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4、我有一个梦想17、我们能够理解失望,因为失望是有限的;但千万不要拒绝期望,因为期望是无限的。马丁路德金18、如果你不能飞,那就奔跑;如果不能奔跑,那就行走;如果不能行走,那就爬行;但无论你做什么,都要坚持前行的方向。马丁路德金19、我们必须理解失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去期望,因为它是无穷的。马丁路德金20、历史将会记录,在这个社会转型期,最大的杯具不是坏人的嚣张,而是好人的过度沉默。马丁路德金马丁路德金名言精选(二):1、这个世界上,没有人能够使你倒下,如果你自我的信念还站立着的话。In this world, no one can make you fall, if your ow

5、n faith is still standing。2、任何地方的不公正是对所有公正地方的一个威胁。Injustice anywhere is a threat to all just places。3、到最终我们记住的不是敌人的言语,而是朋友的沉默。In the end, we remember not the enemys words, but the silence of our friends。4、一个真正的领导者并不是追求所有人的支持和认同,而是努力去促成各方达成一致。A true leader is not to seek the support and approval of a

6、ll people, but to make efforts to reach agreement。5、生命的意义在于活得充实,而不在于活得长久。The meaning of life lies in the fact that it is alive, but not long。6、昧着良心做事是不安全、不明智的。Unconscionable things is not safe, not wise。7、最终,我们会记住的不是敌人的话语,而是朋友的沉默。In the end, we will remember not the enemys words, but the silence of

7、our friends。8、一个伟大的国家必然是充满爱心的国家,一个不关心弱势群体的人不可能成为伟人,而一个不关心贫困人群的国家也不可能成为伟大的国家。A great nation is bound to be a nation of love, a man who does not care about the weak can not bee a great man, and a country that does not care about the poor can not bee a great country。9、如果无法飞翔,那么就奔跑吧。如果无法奔跑,那么就走路吧。如果无法走路

8、,那么就爬行吧。无论你做什么,请不要停止前行。If you cant fly, run。 If you cant run, walk。 If you cant walk, then crawl。 No matter what you do, please dont stop。10、最大的悲哀不是坏人的嚣张气焰,而是好人的过度沉默。The biggest sorrow is not bad arrogance, excessive silent but good。11、如果你的梦想还站着的话,那么没有人能使你倒下。If your dream is still standing, then no

9、one can make you fall。12、如果你不能飞,那就奔跑;如果跑不动,就走路;实在不能走,就用爬的。无论如何,你得不断前进。If you cant fly, run; if you cant run, walk; you cant walk, you can use it。 Anyway, you have to keep moving forward。13、我有一个梦,我梦想有朝一日,在乔治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子和昔日奴隶主的儿子能够同坐一处,共叙兄弟情谊。I have a dream, I have a dream that one day, in the red hi

10、lls of Georgia, the former slaves and the sons of former slaves and the sons of can sit with a place at the table of brotherhood。14、当我们严阵以待,保卫我们的民主不受外国的攻击时,我们也要关注在国内赋予全体国民越来越多的公平与自由。When we are vigilant, to defend our democracy are not subject to any foreign attack, we need to focus on giving a fair

11、 and free all the people more and more in the domestic。15、如果我做不了大事,我至少能把小事做得大气一点。If I cant do great things, I can at least make the little things a little bit more atmospheric。16、如果你的梦想仍然站立,那就没有谁能让你倒下。If your dream is still standing, there is no one who can make you fall。17、倘若有一大群人经济落后,贫困潦倒,我们就不能真正繁

12、荣昌盛。If there are a large number of people in poverty and economic backwardness, we cannot truly thriving and prosperous。18、我们必须理解失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去期望,因为它是无穷的。We must accept the disappointment, because it is limited, but we must not lose hope, because it is infinite。19、手段代表了在构成之中的梦想和进行之中的目的,人们无法经过邪恶的

13、手段来到达完美的目的。因为手段是种子,目的是树。Means are represented in the form of the ideal and the purpose of the people, the people can not through the evil means to achieve a better goal。 Because the seed is the seed and the object is the tree。20、如果你不能飞,那就跑;如果跑不动,那就走;实在走不了,那就爬。无论做什么,你都要勇往直前。If you cant fly, run; if y

14、ou cant run, you cant go, really cant walk。 Whatever you do, you have to move forward。21、我们看到真相却一言不发之时,便是我们走向死亡之日。We see the truth but not to utter a single word when it is the day we die。22、有信心地踏出第一步,你不需要看到整个楼梯,只要踏出第一步就好。Take the first step with confidence, you dont need to see the whole staircase,

15、 just take the first step。23、信仰是在你看不见整段楼梯时就踏出第一步。Faith is the first step when you cant see the whole staircase。24、社会转型期最大的悲哀不是坏人的过分猖獗。而是好人的过分沉默。The greatest tragedy of the social transition is not a bad mans rampant。 But the over silence of good people。25、对一个人的终极衡量,不在于他所曾拥有的片刻安逸,而在于他处于挑战与争议的时代。The u

16、ltimate measure of a man is not in the moment of fort, but in the times of challenge and controversy。26、价值观的真正改变,意味着我们必须忠诚于全世界全人类,而不是只是关注自我的国家。每个国家都要发扬超过国家界限的忠诚,这样所有的国家才能呈现出自我最好的一面。The real change in values, which means that we must be loyal to the whole world, and not just focus on our own country。

