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1、六级选词填空Nice juicy AppleALTHOUGH he is still (1)_ things up at Dell, an ailing computer-maker, Carl Icahn has found time to tilt at another tech titan. On August 13th the veteran shareholder activist (2) _that he had built up a stake in Apple, though he stayed mum about exactly how many shares he had

2、bought. Mr Icahns intentions, however, are crystal clear: he wants the consumer-electronics behemoth to expand plans to return some of its whopping $147 billion of cash and marketable securities to shareholders.Mr Icahn is also after more money at Dell, where he has been lobbying with allies against

3、 a (3)_ buy-out plan put forward by Michael Dell, the firms founder, and Silver Lake, a private-equity firm. His pressing has already forced the buy-out group to raise its initial offer by over $350m, to $24.8 billion and he has taken his (4)_ to the courts in a bid to extract an even higher price.O

4、ther tech firms have been attracting the attention of activist investors too. Earlier this year ValueAct Capital, an investment fund, said it had built up a $2 billion stake in Microsoft. Jaguar Financial, a Canadian bank, has been (5)_ fresh thinking at troubled BlackBerry, which announced on Augus

5、t 12th that it is exploring various (6) _options, including alliances and a possible sale. And Elliott Management, a hedge fund, has been lobbying for change at NetApp, a data-storage firm that it thinks could do more to improve returns to (7)_.One reason tech firms have found themselves in activist

6、s crosshairs is that, like Apple, some built up big cash piles during the economic downturn and have been slow to use the money. Financiers hope to get them to loosen their purse-strings faster and to pocket some of the cash. Mr Icahn wants Apple to increase and (8)_ a share buy-back programme that

7、is currently set to return $60 billion to shareholders by the end of 2015.Another reason that tech firms make tempting targets for shareholder activists is that swift changes in technologies can trip up even the mightiest. Witness the case of Microsoft, which ruled the roost during the personal-comp

8、uter era but has struggled to adapt to a world in which tablets and smart phones are all the rage. Investors hope to mint money by pushing companies to change more rapidly in response to such upheavals in their markets.The rewards can be substantial. Egged on by Third Point, an activist hedge fund,

9、Yahoo (9) _Marissa Mayer as its new chief executive in July 2012. By the time she celebrated a year in the job last month, the troubled web giants share price had risen by over 70%. In July the hedge fund sold a big chunk of shares back to Yahoo. Mr Icahn thinks Apples share price, which closed at $

10、499 on August 14th, could soar too if the firm follows his advice on buy-backs. He tweeted this week that he had had a “nice (10)_” with Tim Cook, Apples boss, about his idea, though he did not say what Mr Cook thought of it. If Apple drags its feet, expect things to turn nasty.A) shareholdersB) str

11、ategicC) communicationD) battleE) conversationF) encouragingG) excitingH) stirringI) appointedJ) raceK) revealedL) methodM) accelerateN) proposed1.H) stirring2.K) revealed3.N) proposed4.D) battle5.F) encouraging6.B) strategic7.A) shareholders8.M) accelerate9.I) appointed10.E) conversation新鲜多汁的“苹果”Ni

12、ce juicy Apple尽管卡尔伊坎仍在陷入困境的电脑生产商戴尔公司搅和,他已经抽出了时间力争另一家科技巨头。8月13日,这位积极的投资老手透露他已经持有苹果的股份,但是具体持有多少则避而不谈。然而,伊坎先生的意图很明确:他想要这家消费电子产品巨头扩张计划,将1470亿美元市值里的部分资金以现金和有价证券的形式返还给股东。ALTHOUGH he is still stirring things up at Dell, an ailing computer-maker, Carl Icahn has found time to tilt at another tech titan. On A

13、ugust 13th the veteran shareholder activist revealed that he had built up a stake in Apple, though he stayed mum about exactly how many shares he had bought. Mr Icahns intentions, however, are crystal clear: he wants the consumer-electronics behemoth to expand plans to return some of its whopping $1

14、47 billion of cash and marketable securities to shareholders.伊坎先生也仍在从戴尔公司争取更多的钱,他正在游说股东反对一起收购。这项收购计划是由戴尔的创始人迈克尔戴尔和一家私募股权公司银湖发起的。来自伊坎先生的压力已经使收购方提高了3.5亿美元的价格,使得收购价达到了248亿美元。他已经将斗争带到了法庭,通过投标争取得到更多的钱。Mr Icahn is also after more money at Dell, where he has been lobbying with allies against a proposed buy

15、-out plan put forward by Michael Dell, the firms founder, and Silver Lake, a private-equity firm. His pressing has already forced the buy-out group to raise its initial offer by over $350m, to $24.8 billion and he has taken his battle to the courts in a bid to extract an even higher price.其他的科技公司也吸引

16、了不少积极投资者的注意。今年早些时候,一个投资基金ValueAct Capital表示其持有了微软公司20亿美元的股份。加拿大银行捷豹金融也鼓励陷入危机的黑莓创新思维。今年8月12日,黑莓公司表示其正在探索战略选择,包括结盟和出售公司。一家对冲基金艾略特管理公司游说数据存储公司NetApp做出改变,该公司认为NetApp能做出更多来提高股东的收益。Other tech firms have been attracting the attention of activist investors too. Earlier this year ValueAct Capital, an investm

