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9Aunit3 知识点整理级练习题.docx

1、9Aunit3 知识点整理级练习题牛津英语9A Unit Three教学目标:1.掌握本单元重点词组、句型。 2.掌握 to do 的多种用法, wh-+to的用法。 3.能用学过的句型描述青少年出现的问题。知识回顾:would ratherthan,preferto的用法检查落实及知识回顾:1. 听写上节课布置的单词,词组。2.抽读上节课要求的课文3.检查上节课布置笔头作业4.对上节课知识点进行提问新知探索:一重点短语词汇1青少年的问题 teenage problems2.(某方面)有问题 have got/have problems (with sth)3.看我的肚子 look at my

2、 stomach4.吃太多 eat too much5.变胖 get fat6.时不时地,偶尔,有时 from time to time=at times =sometimes7.得到充足的睡眠 get enough sleep8.课上犯困 feel tired in class9.使我气疯了 drive me mad10.没有知心朋友 have no close friends11.感到孤独 feel lonely 12.发出很多噪音 make a lot of noise13.打扰某人 disturb sb 14.整天工作 work all day15.一份关于学生问题的调查报告 a su

3、rvey about students problems16.有太多的测验和考试 get/have too many tests and exams17.和家人(没有)沟通 have (no) communication with family members18.青少年工作者 youth workers19.知道怎样处理它 know how to deal with it20.别无选择,只能- have no choice but to do21.熬夜来完成练习 stay up late to complete the exercises22.第二天 the next day23.拒绝做这么

4、多的工作 refuse to do so much work (refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事)24.按时交作业 hand in the homework on time (hand in上交)25.对-感到糟糕 feel bad about 26.怀疑是否值得如此努力 doubt whether it is worth working so hard (be worth doing sth 值得做某事)27.期待一个没有家庭作业的假日 look forward to a holiday without homework28.给我些建议offer me some suggesti

5、ons/advice29.对很有价值 be of great value to30. 收到某人的来信 hear from sb或get/receive a letter from sb31.对-感到疯狂 be mad/ crazy about32.我对足球的热爱 my love of football33.大量的朋友 plenty of friends34. 呆在外面很晚 stay out/outside late35. 陷入困境 get into trouble36. 允许我六点后在外面玩 allow me to play outside after 6:00 p.m. (allow sb

6、to do sth允许某人做某事)37. 对某人严格 be strict with sb38. 使我们的生活更有趣 make our lives more interesting39. 得到我父母的支持 get/have my parents support40.知道做什么 know what to do41.在我的学业和爱好之间取得平衡achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies42.在某事上取得成功be successful at something43.乐意地接受某事/物 take something willingly44

7、.认真计划你的一天 plan your day carefully二句型讲解:1. Ive got a problem.=I have a problem.2. Its unhealthy for you to eat too much.= Eating too much is unhealthy for you.3. I have no choice but to do it. 我别无选择只能做作业。have no choice but to do 没有办法只有做他没有其它办法只能保持安静。He has no choice but to keep quiet.这个小女孩没有其它办法只有向她妈

8、妈求助。The little girl had no choice but to ask her mother for help.4. I know it is important to work hard and hand in my homework on time. hand in hand in sth. (to sb.)把交给某人 Hand in your examination papers now, please. on time 按时,准时 e.g. 1)The train arrived on time.2)You have to get home on time.5. I

9、hardly have any spare time for my hobbies such as playing volleyball and ping-pong. 我几乎没有时间花在我的爱好上,比如说打排球和乒乓球。I can hardly swim.He hardly knows about it,does he?6. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard. 我常常怀疑是否有必要如此努力学习。I dont doubt that he can do it worth doing sth.The film is w

10、orth seeing again. 7. Can you offer me some suggestions? 你能给我一些建议么?1) offer v. 提议,出价offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb.e.g. The company offered the job to someone else.We offered him the house for $35, 000. 这所房子我们向他索价35000美元。2)suggestion 可数名词suggest动词suggest doingHe suggested starting out at once.8.

