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本文(牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 1《The world of our senses》同步精练2.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 1《The world of our senses》同步精练2.docx

1、牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 1The world of our senses同步精练2Unit 1 The world of our senses 同步精练(2)(牛津版必修3).单词填空1In the US, _(距离) is measured in miles.2Thunder boomed in the sky _(在头上方)3She has got some lovely pieces of _(珠宝)4Theyve just _(雇佣) five new waiters.5There was an immediate _(恐慌) when the alarm rang.6Wea

2、r _ (宽松的) clothes as theyre more comfortable.7You didnt bother me. On the _(相反),I like your company.8He is very _(抱有希望的) about the outcome of the interview.9The ship sank and we managed to get on a _(救生艇)10His brother has been a _(士兵) for six years.答案1.distance2.overhead3.jewellery4.employed5.panic6

3、.loose7.contrary8.hopeful9.lifeboat10.soldier.完成句子1She _ _ _(小声对我说) that she felt afraid.2The hospital where I work _ _ _(附属于) a medical college.3_ _ _ _ (是汤姆) put forward the suggestion.4Tickets _ _ _ _ _(可能很贵)5This street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(是那条街的三倍宽)6Lucy is not easy _ _ _ _(相处)7He _ _ _ _ _ _(被那场足球赛

4、吸 引住了)8His opinion _ _ _ _(与我的相反)答案1.whispered to attached to3.It was Tom that4.are likely to be three times as wide as that get along/ on with7.was attracted to the football contrary to mine.单项填空1Sometimes mankind cant _ a natural disaster, but timely responses

5、 can reduce its impact to a minimum. Aignore Bavoid Cbrush Ddefeat 答案B句意:有时候人类无法避免自然灾害,但及时的反应能把影响降 到最低限度。avoid意为“避免”,符合句意。2Everyone is satisfied with the progress you _ in your studies. Atook Bgot Cmade Dwon 答案C句意:大家对你在学习上取得的进步是很满意的。make progress 取得进步。3She is excited to read a note _ the present fro

6、m her grandfather. Aattaching with B. attached to Cattached with D. attaching to 答案B句意:读着附加在她祖父送给她的礼物上的便条,她很激动。附加在。此处便条应是被附加在礼物上,故attach和note之 间表被 动,应用过去分词。4In my opinion, it is very important to keep _ in an emergency. Aquiet Bcalm Cstill Dsilent 答案B句意为:我认为,在紧急情况下,保持镇静是非常重要的。calm“镇 静的”,与

7、语境相符。quiet“安静的”;still“静止的,不动的”;silent“沉 默的”,均与语境不符。5_ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. AAlthough BAs long as CIf only DAs soon as 答案A句意:尽管警察认为他是最有可能的一个,但是因为还没有确切 证据,所以就不能逮捕他。although引导让步状语从句,句中since引导了一 个原因状语从句;as long

8、as“只要”,引导条件状语从句;if only“要是 就好了”,引导条件状语从句;as soon as“一就”,引导时间状语从句。6When he got to the disaster area, there had already been some volunteers _ people in the buildings. Ahelping Bhelped Chelp Dare helping 答案A句意为:当他到达灾区时,已经有一些志愿者在帮助在大楼里的 人们了。There be sb doing sth此处用现在分词表示与主语的主动关系和正在 进行的动作。7Shes tried se

9、veral dresses but none _ her necklace. Afit Bsuited Cmatched Dcompared 答案C句意为:她试了几条裙子,但没有一条与她的项链相配。Match 表示衣物或物品等放在一起搭配协调,与语境相符。fit通常指衣物、物品大 小、形状适合、吻合;suit通常表示衣物或其他的物品的式样、颜色等适合某 人;compare通常表示和某人或某事物相比或值得相比,均与语境不符。8To our delight, we got _ volunteers to do the work as we expected. Aas twice Btwice ma

