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届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 5 first aid单元测试 3.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 5 first aid单元测试 3Unit 5 first aid单元测试基础I. 单词拼写1. He has reached a career (十字路口).2. Some of the information on the Internet is (假的); you shouldnt believe it.3. The general (误读) the enemys intentions.4. A program wont (运转) well if programmers dont design it properly.5. I put this in th

2、e top (等级) of modern works.6. Everyones opinion is very likely to be (主观的).7. The passer-by couldnt contain his (愤怒) when he saw the scene.8. I think there has been some (误解).9. He got a very serious (面部的) injury in the battle.10.He stretched, (打哈欠) and left lazily.11. Make your statement clearly, o

3、r youll make yourself m .12. The traveler may fire at a wild beast to d himself if he is attacked.13. He was filled with a because of the way he had been treated. 14. Judging from his f expression, he is content with the result.15. The boy looked at me c as if I were a complete stranger.16. Ill book

4、 you on a direct f to London.17. His long boring story made me y .18. They greet each other with a (拥抱) and say Merry Christmas.19. The girl had hardly rung the bell when the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to (迎接) her.20.The museum had several paintings (代表) the artists early st

5、yle.21.Judging a person just by his look is very (主观的).22.She gave (假的) information to the insurance company.23.When (接近) the forest, he focused his attention on the surrounding environment.24.He always plays a (重要的) role in the campaign struggling for freedom of women in the area.25.According to th

6、e instructions, the machine wont (运转) well unless it is oiled on a regular basis. 单句语法填空1. I was filled with _ (angry) when I saw him kicking the dog.2. Faced with danger, the mother _ (hug) her son tightly.3. Mother handed her a cup of coffee to put her at _(easy). 4. All of us are _(will) to help

7、you to get out of the trouble.5. I find it _(amaze) that you cant swim.6. Just out of _(curious), how old are you?7. In English study we should know the importance of practicing _(speak) English.8. What will happen if the two companies fail to reach an _(agree)?9. In the world people show respect fo

8、r people by using different _ (gesture). 10. He stood _(closely) to you and had something to tell you. 完成句子1. Watch out for cars (过街时).2. (举办奥运会) is an honour for many countries.3. (从他的面部表情判断), he seems to have been told the truth.4. The meeting (有很多人参加)was a success.5. (没有礼貌) to play jokes on other

9、s.能力I. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Maureen stood by the lake. Suddenly the children came running through the trees with sharp cries of _1_. They rushed up to the _2_, leaning over the clear water, watching the crowds of tiny fish. Some children demanded loudly to go to the boats,

10、 but _3_ those who had been left behind at the ice-cream stall(小摊) came running up to make some announcement or other, and they all _4_ the water and dashed back the _5_ they had come. With growing excitement, Maureen _6_ them.When she _7_ what had been running for, she stopped running. They were _8

11、_ things again. The toy stall was _9_ and they were crowded around it. Behind the _10_ a calm middle-aged woman was selling a great variety of small rubbish. She took _11_ from the forest of small hands in exchanging for little boats, plastic dolls, yellow pencils, anything. Maureen leaned against a

12、 _12_, looking on. The idea of _13_ washed against her face like a strong current(流), trying to draw her in.Nona Parker pushed out to the edge of the group and _14_ what she had bought on the ground so that she could see what money she had left in her white purse. Under Maureens _15_ lay a boat, a m

13、outh organ(口琴) and a brown load of bread. Maureen was so full of the _16_ for the things like that she couldnt bear to look at it. She turned her _17_ sharply. Her face was against the tree. She shut her eyes and _18_ eagerly for some money, for the price of a set of toy plates. In a moment, she ope

14、ned her eyes, _19_ she didnt turn back to the stall. It was too _20_ to see the others buying whatever they wanted. She rubbed almost round the tree, her eyes on the ground.1. A. fright B. surprise C. shout D. excitement2. A. space B. hill C. lake D. river3. A. whats worse B. all at once C. all the

15、time D. more or less4. A. left B. polluted C. painted D. entered5. A. street B. way C. boat D. restaurant6. A. ran after B. searched forC. glared at D. got rid of7. A. blamed B. saw C. praised D. helped8. A. destroying B. stealing C. buying D. eating9. A. closed B. tall C. dull D. open10. A. toy B.

16、stall C. building D. mirror11. A. fish B. advice C. money D. food12. A. tree B. wall C. stall D. car13. A. leaving B. running C. sleeping D. spending14. A. laid B. let C. drew D. tasted15. A. feet B. eyes C. shoulder D. hands16. A. edge B. tiredness C. wish D. relation17. A. friend B. suggestion C.

17、way D. head18. A. went B. stood C. prayed D. searched19. A. even if B. if C. so D. but20. A. painful B. nervous C. joyful D. near-sightedII. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.

18、每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructors orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank, I forgot what he h

19、ad said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, Speed up! Slow down! Turning left! I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle

20、on the road.真题I. 单词拼写1. (2017新课标全国卷I改编) They are required to process (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily (功能).2. (2015重庆改编) We cant wait to _(拥抱) Cuddles again, she sobbed.3. (2014新课标全国卷I改编) The same is _(真的) of the young adults going to the college.4.

21、 (2014天津改编) She gave me a _ (拥抱)and asked me to think about it.5. (2015北京改编) More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his mothers f_. 完成句子1. (2017浙江改编) He _ (对印象深刻) Benjamins drawings.2. (2017浙江改编) Williams _ (对印象深刻)Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take hom

22、e.3. (2017江苏改编) _ (当谈及) adaptation, it is important to understand that climate change is a process.4. (2017天津改编) The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow _(苏醒) and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.5. (2017天津改编) We are both passionate about acting, which _(来自) us being so intereste

23、d in people.I. 单项填空1. (2017江苏改编) As I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would run into the same difficulties that beat me before. While the hung over my head, there were also signs that I was headed down the right path.A. excitement B. joy C. anger D. fear1. (20

24、17江苏改编) There he decided to give the cello(大提琴)a . When he began practicing, he took it very casually.A. change B. chance C. mission D. function3. (2017江苏改编) He tried to hide his pleasure from the music teacher, who had wandered over to listen.A. transparent B. obvious C. false D. similar4. (2014重庆)

25、 That leaky faucet somehow awakened me to the fact that I now had to _ the challenge of getting things fixed.A. come up with B. face up withC. look forward to D. step away from5. (2015安徽改编) How did we a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to replace an object than to spend time and mon

26、ey to repair itA. face B. becomeC. observe D. change6. (2014天津改编) difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldnt know whether you make the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation.A. Depending on B. Supplied withC. Faced with D. Insisting on7. (2014江西) Anyway, wer

27、e here now, so lets _some serious work.A. come up with B. get down toC. do away with D. live up to 8. (2015湖北) The team are working hard to _ the problem so that they can find the best solution.A. face B. preventC. raise D. analyze9. (2016天津) Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion b

28、ut finally she _ her opinion on the subject. A. gave voice to B. kept an eye on C. turned a deaf ear of D. set foot on10. (2016江苏) Many businesses started up by college students have _ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.A. fallen off B. taken offC. turned off D. left off11. (201

29、5天津) Tom had to_ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. A. turn in B. turn downC. turn over D. turn to12. (2015湖北) Dont worry. Im sure your missing glasses will _ sooner or later.A. stand out B. break upC. get out D. turn up 13. (2014安徽) When the sports hero _ at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.A. turned up B. left offC. moved on D. got away14. (2014浙江)How could you _ such a fantastic job when you

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