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1、新时代交互英语4课后答案docx新时代交互英语读写译第四级答案(第一单元Read应1Vocabulary & Structure 11-carved out2.wind up3.out of place , ended up4Jn the hope of, embarked on5.demand6.embrace7.ended up inS.decentBanked Cloze1 -economic2.misguided3.decent4.insulting5-end up6.obstacles7.growingS.raises9.encroach on10-societalTranslati

2、on1一些人出于冒险的动机。others for adventurous motivation, and still others for the values that might more suit their own ideals2而且带來了新思想。but also in new ideas and high-tech skills, thus making them more productive3遇到挣钱过好日子。embrace the opportunities to earn enough to live a decent life4后來相继被译成。and it was subs

3、equently translated into five languages5希望我能。in the hope that I might recognize her6起初我害羞。Initially, I felt shy and insecure about my jobInitially, there were was often insecure feelings over my job due to my shyness7我觉得自己完全。I felt completely out of place and end up in early departure from the party

4、8 我想让你做主。I want you to take the initiative to carve out a bright future for yourselfBanked Cloze1 -reasons2.economic3.motivation4.immigrateS. suit6-emigrateT. misguided8.untold9.multimillions10.expect11.little12.destitute13.on the brink of14-rateslS.discrimination新时代交互英语读写译第四级答案(第二单冠Vocabulary & Str

5、ucture 11 .evolves2.virtally3.diversity4.transform5.emerged6.overtake7.collaboration8.m aintained9.adapt10.variationBanked Cloze1.beneficial2.particularly3.dominant4.denying5.aroused6.extinction7.adapted8.diversity9.overtakelO.te ndencyTranslatio n1向可持续发展过度-一in transition towards sustainable develop

6、ment2.为什么恐龙似乎突然绝迹-why the dinosaurs died out seemingly all at once3.关于饮茶所能确知的事-一what is certain about tea drinking is that4.屮国新兴城市屮的屮产阶级尤为如此-一This is particularly true of Chinas emerging urban middle-class5.部长是否有可能因不法行为被迫辞职-一whether there was a chance that the Minister could be forced to resign over

7、 wrongdoing6.使孩子看到家庭的完整而有安全感-一helps children feel secure that their families will stay intact7.随着优秀选手的不断涌现-With the constant emergence of promising newcomers8.加拿大能够冇新知识及不能享冇的人群的差距widen the gap between those with access to new knowledge and those excluded from it.Banked Cloze1.neither2.france3.grante

8、d4.pig5.but6.plural7.teachers8.wrote9.creativity10.startVocabulary & Structure 1 1 -nurture2.attributes3.equivalent4.adversity5.measurable6.motivate7-aptitudeS.formidable9.tragic10-chunksBanked Cloze1 o utcomc2.performance3.attain4.blurs5.necessarily6-attributes.flexibleS.fades9.formidable10.nurture

9、dTranslation1比较成功的语言学习者。 When you compare good / successful language learners with poor ones, what sets them apartis self-discipline2.相反,自信比具它因素 By contrast, confidence more than any other factors, is turning out to be a stronger sign that aperson may attain his goals in life.3 有幽默感的人。 People with a

10、 sense of humor share several attributes, one of which is that they think abouteverything in a hopeful way.4.遇上儿代人不同。 Unlike the people from older generations, youngsters today are flexible enough to pursuedifferent goals in life.5.成功人士与其他人一样。 Successful people have gone through as many hard times a

11、s other people, but they handle the stress better.6 在雇用新雇员时。 In the employment of new stall, the company goes beyond the widespread notion that male candidates are superior to female ones.7经证明,希望可以。 It is proven that hope helps people bear up in a tight spot.8 那家音乐学校拒绝了。 The musical school rejected

12、his application, saying that he has neither the intellectual aptitude nor the willpower to learn how to play the pianoTranslation 11 追求浪漫 in the pursuit of romance2设计了 一个测量方法 has devised a scale3提出了解决•••的新办法 come up with new solutions4.选择时间短些 opt for short hours5 他坚持调杳 persisted in

13、 investigatingTranslation 21 -Far from it至可以说人相径庭2.cope with adversity 应对逆境3.a powerful predictor of outcome-结果的有力指证4.what we inhereMly want-与生俱来的需求5.turn to friends for advice on-询问朋友的意见新时代交互英语读写译第四级答案(第四单元)Vocabulary & Structure1 .reshape2.abused3.substantially4.inhale5.turn out 6.initiatives7.equ

14、ivalent&in line with9.crack down on10.synonymous withBanked Cloze1.incentives1 executive2.dricen2.announced3.percentage3.pledge4.sacrifice4.raw5.relieve5.toxic6.din6.initiative7.applauds7.crack down on8.outrage8.equivalent9.wean9. strategy10.agendalO.demotedTranslation 11随着天空渐渐放亮Banked Cloze As ligh

15、t creeps into the sky2滩怪 No wonder3.非最低年龄 not minimum age4.正如奈特所说的那样 As Knight it5.在印度并不新鲜 nothing new to IndiaTranslation 2I .to cover their basic food, shelter, and clothing needs.才能维持其基本温饱2.If Knight follows through in good faith on this promise如果奈特真心实意地实现这个许诺 has been getting hammered in the marketplace and in the court of public opinion他们在市场上和舆论法庭上都正在遭受打击4.reality has long compelled children to earn棚屋区的现实一直迫使孩子们去赚钱谋牛 5.reshape its public image重塑公司的公众形象

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