10、ny Ctwice many as Dtwice as many 答案D本题考查的是倍数结构;A is three (four.) times as (big, high, large, long, wide, etc.) as B, 故选项D正确。9Was it one month ago _ you luckily got an opportunity to spend your holiday in Canada? Athat Bwhen Cwhat Dwhy 答案A分析句子结构可知,句子是一个一般疑问句形式的强调句型,被 强调部分是句子的时间状语,故选项A正确。10The financ

11、ial problem is difficult _. It needs efforts made by all the people. Adealing with Bdealt with Cto be dealt with Dto deal with 答案D此题考查的是固定句型:名词/代词系动词形容词不定式。 故A、B不正确。而此结构中的不定式用主动形式表被动意义。11I have to _ to you, otherwise they will hear our plan. Acommunicate Bmention Cwhisper Dexplain 答案C根据题意可知应选whisper

12、,表示“耳语,低声地说”。12This picture looks better _. Ain a distance Bat a distance Cin distance Dat the distance 答案Bdistance之前的介词与冠词的搭配有所不同,at后接a ,in 后接 the。at a distance在稍远处;in the distance在远处。13The policeman was _ in the arm when seizing the murderer. Really? Lets see him in the hospital. Ahurt Bwounded Ci

13、njured Dharmed 答案Bwound多指在战争中、打斗中受的刀枪之伤;hurt一般用语;injure 事故、灾难中的受伤;harm危害。前句句意为:那名警察在抓捕谋杀犯时胳 膊受伤了。14Go and ask for help. The bull got _ in the pond. Asticking Bcaught Ckilled Dstuck 答案D句意:去找人来帮忙吧,这头公牛陷入池塘里了。get stuck in陷 入之中。get caught被抓;get killed被杀。15Though he is not rich enough, his wife often ask

14、s him for _. Ajewels Bjewelleries Ca jewellery Djewel答案Ajewellery是不可数名词;jewel是可数名词。.完形填空When Alice started to cycle home from Jennys house,she wasnt nervous.She was certainly not afraid of the dark._1_,it was only a 15minute ride home.But halfway there,she began to wish that she hadnt been so_2_.As

15、she rounded a sharp bend,it suddenly_3_coldvery cold.Alices breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.With her heart beating fast,she struggled so hard to move_4_that she didnt hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her.She stopped by the road.The

16、big black car also_5_.Slowly,the passengerwindow began to slide down.Alice held her breath.In the soft light inside the car,something_6_.Then,the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet,greyhaired old lady.“Hello,dear,” said the old lady.“I need_7_.Im afraid Im lost.I need to find the near

17、est airport.I must be there in the next five minutes.” “Airport? You_8_are lost,” Alice said.“You need to go back five kilometers_9_you reach the Tjunction.Turn left and_10_for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway.From there,just follow the_11_to the airport.But Im afraid theres no_12_you

18、ll get there in five minutes!”“Thank you very much,dear,” replied the old lady.“Dont worryIll_13_in time.”The_14_moved up and the car started off.A little way ahead,it_15_and with headlights flashing,it drove past Alice.But then,something_16_happened.The car began changing.First,its color_17_from bl

19、ack to silverygrey.Then,the wheels began disappearing,but the car continued to move forward,_18_just above the ground.As the car_19_into the dark sky,the big red taillights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly.With a faint whistling_20_,the car was gone in seconds,leaving Alice s

20、haking her head in disbelief.1A.However BBesides CTherefore DOtherwise 答案BA表转折;B表并列;C表因果;D二选一。考查连词。前一句 说她不怕黑, 后一句说只要15分钟就能到家。这两句为并列关系。2A.brave Bexcited Ccurious Dstubborn 答案AA勇敢;B兴奋;C好奇;D固执。前文说主人公wasnt nervous. 后文but, 语意转折。3A.fell Bseemed Cproved Dgrew 答案DA掉下;B看起来;C证明是;D变得。根据意思, 变得很冷。4A.aside Baroun

