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1、二外大学英语教学大纲总解读全新主题大学英语教学大纲(适用于日语、俄语专业学生)大庆师范学院外国语学院2013年12月【全新主题大学英语】课程教学大纲【课程代码】10021101,10021102,10021103,10021104【课程类别】公共基础课【学 分】12学分【总 学 时】240学时【讲授学时】240学时【适用专业】全校日语、俄语本科专业【教学目的】本课程是非英语专业学生的公共课。本课程的教学的目的是帮助学生打下扎实的语音基础和语法基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,针对社会上对外语人才的需求,加强对学生进行读、听、说、写、译技能的综合训练,使学生具备较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、读、写、


3、领会式掌握3500单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为2000),以及由这些词构成的常用词组(中学所掌握的单词和词组包括在内),并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。2、语法 巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法。3、阅读能力 能顺利阅读语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,并能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,领会作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低、生词不超过总词数3的材料时,能掌握中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每分钟90词。4、听的能力能听懂英语讲课,并能听懂题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上没有生词、语速为


5、无重大语言错误,译速为每小时90汉字。【内容提要】第一学年第一学期(Book I)Unit one Enjoyment of Learning基本要求 1. 语言知识:nevertheless,effect,abandon,recall,series,comfort,foresee,carry awayfall in love, in spite of ,give up ,kind of,set apart,be about to do ,be bound to dohave (got) a point,keep sb. / sth. away (from),keep up (with)2.

6、语言技能:着重阅读技能训练, 培养学生确定主题句的能力。3. 情感态度:本单元的主题是“读书的乐趣”,熟悉与读书相关的情景会话,如谈论感兴趣的书籍、作家等话题,重点学会表达自己对某个书籍表达内容的看法。4. 文化知识:了解作家海明威的生平和主要作品。重点难点 掌握37个四级词汇和课后所列短语。讲授学时 10学时Section 1 Text A General Understanding 1. Topic: What do you usually read for, for fun, for knowledge, or for something else? Name one of your f

7、avorite books. What have you got from the reading? Do you think books will change a persons life? If so, in what way? If the title below were given to you, how would you develop the text?2. Introductory remarks3. Structure analysis Section 2 Text A Detailed Understanding 1. Text appreciation: Main i

8、dea and theme2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus6. Write about itSection 3 Text A Detailed Understanding and exercises 1. Content awareness2. Language Focus3. Reading Skills Practice4. Translating Skills Practice5. General writ

9、ingSection 4 Text B General Understanding and Exercises 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points explanation3. Content awareness4. Language Focus5. Reading Skills Practice6. Translating Skills Practice7. General writingSection 5 Listening and Speaking Meeting People1. Micro-listen

10、ing2. Macro-listening3. Oral practiceUnit Three Confidence and Success基本要求 1. 语言知识:transmit ,initial,essential,original,represent,emphasize,involve,stimulate,intend ,in response to,in addition ,for instance ,bring back 2. 语言技能:要求学生充分理解课文,分析语篇结构,了解文章段落之间和句子之间的衔接方法。3. 情感态度:熟练表达对成功和自信的认识,如讨论如何获得自信。4. 文

11、化知识:了解Walter Anderson,Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans的相关背景知识。重点难点 Using Context Clues.讲授学时 10学时Section 1 Text A General Understanding 1. Topic: How many books do you think a person can read in his or her life time? Do you think you have enough time reading books? If not, how do

12、you solve the problem? In addition to academic reading, how much leisure reading do you currently do? In what way can a person become an efficient reader?2. Introductory remarks3. Structure analysis Section 2 Text A Detailed Understanding 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points e

13、xplanation and sentences paraphrase3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus6. Write about itSection 3 Text A Detailed Understanding and exercises 1. Content awareness2. Language Focus3. Reading Skills Practice4. Translating Skills Practice5. General writingSection 4 Text B General Under

14、standing and Exercises 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points explanation3. Content awareness4. Language Focus5. Reading Skills Practice6. Translating Skills Practice7. General writingSection 5 Listening and Speaking Study1. Micro-listening2. Macro-listening 3. Oral practiceUnit

15、 Four Communicative Competence基本要求 1. 语言知识:accomplish,concentration,agenda,donate,unfortunate,publicityfeedback,convey,desirable, dress up2. 语言技能:掌握写作技巧Choose one of the two topic sentences below and write a paragraph。3. 情感态度:个人对交际能力的态度。4. 文化知识:了解关Ben and Jerrys Homemade,Elvis Presley相关背景知识及一些基本的交际技

16、巧。重点难点 怎样围绕段落的主题句拓展内容。讲授学时 10学时Section 1 Text A General Understanding 1. Topic: What do you know about Ben and Jerrys as a company, and what do you know about its ice cream? What do you think are some of the most important elements in running a business successfully? If you were the boss of a compan

17、y, what techniques would you use to enable the employees to communicate with each other effectively?2. Please introduce some useful way for English learning?3. Introductory remarks4. Structure analysis Section 2 Text A Detailed Understanding 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language point

