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1、沪教牛津英语九年级上册5年中考3年模拟Unit4单元检测附答案Unit4单元检测单项选择1(2017四川巴中中考)There are quite a few books on the shelf, but_of them is useful to me. A.all B.neither C.none2.( 2017四川内江中考)I dont know how to deal with the problem. A.状语B表语C宾语D宾补3(2017广东深圳第二次联考)-Simon has just heard from his friend Ben from an Australian sis

2、ter school. He is very happy. -Yes. He will be an exchange student and visit Ben during the summer holiday. A.received a letter from a gift from C.received a call from4(2017广东深圳第二次联考)-Linda, how are you_ with your new classmates? -At first,I felt_,but now we are good friends. A.getting along;o

3、ut of place B.mixing; out of date C.making friends; out of sight5.( 2017重庆渝北中考)It isnt easy for us_English well. A.learn B.learns C.learning learn6.( 2016广东深圳锦华实验学校月考)The motorbike is supposed to make an annoying noise. A.exciting B.surprising C.unpleasant7.( 2016广东深圳锦华实验学校月考)I regretted not te

4、lling the teacher the truth. A.felt sorry for B.was happy with C.had no interest in8.( 2016广东深圳锦华实验学校月考)A_is something that you say or write to give your opinion on something. A.habit B.hobby C.comment9(2016湖北荆州中考)一Could you_me your bike, Tom? -OK. And you can_it for a week. A.lend; keep B.borrow;le

5、nd C.lend; borrow D.borrow; keep10.(2016广东深圳坂田新城学校期中)-Youd better not eat too much salt. Its bad for your health.-_ A.Not at all B.Youre welcome C.Thanks for your advice完形填空 An old man lived with his little grandson. Every day the old man got up early to read books. His grandson wanted to be just li

6、ke him and tried to copy him in every 11 he could. One day the grandson asked, Grandpa ! I try to read that book just like you do, but I dont understand it, and I always forget 12 I close the book. What good does 13 do?The grandfather quietly turned from putting 14 in the stove and replied,Take this

7、 coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.The boy did as his grandpa said, but all the water leaked out before he got back home. The grandfather laughed and said,Youll have to walk faster next time. The next time the boy ran faster, but the basket was still empty before he 1

8、5 home. The boy said, See, Grandpa, its 16 to finish this task! Is it no use?the old man said. 17 the basket. The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was 18 .Instead of a dirty old coal basket, it was 19 inside and out. My child, thats what happens when you read

9、the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but the 20 will change you inside and out. That is the work of reading in our lives.11.A.way C.table12.A.until B.when C.since13.A.reading the book B.getting up early C.sitting at the desk14.A.water C.coal15.A.returned C.

10、bought16. A. difficult B. different C .impossible17.A.Look for B.Look at C.Look B.different C.ugly19. A.different B.clean C. complete20.A.words B.basket C.water阅读理解 A 2017辽宁营口中考) My parents give me an allowance every week. An allowance is the money I earn (赚的) when I do chores or jobs

11、around the house. There are a lot of things I want to buy with my allowance, but I have to earn it first! There are many ways to earn money. I do chores, make my bed and empty the dishwasher. I also help my parents whenever they ask. My parents let me choose how to spend my allowance, but they say I

12、 shouldnt use it up at once. Thats why they taught me about budgets (预算) . A budget helps people buy things now and also save for things in the future. My mom says there are three ways to use my allowance. I can spend it, save it, or give it away. I want to do all three, so my mom and I make three j

13、ars. One is a spend jar, one is a save jar, and one is a give jar. Spend Jar The spend jar is my favorite! I put most of my allowance here. At the end of the month, I count up all my spending money. I use it to buy things and do fun things with my friends. Save JarSometimes, there are things I want,

14、 but I dont have enough money. Thats what the save jar is for. I put some of my allowance in it. It builds up more and more each week. After a while, I have enough money to buy what I want. Give Jar The last jar is very special. Its the give jar. I donate(捐赠) the money to a charity (慈善机构) or another

15、 good cause. My dad says that donating money helps other people and makes our world a better place. I like putting my allowance into my three jars. Its fun to see it build up over time! Do you earn an allowance?21.The Chinese meaning of the underlined wordallowance is_ . A.允许 B.零用钱 C.承诺 D.费用22.There