11、They will be of great value to me. 你的建议将对我非常有价值.be of (great) value= be (very) valuable类似这样用法的词有: help, importance, interest1)The book is of great _ to the beginners. (help)The book is very _ to the beginners. (helpful)2)The meeting is very _.(important)The meeting is of great _.(importance)9. I am

12、crazy about football!be crazy about sth/sb : love sth/ sb. a lot对着迷,后接名词、代词或动名词e.g. 1)那孩子对溜冰着了迷。 The boy is crazy about skating.2)她为那个影星神魂颠倒。She is crazy about that film star.10. My dream is to be a great football player. 我的梦想是成为一个伟大的足球运动员。不定式作表语,说明主语的内容,性质,特征,有将来的含义。e.g. 1)最好的想法是留在这里。The best idea

13、is to stay here.2)他的愿望是成为一名艺术家。His wish is to be an artist.3)会议计划周一举行。The meeting is to take place on Monday.11. I have plenty of friends. plenty of: 许多,很多,大量后既可以接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。 通常用于肯定句中。e.g. 1)多喝水,好好休息。Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.2)保证有充足的食物给每个学生。Make sure there is plenty of food for

14、every student.12. We often play for three hours or more and forget when to stop.when to stop: 疑问词+动词不定式,在句中可充当句子的主语, 宾语,表语,状语等。When to start has not been decided. (作主语)I dont know what to say at the meeting.(作宾语)The problem is how to improve our English.(作表语)13. Then I get into trouble at home becau

15、se my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m. 1)get into trouble: 惹上麻烦e.g. He got into trouble with the police.他惹事落到了警方手里。Even an experienced climber can get into trouble.哪怕是个有经验的登山者也会陷入困境。2) allow: 允许,许可allow doing sth. 允许做某事 e.g. (1) 我们这里不允许抽烟。We dont allow smoking here.(2)他们那里不允许停车。T

16、hey dont allow parking there.(3)我们不允许考试作弊。We dont allow cheating in the exams.allow sb to do sthe.g. (1)他的父母不会允许他来的。His parents wont allow him to come.(2)老板允许我用办公室的电话。My boss allows me to use the phone in the office.注意被动:sb. be allowed to do sth (1) He wont be allowed to come by his parents.14. I re

17、ally do not understand why they are so strict. strict: 严格的,严厉的 strict teachers strict parentsbe strict with sb: 对某人要求严格e.g. 1) 她对子女的要求很严格。She is very strict with her children.2)我们必须严格要求自己。We must be strict with strict in sth: 对某事要求严格e.g. 我们应当对我们的工作要求严格。We must be strict in our work.15.

18、I feel stressed and angry from time to time. from time to time 有时 = sometimes, at times, now and then16. I wish I could have my parents support. wish 接从句时,从句表示的内容一般是不太可能实现的愿望,此时从句中的谓语动词需要用虚拟语气。结构1:与现在事实相反的愿望 wish+主语+过去时(be动词一般用were)e.g. 我真希望我是一只小鸟。I wish I were a bird. 要是我知道怎样使用它就好了。I wish I knew ho

19、w to use it.结构2:与将来事实相反的愿望 wish+主语+could/would+动词原形但愿有一天我能乘坐宇宙飞船飞向月球。I wish I could/would/might fly to the moon in a spaceship one day.结构3:与过去事实相反的愿望 wish+主语+过去完成时但愿我听了你的建议。I wish I had taken your n. / v. 支持作动词: support sb. / sth.e.g. We should donate some money to support a charity.s

20、upporter 支持者,拥护者17. Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies? advise: 忠告,劝告,建议 e.g. 1)I will do as you advise. 我会照你的建议行事2)He always advises the President. 他常给总统建议。3)Please advise me which to choose.请指点我要选哪一个。4)Could you advise me on the problem?对于这个问题你能给

