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通用版版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life讲义 新人教版选修6.docx

1、通用版版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life讲义 新人教版选修6Unit 3A healthy life一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1withdrawal n 收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程2lung n. 肺3pregnant adj. 怀孕的4abnormal adj. 畸形的;异常的5packet n. 小包;小盒 第二屏听写6appendix n 附录;附件7pill n. 药丸;药片8AIDS 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺损综合征)9nicotine n. 尼古丁10immune adj. 有免疫力的11needle n.

2、 针;(注射器的)针头 第三屏听写12abortion n 流产;中途失败13cigar n. 雪茄烟14spill vi. 溢出;洒落vt. 使溢出;使洒落15obesity n. (过度)肥胖;肥胖症16comprehension n. 理解(力) .高频词汇(汉译英)第四屏听写1cigarette n 香烟;纸烟2alcohol n. 酒;酒精3alcoholic adj. 酒精的4abuse n&vt. 滥用;虐待5fitness n. 健康6stress n. 压力;重音vt. 加压力于;使紧张 第五屏听写7stressful adj. 产生压力的;紧张的8adolescent n.

3、 青少年adj. 青春期的9adolescence n. 青春期10ban vt. 禁止;取缔n. 禁令;谴责11due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的 第六屏听写12tough adj. 困难的;强硬的13addicted adj. 入了迷的;上了瘾的14accustom vt. 使习惯于15accustomed adj. 惯常的;习惯了的16automatic adj. 无意识的;自动的17automatically adv. 无意识地;自动地 第七屏听写18mental adj. 精神的;智力的19mentally adv. 精神上;智力上20quit vt. 停止(做某事);离开21

4、effect n. 结果;效力22badtempered adj. 脾气暴躁的;易怒的23breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的;屏息的24unfit adj. 不健康的;不合适的;不合格的25strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强vi. 变强 第八屏听写26relaxation n 放松;松弛27desperate adj. 绝望的;拼命的28chemist n. 药剂师;化学家29disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的30weaken vi. (对某事的决心)动摇;减弱vt. (使)变弱31ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 第九屏听写32illegal

5、adj. 不合法的;违法的33robbery n. 抢劫;盗窃34slippery adj. 滑的35survival n. 幸存36sex n. 性;性别37male adj. 男性的;雄性的n. 男人;雄性动(植)物 第十屏听写38female adj. 女性的;雌性的n. 雌性的动(植)物;女人39prejudice n. 偏见;成见40judgement n. 看法;判决;判断41embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;陷入困境的42awkward adj. 局促不安的;笨拙的43decide_on 对作出决定44feel_like_(doing) 想要(做) 第十一屏听写45in_

6、spite_of 不顾;不管46take_risks_(a_risk) 冒险47get_into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)48at_risk 处境危险;遭受危险49due_to 由于50addicted_to 对有瘾51accustomed_to 习惯于 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.lung n肺2.pregnant adj. 怀孕的3.abnormal adj. 畸形的;异常的prehension n. 理解(力)5.appendix n. 附录;附件6.pill n. 药丸;药片7.immune adj. 有免

7、疫力的8.packet n. 小包;小盒9.needle n. 针;(注射器的)针头10.abortion n. 流产;中途失败11.spill vi.&vt. 溢出;洒落;使溢出;使洒落12.obesity n(过度)肥胖;肥胖症13.withdrawal n. 收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程.写其形(汉译英)1.cigarette n. 香烟;纸烟2.effect n. 结果;效力3.judgement n. 看法;判决;判断4.embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;陷入困境的5.male adj. 男性的;雄性的n. 男人;雄性动(植)物6.female adj. 女性的;雌性的n.

8、 雌性的动(植)物;女人7.prejudice n. 偏见;成见8.badtempered adj. 脾气暴躁的;易怒的核心单词练通1.Having abused (滥用) his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends, Williams is now under investigation.2.In the questionnaire, the subjects are questioned whether they advocate banning (禁止) cars in the city center.3.The paper is

9、due (到期的) next month, and I am working seven days a week, often long into the night.4.He is going to quit (放弃) his job next month because his salary is too low.5.With the debt problem worsening, it is going to be a tough (艰难的) test for EU to help Greece out of trouble.6.The woman tried desperately (

10、拼命地)to push the man away when he tried to snatch the bag from her.7.The shy girl felt awkward (局促不安的) and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.拓展单词用活记全记牢1.stress n压力;重音;vt.加压力于;使紧张stressful adj.产生压力的;紧张的stressed adj.焦虑不安的2.addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的addictive adj.使人上瘾的addiction

11、n上瘾;沉溺;嗜好addict vt.使上瘾 n有瘾的人3.breathless adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的breath n呼吸breathe v呼吸4.accustom vt.使习惯于accustomed adj.惯常的;习惯了的5.automatic adj.无意识的;自动的automatically adv.无意识地;自动地6.mental adj.精神的;智力的mentally adv.精神上;智力上7.unfit adj.不健康的;不合适的;不合格的fit adj.健康的;合适的fitness n健康8.strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强 vi.变强strength n力

12、气;力量;强项strong adj.强壮的;结实的9.chemist n药剂师;化学家chemical adj.化学的 n化学制品chemistry n化学10.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的disappointing adj.令人失望的disappoint vt.使失望;使扫兴disappointment n失望;沮丧11.ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的shame n羞耻;羞愧shameful adj.可耻的;不道德的shameless adj.无耻的;厚颜的12.relaxation n放松;松弛relax v使放松relaxed adj.轻松的relaxing