18、s explanation and sentences paraphrase3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus6. Write about itSection 3 Text A Detailed Understanding and exercises 1. Content awareness2. Language Focus3. Reading Skills Practice4. Translating Skills Practice5. General writingSection 4 Text B General Un

19、derstanding and Exercises 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points explanation3. Content awareness4. Language Focus5. Reading Skills Practice6. Translating Skills Practice7. General writingUnit Five Culture and Values基本要求 1. 语言知识:residence,melt, diverse, blend,necessarily ,gap,ecl

20、ipse, loyal ,loyal, whip variety ,controversy, fundamental, underscore, gap, interview, according to, distinct affiliate, endanger ,mull over, absorb, bunch ,contact, assimilate2. 语言技能:要求学生充分理解课文,分析语篇结构,了解写作技巧Linking a Paragraph with Transitional Words and Phrases3. 情感态度:表达对文化学习的态度及一些有趣的东西方文化差异知识。4.

21、 文化知识:了解melting pot, Sicily,Family Process,Jews等相关信息。 重点难点 分析语篇结构,文章段落之间的衔接方法以及论文写作特点;学写海报、邀请函。讲授学时 10学时Section 1 Text A General Understanding 1. Topic: How much do you know about the life of immigrants in the USA? Do you think that globalization has made a difference on immigrants life? Why or why

22、not? The USA is often described as a “melting pot”. How do you understand it?2. Introductory remarks3. Structure analysis Section 2 Text A Detailed Understanding 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Lan

23、guage Focus6. Write about itSection 3 Text A Detailed Understanding and exercises 1. Content awareness2. Language Focus3. Reading Skills Practice4. Translating Skills Practice5. General writingSection 4 Text B General Understanding and Exercises 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language p

24、oints explanation3. Content awareness4. Language Focus5. Reading Skills Practice6. Translating Skills Practice7. General writingSection 5 Listening and Speaking Apologies1. Micro-listening2. Macro-listening3. Oral practiceUnit Eight World of Media 基本要求 1. 语言知识:psychological,household,mood,forge ahea

25、d,spoil,critical ,frustrated hint,expose, inquire, mount, steady, tense2. 语言技能:要侧重阅读技能- Developing a Paragraph of Description的学习。3. 情感态度:通过对文章的阅读,结合自己,发表对“就职”的看法。4. 文化知识:了解美国大学生课余生活以及课后兼职工作。重点难点 熟练表达对“独立生活”的看法;学习表达某事物的优点的句型。讲授学时 10学时Section 1 Text A General Understanding 1. Topic: What TV programs d

26、o you think are worthwhile to watch? What would happen if radio broadcasting and TV programs were prohibited? Do you think online video games are harmful for children?Why or why not? How is the Internet transforming our lives?3. Introductory remarks4. Structure analysis Section 2 Text A Detailed Und

27、erstanding 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points explanation and sentences paraphrase3. Summarizing 4. Content awareness 5. Language Focus6. Write about itSection 3 Text A Detailed Understanding and exercises 1. Content awareness2. Language Focus3. Reading Skills Practice4. Tra

28、nslating Skills Practice5. General writingSection 4 Text B General Understanding and Exercises 1. Text appreciation: Main idea and theme2. Language points explanation3. Content awareness4. Language Focus5. Reading Skills Practice6. Translating Skills Practice7. General writingSection 5 Listening and

29、 Speaking Asking the Way1. Micro-listening2. Macro-listening3. Oral practice【使用教材】全新主题大学英语读写译教程第一册(项目组编吉林: 长春出版社)大学英语听说教程(第三版)第一册(上海外语教育出版社)【参考资料】全新主题大学英语读写译教程参考书第一册(项目组编吉林: 长春出版社)全新主题大学英语读写译教程参考书第一册 教师用书(项目组编吉林: 长春出版社)全新主题大学英语拓展练习第一册(项目组编吉林: 长春出版社)大学英语听说教程(第三版)第一册(上海外语教育出版社)大学英语听说教程(第三版)第一册 教师用书(上海

30、外语教育出版社)新东方四级词汇俞敏洪 西安交通大学出版社英语词汇语境记忆法俞敏洪 西安交通大学出版社高等英语教学网:沪江英语学习网站:21世纪英文报电子版:外研社高英分社微信:“外研社高等英语资讯”【考核方式】根据教学目标,采用多种手段和形式,如采用课堂活动和课外活动记录、自学记录、学习档案记录、访谈和座谈、QQ在线即时问答、Blackboard网络平台等形式,跟踪教学过程,对学生学习过程进行观察、评价和监督,反馈教学信息,促进学生有效地学习和全面发展。在一个教学阶段结束时进行总结性评估,主要包括期中口语考试、期末课程考试和四、六水平考试。考试以评价学生的英语综合应用能力为主,不仅对学生的读写译能力进行考核,而且加强对学生听说能力的考核,充分考核学生实际使用语言进行交际的能力。【学时分配】序号内容学时分配合计讲课习题课听力课实验(上机)其他1学习策略442Unit1 Enjoyment of Learning(Intensive reading)Book I Unit 1& Unit 2(Focus Listening)622103Unit 2 Confidence and Success (Intensive reading)Book I Unit 3& Unit 4 (Focus Li

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