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1、裕兴新概念第二册笔记12课 一路顺风Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见, 单词讲解一、 )】生词和短语(6【New words and expressions 运气,幸运 n. luck 船长 n. captain v. 航行 sail 港口 n. harbour 自豪 adj. proud 重要的 adj. important U 幸运,运气 n. luck 一点点幸运 a lot of luck 一件喜事 a piece of luck Good luck to you! eg. 你等死吧!祝你好运!/ Just my luck. eg. 倒霉,又失败了。

2、 Better luck next time. eg. 下次运气会更好一点的。lucky adj. 幸运的 unlucky 不幸的 eg. I am not the best one, but the luckiest one. 我不是最好的,但是最幸运的。 eg. Who is todays lucky dog? 谁是今天的幸运儿? Every dog has his day. eg. 凡人皆有幸运日。 食物袋 doggie bag (传说西方人在饭店吃饭,有人不好意思将剩余的食物打包回家,又舍不沿用到后来就成了从饭得浪费,就推说带回去给狗吃,这种打包食物的袋子, 。)食物袋店吃饭回来打包用

3、的old thay catch fishermen eg. Some are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. 却打捞到一些旧靴子和垃圾一些渔民不幸运,没有捕到鱼,.我则更倒霉。captain n. 船长,机长,连长,领班 1) captain cap+obtain(获得) 陆军上尉,海军中尉2) sail v. 航行1) tomorrow morning. Hell sail from the harbor eg. 明天早晨他将从港口启航。 风帆n. 2) Set the s

4、ail and lets set out. eg. 扬起风帆,让我们启航。sailor n. v. + or sailor 水手,海员 演员 actor 半导体收音机transistor tr?nsist? 晶体管;晶体管收音机, 指挥;售票员?kt? (乐队), 列车长;电导体 kconductor?nd 参观者,来访者 visitor sailing n. 驾驶帆船航行的运动 张满帆的, 全速的 in full sail sail (n.) set sail for some place 启航 sail (v.) 启航= sail for some place 避难所harbor 港口,海

5、湾, 珍珠港 the Pearl Harbor 在港口 at the harbor 海港 seaport 自豪的,骄傲的proud adj. n./v. 自豪pride 为感到自豪 be proud ofWe are very proud of you. You really did a good job. eg. 我们真为你感到自豪,你真地干得不错。 Im so proud of you. eg. 我如此为你感到自豪。 很骄傲地去做 be proud to do I am very proud to call you my friend. eg. 我很自豪地称你为朋友。 take pride

6、 in. 对感到自豪/骄傲 pride (n.) We take a lot of pride in China. eg. 我们为中国感到自豪。pride (v.) 为感到自豪和骄傲 pride oneself on She prides herself on her English. eg. 她为自己的英语而感到自豪。 (贬)自负的,过分骄傲的 overproud You can be proud, but you cant be overproud. eg. 你可以骄傲,但是不能自负。 自豪的父亲 a proud father 骄傲如孔雀(极骄傲)as proud as a peacock

7、 自豪的家庭 a proud family 盛情款待某人;使某人受到隆重礼遇do a person proud(口) adj. 重要的important unimportant important un 表一个否定前缀unhappy happy unlucky lucky untrue true uncomfortable comfortable un外,还有其它表示否定的前缀:处了dis: like dislike agree disagree in: informal formal inaccurate accurate im: (不道德的,邪恶的) immoral moral impol

8、ite polite ir: irregular regular irresponsible responsible il: illegal 不合法的?l 合法的 legal li: 与逻辑相违的adj. 没有道理的,不合逻辑的;?illogicallogical ?l?d?kl a very person 大人物;主要人物 VIP(Very Important Person) 重要决定 important decision 重要的声明 important statements 关键的adj. key 中心人物 a man in a key position 险要位置 a key positi

