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1、LSAT考试全真题二SECTION4 LSAT考试全真题二SECTION4LSAT考试全真题二SECTION4LSAT考试全真题二SECTION4section ivtime-35 minutes27 questionsdirections: each passage in this section is followed by a group of questions to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implies in the passage for some of the questions more than one o

2、f the choices could conceivably answer the question. however you are to choose the best answer that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet three kinds of study have been performed on byron. there is the biogra

3、phical study-the very valuable examination of byrons psychology and the events in his life. escarpits 1958 work is an example(5) of this kind of study and biographers to this day continue to speculate about byrons life. equally valuable is the study of byron as a figure important in the history of i

4、deas; russell and prza have written studies of this kind. finally, there are(10)studies that primarily consider byrons poetry. such inerary studies are valuable however only when they avoid concentrating solely on analyzing the verbal shadings of byrons poetry to the exclusion of any discussion of b

5、iographical considerations. a(15)study with such a concentration would be of questionable value because byrons poetry, for the most part, is simply not a poetry of subtle verbal most part, is simply not a poetry of subtle verbal meanings. rather, on the whole, byrons poerns record the emotional pres

6、sure of certain moments(20)in his life. i believe we cannot often read a poem of bvrons we often can one of shakespeares without wondering what events or circumstances in his life prompted him to write it. no doubt the fact that most of byrons poems(25)cannot be convincingly read as subtle verbal cr

7、eations indicates that byron is not a great poet. it must be admitted too that byrons literary craftsmanship is irregular and often his temperament disrupts even his lax literrary method(30)(although the result an absence of method has a significant purpose: it functions as a rebuke to a cosmos that

8、 byron feels he cannot understand). if byron is not a great poet his poetry is nonetheless of extrtaordinary interest to us because(35)of the pleasure it gives us: our main pleasure in reading byrons poetry is the contact with a singular personality. reading his work gives us illumination-self-under

9、standing-after we have seen our weaknesses and aspirations mirrored in(40)the personality we usually find in the poems. anyone who thinks that this kind of illumination is not a genuine reason for reading a poet should think carefully about why we read donnes sonnets. it is byron and byrons idea of

10、himself that hold(45)his work together (and that enthralled early nineteenth-century europe different characters speak in his poems, but finally it is usually he himself who is speaking a far cry from the impersonal poet keats. byrons poetry alludes to)(50)greek and roman myth in the context of cont

11、emporary affairs, but his work remains generally of a piece because of his close presence in the poetry. in sum, the poetry is a shrewd personal performance, and to shut out byron the man is to(55)fabricate a work of pseudocriticism. 1.which one of the following titles best expresses the main idea o

12、f the passage? (a) an absence of method. why byron is not a great poet (b) byron: the recurring presence in byrons poetry (c) personality and poetry. the biographical dimension of nineteenth-century poetty (d) byrons poetry: its influence on the imagination of early-nineteenth-century europe (e) ver

13、bal shadings: the fatal flaw of twentieth-century literary criticism2. the authors mention of russell and praz serves primarily to (a) differentiate them from one another (b) contrast their conclusions about byron with those of escarptt (c) point out the writers whose studies suggest a new direction

14、 for byron scholarship (d) provide examples of writers who have written one kind of study of byron (e) give credit to the writers who have composed the best studies of byrson 3.which one of the following would the author most likely consider to be a valuable study of byron? (a) a study that compared

15、 byrons poetic style with keats poetic style (b) a study that argued that byrons thought ought not to be analyzed in terms of its importance in the history of ideas (c) a study that sought to identify the emotions felt by byron at a particular time in his life (d) a study in which a literary critic

16、argues that the language of byrons poetry was more subtle than that of keats poetry (e) a study in which a literary critic drew on experiences from his or her own life 4.which one of the following statements best describes the organization of first paragraph of the passage? (a) a generalization is m

17、ade and then gradually refuted (b) a number of theories are discussed and then the author chooses the most convincing one (c) several categories are mentioned and then one category is discussed in some detail (d) a historical trend is delineated and then a prediction about the future of the trend is

18、 offered (e) a classification is made and then a rival classification is substituted in its place 5.the author mentions that byrons literary craftsmanship is irregular (lines 27-28) most probably in order to (a) contrast byrons poetic skill with that of shakespeare (b) dismiss craftsmanship as a sta

19、ndard by which to judge poets (c) offer another reason why byron is not a great poet (d) pornt out a negative consequence of byrons belief that the cosmos is mcomprehensible (e) mdicate the most-often-cited explanation of why byrons poetry lacks subtle verbal nuances6.according to the autohor shakes

20、peares poems differ from byrons in that shakespeares poems (a) have elicited a wider variety of responses from both literary critics and biographers (b) are on the whole less susceptible to being read as subtle verbal creations (c) do not grow out of or are not motivated by actual events or circumst

21、ances in the poets life (d) provide the attentive reader with a greater degree of illumination concerning his or her own weaknesses and aspirations (e) can often be read without the readers being curious about what biographical factors motivated the poet to write them 7.the author indicates which on

22、e of the following about biographers speculation concerning byrons life? (a) such speculation began in earnest with escarpits study (b) such speculation continues today (c) such speculation is less important than consideration of byrons poetry (d) such speculation has not given us a satisfactory sen

23、se of byrons life (e) such speculation has been carried out despite the objections of literary critics 8.the passage supplies specific information that provides a definitive answer to which one of the following questions? (a) what does the author consider to be the primary enjoyment derived from rea

24、ding byron? (b) who among literary critics has primarily studied byrons poems? (c) which moments in byrons life exerted the greatest pressure on his poetry? (d) has byron ever been considered to be a great poet? (e) did byron exert an influence on europeans in the latter part of the nineteenth centu

25、ry? the united states supreme court has not always resolved legal issues of concern to native americans in a manner that has pleased the indian nations. many of the courts decisions have been(5) products of political compromise that looked more to the temper of the times than to enduring principles

26、of law. but accommodation is part of the judicial system in the united states, and judicial decisions must be assessed with this fact in mind.(10)despite the accommodating nature of the judicial system, it is worth noting that the power of the supreme court has been exercised in a manner that has us

27、ually been beneficial to native americans, at least on minor issues and has not(15)been wholly detrimental on the larger, more important issues. certainly there have been decisions that cast doubt on the validity of this assertion. some critics point to the patronizing tone of many court opinions an

28、d the apparent rejection(20)of native american values as important points to consider when reviewing a case. however the validity of the assertion can be illustrated by reference to two important contributions that have resulted from the exercise of judicial power.(25) first the court has created ru

29、les of judicial construction that in general favor the rights of native american litigants. the courts attitude has been conditioned by recognition of the distinct disadvantages native americans faced when(30)dealing with settlers in the past. treaties were inevitably written in english for the bene

30、fit of their authors, whereas tribal leaders were accustomed to making treaties without any written account, on the strength of mutual promises sealed by religious(35)commitment and individual integrity. the written treaties were often broken and native americans were confronted with fraud and nativ

31、e americans were confronted with fraud and political and military aggression. the court recognizes that past unfairness to native americans cannot be(40)sanctioned by the force of law. therefore, ambiguities in treaties are to be interpreted in favor of the native american claimants treaties are to

32、be interpreted as the native americans would have understood them and under the reserved rights(45)doctrine treaties reserve to native americans all rights that have not been specifically granted away in other treaties. a second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against(50)encroachment by the states into tribal affairs. federal judges are not inclined to view favorably efforts to extend states powers and jurisdicti

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