16、 are _ jars for the writers money. B.two C.three D.four23.For budgets, the writers parents didnt want him to_. A.spend all the money in a short time up too much money the money for things in the future D.choose how to spend the money24.Which of the following is TRUE according to

17、 the passage? A.The writers parents have a large amount of money. B.The writer asks his mother to make the three jars. C.The writer donates money in the spend jar to a charity. D.There are many ways to get the allowance for the writer.25.We can learn how to _ according to the passage. A.use the allo

18、wance B.make three jars others thingsBMy 14-year-old son. John, and I saw the coat at the same time in a second-hand clothing store. It stood out among big and old coats. It was so beautiful and had an unbelievable price, $28.I looked at my son and we both said nothing, but Johns eyes s

19、hone. Dark, woolen coats were popular with teenage boys, but new ones could cost several hundred dollars. This coat was even better. John tried it on and turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror. It fit him so well. John wore the coat to school the next day. After he came home, I asked

20、, Did the kids like your coat? They love it, he said with a big grin. Over the next few weeks, John changed. He was polite, less argumentative, more thoughtful, and much happier. Good dinner, mom,he would say every evening. Without a word of complaining, he would carry in wood for the stove. One day

21、 when I suggested that he might start on his homework before dinner, John, who always put things off, said,Youre right. I guess I will. When I mentioned this change to one of his teachers, she joked that the coat must have changed him. John and I both know we should never judge a person by his cloth

22、es. But it is true that when wearing beautiful and suitable clothes, we may try to be better in thought, speech and behavior to match what is on the inside to what is on the outside.26.What can we learn from the first paragraph? A.The price of the coat was too high. B.John liked the coat very much.

23、C.They often went shopping together. D.The writer didnt want to buy the coat.27.What does the underlined word grin mean?A.A wide smile. B.A worried look. C.An upset voice.D.An angry mood.28.What did John use to do when he was asked to study? A.Start at once. B.Put off his homework. C.Work hard on sc

24、hoolwork. D.Carry in wood for the stove.29.Which of the following changes did NOT happen to John after he wore the coat? A.He was willing to follow suggestions. B.He often helped to do some housework. C.He always worried about his study. D.He said sweet words to make his mother happy.30.What does th

25、e writer want to say through this passage? A.What we wear could help what we are.B.Life is full of possibilities when we are young. C.We should not judge people by their appearance.D.Its a good choice to try different things in our lives. C ( 2017山东日照中考) Many kids help parents to do chores in the ho

26、use. They may take out the trash. walk the dog or sweep the floor. In return, some kids get money or other rewards from their parents, such as 20 minutes to play computer games.But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores. One of them is Jane Smith, a parenting educator

27、 and family coach. She believes if kids get rewards, they may think that work isnt worth doing unless you get something in return. For example, kids wont sweep the floor if they see it is dirty. But they will do it if their parents reward them for it.Every house is a team effort,Jane said.A home is

28、a living space for everyone in the family. Its important for kids to see that we all have a responsibility to keep our home clean. Other people hold different opinions. They believe that money or other rewards encourage kids to do more chores. It also teaches them real world lessons. They can learn

29、how we need to work to make money. Now, there are also apps that encourage kids to do chores. The apps give kids points and digital (电子的) gifts that can be used either online or in life. With the app ChoreMonster, kids earn digital points after doing chores. Kids can exchange their points for real r

30、ewards, such as time to play video games or a trip to the mall. Our goal is to encourage kids so they can earn rewards,says Joe Black, founder of ChoreMonster. Kids need positive (积极的) power to make them do chores.31.Jane Smith thinks that_ A.housework isnt worth doing are not willing to do c

31、 should get something in return shouldnt get rewards for doing chores32.ChoreMonster is a( n)_ A.educator founder33.If rewarded for doing chores, kids can learn to _. A.take responsibilities B.use apps wellC.make money through work D.understand team effort34.Whats the purpose of the apps mentioned in the passage? A.To give kids points and gifts. B.To encourage kids to do chores.C.To exchange points for real rewards. D.To give kids advice on doing chores.35.The passage mainly talks about_

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