17、ent fund, said it had built up a $2 billion stake in Microsoft. Jaguar Financial, a Canadian bank, has been encouraging fresh thinking at troubled BlackBerry, which announced on August 12th that it is exploring various strategic options, including alliances and a possible sale. And Elliott Managemen

18、t, a hedge fund, has been lobbying for change at NetApp, a data-storage firm that it thinks could do more to improve returns to shareholders.积极投资人瞄准科技公司的一个原因是,很多科技公司跟苹果一样在经济衰退时拥有很大的现金流,但是资金利用不足。金融家希望他们放松自己的财政,放出更多的现金。伊坎先生想要苹果增加并加速其股份回购计划。现在该计划是截止到2015年末,苹果公司返还600亿美元给股东。One reason tech firms have fou

19、nd themselves in activists crosshairs is that, like Apple, some built up big cash piles during the economic downturn and have been slow to use the money. Financiers hope to get them to loosen their purse-strings faster and to pocket some of the cash. Mr Icahn wants Apple to increase and accelerate a

20、 share buy-back programme that is currently set to return $60 billion to shareholders by the end of 2015.积极投资者瞄准科技公司的另一个原因就是科技的日新月异甚至会搞垮行业巨头。看一看微软的例子,在个人电脑时期成垄断之势,而在平板电脑智能手机时代则处于苦苦挣扎的境地。投资者希望通过推动公司做出更快改变适应市场变化来挣得更多利润。Another reason that tech firms make tempting targets for shareholder activists is t

21、hat swift changes in technologies can trip up even the mightiest. Witness the case of Microsoft, which ruled the roost during the personal-computer era but has struggled to adapt to a world in which tablets and smartphones are all the rage. Investors hope to mint money by pushing companies to change

22、 more rapidly in response to such upheavals in their markets.报酬是实质性的。在活跃对冲基金第三点公司的怂恿之下,雅虎在2012年7月任命梅丽莎梅耶为新CEO。上个月她任职一年,这家陷入危机的互联网巨头股价上升了70%。7月,这家对冲基金回卖了一大笔股票给雅虎。伊坎先生认为苹果如果听从他关于回购的意见的话,其股价也能大涨。8月14日苹果的股价为每股499美元。这周他发推表示他跟苹果老板蒂姆库克有一个很愉快的对话,尽管他没有说库克对其建议的看法。如果苹果一拖再拖的话,等着丑事儿发生吧。The rewards can be substan

23、tial. Egged on by Third Point, an activist hedge fund, Yahoo appointed Marissa Mayer as its new chief executive in July 2012. By the time she celebrated a year in the job last month, the troubled web giants share price had risen by over 70%. In July the hedge fund sold a big chunk of shares back to

24、Yahoo. Mr Icahn thinks Apples share price, which closed at $499 on August 14th, could soar too if the firm follows his advice on buy-backs. He tweeted this week that he had had a “nice conversation” with Tim Cook, Apples boss, about his idea, though he did not say what Mr Cook thought of it. If Appl

25、e drags its feet, expect things to turn nasty.Nearly half the (1)_ believes UFOs could be a (2) _of extraterrestrial visitation.A HuffPost/YouGov poll reveals that 48 percent of adults in the United States are open to the idea that alien spacecraft are observing our planet - and just 35 percent outr

26、ight (3)_ the idea.The poll was seen as vindication from the community of UFO researchers who often feel they are laughed off by government officials.Its always been intriguing to me how we act as though only kooks and quacks and little old ladies in tennis shoes believe in flying saucers. And its n

27、ever been true, at least for 30 or 40 years, said former nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, who was the original civilian investigator of the events surrounding the (4) _Roswell, NM, UFO crash of 1947.Friedman is very outspoken on the idea that some UFOs are (5)_ controlled extraterrestrial vehicle

28、s.The believers are far more quiet, but far more on the side of reality, Friedman told The Huffington Post. When you look at the polls, its clear. And I see the benefit of that, (6)_, because Ive only had 11 hecklers in over 700 lectures. Ive been out there, all over the place, in every state, 18 ot

29、her countries, and I know that my (7) _is more than tolerant - theyre accepting. Its been one of the things that really has kept me going.In the HuffPost/YouGov poll, conducted between Sept. 6-7, 1,000 adults were asked if they either believed or didnt believe that some people have (8)_ UFOs that ha

30、ve an extraterrestrial origin.When YouGov offered (9)_ the choice between slightly disagree, disagree and strongly disagree, those numbers added up to 35 percent who are skeptical of the notion that any UFOs may be alien-related.However, nearly half of the adults surveyed (48 percent) resounded in t

31、he affirmative, leaving 16 percent who (10)_ that they werent sure on either side of the ET issue. A: legendary B:accept C: rejectD: respondents E: personally F: impliedG: population H: responsibility I: intelligentlyJ: indicated K: sign L: signalM: witnessed N: story O: audienceIt isnt just the beer that (1)_ to beer bellies. It could also be the extra calories, fat and unhealthy eating choices that may come with (2) _drinking. A recent study found that men consume an (3)_ 433 calories (equivalent to a McDonalds double cheeseburger) on days they drink

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