9、on 关键句型 key structures ) 不再存在比较级和最高级最重要的,主要的 ( main: chief, most important 主干道 the main street 一顿饭的主菜 the main course of a meal major: greater, more important (数量、程度、价值)较大的1) 那份工作的绝大部分 the major part of the job 2) 重要的,一流的 一位一流的画家 a major painter 一个重要的问题 a major problem Key Structures 二、关键句型加上动词原型wil

10、l指将来要发生的事,一般用助动词shall或者一般将来时: 用于所有人称,在书写和口语里,常可以缩略will构成,shall用于第一人称, shall。,注意we做主语的问句里,一般用为 ll I shall arrive tomorrow./ I will arrive tomorrow. eg. 我明天将会到达。 When shall I make a fair copy of it? 我什么时候能把他誊写清楚?The agreement will come into force next spring. 协议明年春天生效。When will you be able to give us

11、an answer? 你什么时候能给我们一个答案? Theyll walk from the station. 他们将从车站走过来. Exercises: 在下文中,加亮的V. 表示的是过去发生的事情,改写这些V. 使它们表述将来要发生的动作. I went to the theatre with my friend Reg and I saw the first performance a gaveof a play called The End of the Road . After the play, the producer very was short speech. He spok

12、e to the audience about the play. The play successful and I think a great many people enjoyed it very much. first see the will theatre with my friend Reg and I the I will go to the the play, . The End of the Road After play performance of a called to the audience about the He will speak producer wil

13、l give a short speech will think a great many people will play. The play be very successful and I it very much. enjoy 三、课文讲解 Text】【Portsmouth sail from Charles Alison, will Our neighbour, Captain tomorrow. Well meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Tops

14、ail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock, so well have plenty of time. Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race ac

15、ross the Atlantic. 启航)(英国港口城市我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯“涛号小艇. 明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行. 他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”. 了点钟启8它已经多次横渡大西洋. 艾利森船长将于波赛”号是艘有名的小艇. 他要离开两. , 因此我们有充裕的时间. 我们将参观他的船然后和他告别, 航. 他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛我们真为他感到自豪个月, , Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. . (我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯英国

16、港口城市)启航了 Captain Charles Alison是our neighbor的同位语 表称谓: 艾利森船长 查尔斯. Captain Charles Alison 约翰教授 Professor Johnson 王老师 Teacher wang 习主席 Chairman Xi n. v. 航行,启航 帆, 航行 sail from 从启航 sail Well meet him at the harbor early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boa

17、t. “涛波. . 他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行 赛”号是艘有名的小艇.meet sb 碰到,碰面 1) see sb off 送某人离开 eg. Ill see you home. 我送你回家。 eg. Can we meet tonight? 我们今晚能见面吗? eg. He will meet somebody. 他会碰到心上人的。 eg. Shell meet her Mr. Right. 她会碰到自己的白马王子。 in Beijing in 2008. eg. Well meet 2008年相会在北京。让我们 2) 去接某人 eg. Ill go to

18、the airport to meet my husband. 我要去机场接我丈夫。 偶然遇到 meet up with I met up with an old classmate in the holiday crowd. eg. 在节日的人群中我偶然遇到一位老同学。meet with 体验,遭遇到1) I met with a traffic accident. eg. 我遭遇过一次车祸。 与会面2) this afternoon. eg. The president is to meet with Press 总统今天下午将要会见记者。 一大早 early in the morning

19、 傍晚 late in the afternoon 深夜 late at night 已故的 late 她已故的丈夫 her late husband 最新的latest 最新的一期 latest issue isju: latest news 最新的新闻 乘他的小船 be in his small boat = take his small boat famous adj. 著名的 a famous actor 一个著名的演员 因而著名 be famous for 作为而著名 be famous as London is famous for its fog. eg. 伦敦因大雾而出名。 H