21、dCforward Dbackward 答案CA旁边;B转圈;C向前;D向后。根据前文, 主人公在回家路 上, 应该是努力向前走。5A.arrived Bstopped Cstayed Dstarted 答案BA到达;B停下;C停留;D开始。前面写主人公stopped, 后文 有also。所以也填stopped。6A.gathered Bexisted Cdropped Dmoved 答案DA聚集;B存在;C掉了;D移动。车中的something对应指的是 后文的old lady,所以填moved。 Bgas Crest Dwater 答案AA帮助;B汽油;C休息;D水。后文ol

22、d lady说我迷路了(lost), 所以是需要help。8A.necessarily Bnormally Cbasically Dcertainly 答案DA必要的;B普通的;C基本的;D当然。后文我的回答是, 你 要往回走5公里再向左然后再走10公里等等, 可见远远偏离目标。所以选 certainly, 你当然迷路了。9A.if Buntil Cunless Das 答案BA如果;B直到;C除非;D当。根据句意, 是一直走直到到达 某处。 Bwalk Cfollow Dmarch 答案AA驾驶;B走;C跟随;D行军。前文说的是开车, 所以是drive。11A.addres

23、s Bsigns Cnotices Dguidance 答案BA地址;B标识;C通知;D指导。根据句意, “按照XX的指 示就可以到飞机场了”只有选标识才说的通。12A.doubt Broom Ctime Dway 答案DA no doubt毫无疑问;B no room没有空间;C no time没时间;D 不可能。C选项看似正确但整句话矛盾(你没时间在5分钟内到达)。13A.have it Bget it Cmake it Dfinish it 答案CA拥有;B得到;C做成某事;D结束。固定用法,表示成功做 成某事。14A.door Bwindow Cheadlight Dwheel 答案B

24、A门;B窗;C车顶灯;D车轮。对应前文的slide down得知是车 窗摇下来了,所以这里对应up的应该是车窗window。15A.passed Brushed Cturned Dcontinued 答案CA通过;B猛冲;C掉头/转弯;D继续。前文我建议old lady要 go back,所以这里对应车子要掉头才对,所以选turn。16A.strange Bsensitive Cimaginable Dhorrible 答案AA奇怪;B敏感;C幻想的;D恐怖的。根据后文, 车开始变形, 选strange。17A.developed Bappeared Cspread Dfaded 答案DA发展

25、;B出现;C传播;D褪色。后文说从black变成了silverygrey, 就是由黑变灰,所以答案选D。18A.rolling Bfloating Cdrawing Dflashing 答案BA滚;B漂浮;C拉;D闪。根据文章,是车子的轮子不见了, 但是车子在空中接着向前。19A.pointed Breturned Cbroke Drose 答案DA指向;B返回;C破门而入;D升入空中。文中意思, 车子飞 起升上天空。20A.tune Bvoice Csound Dtone 答案CC发出一阵声响。A曲调;B指人的声音;D语气;C表示声音的 意思。.任务型读写The way a person f

26、eels inside is important.Though it can be hard to tell anyone that youre feeling sad,worried or upset,yet it can even make you feel sick if you keep feelings locked inside.Sharing your feelings helps you when your feelings are good or when they are not so good.It helps you to get closer to people wh

27、om you care about and who care about you.If you talk with someone who cares for you,like your Mom or Dad,you will start to feel better because now youre not alone with your problems or worries.Of course,it doesnt mean your problems or worries disappear,but at least someone else knows whats bothering

28、(烦恼) you and he can advise you how to solve your problems.Then how can you share your feelings? First of all,before you can share them with anyone,you have to figure out what feelings you have.For this,you can make a list of your feelings.You can do this in your brain or by writing it down on a piec

29、e of paper or even by drawing a picture.Once you know your feelings,choose a person whom you can talk with.After that,you will need to pick a time and place that you think is suitable to talk.Does it need to be private(私密的),or can you talk with your brother and sister in the room? If you think you will

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