17、 Every country should carry forward the loyalty of the national boundaries, so that all countries can show their best side。27、我们这一代终将悔恨,不是因为坏人的可憎言行,更是因为好人的沉默。We will regret this generation, not because of bad peoples disgusting words and deeds, but also because of the silence of the good people。28、我

18、们这一代人终将感到悔恨,不仅仅因为坏人可憎的言行,更因为好人可怕的沉默。We this generation will eventually feel remorse, not only because of the bad deeds of the bad guys, but also because of the terrible silence of the good people。29、一个没有立场的人总是相信任何事。A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything。30、人本身就是目的,因为人是上帝的儿女。人不是为了国家而创造,正

19、相反,国家是应当为人服务的。Man is his purpose, for man is the son of God。 Man is not created for the sake of the country, but instead, the country is supposed to serve the people。31、还要等多久?快了,因为被践踏的真理必将重见天日。还要等多久?快了,因为没有什么谎言能够长盛不衰。How much longer will it take? Soon, because the truth will be trampled delivered fr

20、om oppression。 How much longer will it take? Soon, what can not because there is no lie。32、我有一个梦,有朝一日,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不以肤色而是以品行来评判一个人优劣的国度里。我今日就有这样一个梦想。I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the character of the

21、good and the bad。 I have such a dream today。33、如果你不能飞你就跑,如果你不能跑你就走,如果不能走你就爬,无论你做什么,你都必须继续前进。If you cant fly you run, if you cant run you walk, if you cant walk you climb, no matter what you do, you must continue to move forward。34、每个人都需要做出选择,是走在富有创造力的利他主义之光中,还是具有破坏性的自私自利的黑暗中。Everyone needs to make a

22、 choice, is walking in the rich creative altruism in, still have breakdown in the darkness of selfishness。35、世界转型期的最大悲哀不是坏人的喧嚣,而是好人的沉默。The greatest sorrow of the world transformation is not the noise of the bad guys, but the silence of the good people。36、不是我很喜欢多次强调黑人的权利,而是很有必要,我才这么做。Its not that I l

23、ike to emphasize the rights of black people many times, but its very necessary。37、我们从绝望的大山中砍出一块期望的石头。We cut out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope。38、最大的杯具不是坏人的嚣张,而是好人的沉默。The greatest tragedy is not the arrogance of the bad guys, but the silence of good people。39、倘若人民之中有一部分被压榨受欺凌、被迫犯罪或站在社会的对

24、立面,我们就不能拥有一个有序健康的国家。If there is a part of the people who are being squeezed by bullying, being forced to mit crimes, or standing in the opposite side of society, we cannot have an orderly and healthy state。40、正义是不分国家疆界的,任何地方的不公正不平等,都是对其他地方公平公正的威胁。Justice is regardless of national boundaries, any inj

25、ustice is not equal, is the rest of the fair and equitable threat。41、忍受不应得的痛苦是一种赎罪。To bear the pain of not suffering is a kind of atonement。42、黑暗不能驱除黑暗,仅有光明能够做到;仇恨不能驱除仇恨,仅有爱能够做到。Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do it; hatred cannot drive away hatred, only love can do it。43、公平如浪涛滚滚,

26、正义如江河滔滔。Fair like waves rolling in, just like a river。44、最终,我们记得的不是我们敌人的话语,而是我们朋友的沉默。In the end, we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends。45、我提出:一个违反良心告诉他那是不公正法律的人,并且他愿意理解牢狱的刑罚,以唤起社会的良心认识到那是不正义的,实际上他表现了对法律的最高敬意。I submit that a violation of conscience tells him it was

27、an unjust law, and he is willing to accept the prison penalty, to arouse the conscience of the society to realize that is not justice。 In fact, he showed the highest respect for the law。46、历史将会记录,在这个社会转型期,最大的杯具不是坏人的嚣张,而是好人的过度沉默。History will be recorded in this period of social transformation, the bi

28、ggest tragedy is not the arrogance of the bad guys, but the over silence of the good people。47、我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,上帝的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。I dream that one day, deep bridge, alpine planation, crossroads of smooth, winding paths into a thoroughfare, to reproduce the glory of the Lord, general creatu

29、res of the world were ye。48、世界上没有什么比真正的无知和假装的愚蠢更危险的了。Nothing in the world is more dangerous than the true ignorance and the stupidity of pretending。49、良机对于懒惰没有用,但勤劳能够使最平常的机遇变良机。There is no opportunity for laziness, but hard work can make the most ordinary opportunities bee good opportunities。50、我们能够

30、理解失望,因为失望是有限的;但千万不要拒绝期望,因为期望是无限的。We can accept the disappointment, because the disappointment is limited, but we must not refuse the hope, because the hope is infinite。51、要明白,终有一天,我们会是自由的。You know, one day, well be free。52、你不愿为正义挺身而出的一刻,你已经死去。你不愿为真理挺身而出的一刻,你已经死去。你不愿为公正挺身而出的一刻,你已经死去。You do not want t

31、o stand up for justice in the moment, you have died。 You do not want to stand up for the truth of the moment, you have died。 You do not want to stand up for a moment, you have died。53、做对的事,任何时机都是好时机。Do the right thing, any time is a good time。54、生命的意义在于活得充实,而非长久。The meaning of life lies in the fact that it is alive rather than long。马丁路德金名言精选(三):1、我提出:一个违反良心告

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