21、我些忠告吗?advise sb. (not) to do sth.: 忠告/建议某人做某事e.g. 1)我劝他戒烟。I advise him to stop smoking.2)我劝告她不要开车。I advised her not to drive.与balance有关的短语:achieve a balance 获得平衡keep the balance 保持平衡lose the balance 失去平衡保持生态平衡keep the balance of nature破坏生态平衡break the balance of naturebetween 与 amongbetween 用于两者之间 am

22、ong 用于三者或三者以上The teacher sat between the children.The teacher sat among the children.注意: 每两两之间用betweenThey listen to music between classes.三语法讲解:A. To-infinitives 动词不定式1)Subject (主语)To plant trees every year is necessary.不定式作主语常能换成形式主语 “it”.To eat too much is unhealthy for you. =It is unhealthy for

23、you to eat too much.To learn English well is important .=It is important to learn English well.2) Predictive (表语)My dream is to be a great football player.不定式作表语,说明主语的内容,性质,特征,能接不定式作表语的名词有: dream, plan, duty, aim, purpose, job 等Eg: 我的目的是帮助你提高你的英语水平。My purpose is to help you improve your English.赫本的梦

24、想是成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者。Hepburns dream was to become a successful ballet dancer.3)Object (宾语)不定式可以接在有些动词后作宾语, 如: hope, promise, plan, learn, decide, choose, prepare, agree, remember, forget, seemEg: 请你不要忘记参加我们的俱乐部派对。Please dont forget to take part in our club party.他决定上课时不再讲话了。He decided not to talk in class

25、any longer.(不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not)4)Object Complement (宾语补足语)My parents do not allow me to go out after 6 p.m.不定式作宾补,此时宾补与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。这样的搭配有:allow sb. to do sth. need sb. to do sth. advise sb. (not) to do sth. want sb. (not) to do sth.tell/ ask /order sb. (not) to do sth.Eg: 妈妈告诉我雨天不要骑自行车。My mother t

26、ells me not to ride a bike on a rainy day.有些动宾结构可以接省略“to”的不定式作宾补。(使役动词) make/ let/ have sb. do sth.(感官动词) see/hear/notice/watch sb. do sth.看见/听见干了-(强调全过程)Eg: 米丽的父亲每天让她做很多练习。Millies father makes her do plenty of exercises.有人看到他走进那幢高楼。Someone saw him walk into that tall building.被动语态在被动语态中 “to” 要还原。Mi

27、llie is made to do plenty of exercises.He was seen to walk into that tall building.注意:1.have/let 没有被动语态2.动词“help”既可以带“to” 也可以带省略“to”的不定式。被动语态to要还原This can help us (to) relax and make our lives more interesting.3.see/hear/notice/watch sb doing看见/听见-正在干-被动语态be seen/heard/noticed/watched doingI heard h

28、im reading English in the next room.He was heard reading English in the next room.5) Attributive (定语)Mr Wu is always the last to leave.不定式作定语通常放在被修饰的词之后。Eg: 我还有一些事情要说。I have some more to say.有必要告诉他事实的真相。There is need to tell him the truth.不定式可用作状语表目的。Youd better take more exercise( in order/so as )t

29、o keep healthy.People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to create a warm and comfortable feeling there.注意:so as to do一般不放在句首6) Adverbial (to express result表结果)Linda came back home to find her house on fire.不定式可以作状语表结果The little baby has grow up to be a beautiful girl.B. wh-+to do用法 注意:1) what to do , how to do it Eg: I dont know how to do it.I dont know what to do.注意:what 作do的宾语2)why不用于此结构。练习一、 翻译词组1. 吃太多_2. 目前 _ 3. 密友_4. 提前计划_5. 整天工作_ 6. 准时交作_7.集中(精力)_ 8. 放弃做某事 _9.达成平衡_10. 对痴迷_11对某人严格要求_ 12.感到压抑_13. 使我不开心_ 14.呆在外面很晚_ 15. 不时地_16. 有我父母的支持_17.关于星座的文章_18.

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