-profit organization is to help needy youth, and through it he has raised money and received school supplies. A lot of homeless young people dont get the opportunity to succeed at school because they dont have supplies, he says. Zachs volunteerism has even inspired a Hollywood

23、 movie about him. Hes the most extraordinary kid Ive ever met, says Michael Guillen of the Philanthropy Project, who is making the movie. He hasnt just talked the walk; hes really walked it.36. Zach walks in order to _. A. visit Washington, D.C. B. help homeless children C. learn about the difficult

24、y of walking D. attract attention 37. What does Zach mainly do as he walks? A. He experiences the lives of homeless children. B. He inspires homeless children to get through their difficulties. C. He makes letters about homeless children public. D. He collects letters about homeless children. 38. Wh

25、at gave Zach the idea to help others? A. A television show. B. A movie star. C. Some homeless people. D. An unusual walk. 39. From Michael Guillen we can learn that_. A. Zach matches his words with his deeds B. Zach has great potential as an actor C. Zach has received many donations from actors D. Z

26、ach will be starring in a Hollywood movie B Dealing with a broken friendship can be one of the most heartbreaking situations you go through in life, especially if youve been friends with the person for a long time. There are a lot of things that can lead to division between friends, but I think in g

27、eneral real break-ups occur when friends take very different paths in life, and find it harder and harder to relate. Then, even if they dont have a sudden split due to a major argument, theyll still find themselves drifting apart (逐渐疏远). Obviously time plays a big part here. If an argument has taken

28、 place, but there is at least the potential for the friendship to be re-established, both people will need some time to sort out the situation. After a while, they may be able to start talking again. The hardest part may be the friendship not being the same as before or not being as close, but this

29、depends on the situations of the division. People also have a hard time seeing changes in their friends. This is especially serious if your friend has changed for the worse, and you risk getting pulled in the same direction by trying to fix the friendship. In such a situation, its often best to ask

30、someone you trust outside the broken friendship someone who can be objective (客观的) about it to keep yourself on track if you do decide to try to help your friend.40. Generally speaking, two friends break up when _. A. there isnt enough communication between them B. they have a major argument C. they have different life goals D. theyre separate for a long time41. Whats the most difficult problem when two friends are reunited? A. They may not be able to start talking again. B. Their relationship might not be as close as before. C. They may start quarrellin

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