13、 adj.令人放松的13.weaken vi.(对某事的决心)动摇;减弱 vt.(使)变弱weak adj.虚弱的weakness n弱点14.robbery n抢劫;盗窃rob v抢劫;抢夺robber n抢劫犯15.illegal adj.不合法的;违法的legal adj.合法的16.survival n幸存survive v幸存survivor n幸存者用准用活1.After a stressful week of work, all the employees were extremely stressed and tired. They complained that few co

14、uld work efficiently under stress.(stress)2.The addictive cigarette can addict people, so once you are addicted to smoking cigarettes, its extremely difficult to fight your addiction. (addict)3.In order to accustom myself to the wet weather, I try eating more peppers and later I get accustomed to th

15、e wet weather. (accustom)4.Yesterday, I climbed the mountain top to breathe the fresh air. Although I became breathless when I was on the top, the breath of fresh air was worth it. (breath)5.If we strengthen our physical exercise, we will get stronger and are full of strength all day long. (strong)6

16、.To my parents disappointment,_my disappointing math grade greatly disappointed my parents, and their disappointed look urged me to study harder then. (disappoint)7.You should be ashamed of your shameful behaviors or you will be a shameless man.(shame)8.After hearing some relaxing music, she felt qu

17、ite relaxed,_and there was a relaxed expression on her face.(relax)9.If you have a weak body, you have to do more exercise and never weaken before your weakness is exposed to others. (weak)10.She survived the earthquake and her survival is a wonder, for she was the only survivor of the disaster. (su

18、rvive)1.否定前缀un高频形容词一览unfit不合适的 unfair不公平的unusual 不寻常的 unfriendly 不友好的unfortunate 不幸的 uncomfortable 不舒服的unimportant 不重要的 uncertain 不确定的2.en后缀高频动词集锦strengthen 加强shorten缩短deepen 加深 widen 加宽broaden 加宽 lighten 减轻threaten 恐吓 frighten 使惊吓 (二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.get_into陷入;染上(坏习惯)2.throw_away 扔掉3.in_

19、spite_of 不顾;不管4.at_risk 处境危险;遭受危险5.decide_on 对作出决定Xiao Ming is a senior high student. He got_into smoking two years ago in_spite_of his friends objection. If he doesnt decide_on whether he will throw_away his cigarettes, he will be at_risk being dismissed by school. He begins to worry about that.第二组

20、1.due_to由于 对有瘾 习惯于4.feel_like_(doing) 想要(做)5.take_risks_(a_risk) 冒险Fortunately, his English teacher found that he really felt_like quitting smoking. With his teachers help, he gradually became less addicted_to nicotine. After three months struggle, Xiao M

21、ing finally was/got_accustomed_to the new life without cigarettes.1.“因为;由于”荟萃due to由于;因为because of 由于;因为owing to 由于;因为thanks to 多亏;由于on account of 由于as a result of 由于的结果2.get into相关短语面面观get into debt 负债累累get into trouble 陷入困境get into shape 使身体好起来get into a panic 陷入恐慌get into a habit 养成习惯get into dru

22、gs 染上毒品3.“at名词”构成的短语串烧at risk 处境危险at length 最后at cost 按成本at present 目前;现在at ease 安逸;自在;无拘无束at sea 在海上;茫然;不知所措(三)仿写用活句式造佳句表达高背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically. 你知道,如果你反反复复地做同一件事,你就会自动地做它。as引导非限制性定语从句。正如我们知道的,长江是亚洲最长河流,拥有许多景点。(

23、2017北京高考满分作文)As_we_know,_the Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia and has so many attractions.2.I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.我的确希望如此,因为我想让你和我一样活得健康长寿。(1)“do动词原形”表示强调结构。(2)“asadj.a(n)单数可数名词as .”结构。我的确希望你能和我一起参观这个剪纸展览。(2017全国卷书面表达) I do_hope_that y

24、ou can visit the papercutting exhibition with me. 事实上,戒掉一个坏习惯付出的努力与养成一个好习惯是一样的。As a matter of fact, getting rid of a bad habit is as_much_an_effort_as forming a good one.3.It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. 只有当这种病毒发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。It is .that .为强调句型。

25、正是我的信心和决定使我取得了成功。It_was_my_confidence_and_determination_that led to my success.考点新组合阅读微技能Smokers lifeAs we all know, any person who gets into the bad habit of smoking will get addicted to nicotine. They believe that smoking is enjoying life instead of taking risk. In my opinion, the reason _ the smo

26、kers dont quit smoking is that they just want to relieve their heavy stress. For most smokers, they do be clear of the harmful effect of smoking, and they do be trying to make some change. 1.处who引导定语从句。2.改正句中的错误:riskrisks或risk前面加a。3.处应填入的词是_B_。A.thatBwhyC.what Dbecause1addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的(1)be/ge

27、t addicted to (doing) sth. 沉溺于(做)某事(2)addict oneself to (doing) sth. 沉溺于(做)某事(3)addiction n. 上瘾;沉溺;嗜好addiction to 瘾(4)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的多角练透 单句语法填空Learning that you are addicted to table tennis, I am writing to sincerely invite you to join the table tennis team in our school.(2017全国卷书面表达)Addicted

28、to playing (play) the violin, he didnt notice a thief walk into his house.I discovered an addiction (addict) to housework which I had never felt before. 句型转换Many kids are addicted to surfing the Internet, so they have lost interest in study.Addicting_themselves_to_surfing_the_Internet,_many kids have lost interest in study.名师指津addiction与addition十分相似,注意其拼写的不同, addiction比addition多一个字母c。2stress n重压;逼迫;压力;重音;强调重要性vt.加压力于;使紧张;重读(1)under stress 在压力之下lay/put stress on sth. 强调某事物(2)stressful adj. 有压力的(指物)(3)stressed adj. 有压力的(指人)题点全练单句语法填空When

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