20、e is famous as a Spanish expert. eg. 他作为西班牙语专家而著名。 adj. 著名的well-known 因而著名 be well-known for well + v.构成一个形容词 的过去分词 消息灵通的,精通的 well-informed 根底好的 well-grounded 工作做得好;全熟的 well-done 半熟的(牛肉) rare-done ,很好选择的 精选的 well-chosen 平衡得很好的 well-balanced 好性情的,心肠好的 well-disposed It has sailed across the Atlantic m

21、any times. Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock, so well have plenty of time. 因此我们有充裕的时间, 点钟启航. . 它已经多次横渡大西洋艾利森船长将于8set out 出发 出发 set off 大量,许多plenty of C 可数名词修饰a great many + pl. a number of + pl. many a + (single) U 不可数名词 修饰a great deal of a sum of an amount of C U 可数名词和不可数名词 修饰some plenty

22、of a lot of/lots of a quantity of all Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him. . , 然后和他告别我们将参观他的船visit see: Well see his boat .= Well visit his boat. 与道别 say goodbye to sb 某人打招呼 同你家人/ say hello to your family/sb or: say hi to your family/sb 同你家人/某人打招呼 向道早安 say good morning to sb 汤姆向你问好。 T

23、om says hello. 拒绝老板 say No to my boss 骂我自己是笨蛋 say fool/stupid to myself 称赞我自己是天才 say genius to myself 代我问候你妈妈。 Remember me to your mother. 代我问候你妈妈。or: Give my regards to your mother. He will be away for two months. 他要离开两个月. 离开一段时间 敢愠慷?潦?一段时间: 某时离开 敬癡履猯瑥漠瑵?敳?景屦?瑳牡?瑡?点时间 be与不同的adv.搭配,意思各不相同: 离开be away

24、 He will be away for two months. eg. 他将离开二个月。 回来 be back be back at six oclock. eg. Im going out now, Ill 点钟回来。6 我现在要出去,将在be in 在家/be out 不在家 eg. If anyone telephones, tell them Ill be out/in all morning. 要是有人打电话,告诉他们我一上午不在/在家。 eg. I went to Teds house and asked to see him, but he wasnt in. 我去特德家,想要

25、见他,但他不在家。 结束be over Its all over. eg. Why dont you forget about it? 事情都已经过去了。 你为什么不把这件事忘了? 上映,上演be on at the local cinema this week? Whats oneg. 这周在本地影院上映什么电影? 胜任,从事于be up to She is very ill. She cant start work yet. She is not up to it. eg. 她病很重,还不能开始工作。她胜任不了工作。 副词表示某种状态be + be away, be back, be ou

26、t, be in, be over, be on, be up to 总结:We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. . 我们真为他感到自豪, 他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛 参加 take part in 参加(某种活动) join in ) (考试 参加的角逐 enter for (速度的)比赛 race Ill take part in a bicycle race around France. eg. 我将参加环法自行车比赛。 开始赛跑 start a

27、race 赢得比赛 win a race lose a race 输了比赛 冠军之战 a race for the championship 和时间的比赛;赶工 a race against time Special Difficulties will do/shall do 1. 一般将来时:将要发生的动作from Portsmouth tomorrow. eg. Captain Charles Alison, will sail him. ll meet Weeg. in his small boat. He will be eg. out. Captain Alison will set

28、 eg. plenty of time. ll have eg. Wehis boat. II see eg. Wegoodbye to him. ll say eg. We an important race across the Atlantic. He will take part ineg. 2. be + adv.表示不同含义: 短语3. set set off 相当于 set out 创造纪录 set out a record 或set来改写下列句子:Exercises: 用含有短语动词be in ten minutes. has not returned. He will ret

29、urn1) He in ten minutes. be backhas not been back He yet. He will at the Globe Theatre. being performedA new play is 2) onA new play is at the Globe Theatre. 3) When the concert ended , we went home. When the concert was over, we went home. very early tomorrow morning. They will leave4) very early tomorrow morning. set out/set off They will it. You cant take the exam yet. You are not capable of5) it. You cant take the exam yet. You are not up to from home for two months. He will be absent6) from home for two months. away He will be

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