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1、第5单元同步验收练习题精第5单元同步验收练习题 - 作者:康传桂 范子久 姜红伟 周莲芳听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子,写出句中含有的动物名词并选择相应的图画。(5分) 题号动物名词相应图画12345II. 听录音,用所听单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. I think the _ lesson is easier than the eighteenth lesson. 2. How many _ are there in the picture? 3. Do you know what animals are_? 4. Please come here a little _ next

2、time. 5. This kind of animal is very _ to people. III. 听句子,选择最佳应答语。(10分) 1. A. See you later. B. Good idea! C. Whats up? D. What about you? 2. A. Yes, Id like. B. No, I wouldnt. C. Yes, Id love to. D. I like animals very much. 3. A. Mooncakes. B. Mountains. C. Flowers. D. Lions. 4. A. Its Saturday.

3、B. Its October 5th. C. Its ten minutes to eight. D. Its a fine day. 5. A. No problem. B. All right. C. Nothing much. D. At about nine oclock. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(5分) 1. There are many _ (deer) in the park. 2. Shall we go _ (boat) in the river? 3. My friend is a _(farm). He works on a big farm. 4. I th

4、ink tigers are _ (dangerous)animals of all. 5. I often watch them _ (play) games after class. II. 单项选择。(5分) 1. Which is the biggest animal _ land? A. in B. on C. at D. on the 2. _ do you think _ the cake? A. How, about B. How, of C. What, about D. What, of 3. The book is very easy _ you _ read. A. f

5、or, to B. of, with C. to, for D. to, of 4. Shall we go to the park? _ A. Im going to the zoo. B. Thank you! C. Good idea! D. Id love to. 5. We can finish _ the new words _ ten minutes. A. writing, for B. writing, in C. write, in D. to write, in III. 改错:下面各题中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。(10分) 1. Its dangerous climb

6、 up the tree. ABC D 2. If he wont come here, we will telephone his father. A BC D 3. I have interesting something to tell you.A B C D 4. Why not come a little early. AB CD 5. Do you know the man stand by the door. A B C D IV. 句型转换。(10分) 1. Shall we go on a pincnic tomorrow? (改为同义句) _ _ going on a pi

7、cnic tomorrow? 2. Han Mei doesnt have anything to do at night.(同上) Han Mei _ _ to do at night. 3. This flower is very beautiful. (改为感叹句) _ _ this flower is! 4. He isnt at home. I think. (合并为一句) I _ _ he _ at home. 5. We shall meet at the school gate. (对划线部分提问) _ _ we meet? V. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(10分) 1. 咱

8、们就定在下星期五吧。 Lets _ _ next Friday. 2. 我们一直对迈克很友好。 We are always very _ _ Mike. 3. 我不知道如何做这个工作。 I dont know _ _ _ the work. 4. 我的自行车没什么毛病。 There is _ _ with my bike. 5. 工作第一。 Work must _ _. VI. 完形填空。(15分) Its Saturday today and Jim 1at home and does nothing. But his mother is2 . She has a lot of housew

9、ork to do. So she gives some bananas to her children and says to Jim, “3 Ann. I am going to do some washing now.” “OK, Mummy,” says Jim. The boy4 bananas very much. He5 his soon and now he wants Anns. But the little girl doesnt give him any. He thinks for a while and then has an6 . He asks Ann to pl

10、ay an animal game with him. The girl agrees. Jim7 to play a monkey and Ann plays a visitor (游客). They are having a good time. After a while Jim stops and says, “Oh, the monkey is8 . Feed him, please. ” Ann9 some bananas to him. Half an hour later Ann has no bananas. Jim 10 playing and the little gir

11、l begins to cry. 1. A. lives B. stays C. works D. be 2. A. free B. dangerous C. happy D. busy 3. A. Look at B. Look like C. Listen to D. Look after 4. A. likes B. is like C. looks like D. want 5. A. finish eating B. eat C. finishes eating D. finishes to eat 6. A. apple B. orange C. idea D. egg 7. A.

12、 needs B. begins C. has D. wish 8. A. friendly B. full C. hungry D. sorry 9. A. gives B. shows C. sells D. takes 10. A. doesnt B. likes C. stops D. starts VII. 阅读理解。(10分) The giraffe is the tallest modern land animal. It can be over 5.5 meters tall. Its neck alone may be 1.9 meters long. Yet the gir

13、affe has only seven bones(骨) in its neck, the same number as in a humans. Even a small bird has many more bones in its neck than in a tall giraffes. Each bone in a giraffes neck is very long, while the bones in a humans neck are small. That makes the difference. A female(雌的) giraffe gives birth to o

14、ne baby at a time. The baby, called a calf, is about 1.9 meters tall at birth. By the age of eight it is fully grown. The giraffe eats mostly leaves. Because it has a long neck, it can reach the leaves high up on the trees. 根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 1. In the passage the word “giraffe” means _. A. 鲸鱼 B. 长颈鹿 C.

15、 大象 D. 恐龙 2. The number of the bones in a birds neck is _. A. the same as in a humans neck B. not so big as in a giraffes neck C. much more than in a humans neck D. much less than in a giraffes neck 3. Which of the following is true? A. A giraffe has only seven bones. B. The giraffe is the largest a

16、nimal on land. C. It takes eight years for a giraffe to grow up. D. All the leaves on the trees will be eaten by giraffes if they live in the place. 4. The baby giraffe is about _ at birth. A. 5.5 metres long B. 5.5 metres tall C. 1.9 metres long D. 1.9 metres tall 5. When a giraffe sees a tiger we

17、can guess _. A. it will run away as fast as possible B. it will run to eat the tiger C. it will make the tiger bring it something to eat D. it will bring some small animals for the tiger to eat VIII. 书面表达。(15分) 根据提示写一篇60词左右的短文,要求中心突出,语言流畅。 提示:二班学生在上一节音乐课,格林老师给他们讲美国的乡村音乐。同学们很感兴趣,听得很认真。然后他们学唱美国歌曲。他们对美

18、国有了更多的了解。第5单元同步验收练习题参考答案听力部分录音原文及参考答案 I. 1. There is a lovely panda in the zoo. 2. Lets go and see the old elephant now. 3. The little girl is afraid of snakes. 4. Its time for the dolphin show. Lets go. 5. I can see a rabbit on the grass. (1. panda, C 2. elephant, A 3. snakes, D 4. dolphin, E 5. ra

19、bbit, B) II. 1. twenty 2. deer 3. danger 4. early 5. friend (1. twentieth 2. deer 3. dangerous 4. earlier 5. friendly ) III. 1. Shall we climb that hill? 2. Would you like to go to the zoo? 3. Which animal do you like best? 4. What day is it tomorrow? 5. What are you going to do this evening? (15 BC

20、DAC ) 笔试部分 I. 1. deer 2. boating 3. farmer 4. the most dangerous 5. play II. 15 BDACB III. 1. C。climb up前加to。 2. A。wont改为doesnt。 3. B。interesting与something交换位置。 4. D。early改为earlier。 5. C。stand改为standing。 IV. 1. What about 2. has nothing 3. How beautiful 4. dont think, is 5. Where shall V. 1. make it

21、 2. friendly to 3. how to do 4. nothing wrong 5. come first VI. 15 BDDAC 610 CBCAC VII. 15 BCCDA VIII. One possible version: The students of Class Two are having a music lesson now. Mr Green is telling them about American country music. The students are very interested in it. So they are listening carefully in class. Then they learn to sing an English song. They also learn a lot about America from Mr Green.

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